Ever After: An Amourshipping...

By HAKDurbin

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Serena is a twenty-one-year-old woman who has been forced to be a slave to her evil stepmother, Hania, and he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Cover for my new story
New story complete!
Another Author's Note
Another story being published!

Chapter 13

1.2K 20 23
By HAKDurbin

It has been several hours since Ash had abruptly ended his wedding with Princess May. While he was gone, Jeriack, Delia, Timothy, and Coovers stayed to sort things out with King Norman and Queen Caroline concerning their daughter.

It turns out that the green-haired man named Drew is a performer for the Hoenn royal court who had gained favor with King Norman and began to perform for him and the royal family regularly over the last four years. During the last three of those four years, he and Princess May secretly grew fond of one another and formed a friendship that turned into passionate love. May didn’t appear disturbed about her engagement to Ash when Timothy and Coovers where visiting Hoenn because she was secretly trying to figure out a way out of it herself to be with Drew, but they failed to find a way before her family took her to Kalos to marry Ash. King Norman was infuriated that his royal performer and his daughter were keeping this secret from him for so long, which frighted Princess May so much that she hugged Drew with all her might, afraid that her father was going to order his men to drag her away from her beloved. Thankfully, Jeriack stepped in and calmly helped his ally see reason leading for Norman to soften his heart and accept the love that Drew and May have for each other as well as give them permission to marry when they return to Hoenn. The couple was so ecstatic that they began to kiss and hug each other more excitedly then they did at the wedding. Jeriack, Delia, Timothy, and Coovers smiled warmly at the moment before the Hoenn royal family and Drew said their farewells and began the journey back to their homeland.

After a quiet dinner with the Kalos king and queen, Timothy went back to his guest quarters and began to work on his painting again. His mind is full of satisfaction at the sight of Norman allowing Drew and May to marry. But as he paints, his thoughts begin to drift back to Ash and Serena. No one has a single idea where Ash and Captain Kenny went after they left the church. In his mind, Timothy still hopes that the prince has finally accepted that he was wrong and went to fetch Serena, but he has started to grow less certain the longer it takes him to come back.

Finally, he hears a knock on his door and once again he rolls his eyes, annoyed that someone is interrupting his painting.

“Come,” he says plainly.

Coovers enters the room and approaches Timothy with a pleased smirk.

“I figured that this is why we haven’t seen you anywhere downstairs over the last couple of hours,” he says.

Timothy frowns and turns to Coovers in confusion.

“You say that like something big happened while I’ve been up here painting,” he states.

“Yeah, you might want to follow me to the throne room,” Coovers says. “Partly because Jeriack has requested your presence, but also because you’ll want to discover what has happened.”

Timothy stares at his long-time friend for a moment before he silently agrees and puts on his uniform. The two Varpathian officers make their way downstairs just in time to hear the sound of an angry, wailing man coming from the throne room. Timothy’s curiosity grows as he and Coovers enter the throne room to find Jeriack sitting on his throne while a pale man with long black hair and bandages around his right hand and on his left cheek is chained and on his knees before the king, surrounded by royal guards. Damlier, Marialier, Maulinlier, and Monica stand next to the man forced down by the guards, looking at him with pure disgust and anger.

“Ah, General Durbin, how good of you to come,” Jeriack says with a calm, professional look on his face. “Come bear witness to this, for we require your council here and I have something important to discuss with you afterward.”

“Very well,” Timothy says awkwardly as he and Coovers walk over to Jeriack’s side. “May I ask what is the meaning of this?”

“You may indeed whether the king allows it or not,” Damlier says venomously as he spits at the chained man who glares menacingly at the Demoth.

“This is Sir Calem da Xavier of the Kalos army,” Jeriack explains. “Apparently, he has been found to have scavenged Demoth armor and weapons in his estate hanging in a special room as trophies and secretly selling some to other people across the continent.”

Timothy looks at the Kalos king in shock before he turns to the Demoth family who hisses angrily at Calem da Xavier.

“This is a disgusting and disrespectful act among our people,” Marialier growls. “If the royal family wishes to keep its friendship with us, justice must be done for this dishonorable crime.”

“And once again, I share your revulsion, Madame Marialier,” Jeriack says calmly. “But our laws do not approve putting a man to death for something like this.”

“Then perhaps we should bring this case to a kingdom who does have such laws” Monica growls. “This man cannot go unpunished for tainting the memories of our brethren.”

“I’m afraid I can’t allow that either since Monsieur da Xavier is a Kalos citizen and thus must be punished within our borders,” Jeriack says. “If you wish us to give you the items he took to bring back honor to your people, you are more than welcome to take them.”

“We would rather die than touch what he snatched,” Maulinlier snarls. “Those belongings  are tainted by the blood of our people and the touch of this monster.”

Jeriack sighs in annoyance before he turns to Timothy.   

“We’ve been arguing like this for the past twenty minutes,” he says. “It’s the same argument again and again while my men hold him down.”

Timothy nods in understanding and thinks for a moment before he turns to Jeriack.

“What is the punishment for this according to your law?” he asks.

“Well, a case like this is...new to us,” Jeriack admits. “But for this and a couple of other things, he is to be chained and imprisoned for life.”

Timothy nods in understanding again before he walks over to the Demoth family.

“If you don’t want is...trophies, then what would you have us do with them?” he asks Damlier.

“Burn them,” Maulinlier answers for his father. “Burn them all.”

Calem’s eyes widen both out of worry for his trophies and because of a previous conversation with someone in particular in mind.

“NO!” he screams. “They are mine! You and your people have no right to beg for crumbs much less destroy what is rightfully mine!”

