Sonadow - The knight and his...

By Wolfsonic602

12.8K 208 182

Sonic was a slave when Shadow found him. Will they be just a normal knight and trainee or is there something... More

Part 1
Not an update (character needed)
Character chosen and author's note
Part 2
Part 3

part 4

1.4K 34 32
By Wolfsonic602

(I really hope the reveals happening in this chapter make sense and I hope to god it doesn't sound like I'm bullshitting this XD cause whatever I write is usually what I think up on the spot.)

Sonic slowly awoke to someone dropping him to his side. The chaos knight feebly pushed the other hold him and earned a growl from the action.

"If you wish to live you should probably do as your told" the other had spoken.

Sonic opened his eyes to stare at the other. The Jackel returned his stare and nudged the other to look up.

What Sonic saw made his heart drop. Eggman sat in a chair staring at Sonic. Scourge was off to the side his gaze down. His lips seemed to pulled into a sneer. A now noticeable tinge of red rimmed the green hedgehog's pupils. 'Was that always there?' Sonic thought. The jackel moved to stand beside Scourge with the same downward gaze.

Sonic looked to Eggman again as the other spoke "well, hello my little slave. You've have been missed"

"Well, the feeling isn't mutal" Sonic said with a snarl.

"Oh!" Eggman said with a smirk "You've gotten bolder! How exciting! Infinite would you mind"

Said Jackal twitch softly, like he seemed to be fighting with himself and then began to move when Eggman traced over something on his chair. "Good choice" Eggman with a smirk.

"I'm sorry" Infinite whispered and with a twitch of his fingers a soft red mist drifted towards the Cobalt hedgehog. "This will only be towards you, I won't hurt them"

Sonic's brows bunched in confusion before the red mist touched him.

With Shadow.

Shadow jolted awake when a voice broke his sleep and he sat up noting Sonic's side of the bed was cold. Shadow instantly raced out of the house and his eyes grew wide as he saw Night Star rearing and bucking as Ruth and Brutus tried to calm the horse down.

"Night Star!" Ruth said as she barely missed the kicking hooves "what's gotten into you!"

Shadow pulled the trainee back before a hoof could collided with Ruth, but was too late to move Brutus as back hoof caught the red wolf square in the chest.

"No one go near or touch him!" Shadow called as he pulled Brutus out of the way and saw the knights running to help.

Night Star neighed loudly as he swung his head as the knights kept distance from the horse as he began to tire himself out. Night Star's legs began to shake as he looked at the knights with eyes wide and watchful.

He raised his head and with a sneeze a small stream of smoke came from the horses nose making the Group draw back on disgust. Night Star stood there for a second before taking in his surrounding and he froze.

"Night Star?" Shadow spoke softly slowly advancing towards the horse.
Night Star neighed loudly and raced towards Shadow and gave him a hard nudge.

Night Star neighed loudly and pushed more and Shadow quickly understood. With a quick movement he hoisted himself onto Night Star's saddle.

Before he could even settle into the saddle Night Star took off, making him scramble to grab the reins and the horses's mane.

They raced out of town and to the patrol trails. Night Star didn't even stop when Shadow looked back to notice the his father was following and the other Knights even farther behind.

Shadow dismounted not even giving a chance for Night Star enough time to stop and took off running to a sword.

Shadow pulled it from the ground and froze reconizing it as Sonic's. Shadow looked around seeing no sign off a fight or anything.

The pounding of hooves was heard, but Shadow paid no mind as Midnight came racing to Shadow side.

"Midnight, please" Shadow holding out the sword and she sniffed it.

Mephiles stepped forward resting his hand on his son's shoulder "Shadow we must head back. We've left the village defenseless"

Shadow didn't even turn as Midnight began to sniff around. Night Star snorted at Mephiles's comment as he stomped his hoof. "Shadow, you are blinded. We must-"

"Say one more word Dad and I will kill you" Shadow snarled making the other tense. "I told you not to let Sonic patrol alone, you didn't listen"

"He wanted-"

Shadow surged forward and slammed Mephiles onto a tree Sonic's sword by his throat "I told you he was sick!! Throwing up! Fainting! He almost fell off of Night Star! You didn't listen! Much like you only care about is the village! Not the mobians defending it!"

Shadow felt a memory tug at the back of his mind but, he ignored it continuing to glare at Mephiles. The other Knights watched silently.

