Spacechase 1: Rise of The Cho...

Von Richurian

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In the aftermath of the Battle of Washington DC, the governments of the earth had collapsed, making the earth... Mehr

Prologue: The Beginning Of The Multiverse
Chapter One: New Earth
Chapter Two: The Quest Request
Chapter Three: Welcome To Spacechase
Chapter Four: Preparing For The Mission
Chapter Five: Battle Against The Cult
Chapter Six: Back To School
Chapter Seven: Mrs. Zar
Chapter Eight: Dinner Of Sacrifice
Chapter Nine: Mr. Shriek
Chapter Ten: The Library
Chapter Eleven: Grandma Zar
Chapter Twelve: The Richurian Theorem
Chapter Thirteen: Preparing For Gladiatorial Combat
Chapter Fourteen: Practice Makes Perfect
Chapter Fifteen: Jack Vs Shawn Vs Waldo
Chapter Sixteen: The Battle Begins
Chapter Seventeen: Shawn Vs Moloch
Chapter Eighteen: Waldo Vs Waldo?!
Chapter Nineteen: The Space-chase For The Book
Chapter Twenty: Allied Forces Assemble!
Chapter Twenty Two: The Dark Prophecy
Chapter Twenty Three: Shawn's History
Chapter Twenty Four: Waldo's History
Chapter Twenty Five: The Chase Begins
Chapter Twenty Six: No Name
Chapter Twenty Seven: Death And Rebirth
Chapter Twenty Eight: Hybrid Theory
Chapt Twenty Nine: Preparing For Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty: Out Of The Frying Pan And Into The Fire
Chapter Thirty One: Battle Of Muspelheim
Chapter Thirty Two: Chosen One Vs Surtr
Chapter Thirty Three: A Tad Too Late!
Chapter Thirty Four: There And Back Again

Chapter Twenty One: The Realm Of The Abyss

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Von Richurian

The two mighty superhero teams had arrived! Jack was so excited that he fell flat to the floor and fainted!

"Waldo Zar, long time no see!", said a member of the Olympian Six.

"Hercules, I haven't seen you face to face since the Galtraxian Uprising!", said Waldo.

Hercules shook hands with Waldo.

"Waldo Zar and Hercules, I haven't seen you two since forever. Hercules, I haven't seen you since Kronos. Waldo, I haven't seen you since we had our boss-battle against Dark Cranky," said Captain Mighty.

Captain Mighty was a really big and strong man who had blue skin that was darker than a Nedonian's skin. (Nedonians are the race that Resizagirl belongs to.) Captain Mighty had yellow eyes and he wore no shirt. He did, however, wear ripped up jeans. Captain Mighty was also from Britain, not America. So he had a British accent.

Captain Mighty's teammates were Lightspeed and Big.

Lightspeed was an American, and was very tall and slim. He had spiky hair, and wore a black camouflage uniform. He also carried a steel bow-staff. He also had a military haircut.

Big was, as his name would suggest, very big! He was about 12 feet tall! His body was made entirely of steel. He was also big and muscular. He also was an ex-German soldier, and had a really cool accent.

Hercules, as you might expect, looked like the Hercules in Greek Mythology. Theseus, Perseus, and Jason, also looked like the heroes in Greek Mythology. However, two teammates stranded out completely different. There was an Egyptian sorcerer named Mathew. Then there was a 16 year old teenage girl named Meagan, an American superhero who wore a mechanical battle-suit with wings, laser guns, and rockets.

Jack was gonna faint any second now, and he did.

"OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE IT!!!!!!", exclaimed Jack.

Jack sighed and fainted.

Big shook hands with Waldo.

"I don't think we've met. I am Big, nice to meet you at long last," said Big.

"You got an amazing accent," said Waldo.

Captain Mighty and Hercules stared at Jack, who was lying on the floor.

"So, this is the Chosen One, our greatest ally? He may look weak and pathetic, but I sense greatness!", said Hercules.

"Blimey, I thought he'd be taller," said Captain Mighty.

Jack immediately sprung off the floor.


"So, I heard we're going into enemy territory? This sure brings me back to liberating France during World War II, blimey that was barbaric fight," said Captain Mighty.

"Indeed, this may be the greatest enemy we ever faced! An enemy far greater than Adolf Hitler, Schmidt Spooker, Zalkinikis, Hades, Kronos, Zoltec, and even Emperor Deathshadow! Our mission is to free my father, John Zar, from Surtr's prison. Once our dad is rescued, he will be crowned king and he'll lead the Oridians to victory. Not to mention, we could even destroy the Dark Abyss while we're at it," said Waldo.

"CAN I HAVE YOUR AUTOGRAPH?!!!!!", said Jack.

"Autographs? We have nothing like that on Mount Olympus," said Hercules.

"Blimey, I've been fighting in wars since 1910! I don't think I ever came up with a signature before,"  said Captain Mighty.

"But aren't you a British marshal?! How old are you?! I mean, you've been a hero since World War I, but you look as if you're thirty or forty?!", said Jack.

"Ummmmmmmmmmmmm........I was born in 1899. So I guess I'm.........120 years old, or something!", said Captain Mighty.

