Echos of the cursed forest

By makayladecroliere

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-BOOK 1- (Warning this story maybe disturbing to some readers.) this is my first story that I'm posting so t... More

Prologue (narrated)
Chapter 1: Evolving
Chapter 2 : The jolteon
Chapter 3 : A dream or realitatea
Chapter 4 : Unforgivable
Chapter 5 : A new start
Chapter 6 : The past
Chapter 7 : Rain of light
Chapter 8 : Where the truble's at
Chapter 9 : The threat (past)
Chapter 10 : Fighting to live
Chapter 11 : A broken home (Jake's past)
Chapter 12 : Will you fight?
Chapter 13 : Journey
Chapter 14 : Psychic within
Chapter 16: Disaster
Chapter 17 : In your shadow (past)
Chapter 18 : Battle cry's
Chapter 19 : A message
Chapter 20 : Pain and hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 21: A glaceon in need
Chapter 22 : Love in the air (past)
Chapter 23 : Truble under ground
Chapter 24 : Betrayal or Loyalty (past)
Chapter 25 : The tree of soul's
Chapter 26 : Trouble maker
Chapter 27 : Secret's (Jake's past)
Chapter 28 : Anglica knows
Chapter 29 : Awaken from depression (past)
Chapter 30 : The king of everfree
Chapter 31 : A Shadow
Chapter 32 : A gift (past)
Chapter 33 : The Blue moon
Chapter 34 : A Cures
Chapter 35 : Love and Hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 36 : Blood in the water
Chapter 37 : war of soul (past)
Chapter 38 : Who am i really?
Chapter 39 : A safe place
Chapter 40 : Confusion (past)
Chapter 41: Dark river
Chapter 42 : The dark side (Jake's past)
Chapter 43 : Unexpected
Chapter 44 : The plot (Past event)
Chapter 45 Where it hurts the most
Chapter 46 : Umbreon of evil
Chapter 47 : Life regrets (Jake's past)
Chapter 48 : The problem with love
Chapter 49 : Night travels
Chapter 50 : Echo (Past event)
Chapter 51 Learning to trust again
Chapter 52 : The Darkness part 1 (Past event)
Chapter 53 : The Darkness part 2 (Past event)
Capter 54 The darkness part 3 (Past event)
Chapter 55 : A cursed vaporeon
Chapter 56 : The new king
Chapter 57 : war is on it's way
Chapter 58 : darkest days are here (Finel past event)
Chapter 59 : Get ready for war
Chapter 60 : The final battle

Chapter 15 : Burning heart's (Past)

188 6 0
By makayladecroliere

The sun was at high point and Blaze was outside his dean walking back and forth with stress he was muttering to himself. Ramune just sat on a rock near the water just watching the flareon "....Blaze you've been doing this all day.. Just stop" Blaze heard his brother say but he couldn't help it 'how can Ramune not be worried?'

Blaze stopped and glared at the vaporeon "How can you be calm at a time like this...soul will be caming in two day's.." Blaze said in a panick voice but Ramune just ralled his eye's " worrie to much that dume ninetales was bluffing..."

Blaze pulled his lips back into a snarl "How can any pokemon bluff about that!" Blaze yelled in frustration 'Why can't he see the danger that's caming!!'

Ramune growled back "Well so what then... Even if he really was telling the truth...he dosen't stand a chance...and by the way your not king yet let dad worrie about it" Blaze sware there was a hint of

jealousy in his brother's eye's "Ramune...can't you see there's going to be a war...we will be a part of it...what if one of use died huh? Don't you care?" Blaze asked giving his brother a sad look. Ramune let a deep sighed out "Blaze of corse i care...but there's nothing any pokemon can do life's life deel with it already" Blaze couldn't believe what he was hearing 'dose Ramune really think like this..'