Mephiles spoke his eyes narrowing dangerously "I still can't believe you actually fell for that slave, it shouldn't even have come here. To be a Knight. You fell for the plan Eggman set up in the first place"

Shadow tensed at the words as Mephiles smirked. Shadow's eyes grew wide "you sent me to that slave were in on this..." Shadow tightened his grip "you are my father!!! Eggman killed my mother, your wife!!"

"You really believe that?" Mephiles spoke with a cackle "your father has been dead for many years. Yes your true parents had been killed by Lord Eggman, but I was created by him" Mephiles smirked as Shadow staggered back eyes wide.

"I-I'm going to kill you..." Shadow said as his body pulsed red dangerously.

Mephiles's eyes flashed "I wouldn't do that if I were you, not if you want to see your persous little mate and pups again"

"W-what?" Shadow said halting his movements as Mephiles tilted his head creepily "h-he can't be..."

"Oh I'm surprised you haven't seen the signs or more perhaps recognized them, your lost mate before Sonic. She had the same exact signs" Mephiles said stepping forwards.

"Don't you dare!" Shadow said staggering back, just as thundering of hoofs was heard. Mephiles turned his head in the direction of the sound and even before he could react a hoof connected to the side of the hedgehog who Shadow thought was his father.

Courageous neighed loudly with an angry snort as Mephiles fell uncounsous.

"What the hell just happened!" Knuckles called when he raced forward with everyone else. There horses including Black Storm stood not too far away.

Shadow looked at Knuckles his eyes hard "I found the imposter and I'm not stopping to find my mate"

"But Shadow, we don't know..." Rouge gently grabbed Knuckles arm cutting him off a moment before Midnight barked loudly, her blind eyes seemed to look at them.

Shadow grabbed Black Storm's reins from Jet and gave the hawk and nod. "We are following Midnight, Couragous." The horse flicked his eyes over to Shadow no moving an inch from where he stood over Mephiles "make sure he stays" he snorted in response.

"Let's go" Shadow said mounting Black Storm and he looked at Midnight "led the way girl"

Midnight turned and bolted.


A baby's cry jolted Sonic awake. With a soft groan of pain the Azura knight slowly pushed his self off the ground.

"Sonic?!" A familiar voice called making Sonic bolt up and he smacked his head against what ever was above his head.

Sonic clutched his head and he opened his eyes when another cry of a baby touched his ear. In the dim light, a red wolf sat in one cage with a small baby that looks of a few months old clutching to his chest.

His eyes grew wide when he landed on the last two inhabitants of the room a pink and green hedgehog and Sonic leaped forward grabbing the cage bars that separated him from his siblings "Manic! Sonia! It's me in here!" Sonic called to then a tremor in his voice.

"Are you hurt?" Sonia called as she and her twin moved towards there own bars.

The three siblings did an ackward hug through the bars "I've missed you two so much, I'm sorry I couldn't come sooner" Sonic whispered ad a small tear fell down his cheek hid lip trembling. Why is he getting so emotional?

"It's alright Sonic, you're here now. Even though it's in a cell" Manic said with a hint of forced humor.

Sonic let go of his younger siblings and looked at the red wolf when another cry came from the baby. "That's Gadget, the reason why he is in here is because of the Jackle. They're mates and Eggman won't hurt him unless Infinite doesn't do as he tells. He can't even see his own son"

Sonic moved over to look at Gadget from where he was on the other side of the cage he shared with Sonic's siblings "how long have you've been in here?"

"Long enough where Zero doesn't even know he has a son" the red wolf spoke his voice soft voice. Sonic turned to look at his siblings his eyes wide.

"He's been in here for 11 months Infinite, no sorry Zero used to be able to visit Gadget, but when Eggman figure out that Gadget was pregnant with Zero's son, he stopped allowing Zero to see him and put a thing to keep Zero from sensing him and his child" Manic explained "he's the reason why Zero is helping Eggman"

Sonic looked at Gadget "don't worry, we are going to get out of here" the wolf looked at him with tired eyes and only gave a hesitant smile.

"Your kind, but you dont know what will happen to Zero or anyone else" Gadget said "Zero isn't the only one who's mate is being held"

Sonic noticed Manic lower his head slightly and he turned to his brother as Sonia rested his hand on his back and Sonia spoke "it's Scourge"

"What?! He's the slave trader that picked me up when I escaped!" Sonic said his eyes wide and stating at Manic.