"Dang! You must have amazing anti-aging cream!", said Jack.

"Actually, I am an Ultraman. Ultramen are part of a group of beings known as the Eternals, who basically have an everlasting lifespan," said Captain Mighty.

"you immortal?!", said Jack.

"No, I wouldn't go that far," said Captain Mighty.

Jack ran over to Hercules.

"How old are you?! Are you the same Greek hero from Greek mythology?! Are you an alien or a god?!", said Jack.

"I am about 5 thousand years old! Yes, I am the same hero from Greek mythology, but at the same time my tale isn't quite like you thought it was! I am not a god, I am an alien!", said Hercules.

"Oh my god, oh my god, OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! I'M SO GONNA GET USED TO THIS!!!!! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!", screamed Jack.

Captain Mighty and Hercules leaned into Waldo's ear and whispered.

"Are you sure this is the Chosen One and not some random fanboy?", whispered Captain Mighty.

"Yep," whispered Waldo.

Waldo clapped his hands, getting everybody's attention.

"As I was saying, we're going to the Realm of the Abyss! Everyone, get into your ships and follow me on an adventure!", said Waldo.

So everyone boarded their ships. The Olympian Six got into their ship. The Ultramen Trio got into theirs. And then the Agent Kids, Zars, and Witchdoctor's team got into the Zar Voyager.

The ships took off and flew away from SAFE Academy.

For a while, Spacechase seemed bright, beautiful, and sunny. Birds were flying across the sky from floating island to floating island. The floating islands were bustling with people.

"Are we at the Realm Of The Abyss yet? I don't see anything dark and scary yet!", said Jack.

"Believe me, we're almost there. Just a few more ways to go. Trust me," said Witchdoctor.

"How do you know where the Realm Of The Abyss is? You've never been there!", said Jack.

"Actually, I have been there. It was such a dark place, full of bloodshed, cannibalism, death, and sacrifice," said Witchdoctor.

Jack looked out the window and saw a flock of birds flying. Suddenly, the birds began making screams of torment and stopped flying. The birds fell from the air.

"The birds, they stopped flying!", said Jack.

Jack looked around, more birds stopped flying and fell. The birds were dying!

Jack noticed a floating island full of bird corpses, and people. There were islands full of crashed ships.

"Holy crap! The birds are dying! There are crashed ships everywhere! Whatever goes in the direction we're going in is dying! I'M SCARED AGAIN!!!!!!!", said Jack.

Witchdoctor looked out the window.

"Holy Exzar and Nousaurong! That's wreckage from an Oridian naval cruiser!", said Witchdoctor.

Jack noticed that as they traveled, the world around them was getting darker, colder, stormier, and spookier. It was as if night was falling during the day. Jack was creeped out. It also started getting snowier.

"Please tell me were there!", said Jack.

"Yep, this is it! The Realm Of The Abyss, the deepest and darkest part of Spacechase!", said Witchdoctor.

Waldo called Captain Mighty and Hercules.

"Are you guys seeing this from your ships?", said Waldo.

"Yes," replied Hercules and Captain Mighty.

"Why is everything dying and getting darker?", said Jack.

"I don't know," said Waldo.

"It's a side effect of the Cult's dark rituals!", said Witchdoctor.

"Rituals?", said Jack.

"Every day, the Cult preforms sacrificial rituals that take lives away every day. These rituals drain away all forms of light, life, and good in the process. It's as if it all just dies away," said Witchdoctor.

"Sacrificial? So they kill people as an offering to Nousaurong?!", said Jack.

"Yes, as well as everything around them! The Cult has all sorts of inhumane sacrificial traditions every day! At morning, there's the Breakfast of Sacrifice! At this time, an offering is presented to the breakfast table, and is decapitated. The offering's head is offered to Nousaurong while the rest of the victim's body is devoured by the Cultists," said Witchdoctor.

"Doesn't that sound like cannibalism?", said Jack.

"That's exactly what it is! While most people eat all sorts of food, while some people are vegetarians, and while some are vegans............the Cult is only allowed to eat one food: people! They can't even eat animals, only people! The only thing they can drink is human blood, and even urine! The Cult has 3 daily cannibalistic traditions: the Breakfast of Sacrifice, the Lunch of Sacrifice, and the Dinner of Sacrifice!", said Witchdoctor.

"Ewwwww! They even drink urine! Hey Shawn!", said Jack.

Shawn turned around.

"Remember how I said that being a vegan is the most sinful thing ever?! I was wrong, being a cannibal is the most sinful thing ever!", said Jack.

"Duh!", said Shawn.

Waldo turned around.

"Hold on a second! Shawn is now a vegan?! But you're the hotheaded manly jerk?!", said Waldo.

"I don't tell you everything!", said Shawn.

