
By RavishingMack

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Dateless nights can become sleepless nights and empty hearts within a blink of an eye. Can it be that a simpl... More

↫Cast ↬
The Invitation
Celebrity Gossip
Nikki Bella Bombshell Interview Part 1
Nikki Bella Bombshell Interview Part 2
Breaking News!!
Authors Note
Author Note
The Sun
Please Read
21.1 Bonnie & Clyde


268 20 25
By RavishingMack



"Uce you good?" Dwayne said to  his  cousin Roman who was coughing up blood from the impact of the blast.

"Yeah I'm good I just can't breathe and there's a piece of metal on the side of my hip. Where are we at anyway?" He said looking around to notice that he was sitting on some type of sand which he presumed they were on an island.

"After the blast or whatever the hell that was back there. You were caught on fire so in order to save you, I jumped in the water and dragged you to whatever place this is. It's not that far from the factory just far enough to see whoever started that blast is going to want to come back to see if the job was finished. So when they come we can get a warning and move further inland." Dwayne said walking over to his cousin lifting his shirt up to examine the wound. " I'm not doctor but I know that shit doesn't look good, I'm going to have to pull that out and you are going to have to use your shirt to compress the wound."

"Where did you you get all this information from?" Roman coughed.

"From several of my movies which I had to clean a wound out."

"Where are the others, are they dead?" Roman noticing that they were the only ones in the island.

Shaking his head and letting a sigh out, Dwayne just hung his head low. "The blast was too powerful, there was ashes everywhere before I found you I was heading back into the debris and I saw nothing. I don't think they made it. I even went to the door that was locked and it was nothing but flames going in and out of the that room. When I was heading to the water with you I heard wires but it as if they turned around and didn't care."

"So this was a setup? Only a few people knew we was going to be in that location at that time and now all of a something an explosion erupts in that factory. It can't be because it's too old c'mon we seen the inside of that factory it's nothing but high end technology in that shit."

"We were being watch from the start, someone wanted us to get in that building." Dwayne said.

"Because we was getting too close to the truth. This rules out Nicole I mean she might be a dumb blonde  stuck in a brunettes body but she was in that room when we left. She's with the others I don't think she would be stupid enough to create an explosion while she's still in there she would want to know where the exits are." Roman said looking left and right trying to finish or find the missing piece to the puzzle.

"Who else would have a vengeance against all of us. Dean?"

"No way Dean would do something like that he's my brother."

"Yeah but he isn't your blood brother which means he would do anything to step over you if he has the chance especially if money is involved which the richest family we know is the McMahons."

"Dwayne,I know my brother and he last thing he would do would join the Authority."

"Roman, you are being naive right now Seth joined the Authority because they gave him a lot of money so what makes you think Dean wouldn't do the same. He has a daughter right now so he would have to pick up his income. So you're actually believing that he went to go for a smoke. I think that was code for I'm about to blow this place up that's why he didn't want anyone coming with him and was acting strange the days leading up to this." Dwayne said pulling the metal out of Romans side watching as the blood gushed out non stop. " I think it your artery or something."

"You think." Roman said taking his shirt off rolling it up and tying it across his abdomen tightly so that the bleeding could stop for the time being. "We need to find a doctor or a hospital before I bleed out.

"I know we are just isolated right now, to be honest I like it that way because we can't trust anyone. The people we least expect may be the ones involved. We need to stick together as a family because at the end of the day we are all we got." Dwayne said looking across the water to nowhere actually. This has became their lives to stray aways attempting to figure out where exactly do they stand between life or death. Who can they trust or is the enemy closer than anyone expect.


"You guys didn't do a good job I said tear down the whole building make sure no one is alive."Brie said marching up to the scene of the explosion. " I thought I told you to make it look like an accident."

"We didn't expect it to be a 5-alarm fire, that took half of my crew to put this out and it's still smoke coming out. No one could have survived this explosion Brie." Officer Gallows said.

"Then why can I still feel my sister presence that means she's still alive and she's going to know that I had some type of involvement in this."

"But you do, Brie I've been doing this job for about 15 years I know a fire and I know that no one survived this attack that is just you and your hormones being pregnant and everything."

"Hormones? Is that what this is! Me just being hormonal? Look jackass if you didn't notice I have a twin that means I know when she bleeds and when she cries so when I say I sense her breathing that means I sense her breathing sorta how I sense you getting a bullet through your head"




"Clean this up will you, let this be a lesson to everyone cross me once your dead." Brie said whipping the gun on her dress before getting in her car and driving off.

Jennifer Pov

Brie should really learn not to cross me I'm always one step ahead of her and now it's time to end this but this time we're doing things a little different..........

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