The Demoth family growl and begin to reach out for their swords when Timothy steps between them and Calem with his hands up.

“Okay, is there no reason both sides can agree to both?” he suggests to Damlier. “It seems to me that having this horrid man waste his life away would be more terrible than simply taking his life. Plus, seeing as it’s clear he is very...attached to the remains of your people, he would be imprisoned knowing that the things he values are gone. Besides, Damlier, you said that you want to change the way your people live your lives, so why not start here by deciding against resorting to taking life for once?”

Damlier frowns at Timothy’s words and turns to his family. They huddle together and whisper to each other for a minute or two before they break and turn to Jeriack.

“Your Highness, we reluctantly agree to your choice of punishment according to your laws,” Damlier announces. “I only ask that you first burn the tainted remains of my fallen brothers and sisters in front of this worm that takes pleasure in the destruction of my people before throwing him in the darkest, coldest cell you have available.”

Calem’s eyes widen in fear as everyone turns to Jeriack who stares at Damlier, thinking about his proposal.

“Very well,” he finally says before turning to his men. “Gather every Demoth related thing he has in his castle and burn them in front of him, then lock him up in prison. Damlier, you and your family are welcome to watch them burn the remains in front of Monsieur da Xavier if you wish.”

Damlier, Marialier, Maulinlier and Monica grin mischievously as they bow their heads and simultaneously say, “Thank you, Your Highness.” The guards briefly bow their heads to their king in acknowledgment before they start dragging Calem away with him kicking and screaming.


The chained, pale man continues to scream, “TRAITOR!” constantly as he is dragged out of the throne room with Damlier, Marialier, Maulinlier and Monica eagerly following behind. Silence finally fills the room for a few moments before Jeriack groans and rubs his bald head.

“To think that man is a war hero in the eyes of many Kalosians,” He says. “I personally had his estate well-endowed for his notable skill in battle. And now to have learned how Damlier and his people were deceived by Powuru and then to find Xavier to arguably be as much of a rabid cur as Powuru was is disturbing.”

Timothy and Coovers frown and look at each other sadly as they walk over to the Kalos king.

“There was little way either of us could have known that things were not as black and white as they seemed to be, Jeriack,” Coovers says. “The Demoth where conquering the eight kingdoms without any apparent cause and so it stood to reason to praise any person who stood up to them much less fought them. Sometimes monsters make war and other times war makes monsters.”

“Perhaps,” Jeriack says unconvinced before he shakes his head and looks at the Varpathian officers with a smile. “But enough about that. The royal Kalos family has a job for you, general.”

“And how is that, Your Highness?” Timothy questions.

Before Jeriack answers, Ash suddenly walks in, heading toward his stepfather until he notices Timothy. Timothy sees the Kalos prince and crosses his arms with a raised eyebrow.

“So you’re back,” he says.

Ash nods before he sighs and walks over to Timothy with an apologetic look.

“Listen, Timothy, I'm sorry about the ball,” he says. “You and Coovers were trying to do what's best for me and I let my anger get the better of me because of the Baroness.”

Timothy keeps his glare on the prince for a moment. Finally, he sighs and lets his arms down.

“Ah, forget it,” he says. “We were both acting childish that night...and every day since. However, given your little...performance at the church, I hope you plan to do something concerning a certain lady.”

Ash smirks in response and says, “Oh I think you'll be pleased with what I've been up to.”

“Really?” Timothy asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Really,” says a soft voice.

Timothy’s eyes widen as he slowly turns around and sees Serena entering the room with a sweet smile on her face. She walks toward the four men wearing a blue dress and her blue ribbon tied around her neck. She hugs Ash and they kiss briefly before she turns to the surprised Varpathian general.

“Serena,” Timothy manages to say.

“Hello, Monsieur Durbin. It's wonderful to see you again,” Serena says as she walks over to give Timothy a tight hug. Timothy eventually smiles and hugs her back before they break the embrace and he turns to Ash who gives him a proud smile.

“Serena and I are engaged,” he announces as he puts his arm around Serena, earning a blush and a happy smile from the honey blonde woman.

Timothy smiles brightly and says, “Now that's more like it.”

“Yes, we thought you would approve,” Jeriack says as he stands up from his throne and walks over to Ash, Serena, Timothy, and Coovers. “My stepson made his move after he tried to rescue Madame Yvonne.”

“Tried to rescue?” Timothy asks in confusion.

“It turns out Baroness de Adag sold Serena to Calem de Xavier shortly after the ball,” Coovers says. “The man has a rep as a womanizer while clearly wanting to make Serena his wife. The Baroness decided to take up on his request to buy Serena off of her as punishment for going to the ball and try to become Ash’s bride instead of Miette. Thankfully, Serena’s other stepsister, Dawn told Ash what happened after the wedding so he came to rescue her.”

“But it turned out my lady had already freed herself by the time Kenny and I made it to the castle,” Ash says scratching the back of his head with a toothy grin. “We made it just in time to see her get out of there so I could apologize and propose and then she informed us what Xavier was up to in his castle. From a heroic standpoint, Kenny and I were only good for coming back to Lumiose City so that Kenny could return with soldiers to arrest him.”

Serena smirks proudly at how she saved herself from Calem but appreciatively kisses Ash on the cheek for his attempt before turning back to Timothy.

“Meanwhile, Ash and I were here explaining everything to his parents what was going between us and who I really am,” she says. “And now we're happy to announce that we're going to get married tomorrow at sundown.”

At her last words, Timothy’s face falls into confusion.

“Tomorrow at sundown? Isn't that rather short notice?” He asks.

