Scintilla | ᴏɴᴇ sʜᴏᴛs

By seopresso

1.1K 26 0

an anthology of kpop oneshots - fluff, smut and angst. requests are open, though delayed. More

002 - just your attention | j.jk
003 - one last time | j.jk
004 - adulterous | j.jh
005 - face your feelings |
006 - the idiot's guide to unhook a bra | [i]
007 - the idiot's guide to unhook a bra | [ii]

001 - pounds & dollars | j.jk

176 5 0
By seopresso

alternatively called 101 Dalmatians or Me?

pairing :: jeon jungkook × reader

summary :: it's your birthday and you are certain that your boyfriend has forgotten; but has he?


enre :: fluff, drabble, slice of life!au

word count :: 2.6k words. (does this still count as a drabble? i swear this started off as one.)

ote :: that puppy interview inspired me, and this gif. i cannot handle this cuteness.

YOU STORM INTO YOUR WORKPLACE, angrily, throwing your designer bag into your desk and plopping down on the chair before your work desk.

It was your twenty-fourth birthday and no one around you seemed to have remembered that important fact. Not even your boyfriend, Jeon Jungkook and that was what frustrated you furthermore.

Jungkook turns in the bed you both shared earlier that morning, and pecking your lips as soon as he woke up, he wishes you, "Good morning, baby." You smile happily then, waiting eagerly for him to wish you. However, you are disappointed. He still had shown no sign of remembering the importance of the day.

Your boyfriend is a sleaze. A cute sleaze that you loved a bit too much that you could probably never part with, nonetheless. Jungkook merely climbs on top of you today morning, right after the peck. He lowers his head to capture your mouth and you kiss him back only for a minute, giving into his demands.

"Jungkook-ah," you whine lowly against his lips. He hums as he slowly moves towards your neck, peppering kisses against your neck. He latches onto your skin and a whimpered moan is released from your mouth as you grip onto his sides.

"Get off," you order and Jungkook is shocked, needless to say at your words. He lifts himself up slightly, and while he supports his entire weight on his two strong arms as his hands were planted on either side next to your face, he looks at you betrayed. Exactly what I feel, lover boy, you think.

"Is everything alright?" Jungkook asks, worried. This entire situation was nothing new to Jungkook. He was familiar with this and your random mood swings and therefore, it was quite normal for him to presume you began menstruating that morning.

"No," you glare at your poor boyfriend who looked at you like a lost puppy. "Now, move." Jungkook shifts to your side and rests beside you, glancing at you worriedly. He did not quite understand why you were acting annoyed today. However, he listens to you to prevent angering you further. He watches you get up slowly, and walk away slowly. It almost seemed to Jungkook that he was forgetting something.

Jungkook notices how you kept your silence all throughout and enter the bathroom, without glancing at Jungkook even once. Were you not satisfied last night? Impossible. You moaned enough to make the neighbors knock twice before they gave up. Did he leave the toilet seat up again? No ways. You were angry even before you entered the bathroom.

You have a quick shower and wrapping a towel around you tightly, you walk out. Jungkook ponders and you notice how adorable he looks when he was deep in thought. You notice Jungkook's bareness covered by the thin covers and you can't help but wonder how you said no earlier. He quickly realises that you had stepped out of the shower and watches you.

A glint shimmers in his eyes and he groans under his breath. You drop your towel, standing in new lingerie that you had brought specifically for the occasion. You don't turn twenty-four every day. Jungkook merely mutters, "Are you punishing me for something?"

He slams his head into the pillow and screams, leaving you laughing. You slowly agnise how hard it actually was to be angry at your dork of a boyfriend. Nonetheless, you are hurt now more than ever. It has been past an hour and Jungkook has yet to mention your birthday. You tardily take out a shirt and button it, manoeuvring it from the top.

You suddenly feel a pair of arms wrap around you, pulling you closer. Jungkook was hugging you from the behind. He buries his head in the crook of your neck as he hugs you tight.

You button another one more and say, "Jungkook, I'm still mad." However, you didn't sound quite mad. His hug was comforting nonetheless. Jungkook was bigger and more built than you could possibly ever get and once he hugged you, his body swallowed you as a whole, keeping you in his warmth protectively. It was your safe haven and you almost turned into a melting pool of mess every single time that happened.

