Ever After: An Amourshipping...

De HAKDurbin

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Serena is a twenty-one-year-old woman who has been forced to be a slave to her evil stepmother, Hania, and he... Mais

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Cover for my new story
New story complete!
Another Author's Note
Another story being published!

Chapter 8

485 19 0
De HAKDurbin

It is late in the afternoon and after a quiet lunch with the monks at the Kalos Monastery, Ash and Serena decides to hop back in Ash’s carriage and start riding back to the Yvonne estate. The two young adults continue to talk about the library and the hospitality of the monks until they ran out of things to talk about.

After a while, Ash began to grow tired and fell asleep while Serena is looking through the carriage window. When she finally turns to the prince, he is already out. Serena smiles and giggles quietly, as she finds the prince to look cute as he lightly snores. But after a few minutes, she begins to grow a little tired herself and she gets an idea that turns her cheeks red. She debates in whether or not to give into the temptation, but after a while, her desire gets the best of her. With her face turning red all over, she scoots closer to Ash and slowly rests her head on his shoulder. Goosebumps surround her body as she feels his shoulder blade on her cheek, but after a moment or two, she starts to feel comfortable and closes her eyes with a small warm smile on her face. She lets out a quiet sigh as she drifts into sleep next to the man she is falling for.

Suddenly, a violent bump shakes the carriage and both Ash and Serena fall off their seats nearly hitting their heads together. They immediately wake up and check their surroundings before they struggle to get out of the carriage.

“Your Highness, Comtesse, are you alright?” the carriage driver asks.

“Yeah, we're fine,” Ash says as he helps Serena out of the carriage. “What happened?”

“It looks like one of the wheels has broken off, sire,” the driver answers. “Probably lost a nail or something.”

Ash frowns at this news as he and Serena sees that one of the back wheels of the carriage has indeed come off.

“Can it be repaired?” Ash asks the carriage driver.

“I think so,” the driver answers. “I shall have to walk back to the monastery and ask the monks for some tools and nails.”

Ash sighs in disappointment, clearly displeased with the scenario. Serena looks at him worryingly and thinks for a moment before she gets an idea.

“Then we shall travel on foot,” she announces.

Ash turns to Serena in shock.

“Are you mad? It’s half a day’s walk,” he complains.

“Honestly, Your Highness, where is your sense of adventure?” Serena playfully taunts. “Besides, you look like a strong man with the stamina to travel on foot on a daily basis.”

Ash stares at the honey blonde woman befuddled as she begins to walk on ahead. He hesitates for a moment before he shrugs and catches up with Serena much to her satisfaction.

For the next hour, Ash and Serena walk down the road in silence. Every now and then, the two of them glance at each other and smile, glad to be in each other’s company. But as they walk further and further, they begin to realize that they are going deeper into the forest. Having never gone this far into the forest before, Ash, in particular, grows worried with every step.

“Grace, are you sure we’re going the right way?” he asks.

Serena tries to hide her own worry as she checks her surroundings.

“Uh, if I must be honest with you, sire, I think we might have missed a turn,” she confesses.

Ash’s worry grows at Serena’s words and he stops walking saying, “Then we better turn back and try to find a way back to the carriage.”

“We can’t,” Serena says. “We don’t know if we’re gonna go the same way we came. If we make one wrong turn we could be even more lost.”

“Well, this is one unpleasant ‘adventure’ as you call it,” Ash grumbles. “How are we supposed to go back?”

Serena scratches her chin and thinks until she looks at the cliff they are passing by.

“I have an idea,” she announces. “But I’m gonna need you to look away the entire time.”

“Look away, why do I have to -” Ash begins before he sees Serena taking off her headband and realizes what Serena’s doing just in time to look away blushing before she completely undresses to her undergarment. Serena turns her head to make sure the prince is looking away before taking a deep breath and begins climbing up the cliff.

“Is this really necessary?” Ash questions as he keeps his eye glued to the sky.

“Well, I can’t exactly climb up with my gown on, now can I?” Serena replies as she makes her way to the top.

“Ah, that does it,” Ash grumbles. “The next time I leave the castle, I’m going to study the entire terrain until I know how to make my way home walking backwards if necessary.”

Serena giggles cutely at the prince’s frustration.

“I should very much like to see you accomplish that feat, Your Highness,” she calls out before she begins scouting and shouts. “Ah, there’s Lumiose City! It’s back that way.”

Ash looks up to see Serena pointing away from the cliff. He turns around staring at the woods before he frowns in disbelief.

“You’re a marvel and then some, my lady,” He says as he turns around to look up to where Serena is. “You swim alone, climb rocks and rescue servants. Is there anything you can’t do?”