“Normally, yes,” Jeriack answers stepping in. “But after clarifying with us on so many things regarding her stepfamily and proving what a wise and charming lady she is for my son, I have decided that they shall have a secret wedding here in the castle. Only nobility, our new Demoth friends and a couple of others upon Serena’s request are invited. We want their marriage to be kept unknown to the Baroness and her elder daughter before we summon them and punish them for their crimes.”

Timothy processes this information for a moment before he grins.

“Keep the Baroness and Miette in the dark before surprising them big time, I like it,” he says before he realizes something. “Though I doubt the church will be okay with hosting another wedding in such short notice.”

“Ah, excellent cue, general,” Jeriack says with a smirk. “It just so happens that, that’s where your favor falls into place.”

Timothy looks at Jeriack confused. He then turns to Coovers who smirks at him and then to Ash and Serena who give him pleading smiles. It takes a moment before he puts the pieces together in his mind and his eyes widen.

“Wait a minute,” he says. “You’re not suggesting -”

“We are,” Jeriack says plainly.

“We want you to officiate the ceremony,” Ash says.

Timothy stutters for a minute before he says, “Are you sure about this? I mean I would be honored, but -”

“Please,” Ash begs. “It would mean a lot if you marry us. We would rather it be done by a friend than just any priest from the church.”

“And Coovers wouldn't count?” Timothy asks.

“I do,” Coovers answers. “But you have more experience in this and even though we’re friends, Serena doesn't like the idea of the flirty bald man from the lake being the one to be the official for her wedding.”

“Indeed, nothing personal you understand, Coovers,” Serena says with a nervous chuckle.

“Eh, I guess I had it coming,” Coovers says with a shrug.

Serena gives him a sad smile before turning back to Timothy.

“Please, sir, it really would mean so much to us if you would do us this favor,” she pleads.

Timothy hesitates again for a moment before he smiles and says, “Well if it would mean that much to you, then, of course, I'll do it.”

Ash and Serena’s faces brighten as Ash shakes Timothy’s hand and Serena hugs him again.

“Oh, thank you, Timothy, I really appreciate it,” Serena says.

“As do I,” Ash says with a toothy grin.

“Ah, don't fuss about it,” Timothy says with a grin. “Although if I'm going to officiate the ceremony, then you guys need to learn the way we Varpathians hold a wedding.”

“Well, thankfully, the groom has a Varpathian stepfather to help with that,” Jeriack says with a smirk.

Timothy nods in agreement before something else comes to his mind.

“So tell me, Serena,” he says. “Who are these guests you’re inviting to your wedding besides the nobility and the Demoth?”

Serena merely smiles at the Varpathion general and says, “Oh, I wouldn’t say I’m inviting so much as collecting people who I wouldn't dream of getting married without these certain people attending plus one more person.”


The next morning starts the same way it has for the last two weeks in the Yvonne estate. Ever since Serena was sold, Entalmorfious, Helga, and Kim have been broken inside. They continue to serve Hania and her daughters without question or any energy than what was required of them. Their faces have been down, their voices cold and wooden, and their devotion to their work has been unreluctant. For Hania and Miette, nothing in the world has pleased them more apart from Prince Ash ending his wedding with Princess May. For Dawn, however, it has been torture to see the hired help act this way. She would thank them for any aid they would give her whenever her mother and sister aren't around, but at best they would look at her and bow their head before leaving to do their next chore.

Serena is gone, and with her, all hope and joy the hired help had left in the estate.

Helga and Kim serve the three Adag some their breakfast without saying a word. Hania and Miette smirked at their silent obedience while Dawn gives them a sad yet thankful look that Hania immediately notices.

“Dawn, dear, that is not becoming of a lady of high station,” she says strictly.

Dawn frowns and looks down at her plate.

“Yes, mother,” she says reluctantly, earning a satisfied smirk from her mother but a suspicious glare from her sister.

“You know, speaking of which, I've heard that you talked with the prince yesterday,” Miette says in a matter-of-factually tone.

Hania looks at her youngest daughter with a suspicious glare.

“Oh? And why were you talking to the prince, Dawn?” She asks

Dawn sputters for a moment as she tries to think of something to avoid talking about what she said to Ash under his orders.

“I didn't mean to,” she lies. “I was just passing by near the carriages and he just happened to be exiting through the back door. How was I supposed to know that he would be there? He was supposed to be getting married.”

“It doesn’t matter why he was there, Dawn” Miette snarls. “What did he say to you?”

Dawn hesitates nervously before she gets an idea.

“Well, it was hard to remember everything he said, he does have an overwhelming presence after all,” she says. “But I do recall him saying, ‘Serves me right for choosing a foreigner over your sister.’”

Hania and Miette look at Dawn surprised.

“Are you sure?” Miette demands.

“Positive,” Dawn answers with a reassuring smile. “He said, ‘Oh how could I have been such a fool as to forget that I have one woman who has been there from the beginning? I pray that she will one day forgive me.’”

Hania and Miette look at each other and giggle excitedly at Dawn’s story.

“You hear that, mother? Ashton is finally seeing the error of his ways,” Miette says proudly. “He’s beginning to realize how badly he needs me!”

“Indeed he is, Miette,” Hania says confidently. “But we mustn't be quick to rush to his side. We should give him a few days to think about what he did. After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.”

“Like you with our stepfather,” Miette says plainly.

The two women giggle again, making Dawn secretly upset at their amusement. The three women continue to eat their breakfast until they suddenly hear the bell from the front door ringing.

“I’ll get it,” they say simultaneously as they quickly stand up and race to the front door as fast as they can. Miette makes it first and opens the door only for the three Adag women to look in confusion.

