All of the Stars

By AllieWriting

284K 7K 3.8K

Kylo Ren was a monster. A murderer, a beast... This you were sure of. In a life where you had woken up on the... More

Part 1: Encounter
Part 2: Vexation
Part 3: Misconceive
Part 4: Shock
Part 5: Desideratum
Part 6: Beholden
Part 7: Perform
Part 8 : Distant
Part 9 : Magnificent
Part 10: Speechless
Part 11 : Despondent
Part 12: Revive
Part 13: Reverberation
Part 14: Ruthless
Part 15: Hope
Part 16: Proximate
Part 17: Honest
Part 18: Outset
Part 19: Arrival
Part 20: Battle
Part 21: Agony
Part 22: Saviour
Part 23: Together
Part 24: Fragmented
Part 25: Blow
Part 26: Love
Part 27: Intimacy
Part 28: Discovery
Part 29: Welcome
Part 30: Shift
Part 31: Anger
Part 32: Doubt
Part 33: Shining
Part 34: Adrenaline
Part 35: Mystery
Part 36: Greeting
Part 37: Lavish
Part 39: Unrequited
Part 40: Connection
Part 41: Unravel
Part 42: Suffering
Part 43: Determination
Part 44: Quell
Part 45: Resolute
Part 46: Quarrel
Part 47: Cracks
Part 48: Vivid
Part 49: Presence
Part 50: End
Part 51: Epilogue

Part 38: Bolted

2.2K 64 3
By AllieWriting

"Poe dear?" Ara grins and pulls Poe to the front of the group. Her cheeks are red, her eyes wide and crazed. She holds tightly to his arm, holding the fabric in her fist tightly.

His shoulders are slumped as he stumbles forwards, his head is hung low, you watch as she pats down his legs, removing his knife, holding it up to the light with glee.

"In here, you too Tyler, honey." With a sweet voice, she motions for him to join her using the knife and opens a door. From Tyler she confiscates a blaster, throwing it over her shoulder where Hux catches it, holding it awkwardly in his arms.

Inside the door is a bare room, two beds take up most of the space. A window half covered in blinds makes up the wall in the back of the cell. The walls are plain dark metal, giving the room a dreary and dark look.

Tyler risks a glare at Ara as he steps into the room, his hands gripped in fists.

Ara replies with a melodic laugh and waves to him, shutting the door hard, making you jump.

She continues to strut down the hallway, her bare feet making slight slaps against the metal flooring.

BB-8's metallic rolling accompanies you through the silence for a few more steps until Ara stops abruptly again.

"This one for you, Rey... Finn, why don't you join her?" The room looks identical to the last one, standing behind Finn you notice his shoulders tighten slightly, but he steps into the cell without a word.

Rey stays frozen for a second, making Ara narrow her eyes.

"Just go, Rey," Kylo speaks, his voice quiet as he stares at the ground.

Ara turns her face, a smile dawning on her features. She twists her hospital gown around her fist, smiling.

"Yes, follow Commander Ren's orders, Rey." Ara teases, raising her eyebrows.

Rey angrily blows through her nose and turns to step into the tiny room.

"Ah-ah... Rey, I will be needing that." Ara gestures to the saber tucked into Rey's belt.

Rey glares, radiating hate as she tears the weapon from her belt and hands it to Rey, her knuckles grasped around it until they are white.

"Thank you, sweetie." With a flick of her wrist, she slams the door, leaving you, Kylo, Hux and BB-8 alone with her in the hall.

"Now, lucky last!" She claps her hands and starts walking again.

Risking her glance, Kylo reaches out and brushes his fingers against yours, you reply and open your hand, allowing him to hold it.

"Here we are, open the door will you Hux?" Ara finally pauses, this cell was further away from the others. The door was larger and instead of black, it was a bright white.

Hux steps forwards and waves his hand above a sensor to the left of the door. You notice he is biting his lip ever so slightly.

When the door opens, you realise it is certainly different to the other cells.

One massive bed dominates the centre of the room. A floor to ceiling window spans the wall, and another door that was open leads to a huge bathroom.

"In you get, lovelies," Ara says, her voice now bored.

Kylo steps in first and turns to face her, his toes on the threshold. Trusting him, you follow and enter, trying not to make eye contact with Ara.

"What about BB-8?" Kylo questions, his face carefully blank.

Ara rolls her eyes.

"The droid will be keeping us company." She bends down to be level with BB-8 who rolls backwards slightly, blinking nervously.

Kylo's face cracks for one moment.

"Why do you want it, it is of no use or importance." Kylo clears his throat and lifts his eyes back to Ara's.

Ara lets out a small chuckle. "The exact fact you attempt to protect it is why I need it." She flicks her wrist and the door shuts with a crash.

Kylo takes a quick step away from the door and paces the huge room.

"Kylo?" You whisper, watching him pace, unable to move.

Looking up suddenly he meets your eyes, you feel your lip begin to tremble, unable to control the tears that are sure to follow.

"Oh, Y/N..." Kylo sweeps forwards and gathers you into his arms, cradling your head against his chest, you sob into his shoulder, your tears racking through your body.

Kylo lifts you and carries you to the bed, wiping your tears away with his sleeve and pulling the blanket up to cover you.

He lies down next to you, holding you to his body.

"It's going to be okay." He whispers, repeating the words over and over, breathing them into your hair while the tears continue to run down your cheeks, dripping from the tip of your nose and onto the pillow.

You close your eyes and let the tears come until there are none left, then you place your hands on Kylo's chest and let yourself sleep.

"Rey..." A high-pitched whisper croaks through Rey's mind, forcing her eyes open.

Looking over at Finn's bed she finds his chest rising and falling evenly as he sleeps.

"Rey..." The whisper comes again, this time, with her mind focused it sounds louder.

Rey jolts, her gut twisting.

"Who are you?" She replies, not expecting to hear anything in return. Or maybe she had been hoping.

"I knew something was different... A presence..." The voice returns. This time Rey stands, reaching for her saber, before realising it's gone.

"Who are you?" She repeats, her voice shaking slightly, even in her mind.

"They won't give you anything, you know." The voice becomes clearer, with it she hears rasping breaths. The voice seems to come from all corners of the room, surrounding her.

"What do you mean?" She asks, backing up against the wall with the window, feeling the cold glass on her hands.

"Why trust them, they do nothing for you." The voice pauses for a moment. " You don't belong to them, and you know it."

Fear grips Rey tighter, rising in her throat as bile.

"I don't know what you mean." She answers, sweat starting to break on her forehead.

"Yes, you do. The Darkness. It is part of you. It is you." The voice takes breaks, it's breaths becoming laboured.

"Snoke?" Rey asks, more afraid of this answer than any other.

"Join me." He replies, maybe Rey imagined it, but she felt as if a smile was spreading across his face. "Come to the Dark side." 

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