Gadget spoke before Manic or Sonia could "he's under my mates control, Zero has the ability to control and create. That's why Eggman has me, so he could use him. They are both not bad men."

"You know that we've always been Eggman's slaves? Well, so was Scourge, in a different way. He was a knight for Eggman and he was forced to serve the Lord. Manic met him when he was washing Eggman's clothes. It just happened between the two and then Eggman found out about it" Sonia said looking at her older brother as Manic clung to her "he used it against them when he found out toy escaped and sent Scourge after you and the rest you know"

Manic spoke softly as he added to Gadget's and Sonia's story "He tried getting us out...Eggman hurt me and Scourge stopped...he used Zero to control Scourge"

He looked at his brother finalling noticing the long scar across his brothers face and gently rested his hand on Manic's shoulder "we will find a way out, if that doesn't work then, Shadow will come"

"Shadow?" Sonia asked as she lifted and eye ridge.

Sonic chuckled softly "my mate"

"You might be used against him" Gadget spoke as he looked doen at the child who now was asleep in his arms.

"He won't be alone" Sonic said with smile.


Shadow followed Midnight as she raced through the forest with ease, he felt frustrated that he couldn't go faster, but he knew Midnight was leading them in the right direction.

Rouge pushed Bandit till she was right beside him and she spoke "what has happened?"

Shadow didn't say anything for a while before finally breaking the silence and it was loud enough for everyone to here "Sonic coming here has been a set up, I'm thinking to get the Master Emerald's power. I don't think he was aware of himself being used"

"How do you know that Sonic was being used?" Charmy asked from his place inbetween Espio and Vector.

He quickly ducked behind Vector and Big when Shadow sent him a cold hard glare. "He may have a point Shadow" Jet called up to him

"He wouldn't have gotten his powers if he knew Eggman's plan this whole time" Shadow said turned his hard gaze to Jet "she would sense him and if anyone speaks another word against Sonic I will personally fry you" to prove his point, he pulsed dark red, before dying down.

Midnight barked getting everyone's attention she had stopped just infront of them and Shadow slowed down his horse "everyone, we are continuing on foot" Shadow called back.

Midnight still led them through the woods and halted at a cave entrance, in the distance a valley lay. "No one thought to bring a torch did they" Ruth spoke up.

"I swear I thought I had one" Brutus said where he stood beside Ruth.

Ruth facepalmed and looked at him from between her fingers "it's there one on your belt?"

"Uh" Brutus said while looking down "no?"

"Then I guess you didn't bring a torch then" Ruth said as she tugged the others ears.

Jet stepped in between the two "Ok knock it off" they both stuck there tounge out at each other.

Shadow sighed and with a flick of his wrist a chaos arrow formed into his hand. The other Knights did the same thing with their own powers. Soft blue light danced across Silver's fur, with a snap of her fingers Blaze's hands erupted into flames, a cackle was heard when lightening danced across Bolt's fingers and a single soft pale blade formed in between Lily's fingers.

They walked through the cave in silence, the only thing that broke it was the soft sounds of their foot steps. The other end filtered in the sun light.

Once they reached the end of the cave, they stopped dead.

A old castle sat tucked away from the outside world inside a valley. The only way in or out was caves. Almost every inch had some knight walking around, but that's not what got them.

A monster with a mask, it's long skinny body and arms wrapped around the castle like a waiting dragon. They all watched as a Jackal with the same mask walk out of the castle and to the beast.

The Jackal seemed to be speaking to the beast before flicking his head to the direction of the cave the chaos knights were in before, he turned and walked back inside.

Espio stepped up before Shadow could say anything and spoke "I might have an idea"

"No, you're not going in alone" Shadow said quickly, just as Espio dissapeared.

"With all due respect" Espio said "I wasn't suggesting"

"Don't you dare get yourself killed" Shadow said, not sure if Espio was still there.

The Camillion made his way to the castle, dodging every knight on the grounds. With a quick look to the beast he slipped into the castle.

Espio froze when a soft red mist touched his foot and he walked down the hall following it. He found a door open and saw a throne room.

Eggman sat there as he spoke to what seemed to be a knight and saw the red mist go towards the same Jackal with the mask and a green hedgehog. Both their heads looked down, except for the jackal having his hands behind his back.

Espio walked towards and behind the two. The red mist grew darker as it rested in the palm of the Jackal's hand.

'My name is Zero, Eggman refers to me as Infinite' the mist read out but, the Jackal did not move an inch.

