The Sky Twins

By Silvia2772

14.7K 403 71

Sawada Tsunayuuki has a twin brother, Sawada Ieyoshi who is choosen to become the Vongola Decimo. Fem27!! as... More

chapter 1
Ch:2 The Drifting Cloud
Ch:3 Lonely Rain
The EXTREM Sun And The Fragile Mist
Saving the Mist

The Storm and Lightning

1.3K 40 16
By Silvia2772

Morning came as nana woke up to a cute scene, that she nearly squealed at.all the kids huddled together at the queen sized bed, somehow using each other as a makeshift pillows.

she giggled, she came near the bed slightly disappointed that she is going to ruin this cute scene, but she had to as it is now 9'o clock.

slowly all of them woke up after she shook them up, nearly an hour later after all of them finished their morning routine, they came down to the lobby, discussing about what they are going to do.

"haha how about we go to Eiffel tower?" takeshi suggested as all of them stared at him "haha what? " he asked scratching his head "that's an extreme idea!" Ryohei shouted as he pumped his fist in the air.

Tsuna face-palmed well...... all of them face-palmed.

"takesh , oni-san , i am sorry to say but Eiffel tower is in France" Tsuna sweat-dropped "Eh?! really?" takeshi widened his eyes as ryohei shouted next to him " an extreme discovery!" hana couldn't help but groan with frustration, as kyoko and chrome giggled next to her.

At the background where nobody noticed ken came beside Mukuro "Mukuro-sama, what is Eiffel tower, byon?" he asked "mukuro stared at him "Kufufufu.........i really have no idea" he said as chikusa came near him and put his hand on mukuro's shoulder "you dont have to worry about that Mukuro-sama"

"that's right,byon!"

"ken,chikusa" Mukuro said in awe as his eyes glistened with unshed tears

"stop being such a herbivore, pineapple" kyona came near them as she smirked at his antics.


"kufufu what did you just say, skylark-chan?" Mukuro narrowed his eyes

"Pineapple herbivore" she smirked clearly enjoying his reaction.

"Kfufufu it seems likes someone has a death wish" he maliciously smirked as his trident appeared from his mist flames.

as kyona took out her tonfas coated with cloud flames.

just as both of them strike tsuna appeared between them her eyes are burning orange as her forehead lit up with sky flames.


tsuna narrowed her eyes at both of them " we are not here to fight! we are here to have fun! beside do both of you want to destroy the hotel that we are staying at?"

she sighed as her eyes returned to their normal soft orange.

"now then, Mukuro why don't you suggest a place for us?" tsuna asked him softly smiling at him as mukuro kufufued, feeling very warm in his heart, chrome smiled at mukuro when she saw his expression, fully knowing what he is thinking about.

" kufufu how about we go to Venice?" mukuro said as he let his trident disappear

"WHAT IS EXTREMELY VENICE?" Ryohei asked (more like shouted) as hana let out another groan seriously?

"Haha~ what is Venice?" Takeshi grinned with confusion

" Venice is a beautiful city in Italy" nana smiled softly at them

" it really beautiful?" Kyoko asked with awe.

"Yup! So....we will take mukuro-kun's suggestion!"


"Wow! It's really beautiful!" Kyoko's eyes widened as did the rest.

"It is!" Tsuna smiled,to think that a place like that existed?

"Kufufu~ and all of that because I suggested going there" mukuro bosted proudly, as kyona raised her eyebrow " for a pineapple, it must have been such a great feat" kyona mocked him.

"Kufufu~ it seems like birdy-chan can actually talk" he retorted

Kyo glared at him ready to raise her tonfa.

"Seriously guys?" Tsuna looked at them intensely, which made them stop and turn both of their heads to the other side, not facing each other.



" why do I always have bad luck!?" Tsuna yelled with frustration.

Currently tsuna doesn't know where she is... and it doesn't even help that the place is empty from any people.