Blaze walked up to him "but shouldn't we at lest try to reason with him?" Ramune shook his head "there's nothing to reason with... Blaze you herd him.. He want's pawer and nothing else" Blaze sat down drooping his ears "...but pokemon will die" Ramune jumped down from his rock and sat beside him "look war ain't pretty and i don't want there to be a war either...but we can't stop it.. It's going to happen so we have to be ready bro" Ramune then got to his paws and jumped into the water and swim away leaving the flareon on his own 'so... That's it then..war will hit'

Blaze walked through the forest to a friend of his "hey Katty!" He called then he spoted a delcatty sitting by a tree "Blaze!!" She yelp with joy running towered him "Blaze long time no see... How have you been" Katty was a friend of Blaze ever since he had helped her from the beedrills

"Hey Katty...i was was wandering...if you could help me train my dad's to bissy and Ramune well I'm mot going to get anything done agent a water type" Katty frowned at him "...I'm sorry I'm not really a fighter Blaze..i can't" Blaze frown as well "Oh..ok" Katty then smiled "why don't you train with Matt?" Blaze lowerd his ears " Matt and raven are the best dad is making battle plans with them" Katty just shruged "so..just do so at night when Flash is asleep...i don't think Matt would care he's a dark type after all" Blaze noded 'yeah maybe she's right..Matt knows a lot about fighting who better then him'

Katty looked around "Well thanks Katty i best be going then..oh and it was nice seeing you again" Blaze took off running back to his dean 'i better get some sleep for tonight'

Blaze finally got back he walked into his dean and layed down in his moss bed and curled up and closed his eye's to sleep

Blaze opened his eye's to see that it was dark 'ok now to fined Matt'

Blaze got up and strec3 out his lages and walked out blaze walked by the river but stopped when he saw Ramune. Blaze could hear that he was talking to sameone. Blaze ran to the nears bush and looked through them ti see Ramune and Matt, Raven was there to.

" that's that then...we're ready for any attacks" Raven said she seemed to be tired but her brother Matt seemed to be wide awake. Ramune noded " I'm going to bed then i had enough traning for the day night to you all" and with that the vaporeon walked off.

Matt looked at his sister "...So Raven you seem tired" Raven then noded "...honestly I'm not satisfied with the plan... Flash has done his best but we need a younger mind... This ninetales-" matt cut her off "i know..but what can we do..all we can do is fight and that's what I'll do" Raven growled a vit but then relaxed "alright Matt whatever you say...I'm off to get some sleep" She then stalked off. Blaze then walked out of the bushis and Matt glanced at him "Blaze?....shouldn't you be asleep" Matt said but blaze just sighed "i can't sleep...i can't relax... But i guess everyone is right this war can't be avoided so...i need to get stronger.." Matt eyed him "hmm...and you want me to train you?" Blaze then noded "Yes your the best there is.... please Matt" Blaze pleaded. Matt sat down thinking for a few before "...alright I'll train you" Blaze smiled "Oh thank you Matt" Matt smirked at him "Already then let's start with defence!"

The sun was rising and Matt and Blaze have been training all night. Blaze was having a hard time staying awake "Alright Blaze... You did good but you should get some sleep now" Blaze shook his fluffy fur "No!...I'm still awake and i need to train some more" Blaze yelp but from the look on the mightyena's face told him that he knew he was lieing "..yeah ok but what if i said that i was tired" Blaze dropped his ears "...ok..." Matt then noded and walked off.

Ramune's P.O.V

Ramune felt the warmth of the sun shine on his back.

Ramune opened his eye's and streched he then swim out of his dean and jumped out of the water and landed on a rock.

The ferst thing he see's is his brother eating some pray. The flareon looked tierd 'ugh probably still stressing over that ninetales...'

Ramune then walked over "Hey you didn't catch anything for me?" Ramune tessd. Blaze glanced at him " i was training all night..." Ramune then eye'd him "Oh...with Matt?" Blaze noded. 'Since when dose he train?...Blaze ain't no fighter'

Ramune then noded "...O--oh" he said slowly relizing. Blaze looked puzzled "What?...what is it?" Ramune got to his paws "This is about the war to came"

Blaze grounded his teeth together "i thought that was a good thing?" Ramune noded "yea... But you better sleep.... if that bluffer is caming it's tomorrow" Ramune reminded him Blaze then got up and walked to his dean with out another ward.

Ramune then walked back to the water 'hmm I'm hungry'

He leaped in the water and swim around looking for pray. He let himself melt into the water to blend in. A magikarp swim by. Ramune then swim fast and bit into the fish like pokemon. Blood filled the water as the vaporeon swim back to land to enjoy his catch.