Standing at the front door is Captain Kenny with a professional look on his face. Behind him is a large carriage pulled by half a dozen horses with a smaller one standing behind it. Hania and her daughters look at each other before Kenny clears his throat.  

“Madame Dawn de Adag and the hired help of the Yvonne household are summoned to Lumiose Castle immediately,” he announces.

Dawn’s eyes widen as Hania and Miette look at each other before Hania turns to Kenny with a suspicious look.

“I do not recognize your authority to take my daughter,” she says coldly.

“You misunderstand, Madame,” Kenny says unfazed with her accusation as he takes out a scroll. “This order comes from the king and the prince, not me. They signed this, this morning.”

Hania snatches the parchment from Kenny’s hand and analyses it carefully until she sees the signatures of King Jeriack and Prince Ashton. Miette reads it over her mother’s shoulder before turning to the captain.

“And why do you want our hired help?” She demands. “Who is going to serve our meals and complete the work?”

“Prince Ash thought you would ask,” Kenny says before turning to the second carriage and nodding to the driver. “That’s why he has given you some of the castle’s servants to care for you for the day with the prince’s compliments.”

Hania and Miette gasp in surprise as they see half a dozen men and women exit the second carriage and line up in front of the Baroness and her daughters.

“I think Ashton is doing this as a means to woo me,” Miette whispers in her mother’s ear. “He’s trying to earn forgiveness by lending us the hired help we will have together once he’s mine.”

Hania smirks mischievously as she silently agrees with her elder daughter.

“And how long does the king and prince require my youngest daughter and my help to be in their presence?” she asks.

“Just for the day, Madame,” Kenny answers plainly. “The prince was very specific. He desperately needed just one day with the people closest to your eldest apart from yourself for some special reason.”

With that, Hania’s smirk grows, fully sold.

“Well, if it is the prince’s command, then I shall fetch my help and once,” she says.

“Very good, madam. I shall be waiting,” Kenny says with a bow as he walks to the first carriage.

Dawn hesitates for a moment before she begins to follow Kenny until Hania grabs her shoulder.

“Be sure to keep your eyes on the task at hand, Dawn,” she whispers in Dawn’s ear. “You are not to speak to the captain unless formally spoken to. Is that understood?”

“Yes, mother,” Dawn lies before her mother lets go of her. As she makes her way to the large carriage, she turns around to make sure her mother is back inside before she turns to the captain confused.

“Kenny, what is going on?” she asks.

“I’m sorry, my lady, but I’ve been given strict orders not to say,” Kenny answers sincerely as he strokes her cheek affectionately. “I can only give you my word that all will be revealed at the castle.”

Dawn blushes lightly at the touch of Kenny’s hand and gives a small smile and nods in understanding.

“I missed you,” she says with her blue eyes glued to his black ones. “I know I saw you at the wedding, but even then it felt like an eternity since the ball.”

“And I missed you,” Kenny says with a sweet smile before he notices Entalmorfious, Helga and Kim heading their way. “But we’re gonna have to talk later. We must not delay.”

Without another word, Kenny opens the door to the carriage and takes out his hand. Dawn smiles and takes his hand before entering the carriage, followed by the three elder servants.

“Mistress, do you have any idea what is going on?” Kim asks Dawn. “I was only washing the dishes before your mother came and told us we were summoned by the king and the prince.”

“I’m afraid I haven’t the slightest idea,” Dawn answers.

“What I want to know is what’s the meaning about those royal servants over there,” Helga says. “One of them ordered me to tell him the location of very specific items. He said he was ordered by the prince himself to retrieve it.”

“What was it?” Dawn asks.

“I’m afraid he forbade me to tell you what it is in the name of the royal family,” Helga answers before she looks through the carriage window and points. “Look, there it is now.”

The four adults turn to see a royal servant exiting the manor holding a wooden chest. Kenny walks over to him with a serious look.

“Does that contain the items that was requested?” they hear him ask.

“Yes, sir,” the servant answers formally. “I looked inside to check. The items unmistakably match the description. You may see for yourself if you wish.”

Kenny opens the chest and searches through the chest to make sure everything is in there. Then he closes it and looks at the servant satisfied.

“Good work, Harrison,” he says. “And good luck handling those two. Remember that you will all be well compensated for your services.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” the servant named Harrison says with a bow before he goes back into the manor while Kenny carries the chest to the back of the carriage. The four passengers look at each other in even more confusion as Kenny gets off his horse and order the carriage driver to start moving.

After an hour of riding, the convoy makes its way to the castle grounds. The carriage stops in front of the front entrance to the castle itself and Kenny gets off his horse to let everyone out. Dawn exits the carriage last, and looks around her surroundings until she hears Entalmorfious say, “Clemont? Bonnie?” She turns around to indeed find the two blonde siblings walking toward them with a handful of soldiers escorting them.

“Entalmorfious, Helga, Kim, what are you guys doing here?” Bonnie asks before noticing that Dawn is here too. “Mistress de Adag, you’re here as well?”

“Just Dawn, thank you,” Dawn answers. “And where you two requested by the king and prince as well?”

“We were,” Clemont answers. “One of the soldiers came to our dad’s shop and handed a parchment signed by the king and prince saying we were personally summoned to come here, but we weren’t told why.”

Everyone looks at each just even more perplexed than before until Kenny clears his throat while holding the chest.

“The royal family is waiting for you all,” he says. “Please follow me.”

They all reluctantly follow the captain inside the castle. Bonnie, Clemont, Entalmorfious, Helga, and Kim look around in awe as they walk through the majestic halls while Kenny leads them to the throne room. When they enter, they find King Jeriack, Queen Delia, and Prince Ash sitting on their thrones with one particular person standing next to Ash.