“Fly,” Serena says plainly, giving the prince a bright smile. “Now turn around so that I can climb back down.”

Ash keeps staring at Serena for a moment before the smirks and does what he’s told. But as soon as is back his facing the cliff, a fist collides with his face hard and he falls down in pain. He looks up to find a group of Demoth scavengers laughing and taunting at him, and standing in front of him is the Demoth thief with dark brown hair, short beard and a long scar that goes from the top of his forehead to his right cheek whom Ash immediately recognizes as the man who tried to run away with Timothy’s paintings.

“Oh no,” Ash grumbles as he takes out his two swords and calls out to Serena, “You better stay aloft, Grace, There are games afoot.”

Serena’s eyes widen in worry as the Demoth thief takes out his own swords and begins dueling with the man she loves. The other Demoth surrounding Ash laugh and cheer for the man with the scar as they clash their swords together violently. Serena’s face melts from one of fear to one of determination as she begins to climb down the cliff as fast as she can, determined to help him. When she’s halfway down, she looks down to check on Ash just in time to see an older Demoth man with long black hair that reaches his shoulders and a thin mustache grab her dress and look up to give her a taunting bow.

“My wife thanks you for this fine garment, mademoiselle,” he says with a grin, earning another laugh from the other Demoth.

“You will give me back my dress, sir!” Serena yells.

The man with the black hair and mustache merely smirks before he turns around to watch the duel. Serena tries to climb down quickly while Ash manages to punch the man with the scar making him drop his swords, much to the amusement of his companions. The man with the scar lunges at Ash and tackles him to the ground, making him also drop his swords and begins punching him left and right. The Demoth cheer and laugh in excitement giving Serena the chance to jump and land on the man holding her dress, tackling him to the ground. The man groans in pain as Serena quickly takes his sword from its hilt and stands up to aid Ash, but two men grab her from behind with one of them holding a dagger close to her neck. Ash’s eyes widen in fear as he manages to shove the man with the scar off of him and stands up to hold his hands.

“Stop!” he pleads. “Your quarrel is with me. Let the lady go!”

The Demoth man with the black hair stands up and he smirks at the prince before turning to his men.

“You heard the lover boy, release her,” he orders.

The two men let Serena go and back away leaving her to glare at the man with the black hair.

“You are the leader of this band?” she asks.

“Indeed I am,” The man with the black hair answers while giving Serena another playful bow. “Damlier of Helliemstyar if it pleases you, fair maiden.”

“Well, Damlier of Helliemstyar, I insist you return my things at once,” Serena commands. “And since you deprive me of my escort, I demand a horse as well.”

The Demoth laugh mockingly at Serena’s request while Ash stares at her in awe of her bravery. Even the man named Damlier raises his eyebrow in amusement before he says. “Milady, you may have anything you can carry.”

“Do I have your word on that, sir?” Serena asks unconvinced.

“On my honor as a Demoth,” Damlier replies. “May Isimun Dagr or your own god or both deal with me be it ever so severely if I deny you whatever you can carry.”

Serena gives Damlier a suspicious glare before she lifts her head up and walks toward Ash. With a deep breath, Serena tries to contain the blush already appearing on her cheeks before she grabs Ash’s arm, bends down and with all her strength picks him up on her back. Damlier’s eyes widen and he turns to the man with the scar whose jaw has dropped while the other Demoth men “Oooo” and whistle loudly at Serena in amusement. Serena manages to turn to Damlier and gives him a light bow with her own confidant smirk before she begins to walk away, carrying a bashful Ash. Damlier continues to stare in surprise before he and the man with the scar laugh out loud with the rest of their group.

“Wait!” He calls out in mid-laughter. “Wait, please come back, I’ll give you a horse, Madame.”

Serena sighs in relief and gently puts Ash down as Damlier and his men run to catch up with them. Damlier and the man with the scar smirk at the honey blonde woman with an impressed look.

“I must confess you are stronger than you look for a noblewoman, milady,” The man with the scar says. “If you had carried your escort for any longer, I would almost consider you to be as strong as my wife which is a rare accomplishment.”

“Uh, thank you, kind sir,” Serena says politely with a nervous chuckle.

“Ah yes, I don’t think you have been properly introduced,” Damlier says. “This is my son, Maulinlier and you should take what he said as a compliment, young lady. Demoth women are raised to be as strong and willing to fight as their men and truly you have unusual strength for a girl who grew up just to sit around and look pretty in front of the men.”

“That’s because I’m not a lady who has been raised to do just that, gentlemen,” Serena claims proudly. “My father was a captain of Kalos’ army and he taught me how to hold my own before I was half his height.”

“Indeed?” Maulinlier. “I hope he wasn’t the same captain who gave me my scar.”