"What did I do?" Jungkook whines, this time closer to your ears. A shiver runs down your spine and your toes curl. You grip on your shirt tightly and bite your lip.

"I'm not telling you. Figure it out for yourself. Now, let go of me so that I can get ready for work," you demand. Jungkook holds you for a minute longer before he lets go of you. He watches you button your shirt and wear your jeans quickly as he ponders what exactly he did.

"Why can't you just tell me?" Jungkook nags behind you, as you grab your bag to leave. You drink a glass of water before walking to the door. Jungkook quickly grabs his phone from the table beside the bed before following you, half naked.

"I genuinely want you to figure it out for yourself," you tell him sincerely, as soon as you turn to face him. Jungkook looked frustrated by now. He couldn't exactly understand what he was missing. He usually did everything perfectly. He never procrastinated. He loved you beyond words and ensured that you knew of if exactly.

"Just tell me, babe," he taps his right foot impatiently. "It's not like I forgot your birthday or something."

You give Jungkook a dead stare. He has forgotten your birthday. Jungkook looks at you, still absolutely clueless. Angrily, trying to bite your tongue from saying anything rude, you mutter, "Well, I know one thing for sure. You're not pounding into me anytime soon."

Jungkook sulks. You quickly turn on your heels and walk out of the door, slamming the door on your way out. Jungkook realises that he has forgotten something very important because you decided to abstain from him even from the goodbye pecks before you left for work.

Soon after, a notification sound rings from Jungkook's phone. He looks down and his eyes widen at the message. His heart sinks deep and he doesn't know how to rectify this.

Make sure to wish Y/N a happy birthday!

"Oh, fuck," is the only thing Jungkook's brain could truly process.

This is how you ended up in your office, much earlier than ever on your birthday. You had big expectations of the day from your boyfriend and you couldn't be blamed. You were expecting to skip work today because Jungkook would provide you with some good birthday sex. However, Jungkook offered everything without the birthday party and that was truly disappointing and hence, you denied.

Your colleague comes up to you and asks you if you're feeling alright and you merely nod. You glance at your phone expecting Jungkook to save you from the dreary day ahead.

Jungkook, on the other hand, meanwhile, moves from one corner of the house to the other, wondering how to make it up to you. He understands how crucial it is to make it up to you now. After all, he was being denied sex at this moment.

"Argh," he groans to himself. "I can't pound into her, it seems." He stomps and takes the next step. He finds it funny that you used such a vulgar word. Pound is an uncharacteristic word you never use and Jungkook wonders how annoyed you must have been for him to have been denied sex and for you to have used such a word.

And as he contemplates the word, an idea pops up into his head. He should take you to a dog pound. Jungkook knows how much you loved dogs and he knows you'd love the plan. So, Jungkook decides to call the number to the nearest dog pound.

In the meantime, you fidget around in your workplace, occasionally staring at your phone. You pray to all the gods to show Jungkook a vision - a vision of a cake or balloons or anything that signalled that today was your birthday.

Almost as if the gods heard your prayer, your phone rings and Jungkook's name pops up on the screen. You answer the call even before it rings properly. Jungkook chuckles into the receiver as you answer the phone instantly.

"Were you waiting for my call?" You hear Jungkook's chirpy voice boom through the speakers of your phone. You smile slightly to yourself.

"No comments," you drum your fingers against the table. Your colleague who was seated next to you, notices the change in your mood and glances at you, giving you a thumbs up eventually. "Why did you call?"

"What if I said I was waiting down in front of the company you work at?"

Your eyes widen. Did he realise? You stand up and take your bag, rushing out to exit. You respond, "I'd say you were lying."

"Ah, darling, but I'm not," Jungkook sounds sickeningly sweet and you gag. Jungkook laughs through the receiver and you smile on hearing his melodic laughter.

You run the escalators and rush downstairs, darting through the doors. On finally reaching the open air outside the company, you look to the left first and then to right, only to find Jungkook, leaning against the car, waiting for you patiently.

You run to him and smile dorkily. He ruffles your hair and lowers himself to peck you on your lips. He wishes you against your lips, "Happy birthday, baby."

You slowly wrap your arms around Jungkook's waist and bury your head into his broad chest, smiling to yourself. Jungkook holds you for as long as you want him too. Jeon Jungkook is precious, you realise. This man is everything and all that you need and you are blessed.

