Save My Day (boyxboy)

By sallyscissor

4.1M 135K 37.2K

Damon Jacobs is new to the Hollywood scene. His bad boy attitude and sexy British accent make this up-and-com... More

1 Slash Sites
2 MMMBop
3 Hangover Remedies
4 Think About That
5 Which Time
6 No Waiting Period
7 Rescheduling
8 Jeffery
9 Mine is Yours
10 Our Wedding
11 Back of My Mind
12 His Body Weight
13 The Greenroom
14 Mutual Feelings
15 You Won't Mind
16 Getting Closer
17 You Wouldn't
18 Never Apart
19 Bromance
20 I Love You
21 Don't Call Me That
22 Caught In Time
24 Boo Boo
25 Positive
26 Moms
27 Happy Birthday!
28 Tommy Parker
29 Noise Decibles
30 Orange Chicken and Lo Mein
31 Don't!
32 Home
33 You're Fired
34 Objection
35 Friends
36 Christopher Ashton
37 Damon Jacobs
38 Relevance
39 Paris
40 Perfect

23 You Saved Me

99.8K 3.2K 911
By sallyscissor

We stop just as we make it to the door of the waiting vehicle. “Alright,” Toph says to our attractive new photographer, “I want everything recorded. His reactions to everything. Our interactions. Everything.” Then he turns to me, “And you,” he kisses my nose, “have to pretend Evan isn’t here. We can invite him and his husband out to dinner another night if you want to become friends, but today he has a job to do.”

“I would actually really like to ask them out to dinner sometime,” I pout up at him.

He smirks, “I knew you would. That’s why people love you so much. You’re a genuinely nice person. I don’t know where the media got your bad boy image.”

“I can be bad,” I point out with a hitched brow. Then realize something important and turn to our photographer, “Oh my gosh, I didn’t even ask you your husband’s name. I apologize.”

“No, it’s fine. His name is Walter,” he nods before turning to Toph. “I’m ready when you are.”

Gaining my attention, Toph opens the door for me and gestures inside. He climbs in after I do and shuts the door behind him. We wait a few moments and watch as Evan takes a few photos of the outside of the limo before climbing in and taking a seat opposite of us. At that point, I pretty much just ignore him all together.

As we take off, my husband grabs my hand and intertwines our fingers, “Would you like some champagne?”

“You really did go all out, yeah?”

His half smile is adorable, “Only for you.” As he says it, he leans toward the bucket of ice and glasses. He brings the bottle over to us and lets my hand go to open it.

Needless to say, with Topher’s clumsiness, a pop cork, and a small space, my eye is missed by a very small margin.

After he gets it poured and we’re out of danger’s way, he lifts his glass to me, “This is to you, Damian. You mean more to me than I could explain in some silly speech in the back of a limo. But I want you to know, you are the single most important person in my life and I’m proud to call you my husband.”

I feel lame when I say, “You mean the world to me.” In all reality, he does, but it sounds so silly in comparison. I’ve never been great with words.

We aren’t in the limo long before Topher insist that I put on a blindfold. It’s really unnecessary in my opinion since eventually I’m going to know where we are, but he doesn’t want to ruin the surprise. I play along for his sake.

“Okay,” he’s right next to my ear and the vibration of his voice sends a shiver down my spine. “When I take this off, keep your eyes closed until I tell you to open, okay?”

“Yeah, yeah,” I chuckle to hide how much he’s affecting me. “Let’s do this.”

I feel the cloth slip from my face, but keep my eyes closed as he says.

“Okay, open them,” he shouts clearly further away from me.

Peeking open, I have to blink a few times to get the stinging for the bright lighting. But as soon as I clear my vision, I see my husband holding a CD case standing in front of a counter. It takes me a second longer to realize that the counter he’s standing in front of belongs to a spa. That’s when my jaw drops.

“We’re at a spa,” I state as though he doesn’t know.

He nods as his smile increases, “Yep and we are going to have a little pampering. This,” he holds out the small case, “is a mix of songs that I made for us to listen to while the make us feel good. I noticed the one you made while we ate this morning and I have to say, we’re best friends for a reason. It’s almost identical to this.”

We both chuckle a little as he hands the CD to the lady behind the counter. He holds his hand out for me to take, “Let’s go get changed. I’ll help you,” he winks with the last comment.

Shaking my head, I take his hand and let him lead me.