He sat down and started eating "Hey Ramune..." Ramune looked up to see his dad. The jolteon looked worried 'Now what?'

Ramune sat up "um...yes?" The jolteon frowned "...Ramune your brother has been acting you know anything about it?" Ramune just chuckled at that "Dad are you serious right now...of corse he's acting weird because of that ninetales...we all know how Blaze is!" Ramune couldn't believe his dad. "Oh..well I'm just thinking...." Flashed sat down "...i just hope this will toughing him up" Ramune noded in agreement 'Blaze isn't much of a fighter' flash then looked his son in his eye's "but you..Ramune i want you to lead a group of water type's when he cames" Ramune froze staring at his father "you want me to lead the water types?...why I'm new to war" Flash shook his head "But your strength is undeniable...Ramune you'll be a great leader" Ramune then narrowed his eye's "But I'm no leader...that's Blaze's job not mine!" Ramune snapped at the jolteon 'Blaze is next in line not me' Flashs eye's then drooped "Oh Ramune i didn't mean it like that...Blaze will do fine as a king...but a warrior is a different have the skills to leader warriors" Ramune then looked back at his dad

"a warrior...nothing more?" Flash noded "that's right...What do you say?" Ramune sat looking at his paws 'he might be right...i do fight more often then Blaze...'

Ramune then looked up again with a small smile "Alright..i could do that" Flash then smiled back "I'm proud of you" with that the jolteon walked off and Ramune look into the water 'But what would Blaze think if he knew?'

Blaze's P.O.V

The moon was now out and Blaze couldn't sleep he kept tossing and turning 'What's to came tomorrow...Oh arceus please oh please let Ramune be was just a bluff...i hope' Blaze finally closed his eye's and fell asleep.

"Blaze get up!" Blaze's snapped open his eye's to see Ramune standing there "Hey sleepy head get up...let's go hunting" The vaporeon said with a smile. Blaze the streched and got up "hmm...Ramune isn't erly" Blaze mumbled tiredly his eye's were still hevey with sleep "Oh come on Blaze don't be lazy" Ramune said.

Blaze rolled his eye's knowing his brother enough 'hes not going to leave me alone until i go with him'

Blaze then noded "ok win."

The two of them have been hunting for a wile now they had each catched a rattat.

Blaze sat down and tarred at his pray "...So why was this so important?" The flareon asked feel tired still Ramune just smiles "Oh who said it was important...i just wanted to hunt with my bro" Blaze glared "...really Ramune that's annoying... I was having a vary good sleep" the vaporeon then eye'd him "you know... Your going to have to get used to it..when your king you'll be up at the first crack of light" Blaze's drooped his eyes 'i really don't want that... I like sleeping in'

The vaporeon pawed him ''s not all bad Blaze you'll still have lot's of fun" blaze shook his head "have you seen the way dad's been his hole life...i hardly see him smile" Ramune looked down "hmm...well that's because he didn't have a brother like me" Ramune gave a smirk at the flareon. Blaze couldn't help but laugh at that 'he's right... I don't know how would survive with out him...Ramune may be younger but he helped me through a lot'

Blaze then noded "yea true..." Ramune lookedcat the water "I'm going for a's to driy today there's probably a storm heading this way" Blaze looked a Ramune with a funny look then looked at the sky to see that the sky was clear and blue "huh...but there's not a cloud in sight" Ramune shook his head "dosen't mean there ain't no cloud on it's way" Blaze rolled his eye's "yeah i guess" Blaze got to he's paws and walked off towards the forest "...see you latter" he said with out looking back.

Blaze walked through the forest picking barries he was told to do so by his dad. Blaze rolled his eye's 'what good do barries do...'

Blaze griped a branch and pulled on it to snap it off the bush. Once he got the branch full of barries off he started to head back the sun was setting behind him as he walked to his dad's den "here i got your ourn barris" Blaze saud throwing them and the ground in front of his dad.