Serena winces slightly before bluntly saying, “I’m afraid he passed before he could join the war, sir.”

The two men’s smiles weaken at her words and look at each other awkwardly.

“Well, I’m terribly sorry to hear that,” Maulinlier says. “He must have been a man worthy of a good fight in battle if his daughter’s ambition in any consideration. Maybe even more worthy to give me my scar then the lucky man who got the better of me.”

“Worth?” Ash asks in disbelief. “She just told you about her father dying and you’re talking about him being worthy to give you your scar?”

Damlier titters before he steps in, “No need to be insulted lad, your lady was given a compliment.

“How?” Ash challenges. “Are you Demoth so devoted to war that you want to say who is or isn’t worthy to give you a scar a compliment?”

“It’s not about what we want, young man. It’s about what Isimun Dagr wants,” Maulinlier answers for his father.  

“Who is Isimun Dagr?” Serena asks.

“Isimun Dagr is our god,” Damlier explains. “He is the master of conflict who demands that we devote our lives to warfare for his power and for our place in the netherworld. Our place after death is determined by our deeds in battle during this life. The more you kill or the longer you last against the opponent who ultimately defeats you, the better you will be comforted in the next life with food, drink, and other pleasures.”

Ash and Serena stare at each other, unable to process what Damlier just explained to them.

“Is that why you attacked us and started the war?” Ash asks angrily.

“And what business is it for you in particular to ask that question so passionately, young man?” Maulinlier asks mockingly.

“I am Ashton, Prince of Kalos,” Ash announces proudly. “And on behalf of my people who gave their lives fighting you, I demand that you answer my question.”

Damlier and Maulinlier’s eyes widen and even their men look at each other with unease. They appear to be communicating with each other with their facial expressions before turning back to Ash.

“Well, that would be a yes and a no, young prince,” Damlier eventually answers.

“How?” Ash demands.

Damlier and his son hesitate again before he turns to Ash with a small yet friendly smile.

“I’ll tell you what, highness,” he says. “Since you and your lady have impressed us so, why don’t you join us for dinner at our camp then we can explain everything?”

“And why should we trust you when you could be using that offer to slit our throats?” Ash asks.

“Believe me, lad, if we wanted to you kill you, I would have said hello with an arrow instead of my fist,” Maulinlier answers. “After all, the two of you talked so loudly that we could have had a dozen swords ready to pierce your back and you would be none the wiser. Besides, I would think my father keeping his promise to your lady earlier would be enough to prove we prefer to keep our word.”

Ash glares at the two men suspiciously before turning to Serena. The honey blonde woman hesitates before she reluctantly says, “He’s right, Your Highness, they would have killed us by now.”

The Kalos prince sighs before he says, “Very well, but if you try anything -”

“On the honor of me and my entire family, Your Highness, if any harm comes to you even by accident, you and the lady are free to leave,” Damlier says plainly. “Now if we’ve made everything clear, I’m sure Maulinlier’s wife will probably be back by the time we make it to the caves. To home and to our families, men!”  

The other Demoth men cheer merrily at Damlier’s announcement and with a polite gesture from Maulinlier, Ash and Serena reluctantly follows the two of them and their men. As the group made their way deeper into the woods, Ash glances at Serena, making sure she is alright white at the same time is amazed by her bravery against the Demoth men. His cheeks start to turn red as he thinks about Serena picking him up on her back trying to save him which Maulinlier notices much to his amusement.

“So tell me, lad,” He whispers in Ash’s ear as they walk. “What is going on between you and that pretty lass. Are you betrothed?”

“What? No,” Ash answers quickly with his face turning redder.

“But you’d like to be,” Maulinlier says with a smirk. “Clearly she’s so deep in your mind that you want to be with her for the rest of your life.”

“You shouldn’t judge people so flippantly,” Ash growls.

“I’m not,” Maulinlier says plainly. “Contrary to what you may think I know what it’s like to admire a lady and take a while before finally courting her. So as someone who took a while to make a move, don’t.”

Ash stares at the scarred Demoth who merely smirks at his disbelief.

“You look at me as if Demoth can’t fall in love just because of our terrible deeds in the past,” Maulinlier says. “I don’t blame you, Your Highness, but I swear to you that it is so. From the moment I saw her training with her bow and arrow back at our old homeland, I knew Monica Istarwin was someone I wanted but did not pursue because I deemed her far out of my league.”

“Let me guess, she is so beautiful that you thought you didn’t deserve to say a word?” Ash asks with a raised eyebrow.

“Well, sure her long gold hair, snappy hazel eyes and her smile alone played a factor,” Maulinlier admits with a smirk. “But it wasn’t just her undeniable beauty so much as how hard she proved she was more than a pretty face. Her skill with a bow and dagger are beyond expression, her knack for survival compared to her own peers was undeniable, and her attitude can only be matched by my mother.”

