We Love the Twin

By notatigerchild

15.3K 319 84

Wait, WHAT?!!! Ciel Phantomhive has a lost twin sister?!!!!!! That's weird! In this Black Butler fanfiction... More

Sinnie Phantomhive
The Servants
Alois Trancy
The Past
Edmund Cheshire
It Can Wait
Eddy, I'm sorry.
Always expect the unexpected.
Awkward? Awkward.
Author's Note


1.1K 24 4
By notatigerchild

A/N: hey guys! In this chapter, a little more drama will happen. Let's just say, Ciel has a new case to observe and he needs Sinnie's help. You'll have to read to find out why! Anyways, enjoy! Comment! Vote! Whatever! Criticize, I don't really care!


I sat up in bed the next morning before the sun had even risen. I tried and tried to fall back asleep, but I just couldn't. So, I got up and picked what I was to wear. I decided on a poofy dress with lots of ruffles in a brilliant shade of red with light pink detail. It also had some light pink gloves and a matching headband with a red rose on the left side. I opened the drawer on the bedside table and pulled out a book to read. I read for about an hour before Charles came in.

"Young Mistress, it's time to-" he paused when he saw me sitting up with the book. "How long have been up, my lady?" He kneeled down in front of me.

"Oh, not too long. Is Ciel up yet?" I asked. Charles straightened up and nodded.

"Yes, my lady. In fact, he wishes to talk to you." Charles replied. I nodded.

"Alright. I'm ready. He's in his study, I presume?" Charles nodded. "Okay. Hey, Charles? How old are you anyways?" The question occurred to me randomly. Charles stopped dead in his tracks.

"I'm fourteen years old, my lady." he answered with an unreadable expression. I was surprised.

"You mean that's how you look, then? I meant how old are you really?" I said.

"Fourteen. My birthday was last week." Charles started walking again.

"Wow. You're a young demon, aren't you." I said, slightly amused. Charles didn't reply and my smile fell. I'd never been able to talk to anyone like this. Especially boys. We arrived at Ciel's study and Charles knocked. I walked in and stood in front of Ciel's desk. He was drinking tea and had a plate with cake on it. He looked up at me.

"Good morning, Sinnie." he said. "I need your help with something. My fiancé will be arriving tomorrow. She'll stay with us for awhile, so I won't have any time to complete my cases. Therefore, I need to complete this case I'm working on today. I need you to go to a ball for me. The queen wishes for us to investigate and bust Lord Acklen. He's been murdering little girls and selling them for parts. We just need the evidence, now. I want you to attend tonight's ball. Lure him in. Make him want you above all the other little girls there. Will you do it?"

"For the sake of the case... I will. You can count on me, big brother." I replied. Ciel coughed and looked at me.

"How do you even know I'm your older brother? You could be older than me." he pointed out. I smirked.

"True enough, but you are bigger than me. You're two millimeters taller than me. Check for yourself." I pointed at his head. He stood and called Sebastian. Sebastian measured each of us in turn and clarified that he was, indeed, two millimeters taller than me.

"How did you know that?" Ciel looked at me in surprise.

"Well, I have great perception skills. Always have, actually. I can determine your exact height and weight just by looking at you." I shrugged. He nodded and sat down.

"Very well. Go get ready now. The ball starts soon and you still need some manners lessons." Ciel nodded at Charles, who then led me back to my room. Charles helped me pick out a suitable gown and then he helped me tie the corset and get into the dress. He tied it so tight! I could barely even breathe.

"How do people breathe in these things?! It's gonna squeeze all my organs out my mouth!" I screamed. Charles smirked.

"My Lady, I doubt any girl has ever had her organs squeezed out by a corset." he said. Once it was toed, I slipped into the dress easily. The corset made it hard to bend, so I had no doubt my posture would be anything but perfect. The dress was beautiful as well. It was pink and silky and it flowed out at the bottom like a wave. It had black lace under the dress that billowed out from the bottom and everything in detail was either black or white. The neck line was low on my chest and it rose like a halter. It also had some black gloves that reached a bit past my elbows and a hat that matched the design of the dress. The hat was small and if you looked closely, you could tell it was actually a headband.

"My lady, you're a vision of loveliness." Charles bowed. I thanked him and we started the manners lesson. I could still barely breathe in this corset. When the lessons were over, it was already about time for us to leave. We all got in the carriage and rode down to Lord Acklen's mansion.

"My lady, I shall act as your tutor to keep an eye on you. The young earl will also be here with Sebastian, but they will be in disguise. Shall we, then?" Charles held out his arm and I accepted it, walking towards the door like he'd taught me. Once inside, we hung around the punch bowl until a slower song came on. We searched for Lord Acklen, but we couldn't find him. Once a slower song came on, Charles asked for my hand and I accepted. I tried to remember his advice from the dance lesson, but I really am a really bad dancer. During the dance, Charles leaned down to whisper in my ear.