We end up in a locker room where there is two robes hanging. They both say ‘Mr. Ashton’ on the left breast; which makes me smile.

“Do we get naked?” I ask with a raised eyebrow toward my husband.

He nods simply as he starts to undress, “Haven’t you done this before?”

“I’ve never been to a spa,” I admit with a shrug.

He chuckles, “I should have known.”

I’m not as uncomfortable getting undressed with Christopher anymore. I know it’s only been a few days, but I kind of realized that he’s my best friend and my husband. If there is any one person that I shouldn’t be insecure around, it would be him.


Relaxation is the epitome of how I feel. I’m lying face down on a message table, getting the best kneading ever to exist, a few feet away from my husband. And though our tables are a few feet apart our hands are joined between them; forcing our masseuses to stand on the outsides of us.

“How you feeling, babe?” I hear Chris’ voice and feel his hand slightly tighten on mine, but, since my face is pressed into this circular cushion, I can’t see him.

I started to feel a tingling in my fingers a while back, but I don’t really mind. I really don’t want to let go of his hand.

Taking my time, I answer honestly, “Amazing.”

“After this we were going to get facials, but I think our breakfast threw off the schedule.”

I can’t help the smile that bubbles up, “What does that mean? Are we still getting them?”

“I don’t think we have time,” he admits.

“That’s fine,” I tell him, because it is.

“Good because we have more to do today.”

“Can I know what yet?”

“Nope,” he chuckles as he gently squeezes my hand again.


The day continues as we soak up every ounce of each other. After the spa, he takes me to see ‘The Lion King’ on Broadway. It’s the best show I’ve seen. The dancing is amazing, the singing is beautiful and the entire performance is just all together magical. I’ve always loved live theatre.

When the show ends we opt to walk instead of taking the limo. Evan met us outside the theatre since he didn’t accompany us to the show and follows quietly behind us. Or walks backwards in front of us. Or crab-walks beside us. All in the name of art.

The best thing about New York City is that everyone is so busy with their own lives that no one notices – or cares – when a celebrity passes them by. Of course, there is the occasional prolonged stare, but no one stops us to chat.

We walk a while chatting, laughing, and huddled together. I’m still not allowed to know where the next surprise lies and although it’s a chilly winter early evening, we’re wrapped in thick coats and knit beanies. Plus each other’s body heat helps a bit.

As we continue to walk, a light snow starts to fall around us. If I had to bet, I would say the weather today is making Evan’s job a little easier. It’s pretty to me; I can only imagine what it looks like in an artist’s point of view.

It’s not long at all before we approach Central Park; the light layers of white making it look like something out of the movies.

“What are we doing here?” I look up from where I’ve rested my head on my husband’s shoulder.

His wicked smirk is a little torturous, “You’ll see.”

“You are so cryptic,” I accuse, replacing my head and huddling a little closer as we continue to walk. “Can’t you tell me anything?”

“It would ruin the surprise.”

Chuckling, I lift my head again, but stay in the same proximity, “It’s only a surprise for half a second. And, we’re walking to it. It’s not like I won’t see it before we get there.”

He shakes his head, his smile not ceasing as he keeps his gaze straight ahead, “I like to see your faces.”

“Mm,” I consent before turning back to where we’re headed.

The only way to describe our conversations is banter. That’s probably the best part of the whole relationship. Before everything, we can be ourselves and laugh at each other. To have your best mate as your other half is like the old expression ‘having your cake and eating it too’. Christopher is my cake.

Our destination turns out to be The Wollman Rink. I never would have guessed we were going ice skating. Luckily for me, ice skating turns out to be a lot like riding a bike in the aspect that it’s easy to pick back up. It’s been ages since I’ve actually done it. Unluckily for my husband, he doesn’t have such grace. He says he’s done it before, but there are a few times that I have to catch him before he bites it completely.

I have to say though, it’s the best time I’ve had on the ice – we both cracked up the entire time. Even once Toph got his sea legs, it was hilarious to watch him. He did that little hobble that kids do when they first learn; shifting their feet back and forth.


“Alright, last stop of the night,” Chris announces as we hop back into the limo after our skating session. “Hope you’re hungry.”

Sighing gratefully, I lean back against the seat, “Thank goodness. I’m starved. Where are we going?”

He arches an eyebrow at me, “Really?”