The jolteon glared at him with diest please "Blaze!... What is with this bad behavior!?" Blaze just slumbered over "'s almost dark out.. Am i the only one who cares?" Blaze asjed with a sad look. Flash shook his head "no... But we're pokemon we fight it's nothing new" Blaze frowned "is that all we are meant to do? Fight!... Well i don't like it maybe we can reason with soul" Matt the mightyena just chuckled "yeah like he would lisen" Blaze growled at them 'I'm next in line yet I'm helpless!'

Flash looked at matt "ok then..get Ramune and raven..we're heading to meet soul..Blaze i want you to stay with me through this" and with that the jolteon walked off to the great tree Blaze followed behind 'well i guess this is happening..i just hope that there's no battle.'

There in the moonlight was a huge oak tree tall and wide it was. Flash stood by the tree with Ramune and Blaze by his side. Matt and other mightyena were also there. Blaze stood in silent he felt as if his paw have became part of the ground '...what will happen to us if he attacks?'

Blaze was chowing his lower lip looking with peeled eye's for sign of the nineties. He looked over to his brother but the vaporeon seemed to be in thought as well not even looking Blaze way 'what is he thinking of? he also thinking of soul?'

Blaze then saw the nineties walking towereds them with an sinister glared. His eye's were blood red and his muzzle was carved in a smirk. "Well...i see your still here" he said his voice can hardly be heard. Blaze felt himself tumble a bit and his heart was raceing fast in his chest. Flash stepped up and glared at soul with a warning look in his eye's "you are no longer welcome here in everfree forest..." Flash barked. Soul slowly shook his head "Oh flash poor poor flash... You should of lefted when i gave you the chance" soul was standing with his head held high. Flash growled "Leave now!" The jolteon was now spicked up with electric running through him but soul didn't not even flinch at this he just chuckled at the angry jolteon "hehe... i warned you that i was going to came for your crown...and now here i am and I'm going to keep my word" soul said walking closer. Blaze drooped his ears 'he's not backing down' Blaze thought warriedly then to Blaze horror more pokemon apperd most of them were fire and dark types " this is how you choose to settle this" Flash muttered. Soul smirked at the jolteon "you lefted me no choice"

With out a warning the nineties throw himself on top of flash with teeth and clows. Ramune and Blaze jumped away with shock. No pokemon could react fast enough the jolteon cryed in shock and pain as soul snack his long Sharp teeth into Flash's neck. Flash struggle to free himself desperately as blood rolled down his neck his eyes had grown hevey with weekness.

Blaze ran to help his father but before he knew it he was knocked to the ground by a bunch of pokemon running. Blaze quickly got up to see that all the pokemon broke out into a fight. Blaze looked around he couldn't even see his dad or brother anymore just a bunch of snapping teeth and pokemon clowing at each other.

'I gotta get to dad he's in trouble!'

Blaze tryed to run past all the fighting but a umbreon blooked his path "were do you think your going!" He hisses in blaze's face. Blaze growled with announce and scratch the umbreon a cross his face leaving a bloody cut a cross his red eye. The umbreon leaped at blaze useing iron tail and smacking Blaze on his side. Blaze tumble down 'Fine this basterd wants a fight I'll give him a fight he'll never forget!'

Blaze felt really hot with rage. He used fire blast hopeing to burn the the umbreon.

The umbreon got smacked pretty hard hitting the ground and tarring up clups of grass. The umbreon gave a deadly glare as he jumped back up and used quick attack on the flareon but blaze moved away in time to push the umbreon back down. Blaze had him pinned down and was clowing at his belly blood was pooring out of the fresh cut blaze torred opened. The umbreon cryed out in great pain Blaze finally let go of him and to Blaze horror he didn't realize how deep he was scratching but the umbreon lied lump on the ground with blood pooring out of his stomach. 'Well that's what he gets for getting in my way!'

Blaze then looked around his sowrondens to see a bloody battle all around him. There were dead body's all over on the ground pokemon were crying in pain and anger 'Oh Arceus!! Please make it stop!'