"I see him, my lady. Would you like me to dance you over to him?" Charles asked. I nodded and we danced through the crowd, right over to where Lord Acklen was watching the dancers. I was so tired that I collapsed right there in front of him. I fell back into Charles, who caught me and helped me up. I started breathing heavily. He helped me slow my breathing and then he walked me over to a chair. Not long after that, Lord Acklen came over. Charles went to get me a drink.

"My dear, you're lovelier than a lily." he said. I smiled and thought to myself how disgusting this man was. I was literally facing my worst fear for this case.

"Thank you, Lord Acklen. I'm sorry you had to witness my dancing. I haven't had much expertise in the area." I apologized, bowing my head.

"Of course, my dear. Even without much practice, you danced more beautifully than rose petals in the wind!" he batted his fake eyelashes and sighed. I thanked him.

"Thank you, sir. Although, I've been to many of these balls. They get dreadfully boring after a while. I've simply been waiting to talk to you all night." I smiled up at him sweetly while vomiting in my mind.

"I'm sorry to keep you waiting, my dear. Would you like to do something more fun than dance?" he held out his hand. I accepted it.

"Oh, yes, please! Thank you, sir!" I exclaimed. He smiled and winked at me. I held back a shudder. He led me into a dark room. Before I was led in there, however, I saw Charles out of the corner of my eye, following us. Once we were in the room, Lord Acklen shut and locked it.

"Here we are, then, my dear." he stood in front of me, pinning me to the wall. My hand was already on the gun that I keep in the pocket of the shorts I wear under the dress.

"Sir? Why have you taken me to this room? Are we going to play a board game?" I stalled. "I'm rather good at chess and I can get quite competitive."

"No, my dear. We're going to play a different game. You've never heard of it. It's called 'Murder'." he smiled at me and something shined in his hand. It was a knife.

"Oh, dear. I don't know if I like the sound of that game. I'm afraid I'll have to pass, sir. If you would excuse me." I moved for the door but he pushed me back into the wall. I gasped and pulled out my gun, finger on the trigger. Lord Acklen was pushed back by the force of the gun, so far that he couldn't reach me with the knife. Any sudden moves and I would kill him instantly.

"Now, my dear. Is there any reason for that?" he shook in his ugly, polished boots.

"I am Sinnie Phantomhive, sister to the Queen's Guard Dog. I won't allow myself to be killed by the likes of you." I spoke confidently, watching his every breath, every single movement of any muscles in his body. "You are a pig. A lowly commoner. You have no right to bear the status of Noble. Any sudden moves and I will pull this trigger. Be warned that I am not afraid of you. You see, we've set you up."

"But-" his eyes filled with terror.

"I lured you in, knowing you would attempt murder. I never thought you'd stoop so low as to actually do it in your own home. May the ghosts of your victims curse your soul for all eternity. My butler is waiting right outside this door. Any minute now, my brother will arrive with his butler. Then you'll really be in trouble. We're going to lock you up for a long time now. Twelve young girls. All of them were brutally killed nearly beyond recognition. You're a hideous beast and have no right to live." I spat on the ground next to his feet. The room was so dark that I couldn't see past his ears. Suddenly, he jumped and ran for the door. However, as soon as he moved, I pulled the trigger. He crumpled to the floor, blood pouring from his forehead. His chest shuddered and he lay still, blood still seeping from the wound. The door banged open and Charles entered. He ran over to me and checked to make sure I was fine.

"My lady-"

"You're late." I said. "You were supposed to be here before I had to pull my gun. Where were you?" I glared at him.

"I sincerely apologize, my lady. I was being foolish. I bumped into a young girl and had to clean punch from her clothes." he bowed and tended to the body.

"Where's Ciel? I had to feed him a dumb story that Ciel was coming with Sebastian." I stepped over the body and opened the door. No one was around. They had all been cleared out and sent home. Charles joined me at the door.

"Sebastian took the young lord home. He said I'm completely capable of security here. The cops are on their way. We're free to leave now." Charles scooped me up and walked out. We went home and Charles prepared me for bed immediately. I stood by the bed and Charles buttoned up the last of the buttons on my night shirt.

"I don't see why I have to go to sleep so early." I complained.

"You've had a long day, young Mistress. You need your rest if you're going to meet Lady Elizabeth tomorrow." Charles replied, standing straight. "I'll be here bright and early to wake you up tomorrow, my lady." He bowed and left the room. I laid on the bed and pulled my covers up. He was in a hurry, I thought. Whatever, I can get to sleep myself. I turned over on my side and shut my eyes. I tossed and turned, unable to get comfortable. Finally, I fell into a fitful sleep.

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