“SERENA!!!” The group shouts before everyone but Dawn runs over to hug Serena. She smiles kindly as she hugs them back. Tears flow down Helga and Kim’s eyes as they hold on to the young woman tightly. Dawn smiles as she watches the reunion at a distance.

“It’s okay everyone, I’m alright,” Serena says softly.

“Are you sure?” Helga demands. “That Calem didn’t touch you, did he?”

“No, he didn’t,” Serena says assuringly. “In fact, none of us will be seeing him for a long time.”

“But how?” Entalmorfious asks. “How did you escape?”

“There will be time for that,” Serena says before she turns to Kenny. “Did you get it?”

“It’s all here, Your Highness,” Kenny assures as he opens the chest to reveal Serena’s mother’s dress and shoes inside.

“Wait a minute, why did you ask him to bring that for you?” Clemont asks.

“More importantly, why did he call you, ‘Your Highness?’” Bonnie demands with a childish pout.

Serena giggles at her young friend’s behavior as Ash stands up from his throne and takes Serena’s hand.

“We are happy to announce that we are getting married tonight at sundown,” he announces.

Everyone including Dawn looks at the couple in shock. Suddenly, their silence is completely broken with Helga and Kim screaming with joy as they tightly hug Serena again in a motherly way.

“Oh as surely as The Lord lives, child, I can’t believe it! It’s finally happening!” Helga weeps happily. “And you’re truly going to become a princess on top of it!”

“This is so exciting!” Bonnie squeals excitedly as she runs over to hug Serena again as well. “I’m so happy for you, Serena!”

“Thank you, everyone!” Serena says with a small smile. “But we have a lot of work to do to get ready. Helga, Kim, Bonnie, I need your help fixing up my dress and the royal tailor will need to take everyone’s measurements. All the nobility and our Demoth friends are coming and we want you all looking nice for our big day.”

“I’m going to wear a big pretty dress for your wedding? Yay!” Bonnie cheers excitedly before a thought enters her mind and she grins at Clemont. “Come to think about it, that also means Clemont gets a nice suit to attract all the noblewomen. Maybe one of them could become his wife!”

Clemont blushes furiously and shouts, “BONNIE!” making everyone laugh until Jeriack claps his hands for silence.

“Ladies, you have your assignments, so please get started. We have much to do and less time to do it,” he says.

Serena, Bonnie, Helga and Kim nod in acknowledgment before Serena turns to Ash and gives him a soft but meaningful kiss.

“I'll see you at the altar,” she says sweetly.

“I'll be there waiting for you,” Ash says as he strokes Serena’s cheek before she, Bonnie, Helga and Kim leave the room.

“Your Highness, is there anything I can do?” Clemont asks humbly.

“Yes, as a matter of fact,” Jeriack says. “We do require a painter for the wedding portrait, and since General Durbin is already assigned to officiate the ceremony, the bride has requested that you do it.”

Clemont’s eyes widen and he freezes in place.

“M-m-m-m-me?” He manages to say. “P-p-p-paint the royal wedding portrait.

Jeriack merely smirks, amused with Clemont’s reaction before turning to Entalmorfious.

“And seeing as the bride’s father is not here, you are to give her away at the ceremony,” he says.

Entalmorfious shakes uncontrollably and gets down on his knees in tears.

“Sire, you give me more honor than this simple, old man can put into words,” he weeps.

Dawn smiles at the moment before she frowns and approaches the royal family.

“Your Majesties, I fear I don't belong in this group,” she says humbly. “I have done nothing worthy to be in your presence much less take part in such a joyous occasion for your family and for Kalos.”

“My bride disagrees,” Ash says with a kind smile. “She has told me how you have been the kindest to her to the best of your ability considering the circumstances you are in. Plus, you are the one who helped me find Serena at the Xavier estate and for that, I am most thankful.”

Dawn smiles and bows as a way of saying “thank you” before Jeriack clears his throat.

“That being said, my son and his fiancee have been telling us some of the things that your family has been up to,” he says firmly. “So if you have anything to confess to fill in the blanks on what your mother and sister have been up to, now is the time. Anything you say will be kept a secret until the proper time where we will reveal to them that we know of their crimes.”

Dawn gulps nervously unsure of whether or not to say anything after keeping her mouth relatively shut for so many years. Suddenly, Kenny walks over to her and put his hand on her shoulder for support and Entalmorfious gives her a supportive look to back Kenny up. With that, Dawn takes a deep breath and tells the royal family everything. From the moment Serena’s father died, to all of her mother’s dealing with Evitimus, to when Hania and Miette decided to sell Serena to Calem, knowing full well of his lecherous desires for her. By the time she finished her confession, she felt like a giant weight that she didn't know she had  in her chest has finally left her. Jeriack listens to her with a disturbed look on his face while Ash looks grim and Delia is on the verge of tears. Without a word, the queen stands up from her throne and walks away, trying to control her emotions while Jeriack sighs.

“Thank you, child,” he says. “I appreciate that you have cleared everything for us.”

“So do I,” Ash says with a serious frown. “I can't believe that the Baroness and Miette would do all of that to her.”

“None of us could, Sire,” Entalmorfious says sadly. “It was a miracle that Serena managed to have such high spirits despite the circumstances. Frankly, I think she only did so for us hired help as we were the only thing that she had left of a real family after her father died. Or at least I think I can say that seeing as she did go out of her way to save an old man like me and bring me back to my dear wife.”

Ash nods, remembering the day Serena came to the castle grounds to save Entalmorfious. Still, Ash deeply wishes that there is something more he can do for his fiancee to try to make up for the misery the wonderful woman went through long before she met him. After a moment, his eyes light up.