Espio hesitently reached forward and grasped Zero's arm. 'Espio' he traced into the Jackal's arm.

'I can sense your hesitation and I can feel the nervousness from your friends in your cave' the mist wrote. 'I won't hurt you, my beast would have already attacked once you had stepped foot into the grass. We need your help'

Espio looked between the green hedgehog and Zero as the mist formed more words 'Sonic is with mine and Scourge's mate, Scourge's mate's sister, that basterd has been using them against us. We can do nothing, but you can help us'

Espio traced into Zero's skin 'I need to know where they are first'

'Of course, follow my mist. It'll lead you to them, please tell me how my mate is doing' the mist wrote ' what ever Eggman did...I can't sense him or the others, like I can you and your knights.'

Espio patted Zero in reassurance and began to follow the mist again. Espio looked back before turning and walking back out if the throne room.

Espio was thankful that his eyes could catch the little trail, that hides so well into the carpet.

The Camillion stopped when the red mist broke into two and one dissapeared into a door and the other made its way to the single guard.

The guard twitched as the mist touched him and his white of his eyes rimmed with red and the guard ran off.

Espio opened the door and slipped into the dimmly lit room and made his way down the stairs.

His eyes grew wide as he looked at the cages and he let his power drop. "Espio?" A voice called and the Camillion turned and saw Sonic whipping his mouth. The smell of vomit reached his nose and he instantly went to Sonic's cage.

"Sonic? Are you alright?" The Camillion asked as he gently touched Sonic's arm.

Sonic smiled softly "as well, as I can be. Thanks."

"Shadow is outside with the others" Espio said as he reached for and clutched Sonic's hands. "But, first who is Zero's and Scourge's mate? I must tell the two that their mates are ok".

"My brother Manic is Scourge's mate" Sonic said pointing to his younger siblings and Manic waved and Sonic pointed to Gadget who still clutched the small child "and that's Gadget the mate of Zero"

Espio first went to Manic and with a quick word that he was alright besides the scar, he went to Gadget's side and gently touched his head. "You need a healer"

The red wolf shivered and just smiled gently at Espio "yea, I know." Espio touched the baby as his big tired eyes stared up at the Camillion, the child felt fine. "Does your power work on others?"

"Only for small-" Espio cut himself off when he looked up at Gadget "Are you sure?"

"I would rather him live with out knowing me, then him staying and getting what I have here" Gadget said as they watched the child fell asleep.

"But won't they notice?" Espio asked hesitently taking the two month old from Gadget's hands. Gadget shook his head and took the second blanket that was wrapped around the baby. He balled it up to make it look like he still held the small boy.

"Alright, I will try and get him out and we will come back for you, all of you" Espio said looking at the four in the cages as he stepped back and before another word vanished infront of their eyes.

Not two seconds later the door swing open with a slam and Espio exited passed the guard that had come down the stairs, surprised that the baby made no sound of waking up.

Espio made his way back to the throne room. He poked his head in to see Zero and Scourge had not left their spots and could almost see Zero's in his poster for a second before he went still.

Espio walked up behind him again and saw words form again 'why do you have a child?'

Espio gently grabbed Zero's hand and placed it on the child's head before tracing into Zero's skin 'Scrouge's mate is fine, only a scar across his face. Your mate is sick, but your child is fine'

Espio could see the shock in Zero's poster now and felt his power radiate heat in growing anger. Espio pinched Zero's arm making his snap into a deathly calm state when Eggman flicked his gaze towards the two.

'We will form a plan and we will strike' Espio said into his arm and let go.

'We will join you in this fight' Zero wrote out 'and I will kill him right were he sits on his unworthy throne'

Espio did not ignolage the jackal before he mad his way towards the door to realize, to his horrer it was shut. He couldn't simply open with that Lord Fartface watching.

"Sir! Sir! I'm sorry for barging in on you! But, I have good news and bad news!" A knight said racing up to Eggman, leaving the door wide open.

Espio slipped out, but stayed close enough to hear as Eggman spoke "what is it?"

"We just got word from Mephiles" the knight said after he caught his breath "the village is unguarded!"

"This is perfect, send for the troops to get ready we leave at dawn!" Eggman said with a smile befire it fell and he looked at the knight "what's the bad news"

"Mephiles has been made, he had to leave" the knight replied as Eggman rubbed his temple.

