Part 3

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The ebony hedgehog raced through the moon lit town, Midnight sniffing the air in front as they silently continued on. Shadow realized that Midnight was leading him to the forest, the same one Sonic ran into before. The hedgehog grew frantic as he continued to run faster, fearing the worst for his mate. When he finally entered the forest he slowed down being more careful to not trip on anything with the little moonlight that filtered through the leaves. He heard a muffled yelp and Shadow instantly grabbed his bow and pulled the string back, a red chaos arrow formed in the bow. Shadow continued to walk as he stared into the clearing, instantly reconizing it and he froze seeing Sonic kneeling down clutching his shoulder, with a sword lay on the ground near the azure hedgehog. Shadow scanned the area as his ear twitched not hearing or seeing danger. The ebony narrowed his eyes as the chaos arrow dissapered and Shadow redrew (had no idea what its called XD) his bow with no tensetion in the string. The ebony hedgehog watched as Sonic slowly grabbed his sword with his hand and stand again. The azure hedgehog got into starting stance to go through some swips and jabs.
Shadow's eyes widened realizing what he was going to do "Sonic stop!!"
Said hedgehog dropped his sword as he turned to meet Shadow's crimson eyes. Sonic tensed as he stared at his mate approaching him, quickly pulling his gaze away from Shadow's to look down at the ground. "Sonic, you could have hurt you wound now more then ever."
"I-I.." Sonic said as he sighed "I needed to do something other then sit around doing nothing..."
Shadow narrowed his eyes "so talking to me and everyone else is nothing to you?"
Sonic flinched as he looked at Shadow and Sonic quickly spoke again "that's not what I mea-"
"Then what did you mean?" Shadow cut Sonic off as he crossed his arms.
"I meant.." Sonic said trying to figure out what to say "..I don't like being cooped up in a bed and told not to do anything, I love talking to everyone and them a-and you, Shadow. You guys try to keep me company but.."
Shadow pinched the bridge of his nose and shook his head in slight anger "If you keep doing this, your arm will get worse then better"
"Then what else am I supposed to do?!" Sonic asked his annoyance rising "sit around and do nothing while you and everyone else are fighting!"
"you wanna know what to do since your so desperate" Shadow walked towards Sonic as the blue speedster glared a bit back as the black knight bumped passed him on his good side. He scooped up Sonic's sword and turned back to him, pointing the hilt of it towards Sonic.
"Wha..?" Sonic said confused before reaching it with his hurt arm.
Shadow growled in annoyance "no your other arm"
Sonic stared at Shadow "but that's.."
"Just take the damn sword" Shadow cut Sonic off again and the speedster quickly grabbed it with his good arm.
Shadow drew his own and pointed it towards Sonic. The two soon began running threw the basics of sword fighting again with Sonic using his non-sword arm and getting him to build strength into it. The two started to head back as the moon was in the highest point in the sky. Sonic looked at Shadow from the corner of his eye as he fastened his cloak around his neck and he found himself blushing.
He shook his head and spoke "Shadow I'm sorry" The ebony didn't speak as he continued to walk finally making it back to town and the twos house. Shadow let Sonic walk in first and he closed the door himself. The ebony walking into their bedroom leaving Sonic to stand in the living room. The cobalt sighed before finally walking into the bedroom, seeing Shadow sitting on the bed his back towards him. Said hedgehog's ear stitched hearing Sonic enter and sit down on the bed.
"You worried me Sonic, dissapaering like that" Shadow said softly.
Sonic stared at Shadow "Shadow...I'm"
"No don't say sorry" Shadow cut him off the third him that night "you've apologized already, do you know what I thought when I saw you missing" Shadow wipped his head around to stare at Sonic. The azure looked at Shadow his own eyes slightly wide as Shadow continued, his anger replaced with a tinge of worry "I thought you were captured or worse...."
"Shadow.." Sonic whispered before quickly hugging the ebony. Shadow drew the azure close and buried his face into Sonic's neck. After awhile Sonic drew back and cupped Shadow's cheek.
"Please tell me before you decide to train after dark again" Shadow said before gently kissing Sonic's palm.
Sonic nodded "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I just....I feel useless"
"Sonic..your not..."