“I got it,” he says before he starts running out of the room.

“Ash, where are you going?” Jeriack asks. “You’re going to be needed by the tailor soon!”

“Tell him to meet me at the castle library, father,” Ash calls out. “I have something I need to collect there.”

Jeriack stares at Ash in disbelief. Then he smiles, touched to hear his stepson call him “father” and shakes his head chuckling.

“Ah, that boy,” he says before turning to Entalmorfious. “You cannot imagine how unpredictable he can be at times.”

“I fear I must disagree with you, Your Highness,” Entalmorfious says with a smile. “I myself am a father of a boy and two girls. I have many stories of how each one has their moments that drive a man crazy.”

Jeriack smirks as he stands up from his throne and puts his hand on Entalmorfious’ shoulder as they walk out of the room followed by Dawn and Clemont.

“Then, by all means, share me some as we prepare for the union of our children,” Jeriack says.


Meanwhile, on the other side of the castle, Serena, Bonnie, Helga, and Kim are preparing for Serena’s big day at her guest room. After the royal tailor came to quickly get Bonnie, Helga and Kim’s measurements for their dresses, Serena starts telling them what happened after she was sold to Calem while Helga and Kim fix her mother's dress. The two elder woman and the young girl quivered in fear when she told them what it was like to be a servant in Calem’s house with his constant advances and what he had in the east wing, but they were most amused when she got to tell them about her duel with her cruel, lecherous ex-friend. Bonnie in particular grins in amusement when Serena says she bested Calem and impaled his hand on the table.

“I think you're enjoying this tale way too much, child,” Kim says with a concerned tone.

“What can I say? I just love a good story of action and evil getting what it deserves,” Bonnie says with an uncaring shrug. “So then what did you do, Serena?”

“I made Calem unlock my chains with his free hand,” Serena answers earning pleased grins from her friends. “And he mocked me, saying that Ash should have been married to the princess by then. I was horrified at the idea as I ran away and finally left the horrible place, but that’s when Ash came and apologized to me. Oh, it made my heart melt the first time he called me by my real name. Then he took out my ribbon and wrapped it around my wrist as he asked me to marry him.”

“Awwwww, that’s so romantic!” Bonnie coos.

“It really was,” Serena says putting her hands on her heart. “I broke down in tears of joy before I nodded yes and we kissed happily.”

“Oh, I wish I was there to see it,” Helga says happily before she smirks. “But not as much as I wish your father was there to see you best that lecherous boy. He would have been proud of you to no end, mark my words.”

Serena merely smiles and giggles lightly at Helga’s comment. After a moment, the two elder sisters finish stitching up the dress and give it to Serena who goes to the room divider to put it on. When she walks out wearing her mother’s dress and shoes, Helga and Kim gasp softly and hold each other as they begin to cry tears of joy. Bonnie giggles in excitement much to Serena’s amusement before a knock on the door breaks the moment.

“Come in,” Serena says.

The door opens to reveal Delia entering the room with a sad yet somewhat collected look on her face. Serena, Bonnie, Helga, and Kim look at each other, concerned with the queen’s expression before she clears her throat.

“Ladies, may I have a moment with the bride?” She asks politely.

“Uh, yes, of course, Your Highness,” Helga says with a respectable bow as she, Kim and Bonnie quietly leave the room.

For a moment, silence fills the area between them making Serena uneasy.

“Uh, Your Highness, is something wro -” She begins to ask before Delia runs over and pulls Serena into a tight motherly hug. She stands there taken aback as Delia being to cry.

“I’m so sorry,” she sobs. “I'm so sorry that you were treated that way. To think that, that despicable, manipulative hag was the closest thing you've ever had to a mother. I wish there was a way I could have known that I was being tricked by her and that wicked daughter of hers.”

The queen continues to cry and Serena smiles kindly as she hugs her back.

“It’s alright,” she says softly. “My stepmother and Miette are nothing if not cunning, Your Highness.”

“No, not ‘Your Highness,’” Delia says as she stops crying and breaks the hug to give Serena a firm look. “Call me ‘mother.’”

Serena looks at the queen in shock. It feels like all time has stood still at the commanding sound of those three words.

“W...w...what?” She manages to say.

“Call me ‘mother,’” Delia repeats. “I can't make up for the time you've grown up without your real mother, but I promise to be the one you've always wanted. From now on, you shall soon forget who Hania de Adag is and what she has done to you because I'm your mother now.”

Serena stands still as Delia’s words ring in her ear. Then her eyes begin to water and she cries uncontrollably as she hugs Delia tightly.

“M-m-mother!” she cries.

“There, there, my darling, it’s going to be alright,” Delia says soothingly as she hugs Serena back and strokes her head in a motherly way.

As the two of them hold each other, Helga, Kim and Bonnie overhear from the other side of the door and smile for their dear friend.


After a few hours of preparation, the nobility and the Demoth arrive and take their places in the castle’s main hall with the nobility standing on the left side and the Demoth standing on the right side. At the center of the hall lies a long white carpet leading all the way to where Timothy is standing above a wooden arc and holding a bible with Coovers standing next to him.

“You know, you've had your bible with you for what will be eighteen weddings now and never once did you really need it when officiating the ceremony,” Coovers states.

“I know,” Timothy says with a shrug. “I just like to have it around when I'm marrying people. This is doing something that The Lord intended from the beginning after all.”

Coovers rolls his eyes and smirks at his old friend as Ash walks in and takes his place on the right side of the stage.

“Nervous, Ash?” Coovers asks.

“Not on your life,” Ash says sincerely. “If anything, I'm eager for the sun to fully set.”