Sighing, she tried to follow her HI, which always helped her when in need,

Right, left, keep moving straight, right, go to that alleyway

Wait what? Why does my HI wants me to go the alleyway....beside it even looks very creepy!!

Taking a deep breath, tsuna braced herself, for whatever is going to happen.

She started to walk towards the dark alleyway, despite that it is still afternoon.

The alleyway is still dark.

Well...nothing out of normal, the alleyway seems empty.

" well then my duty here is comp-"

*sniff* *sob*

Flinching tsuna turned towards the voice, hoping that it is not a ghost.

'Oh..please spirit, I didn't mean to invade your privacy! Please don't kill me!!' She screamed in her mind, closing her eyes tightly, he walked slowly, making sure to nit let her footsteps make a sound.

Knowing that ladyluck hates her, she failed miserably at that by tripping on an empty bottle.

"Hiee! "

Tsuna faceplanted on the floor, tensing when she heard shuffling as the crying promptly stopped.

"W-Who i-is there?" The child like voice asked.

"I am sorry! Please don't take my soul, I don't want to be spirited one!"

Tsuna whimpered, as she cursed her bad luck.

"Gupyaa! A spirit!?"


"Please don't take me!!!"



What the hell I am doing? Beside it seems like that the spirit is not a spirit! I am not going to be a spirited o- tsuna came to stop as she felt something bumping into her. Looking down she saw a child with no face.

"Hieeeeeeeee! A ghost"

"Gupyaaa! Where?!"

The child with no face screamed as he clung into her.

"Hieeee, I swear it wasn't my fault, please don't kill me!!"

Looking down once again she found that the child was hugging her while trembling, slowly he looked up to her, her heart started to beat very hard... isn't it the same thing that happens in the movies, the child is going to kill her, Hieeeeeeeee! She never wanted to be at that place....curse the horror movies that they forced her to watch!!.

"Huh?" Dumbfounded she looked at teary emerald green eyes, the child with no face did actually hava a face.


The child held her tighter as a wave of tears flooded and he started to cry.

"Huh! Wait! Don't cry!!"
Tsuna panicked, trying to find something to make the child stop.

Widening her eyes in realisation, she rummaged in her pants pocket, trying to find her favorite candy.

As she found them she looked at the child, she took hold of his tight grip, and made him loosen it slightly.

"H-Hey" she called out, as the child looked at her with his teary eyes.

"I have a honey flavoured candy, want one?" She smiled slightly extended her open palm towards him.

The child's eyes sparkled, he was about to take the candy, but then hesitated.

"Hey its fine, see" she smiled as she popped another one in her mouth.

Grinning widely, the little boy took the candy from her, as he ate it happily.

"So....what's your name?"

" Lambo!"

" lambo it is! My name is sawada tsunayuki" she smiled as both of them shook hands.

" what are you doing here alone, lambo? " she asked, as he flinched which didn't get unnoticed by her.

Narrowing her eyes, she was about to ask on what is on her mind, but then stopped, as he trembled. She heard sniffing then he started to wail loudly.



" wa- d-dont cry! I am sorry for asking!"

' hiee what should I do! I am the worse!'

" you want to come with me?" She asked, stammering slightly.

Lambo looked at her, his eyes full of tears, tsuna felt her heart clench at the sight. The one who made lambo like this is going to pay!

" with you?" He asked, as the tears stopped

"Yes, with me" she smiled, her smile widened as lambo, nodded eagerly towards her.

Smiling, she outstretched her hand towards him, which he took happily.

" where are we going?" He asked as both of them went out of the alleyway.

" to mama" she said.


"Where is tsuna?"

A question out of curiosity, made the whole group go uproar.

"WHERE IS LIL SIS TO THE EXTEME??" ryohei shouted as he ran in full speed to look for her, ignoring the cries of wait and the wrong direction.

"Ugh... Seriously? We lose tsuna then that stupid monkey?" Hana groans, as kyoko smiled apologetically towards hana.