"Just great, alright. I'll try to pick the next infiltrator, tell Mephiles to return and we can reward him for his services" the Lord said and the knight left with a nod.

"Infinate, Scourge I have a job for you" Eggman's called and instantly the two walked up to stand on front of Eggman. "Watch the perimeter while the knights are called in, fail me and you know what happens" Eggman made an emphasis on touching a button gently.

"Yes sir" they both said, the two stood and turned to walk out.

"And Infinate" Zero turned to look at Eggman as Scourge brushed past Espio and left "make sure to have your monster check all the knights as they return"

"Yes sir" Zero replied and left the throne room and walked beside Espio as the hiden Camillion kept pace with him. Scourge was waiting a few feet up.

"D-did Gadget name him" Zero asked softly as Scourge walked beside him making it look like they were talking to on another.

"I don't know" Espio said softly back. He saw Zero's finger twitch having a feeling he want to hold his son. He hasn't even seen him yet because of Espio's cloak over the two.

Zero hid a sad chuckle "I-I didn't even know and I knew he wouldn't name him with out me"

Scrouge gently placed his hand on Zero's shoulder

"We must first get him out of here and then get my friends in" Espio said softly.

Zero looked at Scourge and Espio can almost feel the smirk as he looked at the Camillion "we might be of help, listen closely"


Shadow paced back and forth in the cave, his hands twitching yo do something.

"Shadow, you need to give Espio a little more time" Luster said stepping up beside the black knight. His metal arm hidden under a black cloak, as to not going in the sunset that shown through the cave.

Shadow sighed as he looked at Luster and nodded slowly "Yea, yea I know. I'm just..."

"Worried about Sonic and the pups, we know" Luster said as he rested his flesh hand on Shadow's shoulder.

Everyone turned when a rock was thrown into the cave, before any one could do anything Charmy spoke happily "Espio's back!"

The Camillion appeared before the group and they all gaped as they saw the small baby in his arms as he started to wake.

"I was able to get help" Espio said with a smile.


The sun was almost completely set as Zero stood at the entrance of the castle. His beast's head tipped low to sniff each and every knight that entered.

He felt the chaos knights signatures at the back of the group waiting to enter. All of them looked exactly like Eggman's knights, all dressed in the same armor.

Not one of the knights even glanced at them.

Scourge stood on the otherside as Zero looked at the leader, Shadow. The ebony hedgehog flicked his red eyes towards the other.

The masked Jackle almost missed the tiny nod that came from the hedgehog. The chaos knights stepped up to the beast one by one. The beast paid them no mind.

When all of the knights were inside, Zero gently palmed his chest. He felt his child's presence from the cave the knights had left. Leaving him in the care of the two trainees.


Shadow looked at the others and they nodded. Shadow broke off from the rest with a hidden Espio beside him.

Everyone else followed the knights, to hopefully trap Eggman's knights when they prepared.

Espio held Shadow's arm as he led him down the hallway. The guard was glaring at the floor and looked up when he heard them approach.

"Eggman is calling all available experienced knights to get ready and attack the village" Shadow spoke up.

The knight grumbled softly going into a standing position from where he leaned "again?"

"Yea. Unforatanitly" Shadow answered as he stood infront of the others.

The knight stared at the other as his eyes narrowed "should I know you?"

"No, I'm new" Shadow said quickly and held a wince hoping it didn't seem to fast.

The other stared at Shadow for a few moments and he smirked "great! A new guy to take this job, it's been getting really annoying anyway. All yours buddy" the knight side as he dropped the keys into Shadow's hands.

Shadow sighed softly, as he relaxed not realizing how tense he was. "I don't know of he knew you or was just that stupid" Espio whispered softly to Shadow.

"Let's hope, he's just that stupid" Shadow answered as he opened the door of the cell room. With a race down the stairs, Shadow looked at the cells around him.

The three of the four occupants in the room looked at Shadow with hateful glared. Espio appeared beside him.

"Espio who is-" Sonic was cut off as Shadow yanked the helmet off and raced to Sonic's cage.

Shadow fumbled with the keys before slotting it into the hole, and throwing the door open when is unlocked. Instantly dropping to his knees as he pulled Sonic close to him.

Espio plucked the keys from Shadow's hands and made to open the other cages. First Sonia and Manic, then Gadget.