The two Varpathion officers nod in understanding as the crowd settles in and Jeriack and Delia sit on their thrones. Finally, as everyone watches the sun fully set through the glass windows, the minstrels begin to play their wedding music.

First, Kenny and Dawn walk down the aisle and stand on opposite sides of the stage. They are followed by Bonnie wearing her new dress as she spreads flowers all over the white carpet, giggling as she walks. Finally, Serena comes in holding Entalmorfious’ arm. The crowd and especially Ash gaze in awe as she walks down the aisle wearing her mother’s dress and slippers. Through her large veil covering her face, people can see her proudly wear her plain, blue ribbon around her neck. Everyone smiles warmly at the sight including Damlier, Marialier, and Monica before they notice the fourth member of their family acting differently.

“Maulinlier, are you crying?” Monica asks her husband.

Maulinlier struggles to keep his emotions together as tears inevitably run down his face.

“S-she looks so beautiful and pure,” he chokes. “And it's so touching that she's wearing the ribbon I gave Ash.”

Damlier and Marialier chuckle lightly at their son’s behavior while Monica smiles and pecks him on the cheek. Finally, Serena and Entalmorfious make it to the end and Entlamorfious lifts the veil from Serena’s face. She gives him a soft kiss on the cheek before he walks over to where Helga, Kim, Clemont, and Bonnie are. Ash and Serena hold both of each other’s hands while the music ends and Timothy clears his throat.

“Dearly beloved,” he begins. “We are gathered here today to unite this man and this woman in the bonds of holy matrimony.”

Ash and Serena smile brightly at each other as Timothy continues.

“Therefore, is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this, Ash and Serena have come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together, let them speak now or forever hold their peace.”

Silence fills the room for a moment before Timothy continues.

“Very well,” he starts before turning to Ash. “Ashton Satoshi Kazuhiko da Ketchum, will you take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife, to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part? If so, then say ‘I will.’”

“I will,” Ash says giving his bride a toothy grin as Timothy turns to Serena.

“Serena Hope Judith de Yvonne, will you take this man to be your lawful wedded husband to have and to hold, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you part? If so then say, ‘I will.’”

Serena smiles brightly and lets out a dreamy sigh as she says, “I will.”

Timothy smiles and turns to Coovers.

“May we have the rings?” he asks.

Coovers nods and takes out two golden bands from his pocket. He gives one to Ash first who puts it on Serena’s finger and then the other to Serena who puts it on Ash’s hand before Timothy speaks again.

“By the power vested in me as general to His Highness, King Markenal of Varpathion, it is my privilege and my honor to pronounce you husband and wife, and what The Lord has brought together let no man tear apart,” Timothy announces before turning to Ash with a smirk and says, “And now, young prince, it is time for you to do the holiest thing you will ever do in your entire life: kiss your bride.”

  Everyone chuckles for a moment before Ash and Serena each take a step closer to each other and happily press their lips together. Everyone applause and cheers at this moment and even Monica begins to cry tears of joy with Maulinlier as the newlyweds wrap their arms around each other to deepen their very first kiss as husband and wife. When they part, they stare lovingly into each other’s eyes as Timothy begins to speak again.

“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor to present to you Ash and Serena de Ketchum,” He declares.  

They crowd happily cheers again as Jeriack and Delia approach them, each carrying a crown lying on a purple pillow. Without a word, Ash bows his head as his stepfather puts on his crown. Then Delia gives Serena a motherly look before the latter bows her head and the queen puts a crown on it.

“Now come the days of Serena Hope Judith de Ketchum, princess of Kalos,” Delia announces proudly as she places her hand on Serena’s shoulder. “May The Lord bless them.”

At those words, the crowd cheers louder than before. Bonnie jumps up and down excitedly as she cheers for her friend while Helga and Kim cry on both of Entalmorfious’ shoulders. Marialier, Monica and the other Demoth women let out ear piercing yells that everyone who isn’t a Demoth is taken aback to but accepted it, figuring it is something that’s in their culture. Timothy and Coovers smile and shake hands before joining the applause until Jeriack steps in.

“And now, let us proceed to the ballroom and we shall dance, eat, drink and be merry!” He roars with everyone cheering in agreement.


The sounds of music and endless joy can be heard through every corner of Lumiose Castle. At the ballroom, people eat, drink, dance and say their congratulations to the newlyweds. Serena is overwhelmed by the exuberance filling the hall for her happiness. Noticing this, Ash puts his hand on top of his wife’s and gives her a toothy grin that makes her giggle before they peck each other's lips.

At the dance floor, Marialier and Damlier, Maulinlier and Monica, Dawn and Kenny and even Jeriack and Delia dance together. Bonnie manages to get Clemont to dance with a brown-haired noblewoman named Countess Lilia de Organiques, much to her poor brother’s bashfulness. Eventually, Ash and Serena are brought to the fireplace where Clemont paints their wedding portrait. After that, the newlyweds are brought to the center of the ballroom where everyone surrounds them in a circle and the minstrels begin to play a sweet and soft song. Ash and Serena stare lovingly into each other's eyes as they slowly dance and the lead minstrel begins to sing.


Dream by night,
wish by day
Love begins this way.
Lovin' starts
when open hearts
touch and stay.

Sleep for now,
dreamings how
lovers' lives are planned.
Future songs and flying dreams,
hand in hand.

Love it seems
made flying dreams,
so hearts could soar.
Heaven sent
these dreams were meant
to prove once more,
that love is the key.
Love is the key.

You and I
touch the sky
the eagle and the dove.
we keep our sails
filled with love.

And love it seems
made flying dreams
to bring you home to me.