"No" Sonic cut Shadow off "your dad called me our best swordfighter and if I can't do that , I can't contribute anything to protect our home"
"Sonic that's not true" Shadow said and continued before Sonic could speak again "you contribute just by keeping people smiling and being you,  fighting is only a part of you not all of you"
"Thank You Shadow" Sonic said as the Ebony knight pulled Sonic into a short, loving kiss. Sonic smirked to himself when it finished and before Shadow could react, the azure quickly tickled the Ebony. The older knight burster out laughing as he pushed Sonic off him. Before Shadow even got off the bed, Sonic was already up and out the door.
"Sonic get back here!" Shadow called as he raced after the swordsman, the only response he got back was his laughter. The two raced passed Rouge and Knuckles when finally Shadow tackled Sonic (He was careful of Sonic's shoulder). Sonic landed with and oof and before he could speak, he was pinned down and already shrieking with laughter from Shadow ruthlessly tickling the Azure's side.
Shadow froze and they both looked up to see a glaring Amy staring down at them. Sonic was in a fit of giggles but, it was cut off as he and Shadow were pulled from the ground, by there ears by the pink female. They both sweatdropped as Amy spoke "Shadow you should know not to tackle Sonic, it could make his shoulder worse and Sonic you should know not to hurt your shoulder more!" The two were dragged to there feet and Amy pushed a bag into Shadow's arms. "Once you two clean yourself up, redo Sonic's dressing and no more rough housing!" Amy walked away.
When Amy finally walked out of view, Shadow quickly picked Sonic up and over his shoulder with a squeak of surprise "hey! I can walk! Shadow! Put me down!" Shadow just laughed as he made his way towards their house. When they finally entered the house, Shadow gently dropped Sonic onto the couch.
Sonic crosses his arms and pouted softly as Shadow spoke with a smirk "aww are you pouting big baby poo?" (Can you tell me where this reference is from?)
"No" Sonic said as he didn't look at Shadow.
"Come on then, let's get cleaned up" Shadow said with a laugh as he put the bag down and pulled Sonic up from the couch. As Shadow started adding water to the tub, Sonic took off his cloak and shook it out.
"Not in here, Spike-for-brains" Shadow said with a smile as he snatched the cloak from the others hands and Sonic stuck his tongue out at Shadow. "Maybe later we can practice with our new powers" Shadow suggested once he was done.
"That would be cool" Sonic said with a smile as they got into the tub. With a quick wash, Shadow gently replaced Sonic's dressings and bandage. After sending Midnight with a letter for Silver to meet them at the training area, they headed out themselves.
"Shadow how do you I don't know get it to activate" Sonic asked.
"Well it's sorta like a bond with an animal I guess, you need to take it and trust it. If you call on it now, with out some traininh not much power will come" Shadow said.
Sonic spoke "but, wait when I first used it, didn't I used to much?"
"Well that was sorta the master emeralds doing" Shadow explained as they entered the training area "she helped regulate your power the first time, but the rest is up to us"
"Hey! Wait for me!" They both turned to see Silver, Blaze and Midnight racing towards them. Silver halted near Sonic and Shadow as Blaze went to take a seat somewhere.
Midnight sat beside the two hedgehogs and Sonic spoke "go wait by Blaze" the black dog stood and went to Blaze's side.
"So how are we going to train?" Silver asked.
Shadow tapped his chin "call on your power, but not too much" Sonic and Silver nodded as they laid there hand flat, as they did so a single glowing orb danced around their hands. Shadow added his own and when he did so the three orbs came together and they began to glow a soft green.
A female voice spoke making Silver's eyes grow wide "my time here speaking to you is short, so I must hurry" the three chosen looked at each other before the master emerald spoke again "each of you have special powers including the gold form. Shadow you already have yours, but there is another one. It is called Choas blast, you must use it wisely it'll drain you." Shadow nodded as she spoke again "Sonic your power is a pulse that only leaves the good of heart standing and be able to move at the speed of sound" Sonic nodded as he tilted his head "and finally you Silver, your power is the ability to heal and psychokinesis, the ability to move objects with your mind" Silver's eyes grew wide as the green orb began to dissipate "I have a warning, if something is to happen with Sonic in his golden form, it happens to all of you. Good luck my chaos knights" she spoke for before the orb disappeared.
They looked at each other there eyes wide before Sonic broke the silence and turned to Shadow "So your going to have to teach us how to control out power?"
"I can help a bit, but I'm not sure how your other powers work" Shadow said "all I know how to control is my chaos arrow, so I'm unsure how your other powers need to be tamed"
Silver spoke "maybe you can help us start it and we can learn the rest". Shadow nodded as he spoke "alright, I had to first learn how to call the power the more you work with it the more power you'll call" Shadow added "Silver if you can maybe you could heal Sonic's wound."