Blaze couldn't stand the sight of it. He ran looking for his family but could not fine any sign of them but more pokemon jumped in his way forceing him to fight in the gory battle. Blaze found himself fighting a delcatty he had her pinned down when a houndoom charge into him knocking him to the ground. He grinded his teeth looking at his enemies with hate. He used flamethrower on the both of them but the houndoom did not burn like the delcatty she ran away only to get attack by a mightyena. The houndoom smirks a blaze with a death look in his eye's but instead of fighting Blaze he used flamethrower on the tree's and bushies cosing them to burst into flames. The fire spred fast. Blaze froze in place as soon as he realized that all the fire tye were cosing a forest fire "NO!" Blaze yelped in disbelieve 'they can't all the grass and bug types will die'

Blaze ran to the tree's trying to figer out how he could put the flames out

'but i can't...i can only make it worse!!'

Blaze tryed to fined a water type but could not 'WHERE THE HELL IS RAMUNE!!'

a charizard landed in front of him and wacked him with his tail. The impact was horrible srtong Blaze went flying to the ground he hit his head agents a rock "Owe!!!" Blaze cryed out. The charizard stomped as hard as he could were blaze was. Bkaze saw this and roll just in time. The charizard scratch Blaze in the side and stomped on his tail so he couldn't run. Blaze felt fear running through him "PLEASE DON'T KILL ME!!!" he yelled as loud as he could hopeing that someone on his side would hear his crys but suddenly blood splash his face as the charizard fell dead on the ground. Blaze just stared at this 'What just happened?'

The charizard had a holl in his head. Blaze looked up but saw nothing 'who killed him?'

Blaze just shook his head "who ever you are thanks!" Blaze run off he desided not to think to much about it 'theres a lot of pokemon here it could of been anyone of them' blaze stopped to sew a bunch of grass types running around on fire screaming like hellas as they burnd away. Blaze felt sickened by this '...this is all souls falt.. Wait if i fine him i can end this!'

Blaze looked around for the nineties hopeing to fine him 'i gotta end this there's to many of them!'

Bkaze looked around but the burning tree's made it hard to see it didn't bother him but a lot of pokemon were drooping from the smoke. Blaze ear flew up when he heard a Chuckle 'Soul!'

Blaze bolted towed the nioce 'i'm cameing for you!!'

Blaze came to a stop his eye's widened. The ninetales had Matt by the neck he was using one of his tails. There was a bunch of blood running down the mightyenas face. "Let Him Go!!" Blaze yelled with rage and ran up to soul using shadow ball. The shadow hit soul right in his smug face 'Scor!'

Soul let go of matt and yelled in anger.

He's sinister red eye landed on Blaze "you" he said in a soft voice. Blaze showed his teeth "soul this has to stop! Your done!" Soul used shadow ball right back at blaze. Blaze tryed to Douge it but got hit right in the head "Ahh!!" Blaze went crashing down. The ninetales ran up and used bit on him. Soul had blaze pinned down and leaned his face close to him. Blaze couldn't move he was forced to look in his eyes "...What are you going to do huh?... You gonna stop me or get your ass kicked.. You are nothing you will never be anything... The sad thing is you can help any pokemon.. This forest will burn away and you can't do anything about it" soul said in his slick clever voice. Blaze narrowed his eye and a bunch of anger was heating up inside him "I WON'T GO OUT THIS WAY!!" Blaze yelled as loud as possible and he felt a bunch of heat explod out. A loud -boom- was heard and soul went flying away from him but landed on his paw with a smirk still planted on his face. Blaze jumped back to his paws ready to fight again but what he saw was not what he wanted to see the hole forest was now came pletly on fire pokemon guts were every were "hahahah!... Overheat dose that you know... It always cosins disaster...and i love it" Blaze stared at the nineties 'he..he did that on porpoise!!'

Soul then used Shadow ball Blaze was to stunned to move and was hit to the ground once more the nineties jumped on him but this time did not hasatat he snapped at Blaze belly bitting into his flush "AHH!" Blaze cryed but soul did not let go. Blaze felt weeknss washing over him. He no longer could keep his eye's opened no everything whent black.

Ramune's P.O.V

Ramune ran through the fighting pokemon trying to fine Blaze 'i can't believe that stupid ninetales!'

A pokemon pushed Ramune but the vaporeon did not go down esy he looked to see a houndoom growling at him 'dose a fire type really think they stand a chance?'

Ramune used hydro pump on the houndoom. The houndoom fell to the ground coughing up water and Ramune used the same move over and over until the houndoom was no longer moving 'Good!'