“Oi, not this again!” I roll my eyes and let my head fall back. Suddenly, my husband starts laughing hysterically. I hear Evan’s camera start clicking and look over to see him turning it in all different directions as he captures the moment. When I turn back to the mad man by my side, all I can do is hitch an eyebrow. What the hell is he on? “Are you alright, love?” I ask when he calms down a bit.

“You went really British for a second there,” he says as he holds his stomach in his hands. “That was awesome.”

Still a little dumbfounded, I just tilt my head, “I am British.”

“Oi,” he mocks as he wipes a hand under his eyes.

Choosing to ignore his banter, I let a smirk slip onto my face – mainly because he’s rather attractive when he laughs – and ask, “Are you going to tell me where we’re eating or not?”

“I wasn’t going to,” he chuckles lightly, regaining his poise, “but how can I resist now?”

“So?” I prompt after a few seconds of silence.

“Lombardi’s, of course.”


When we walk into the small restaurant, it’s completely empty and darker than usual. The only thing I can see in particular is a booth in the back with a candle lit, fancy place settings, and an empty champagne bucket. I give Topher a knowing look, but he just smiles and shrugs as he walks to the only lit table. We sit down quietly on either side for a very short time before Tony appears in a nice looking button down shirt and pressed trousers.

“Good evening, gentlemen,” he starts with a smile. It sounds like he’s trying to be astute, but his ‘Jersey accent’ is really throwing it off. “Welcome to Lombardi’s. I’ve brought yous a complimentary bottle of champagne for yous to start off with. Will you need a minute to look at our menu or can I get your order now?”

“Hey Tony,” Chris greets before looking at me and raising an eyebrow. “You want the usual?”

I just nod at a loss for words.

After that, Tony leaves the bottle in the bucket and walks away.

“What is all this?” I ask my husband once we’re alone again.

“I rented it out or a few hours.” He smiles, but raises a hand to stop me from talking, “Don’t worry. He won’t lose any money on this.” Sometimes it shocks me how well Chris knows me. “Did you bring your gift?”

Nodding, I pat the pocket of my coat that’s sitting next to me on the bench seat, “Right here.”

“Good,” his stare never leaves my eyes, “we’ll do that after we eat.”

Dinner is fantastic as usual. Conversation is amazing as ever. It appears we can’t ever talk without laughing about something. And it still baffles me that we never run out of thing to say to each other. He is decidedly my other half.

Tony brings a large piece of Tiramisu for us to share when we’re done with the pizza.

“How do you want to do this gift thing?” Toph asks me after he chews his bite of dessert.

Shrugging, I swallow my own bite, “I got you two things. I figured I’d just hand them to you. Isn’t that how presents work?”

He chuckles lightly, “I got you two things as well.”

“Then why don’t we just take turns?”

“Mine go together.”

“You’re a pain in the arse,” I tell him with a smirk. “Then you can open one of mine. I’ll open both of yours. Then you can open the last one.”

“Deal,” he nods as he grabs his coat.

We both fish out our gifts and pass them to one another. I’m actually really nervous for him to open his. What if he doesn’t like them? What if I overstepped a boundary?

“Which do you want me to open first?” He looks down at the two small boxes in front of him with eyes lit up.

I should have guessed he would be like a kid on Christmas.

“The larger one first I think,” I tell him that one because I’m the most anxious about it. As he starts to unwrap, my nerves get the best of me, “I’m not great with gifts and I’m shit with words, but I hope you like it.”

Once he gets it from isn’t packaging, he holds it up to look at it without any expression, “This is my father’s watch.” He says it as a statement.

“Yea,” I scratch the back of my neck as he switches his gaze to me. “You were really upset when you broke it on set last year. I saw it in the dresser when I was unpacking this week – well last week now – and I thought I could get it fixed for you. I got the battery changed too so it would work longer.”

He doesn’t say anything as he looks back at the watch in his hand, turning it at different angles to get a good look.

“Did I over step my boundaries?” There’s a bigger knot settling in the pit of my stomach with each passing second.

At that, he snaps his head to look up at me water lining his pretty blue eyes. He lets out a shaky breath and blinks letting the tears steam down his face.

A lump forms in my throat at the sight and I feel like the world’s biggest idiot, “I’m so sorry. I’ll put it back. I shouldn’t have-”

Before I can finish the sentence, Topher is at my side of the table and his lips are on mine. The kiss feels desperate and needy, but loving; like he’s trying to tell me everything at once. It takes me a few seconds of this intense touching to realize that I’m sitting facing him and he’s straddled my lap. His hands hold onto my jawline holding me in place as mine reside on his hips.