"Come on," Jungkook pushes you back slightly to look you in your eye. "We've a place to go to. I think you'll like it."

Like was an understatement. You loved it. Jungkook drives and parks before a dog pound and your heart did a small backflip. You look at Jungkook with sheer adoration and intertwine your fingers with his, holding his hand with a firm grip. Jungkook glances at the two of your hands and smiles.

"Thank you," you tell him as you lean forward to kiss him. Jungkook holds your face delicately with the other hand that you were not gripping. He kisses you back, letting it last for minutes longer than the one earlier this morning.

You walk into the dog pound and you realise that Jungkook had planned it well all along for a huge pack of Dalmatian puppies come rushing to lovingly pin you down. You laugh and Jungkook folds his hand as he stands and watches you have the time of your life. Jungkook proceeds to talk to the owner before he comes to sit beside you.

You slowly sit back up and take one puppy in your hands while another climbs over your lap. You notice how Jungkook takes ones and cradles it lovingly. You gape at Jungkook for he looked so paternal at that moment that your heart swelled. The puppies lick you when it notices your attention on the puppy Jungkook was holding.

"I'm sorry for almost forgetting your birthday," Jungkook apologises. You laugh lowly and with your undivided attention still on the puppies, you tell him, "It's alright. This makes up for it. So, thank you."

The puppies surround you as a whole. The spotted beauty of the Dalmatians leave you fazed and you bend over to play with them. Jungkook watches you. He watches how you move so gracefully and how carefully you grip the dogs. He firmly concludes that he hasn't ever loved another woman as much as he has loved you at this moment.

"So," Jungkook jokes while he gently rubs the head of the puppy he was holding. Another one licks his pants and you laugh at the sight. Jungkook pokes your cheek to have your attention and once he did, he continues, "Can I pound into you later tonight, then?"

You gasp, mortified at the fact that Jungkook was this blunt. It is at that instant you realise what you had told Jungkook earlier that day. Your face turns shades in embarrassment and you engulf yourself more in the presence of the dogs. Jungkook laughs and shifts to sit closer to you.

"If you spend some dollars in this pound for these cute puppies," you put forth your demand. Jungkook's mouth opens a little as he feigns a shocked reaction.

The puppies liked Jungkook a lot as much as his attention was not on them. Their heads kept edging towards Jungkook trying to garner all his attention in vain. Jungkook however, on the other hand, has his undivided attention on you. He rests his head on your neck and you stiffen at the unexpectedness of his actions.

"Are you choosing these hundred and one Dalmatians over me?"

Without any hesitance, you answer, "Yes."

Jungkook quickly grips on your waist with his free hand that was not holding a puppy and slightly bending his head to slowly breath against your neck, he mutters sensually, "Strike a deal with the devil."

"Okay," you stammer. You feel a sudden rush tingle down your spine as Jungkook breathes against your neck.

"We'll adopt one of these puppies in your name. In return," he kisses your neck. You are glad that no caretaker of the firm was around the two of you currently. Jungkook continues to lick against the skin of your neck, slowly nibbling on it. You sat up firm, trying to ignore what Jungkook was doing as you played with the puppies.

"In return?" You ask, in a huskier tone.

"You let me have my way with you tonight. That means I get to do more than just pounding." Jungkook quickly bites the licked area of skin at your neck and you let out a quick gasp, covering your mouth almost instantly.

The puppies whine against Jungkook and you. This prompts Jungkook to sit up straight and cuddle about four to five puppies in his arm, at once. You are left dazed by what Jungkook has just said. You feel slicker down there and you are squeezing onto nothing. The butterflies flutter rapidly in your stomach and you wonder how Jungkook has this effect on you.

"Deal?" Jungkook asks, smiling like a child who was just awarded candy. You are left shocked at how quick Jungkook could change from making you hot and bothered to make you warm and bubbly at the same time.

You nod slowly and Jungkook smiles triumphantly. The caretaker walks in at that exact moment and sees the two of you closer together with a huge litter of puppies all around the two of you. She gushes and asks, "Allow me to take a picture. You guys look perfect together."

You smile to yourself and nod. You look at Jungkook who was already looking at you. He leans closer to your side, your heads touching. Jungkook mutters, kissing your forehead, "I hope you liked your birthday so far."

Oh, you did, you smile as you think. In fact, you could swear that this birthday was the best one by miles so far.

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