Love it seems
made flying dreams,
so hearts could soar.
Heaven sent
these dreams were meant,
to prove once more
That love is the key.
Love is the key.

You and I
touch the sky
the eagle and the dove.
we keep our sails
filled with love

And love it seems
made flying dreams
to bring you home to me.

Ever strong
our future song
to sing it must be free.

And every part
is from the heart
and love is still the key.

And love it seems
made flying dreams
to bring you home to me.

When the minstrels conclude their song,  Ash and Serena stop dancing and softly kiss while everyone applauds again. Then people begin to join the dance floor again while the bride and groom talk to friends and guests. Eventually, Serena finds her way to Timothy and Coovers who are stuffing their faces with food.

“You guys better slow down,” she says with a smile as she walks over to them. “You could choke eating like that.”

“You might want to prepare yourself for seeing your hubby eat like us,” Coovers says with a smirk. “He is a pretty big eater himself.”

“It’s true,” Timothy concurs. “Speaking of which, how does it feel to be married and to be a princess?”

“I think it's too soon to say with the idea of being a princess,” Serena answers honestly. “But being married to Ash is the greatest feeling in the world.”

“Delighted to hear it, Your Highness,” Coovers says with a smirk.

“Oh please, Coovers, there's no need for formalities. We're friends,” Serena says.

“I know, but it suits you,” Coovers says. “You really belong to the royal family.”

Serena smiles sweetly at the compliment while Timothy realizes something.

“Speaking of royalty, this means you made a move on the Kalos princess even though there originally wasn't one,” he says. “So…”

Coovers stares at Timothy for a moment until he puts the pieces together in his mind and gasps.

“Oh no,” he says.

“Oh yes,” Timothy says with a grin. “You've officially flirted witg every princess in the eight kingdoms.”

“NO!” Coovers cries out dramatically making both Timothy and Serena laugh. “You did this on purpose!”

“I did no such thing,” Timothy says with a smirk.

“Yes you did,” Coovers growls childishly. “You wanted them to get married just so you could humiliate me!”

“That’s quite the claim,” Timothy says in a matter-of-factually tone. “But how can you prove it when you are the one who decided to make a move on a woman swimming in the middle of a lake? For that matter, you made a move on Miette too. So if she got her way, you still made a move on the princess of Kalos.”

“Hogwash!” Coovers rebukes childishly. “You wanted her princess ever since the lake just to humiliate me.”

“I did not,” Timothy says plainly.

“You did too,” Coovers growls.

“I did not.”

“You did too.”

“I totally did not.”

“You so did too.”

“I obviously did not.”

“You clearly did too!”

Serena laughs even harder as the two Varpathion officers continue to argue like brothers. Suddenly, she feels a hand on her shoulder and she stops laughing and turns around to see Ash.

“Excuse me, gentleman, but I need to borrow my wife for a moment,” He announces.

Timothy and Coovers don't answer as they’re clearly lost in their bickering. Ash and Serena snicker at the two older men before Ash takes Serena’s hand and quietly leads her out of the ballroom much to her confusion.

“Ash, where are we going?” She asks.

“To show you your wedding present,” Ash answers as he leads Serena down the hall. “I had planned to do this later, but I can't wait any longer.”

Serena looks at her husband in confusion as she follows him to a large door. Ash opens the door and politely gestures his bride to look inside. Serena hesitates before she enters and gasps loudly. She stands in shock with her hands covering her mouth as she realizes Ash took her to the castle library. She walks further to see the entire place is two levels high with bookcases filled with books of various sizes. Ash walks behind her, amused with her reaction before she turns around and kisses him sweetly.

“Oh, thank you, Ash,” she says happily. “This is a wonderful present!”

“Actually, the library isn't the present,” Ash says with a smirk making his wife look at him in confusion. “It’s under that sheet on that book stand.”

Serena turns to see the book stand he’s talking about. On top of it is a book-shaped object covered by a white sheet. Serena curiously walks over it and removes the sheet only to drop it and take a step back as she covers her mouth once more. Lying on the book stand is a large book that reads Utopia. Serena turns to Ash who walks over to her with a soft but sweet smile.

“Dawn told me what Miette did to your copy,” he says. “It angered me so much that I wanted to do something to make you feel better even if it was impossible. But then I remembered how we have more than one copy of many books here including books my tutors had me read like Utopia, so I looked around and found the least used copy I could find here to give it to you. I plan to have it brought to our room where you can read it every night.”

“I-it’s so big,” Serena says with her eyes starting to water.

“Which means it’s big enough for two people to read it together,” Ash says as he puts his arms on Serena’s waist. “And perhaps that same two people will read it to their children so that they will grow to be as wise as their beautiful, loving mother.”

At that those words, Serena can’t take it anymore. She burst into tears as she feels like her heart has completely melted by the kindness of her husband.

“W-w-why do you have to be so wonderful?” She sobs.

“Because it's the only way I feel worthy of your presence, much less have you as my wife for the rest of our lives,” Ash says softly.

Serena smiles with tears in her eyes as she wraps her arms around Ash and pulls him in the most heartfelt kiss she has ever given him yet. Ash doesn’t hesitate to kiss her back as he wraps his arms around her. The two continue to kiss until they couldn't keep going due to lack of air and stare at each other with their eyes full of love. They hold each other close as Serena rests her head on Ash’s shoulder, feeling blissful beyond expression.

“We’ll need to head back soon,” Ash says.

“Yeah,” Serena says. “Or we could just stay here together alone with our book.”

“Sounds wonderful,” Ash says before he whispers into Serena’s ear, “Just like you, my ardent princess.”

Serena smiles and moves her head back to stare at Ash before they lean into another kiss.

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