" I am sorry for what nii-san did" she said bowing towards all of them.

" it's okay kyoko-chan, beside looking for each other would be fun, won't it?" Nana asked smiling sweetly at their direction.

As the people who trained with her paled slightly, 'she wants us to think of that as a game and find them!?'

"Bingo~ Now the one who is going to find them will have three days free from training, what do you say?"

" yes! Of course!" Then all of them started to run towards ryohei's direction.

'This is my chance to have a free time from torture'

All of them thought with the exception of kyona.

" ara~ kyo-chan you are not going?" Nana asked as he tilted her head to the side.

" hn" kyona turned the other side as she started to walk.

" i see, take care,okay?" Nana giggled, then she looked at the three who are left.

" well then kids why don't we go eat desserts?" She asked as flowers started to sprout as a background effect.

'She is really scary!!' The three of them shivered.


"Tsu-nee, are you sure that we are not lost" lambo asked, tightening his grip on her hands.

" yes, we are not lost" she said confidently.

'I cant tell him that we are actually lost! Hieee! Come on brain! Remember!....Come on my lovely hyper intitution! How come you always annoy me when I don't want you and when I does, you won't work!!!' Tsuna felt like bashing her head on the wall, but that will frighten lambo.

Calming down, she started to observe her surroundings, they are currently at a forest.

'Okay....deep breat-

"Tsu-nee why is that Bush moving?" Lambo asked.

"Huh?" And true to his words it is moving.

"Maybe it's a small animal?" She suggested.

Suddenly something that is bigger than a rabbit jumped from the bush at their direction.

"Gupyaaa! "

"Hieeeeeeeee! "


"Hm? I think that I just heard tsu-chan's voice" nana said as she came to stop.

" I think I heard it too byon" ken said.

" well if it is that case then, let's go!" She smiled as she went towards the forest.

As the three of them walked behind her.


"F**k, that hurts!" A girl groaned as the girl rose up rubbing the sore spot on her head.

Blinking her eyes open, she found to other kids knocked out on the grass.

"H-Hey! W-Wake up!" She stuttered, as she shook them up.

' oh, sh*t it is my fault that they are like this'

"Nn..." the brown haired girl groaned, waking up in process.

"Huh...." tsuna blinked finding emerald orbs looking at her in concern.

The girl sighed in relief.

" hey, you okay?" She asked.

" ah....yes I am" tsuna said, as she took into her surroundings, her eyes widened as she thought of lambo.


" relax, he is beside you"

Tsuna turned her eyes toward her side, lambo curled beside her snoring softly.

Sighing in relief, she grinned at the girl.

" thank you for taking care of us! My name is tsunayuki sawada!"

" huh? Are you stupid I didn't take care of any of you" the girl snapped at her.

" huh, you didn't?" Tsuna tilted her head towards the side in confusion.

"Then? Ah! You are the one who came from the bush! Are you this forest fairy!!!"

Tsuna asked her eyes sparkling at this thought.

The girl felt her eyes twitch in annoyance.

"Of course not! How old are you to even think of those things are real!!" She yelled at tsuna.

" hehehe.... sorry" tsuna grinned apologetically at her, as the girl huffed in annoyance.

Tsuna tensed as her grin froze in place, surprising the girl who merely rose her eyebrows.

"Wha-" "Watch out!" Tsuna pushed the girl to the side as she took lambo with her, hiding beside the bush.

"He-Mph!" The girl's eyes widened as a bullet passed through the place that she was sitting at.

She turned towards the brown haired girl, with wide eyes, who wasn't even looking at her, but at the other side of the bush they are currently hiding at.

"Tch! I was sure that that piece of sh*t was here!" A man's voice called out in the forest.

"Don't worry Bro, we will find her and bring her to boss" the other man calmed the first down.


After making sure that they left, tsuna released her hands.