Shadow cupped Sonic's cheek looking him over quickly. As much as Sonic wishes to kiss Shadow, he placed a gentle hand over the others mouth. "I don't wish to give you what ever I have or you to taste vomit for the rest of the day"

Shadow sighed and settled on kissing Sonic's cheeks, before he rested his hand on Sonic's abdomen. Instantly two soft pulses of a chaos signature touched his fingers. Twining happily with the small threads he sent to his two children.

The ebony hedgehog lifted his gaze to meet the wide eyes of his mates "I-I'm...h-how?!" Sonic said.

That instant a soft familiar voice touched his ears, making Shadow's own ears twitch. "That was my second gift to you Sonic, when Shadow received his own powers when he took his trip into the castle. I took a part of him and gave it to you. A blessing to allow you two to have children of your own"

"I wish it could have been better circumstances, but you both deserve this" her voice spoke to them, Sonic's fingers instinctivly weaved with Shadow's over his still flat stomach.

"Shadow! Sonic!" The two snapped out of there daze and looked to see Espio, Manic and Sonia who was help propping Gadget between the two of them "we need to go now!"

"Alright let's go, but first" Shadow said as he reached behind his back and grabbed Sonic's sword which he had strapped to his back "I believe this belongs to you, love"

Sonic smiled broadly thumbing the familiar surface "thanks"

Shadow nodded before facing up the stares, the other following behind as quickly as they could.

The ebony knight opened the door to check if it was clear, when he say the hallway clear he opened the door wider allowing the others to step out

"This way, we have to get you three out of here" Shadow said as he took the lead "there should only be a fe-"

Shadow halted when a female mongoose, a male dog and a female hawk turned the corner coming face to face with Shadow and the others.

Shock was plain on all of there faces before Sonic was the first to break the spell. He slashed his sword across the mongoose's throat.

Shadow and Espio soon followed as the hawk took off running and the dog moved to keep them from following.

Espio flung one of his knives embedding it into the dog's shoulder as Shadow drew his bow back. A chaos arrow formed in the crook and he fired hitting the hawk right in the back.

Espio leaped for the dog as he tried to crawl away. His foot planted right on his neck making the other freeze. "Go" Espio said to the others.

Shadow nodded and tugged the others along, his hand in Sonic's. Sonic always looked over his shoulder to make sure Manic and Sonia holding Gadget.

They instantly froze when a voice screamed "WHERE ARE MY KNIGHTS!"

They group realized just how close they were to the throne room. Shadow peaked around the door way to see Eggman pacing. Scourge and Infinite stood infront of him, each of their hands were clutched into a fist.

Eggman halted before he turned to them "What did you do" Eggman said his voice angry.

"Nothing" Infinte said they can all hear the smirk in his voice.

Scourge despite his straight face spoke with venom in his words "we wouldn't dream of doing anything"

"You two forget I have your mates under my thumb right" Eggman said they all noticed the tremble in his voice.

Scourge this time full on smiles as Zero removed his mask "you sure about that".

Eggman took a step back from the two as Shadow decided to step out from where they were hiding. He then turned to look at Espio "find Silver and you two get Gadget out if here"

Zero barely looked over his shoulder and everyone felt a shift in his anger as red blocks began to float around him.

Gadget looked at Zero and gave a pitiful, weak smile before Sonia and Manic began to walk. "You will pay dearly" Zero whispered, the weight of his words still make Eggman back away.

"I will sgow you true fear" Zero practically whispered.

Before anyone could react the red blocks that had began to form around Zero imbetted themselves to Eggman making him scream in fright.

The man before them collapsed, not without slapping his hand down on a button.

Eggman crumbled to the floor just as the ground began to shake. Zero stumbled and with it, the power seeped off of Eggman allowing him to stand up.

"" Eggman hissed in pain. The ground beneath them gave a violent lurch as robots jumped from the ground.

The robots were twisted and disoriented. They seemed to resemble a mobian, from dogs to pumas. That all had red eyes and every thing seemed to be at a sharp angle. Their bodies were grey.

Espio was the first to speak "wh-what even are those things?!"

"Oh a new invention I'd like to call robots" Eggman said with a smirk just as a blue mechanical hedgehog walked out from behind the thrown. "And thanks to Sonic and his connection with the master emerald, I was able to prefect one. Chaos knights meet Metal Sonic"

(Like I said in the beginning, I really hope all of these surprises made sense! I litarally felt like I was bullshitting this XD. I really hope it seemed like I planned this from the start because most of this wasn't. I hope you enjoyed and I didn't make you turn away because of these twists)

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