"The Cultists of Nousaurong sure are as insane as you could possibly go! It's not just their cannibalistic sacrifices that are inhumane, it's also everything in between. Between the cannibalistic sacrifices are three inhumane sacrificial rituals. There's the crucifixion ritual, where someone is hanged on a stone cross until that person starves to death and is pecked away by birds. There's the incineration ritual, where someone is thrown into a dark incineration beam, which as you probably might've guessed, incinerates people. That's actually the ritual that's occurring right now, believe it or not. Then there's the worst of them all: the Banishment Ritual! In this ritual, the Cultists begin chanting a forbidden spell known as the Banishing. This spell is used to send someone to Asmeth, a place far worse than even Hell! It's also the place where Nousaurong dwells! When the victim is Banished to Asmeth, he'll live a life of eternal suffering, pain, torture, agony, and torment. These rituals occur three times a day!", said Witchdoctor.

"That sounds very scary! Thanks for making me even more afraid! That's a total of 12 sacrifices a day! Why would anyone want to worship a god that requires twelve daily sacrifices?! Why would anyone WANT to revive a god like that?!", said Jack.

"I don't know why. Maybe it's because the Cultists lost their minds, their humanity, to the Dark Power! We've lived under Nousaurong's influence since the God Wars, and unfortunately, some have still lived under his influence to this day!", said Witchdoctor.

"How do you know all that?", said Jack.

"I know because I was one of their slaves, and ALMOST one of the people to be sacrificed! Many years ago, the Cult of Nousaurong invaded my homeland and imprisoned my tribe, the Aldrathians. My parents and I lived our lives as slaves, where we were worked to death. Many families were separated, but luckily, mine stayed together. We were forced to build massive monuments for the Cultists, and received nothing for completing them. Many of us were sacrificed to Nousaurong. We received barely any food, and even when we did...........all we got was the meat of the sacrifices, some could've even been dead friends of mine. I hate the Cultists, I hate the Dark Elves, and I hate their god!", said Witchdoctor.

"How did you escape?", said Waldo.

"A bunch of slaves began an uprising against the Cultists. It was a barbaric fight. People were murdering each other left and right, both slaves and oppressors. While everyone was fighting, my parents decided to use this time to rush to safety. So I ran with my family to a spacecraft that was nearby, we stole it, and we flew away from the Realm Of The Abyss," said Witchdoctor.

"How did the slave riot end?", said Jack.

"I guessed it ended with a Cultist victory. I knew well that defeating the Cult was impossible. We had our bare hands, but the Cultists had advanced technology and magic," said Witchdoctor.

Jack looked out the window, it was dark and cloudy. It was so dark, that not even light could extinguish it. However, Jack suddenly noticed through the thick, dense darkness, there were magic beams of menacing purple-black fire. They all seemed to be coming from all the floating islands of the Realm Of The Abyss.

Jack looked closer, there were people on those islands, surrounding the beams. All the people wore black robes and concealed their faces with hoods. They all seemed to be chanting.

Jack listened very closely to the chanting. They appeared to be chanting some sort of prophecy:

Ancient blood and blackened skies,
The Lord of Dark shall once more rise,
He'll come back, he always does,
And Mortal blood shall stain the ground,
The End shall come,
The end of the Multiverse,
Flesh shall become stone,
Water shall become blood,
The sun shall set forever,
And death shall rule forever,
And Mortal blood shall stain the ground.

In the time of all man's end,
Four Horsemen Shall Descend,
Upon this world,
They will kill every last man, woman and child,
First shall come Conquest, and the Enemy shall rule with an iron fist,
Second shall come War, and the Enemy shall turn man against each other,
Third shall come Famine, and resources shall dwindle,
Fourth shall come Death, and all man shall end.

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse shall reap with demise,
Four of one Cataclysm will rule,
Four Gems of Creation and Destruction,
Power of Eight,
Four powers,
Under one Master,
Four Horsemen,
Under One Name,
One Master shall create a world of Immortality,
And Death shall be his Queen,
Demons shall subdue the Multiverse,
Demons of Nousaurong,
Shall bring despair,
Should the Chosen One fail,
Nousaurong shall hail as supreme deity.

They kept chanting those words over and over again. Jack could hear someone screaming. Two Cultists were dragging a boy at one of the dark beams. The boy was kicking and screaming. He was beaten up and was so skinny that you could count all the bones in his body with ease!

"NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T SACRIFICE ME TO..........N-N-N-NOUSAURONG!!!!!!!!!!! HAVE MERCY!!!!!!!!!!", screamed the kid.

One Cultist tapped a big staff on the floor. Everyone stopped chanting.

"Mercy is not the way of the Dark Power! MAY NOUSAURONG'S WILL BE DONE!!!!!!!", said the Cultist.

Everyone began chanting the prophecy again.

"NO NO NO NO NO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!", screamed the boy.

The Cultists threw the boy into the dark beam. The boy began disintegrating into ash. He screamed in torment and pain.


Jack was horrified. The Cult of Nousaurong was mentally insane! All of them were insane! They viewed their own people as food and sacrifice! It was sheer insanity!

Sacrifices like this were occurring all over the other floating islands.

The Cult's Inhumane Sacrifice

Waldo wasn't kidding when he said the Cult of Nousaurong was a bunch of monsters, but he never mentioned anything about them being cannibals! Jack was up against the worst group of monsters the Multiverse had to offer!


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