" they are after you aren't they?" Tsuna asked, tsuna then turned her head towards the other girl, only to slightly flinch, as the sparkles that are emitted from the said girl.


"Thank you very much.... tsuna-sama!"


" yes! You are the only one who sacrificed her time in saving me after I acted so rudely with you!"

" eh? Ehhhh!?"

The girl smiled at her, nodding her head at tsuna.

" ugh" lambo stirred awake from his sleep.

" ah... lambo! You are awake!"

" huh....Tsu-nee? It wasn't a dream?" He asked blinking at her.

She giggled " of course no, silly" ruffling his hair.

Lambo smiled at her, feeling quite happy that it wasn't a dream.

Lambo then looked at the other girl.

"Gupya! Are you the forest fairy!!!" He asked hiding behind tsuna who merely giggled at the same question she asked.

The girl's hand twitched " I told many freaking times I am not!"

" you are not?"

"Ugh!" She face planted on the floor.

" ano... what is your name?" Tsuna asked.

" my name is hayate gokudera" she answered as she sat up straight.

" nice to meet you haya-chan!"


"Ha...ya- chan ? Nee?" She asked in a dumbfounded look.

Tsuna grinned as lambo copied her.

Hayate felt her eyes sting a little Sniffing she hurriedly wiped her eyes.

" are you crying?" Lambo asked.

" I am not crying you stupid cow!"

" I am not stupid!"

" guys, stop it..." she tried to calm them down, but they didn't.


Tsuna visibly brightened.

" mama!" Tsuna ran to hug nana as she came into the view, as lambo also ran towards nana, hugging her tightly.

" maman!"

Surprised nana glanced at her daughter and another child who hugged her and called her 'maman' giggling she hugged them both.

She then looked at the silver haired girl, who was watching them, nana felt that she saw the child somewhere, then it hit her lavina... she is lavina's daughter.

Smiling at the girl, she ushered her to come and join.

Hayate blushed, suddenly feeling very shy, but she complied, joining the group hug.

" now then, what are your names?" She asked.

Lambo grinned as he looked at his new mama " lambo!"

"Hayate" she uttered softly, as tsuna grinned at both of them.

" well, welcome to the family, both of you!"

They smiled.

Tsuna looked around, " nee, mama where are the rest?" She asked.

" about that..."

"Kufufufu~ they are looking for you, usagi-chan"

" Muku-chan, ken-chan and chikusa-chan!"

" baby carnivore"

" kyo-chan when did you come here ?" Tsuna asked.

" hn.. don't leave any herbivore at sight" she said, crossing her arms.

Tsuna grinned, " so you took care of them?"


" as expected from kyo-chan! " tsuna said as she gave her thumbs up.


" hm? Took care of who?" Nana asked as the rest looked confused.

" the people who are after haya-chan!" Tsuna smiled.

"Y-you.." hayate felt her mouth quiver, bowing exactly at 90° " thank you very much!" She said to kyona.

" hn" she smirked, as she rested at the nearby tree.

" how about we go home?" Nana asked as tsuna, lambo, mukuro , chikusa and ken nodded.

" haya-chan you are also coming, ne? " nana said as hayate smiled at her.

" hai! "



"Since nobody of you found Tsu-chan except for kyo-chan and us, then.... be prepared for the next training session!" Nana smiled brightly at them, who paled as white as sheets.

Various protests rose, as they were silenced with only one glare.

Half of them moped around through there whole way to Japan, except for the the happy babbles that lambo kept talking about, with hayate and mukuro making side comments about it.

Tsuna and kyona, were talking ' well mostly tsuna'.

Nana smiled at the whole group her family sure is growing. And she is happy for that, for her daughter and the children who needed that love and family.


Yaay! Not only finished the chapter 'finally!' But I also finished the guardians arc.

The next chapter will be about the time skip ' hopefully I will try to post it... and won't make my readers wait..but no promises!

Once again I will try to update more frequently....btw Thank you very much for 5k views!!!

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