Ramune took the time to look around and to the vaporeon horror there was now fire everwhere inisent pokemon were dieing by the thickness of the smoke. Ramune started to choghing as well 'i gotta pot that out before it dose to much damage!'

Ramune ran and looked at his group of water type's "lisen up! We have to pot this out!...If we don't we lose the war!!!" Ramune called to them all and right at that moment they all started to us water moves on the fire.

Ramune then started to help the fire was going down but then something coutched his eye's there laying dead on the ground was his mother the jolteon's jow was completely off and her head was twisted 'Mother!!!' Ramune abandoned his spot and ran to the dead body. The vaporeon was tumbling as tears rolled down his face 'Blaze was right to be stressed this is horrible!!!' Ramune's eyes flew onpend in shock when he realized that there was a dead eevee and poochyena laying by 'there kill kids!!!'

Ramune looked to see a charizard flying after some pokemon Ramune couldn't see who thought but to his surprise the charizard head got blown up by a beam 'what the mew?' Ramune saw raven in trouble so run after her to help out but the fire was still going strong 'why aren't the flames out yet?' Ramune jumped on the zeraora that was attacking raven. The mightyena ran that the first chance she got. Ramune used ice beam followed by muddy water the zeraora froze up and then the vaporeon jumped at him and bit his throat. Blood gushed out.Ramune let go feeling kinda bad for killing but what else can he do this was indead a war. But then Ramune heard a loud -BOOM- he spun around to see a great explosion 'oh-no no that fire has to go NOW!' feeling angry Ramune ran towards it 'who ever costed this will pay dearly!!'

Ramune stopped by more water types "Follow me this fire has to go now!" He yell as he ran by and they followed him

Ramune stopped when he saw soul pinning his brother down blood was seen all over him the flareon was still alive but was kbocked out. With out any wards the vaporeon used hydro pump on soul throwing him off of Blaze. Ramune then changed at him with death look 'Oh your so dead!!' Ramune smacked soul with his hevey tail. Blood flow from him. The ninetales smile was finally gone after that and he growled with announced "How dare you!" Soul growled and was about to fo something but stopped when he saw all the water types around him.

The ninetales smirks once again "Fine... You win..for now" then with that he ran away. Ramune narrowed his eye 'Oh i don't think so' Ramune ran after him. "Follow me my warrior's" soul called to his pokemon. Ramune couldn't run any more "ugh damite!!" Ramune yelp with anger. Soul posed to look a the tried vaporeon "Tell Blaze... That I'm caming back with a bigger will all survive me in the end because i keep my ward's i will be king" with that the nineties was gone with all his followers. Ramune duge his clows deep into the ground.

Ramune dragged Blaze away from the fire and made sure no one was near the danger. Than he used surf to pout out the flames for once and all. "Ugh...mmm" Ramune turned around to see Blaze open his eye's "w-what?..did we it over?" Ramune sighed "...we didn't win or lose there's still to be a war" the flareon got up fast at that " no there can't be anther war!" Ramune drooped his head knowing that there will be. "Where's dad?" Matt walked forward with the jolteon on his back "...Blaze...Ramune i-I'm so sorry" they both froze at this. Matt pout him down and the both saw that he was lifeless 'No...not dad to!!'

Blaze stared in horror "what about mom?" Blaze said in a panick watch broke Ramune's heart knowing the answer to that "...she's dead as well...leaving you to be king Blaze" said Matt. Ramune lowerd his head feeling more tears running down from his eye's. Blaze as well was tearing up but gave Ramune a sharp glare "You!!...This is your fult!! Ramune where were you...your a water type if you have been there for them they'd still be alive!!" Ramune was taking back by this "w-what... Blaze no.... This isn't my fault...i mean i didn't think-" but he was cut off by blaze "You never took this series...No it's just a bluff blaze...that you said and now look!" Ramune felt cut and hurt by blaze wards "b-but i...I'm sorry blaze" Ramune drooped his head but then Blaze drooped his head as well " I'm sorry...b-but i just don't know what to do i-I'm not ready to lead Ramune" Blaze said in a small voice and Ramune then knew that the flareon was scared and so was he.

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