"Sure!" Silver said as they began. Silver stoped forward and rested his hand on Sonic's shoulder. His hand began to pulse a soft blue and Sonic tensed as he felt his skin begin to nit itself together, not a nice feeling. Beads of sweat came from Silver and Shadow yanked his arm away from Sonic. The silver hedgehog collapsed and Shadow patted his back and smiled when he noticed Sonic's arm "you did well Silver"
Silver smiled tiredly "th-thanks"
Sonic moved his sword arm and he quickly grabbed a sword and with a quick swing, he found his arm didn't strain under the weight of the sword and Sonic smiled happily "this is amazing! Thank you Silver!" Sonic said as he hugged the silver hedgehog as Blaze made her way to them. Sonic jumped happily and before he realized it he collied with the wall on the other side of the training area. "Ow!" Sonic said as he rubbed his nose.
"She defiantly wasn't kidding about the speed" Sonic said loudly enough for the others to here. Sonic rolled onto his stomach and pouted when Shadow laughed. Sonic hoisted himself up and slowly made his way to Shadow on them and when he finally reached the group Soinc punched him in the arm. Shadow gave a smirk as they continued on with training, after running into every inch of wall in the training area Sonic finally was able to finally get the hang of his speed. Silver still drained from the healing tried his best to use his psychokinesis, but soon they decided to call it quits for today. Silver and Blaze walked to their house while Shadow and Sonic went to there own house, Midnight following happily behind them.
"You ok?" Shadow asked as he noticed Sonic running his arms and legs.
Sonic nodded with a small hiss "mostly, running into things is not my favorite time"
"But it was amusing for me" Shadow said with a laugh. Sonic gave Shadow a shove as they walked into the house. Sonic looked away playfully away with his arms crossed "aw don't be like that" Sonic stuck his tongue out at Shadow and with a smirk the ebony kissed the cobalt. Shadow scooped Sonic up and onto their room. Let's just say no one heard from them two for the rest of the afternoon.
The next few days, Sonic, Shadow and Silver had been working side by side as they trained their powers well except for Shadow. He used the chaos blast in a sucludded part of the forest far from the town to see how powerful it was and Sonic didn't find him till the next morning. The ebony was passed out in a football sized crator, Sonic and Shadow made an agreement the second the ebony woke up to never use it unless it was a last ditch effort. As days turned into weeks, no one has heard from the Lord Baldy McNosehair and it started to worry the knights. They kept up with patrols and on top of all that, Shadow had been very worried for his mate. The azure had been throwing up each morning and during one of the patrols Sonic almost fell off of Night Star,  thanks to the quick witted horse, Sonic fell onto the Night Star's neck and stayed there until Shadow was able to take him off. Shadow felt like he recognized this before, but with Mephiles keeping everyone on there toes he never got the chance to think. Shadow instantly feel asleep when his body touched the bed, unaware that Sonic was out on a night patrol by himself.
Sonic pushed Night Star forwards as he fought off the tiredness that clung to every inch of his body. The horse snorted noticing Sonic's attention was no focused on the task at hand. A pair of eyes watched them go by and with a flick of his hand red smoke like energy shot up from the ground surrounding Sonic and Night Star. Sonic held onto his horse's mane as Night Star reared and a figure stepped out from where it was hidden. It's single golden eye stared at Sonic and the azure noticed the mobian looked like a Jackal, it was wearing a mask as red energy danced crossed his sharp fingers.
Night Star bucked and races away as Sonic jumped off landing on his feet before swaying slightly. Everything was tinted red.
"I'm sorry, but I have no other choice" the jackal said sympathticly as Sonic fell back as everything seemed to spin and grow. Sonic didn't even realize he spoke until the Jackal answered again "he is holding my mate and if I don't do as he says, my mate will die" the jackal walked forward and gently picked up Sonic bridal-style and began to walk away from town. The last thing Sonic heard was the jackal as he fell uncounsous.
"Hmm, how interesting" the Jackal stared at Sonic's stomach area feeling two pulses coming from it.

(So yea, If you didn't get the jist it's infinite! Ok so I ship Gadget (what i call the red wolf in Sonic forces trailer) and Infinite. I'll try to work on the 4th part soon, I promise and sorry if this chapter is shorter then the others.)

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