He pulls away slightly to put his forehead against mine, eyes still closed, “That’s the best thing anyone’s ever done for me.”

“You like it?” I back away a bit to see his face, lifting his chin with my fingers.

He nods at me with a watery smile, “More than I could tell you.”

“Good,” I breathe a sigh of relief. “I was worried.”

He shakes his head slightly before curling into me and laying it on my chest, “Anything you get me I’ll love, but you’ll have a really hard time topping that.”

“Oh great,” I chuckle running my hands up and down his back, “only a week in and I’ve already used my best game. Maybe I should have thought that one through a little more. How am I going to impress you the next fifty years?”

I feel him laugh against me, “Fifty years is a long time.”

“Yea, I would hate to be the one that had to keep their end of a bet for that long.” Smiling, I kiss the top of his head before pulling him away from me, “We have more presents to open.”

“I don’t need anything else,” he shrugs.

“What? I don’t get mine now?”

He chuckles again before getting up and walking back to his side of the table, “Mines nothing close to as good as yours.”

“You gave me a whole day of stuff. I don’t really need anything.”

He hands me a small back, about the same size as his watch box, “They’re both inside here. It’s a double present.”

I unwrap the small box to find a jewelry box inside. Once I open that, I see two rings – the one that I’ve been wearing that belonged to his ancestors and a newer contemporary wedding band that looked a lot more like something I would wear. Confused, I raise an eyebrow at him.

His signature smirk is back, “I know you like wearing my grandfather’s ring and you still can. I got it sized for you like I said I was going to, but I got you a ring that represents my love for you. I think it’s sweet that my family has passed those down for so long, but I don’t want you wear someone else’s wedding ring. I want you to wear a ring that I got especially for you. Something that represents our life together and all the memories there are to come. We’ll keep my family’s rings as a symbol of my past – you can put it on a different finger, but you’re not my past. You’re my right now; you’re my forever.”

A laugh slips from my mouth without my consent. I cover it quickly, but I honestly can’t hide the smile that almost breaking my face.

“What?” Toph asks a little dumbfounded, “Too cheesy?”

I shake my head ‘no’ and point to the last wrapped gift, “Open the last one.”

“Tell me why you’re laughing,” he arches a brow with a serious look on his face. “Do you not like it?”

“No, I love it,” I admit and continue to point at the other present, “Just open it, yea?”

He opens it quickly with a grumpy look on his face until he sees what it is. When he sees it his smile returns, “You got me a ring?”

I start laughing again when he does, “You saved me from making the speech that goes with it.”

At that point, we both lose it. I guess that’s the real trouble with being with your best friend; thinking too much alike.

Regaining our composure, I reach across the table and take the ring I bought him out of the packaging. Standing up, I walk over to him and pull him out of the booth. Once he’s standing, I take the old ring off, drop to one knee, and look up into his eyes, “Christopher Lee David Ashton, at first I was terrified of what loving you meant. Then I realized there isn’t a more perfect person in the world for me. I love you with all my heart and can’t wait for the next fifty plus years for you to continue to win this ongoing bet.” Then, I slip the new ring into place and kiss his knuckles.

He pulls me up to my feet to kiss me quickly before he turns to grab the ring he bought me off the table. Turning back, he looks straight into my eyes and starts his own small speech, “I’m not going to get on my knee because I’ve already done it once and I don’t want to over-do it. But I will say, from the moment we officially met I knew I wanted you in my life. I didn’t know how much at the time, but now I wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you Damian Jacob Ashton more than anyone has ever loved another person.”

As he finishes, he slips my new ring into place and kisses me hard.

I’ve never been so happy in my life. I’ve had a pretty decent life – not counting my father – and I’ve always been pretty optimistic. Or so I would like to think. But right now, at this moment, I’ve never been so excited to dive head first into the future. I love him and that’s never going to change.


Can I get an AWWWWW!

Missed you guys! Really trying to get time to write (much less post). It's hard being an adult. Did you know... that when you graduate... you don't get summers off anymore!?!?!    :O     I KNOW, RIGHT?

I'm still a kid at heart.

This was all fluff. Story resumes with less puking rainbows in the next chapter. See you soon!

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