“And you considered yourself a lesser warrior or something?” Ash asks.

“You might say that,” Maulinlier answers. “True, I considered myself something of a strong warrior and was proud to be the son of one of the highest-ranking leaders among our people, but my heritage and what I knew of strength were nothing compared to what that woman possesses.”

Ash frowns and turns to Serena who is having a conversation with Damlier and considers how he feels the same way about her.

“Ah, so we are more alike than I suspected, young prince, are we not?” Maulinlier suspects.

Ash sighs before he reluctantly admits, “Yeah, I guess so. For years I thought I knew all that there is to know because I was given all the knowledge in the world just because I’m royalty, and yet here is this woman with so much passion and bravery that is only matched by her beauty that makes me feel like I know nothing at all. It seems like each moment we spend together, she finds new ways to surprise me with her words or her deeds of bravery or skill.”

Maulinlier chuckles lightly and says, “I think I have a pretty good idea what you mean if my first meeting with her is any indication.”

Ash nods in agreement before he asks, “What convinced you to pursue your wife despite how you felt about yourself?”

“Oh, a conversation there, a duel between the two of us there, and being miles away from each other while all of our people...well..went to war,” Maulinlier admits while scratching the back of his head nervously. “We would flirt in our own way as we were fighting all eight of your kingdoms, but after I got reckless during an ambush and barely got away with just a big cut on my face that became this scar, I just couldn’t help but be upfront with Monica with all my heart in case a day came where I wouldn’t be as fortunate. It turned out, however, that she was pursuing me in her own way all along before I even first laid eyes on her.”

“Are you jesting?” Ash asks in disbelief.

“I don’t jest about my bride, boy,” Maulinlier says in a matter-of-factually tone. “Unfortunately, pride and duty began to drive us apart as the war started to shift away from our favor. We were needed in separate parts of the battlefield again and each time I survived a fight, I was praying to Isimun Dagr that she was doing the same. Finally, the last days of the war came and we the Demoth finally surrendered with Lord Powuru’s death. As shameful as it was that we lost a great war and ended up leaderless and scattered, it was secretly the best day of my life because it also meant Monica and I could stay together. As the leader of our band, my father married us and every moment since then has made all the shame and dishonor we bear as a people worth it so long as I am with my Monica.”

Ash smiles, glad to hear the ending of Maulinlier’s tale when the scarred Demoth gave him a warning glare.

“But none of that might have happened if I hadn’t declared what she meant to me when the time was right,” Maulinlier says. “And if you’re not careful, you might miss your chance with that honey blonde noblewoman before you know it.”

Ash frowns again at that thought and turns to Serena who is laughing with Damlier about something. His mind drifts to how deeply he’s grown to admire the young woman and how he doesn’t have much time left before he has to make his choice at the ball. The thought of marrying Princess May or Miette or any other girl fills his heart with some sort of pain he can’t explain. Maulinlier smirks at the Kalos prince, knowing that he’s taking his advice to heart. Suddenly, Ash’s frown turns into a face of confusion as he turns back to the scarred Demoth man.

“You know, that reminds me,” he says. “How did Powuru die? All I know is that it might have been one of you who did it.”

Maulinlier hesitates before he says, “I think it’s better if my father explains that, lad. After all, that has to do with our explanation about our religion and why we went to war with you in the first place.”

Ash frowns again but silently accepts Maulinlier answer as they continue to walk through the forest until they come across a series of caves. From a distance, Serena and Ash can see many Demoth men, women, and children living inside the caves, each one consisting of sleeping mats, weapons, stolen riches and a spot for cooking hunted animals under the fire.

“This is your hideout?” Serena asks in amazement.

“Indeed it is,” Damlier says proudly. “And it is here that we shall -”

Suddenly, an arrow zooms past Ash and nearly misses Maulinier’s face before hitting a tree next to him. Ash draws his swords again and makes a fighting stance to where the arrow came from only to cause Damlier and Maulinlier’s group to laugh in amusement.

“You better put those away before she gets the wrong idea, son,” Damlier suggests.

“What do you mean?” Ash asks.

“He’s talking about my wife,” Maulinlier says as he points past Ash to a Demoth woman with messy yellow hair and hazel eyes that are piercing through Ash’s soul as she walks over to them with her bow ready to fire another arrow.

“This is Monica?” Ash asks. “Then why did she fire that arrow?”

“Oh, it’s just her normal way of saying hello to her loving husband,” Maulinlier says with a wave of his hand before he walks over to Monica. The golden-haired woman smirks at the scarred man before she leaps into his arms and smashes her lips together with his passionately. When they part, Monica gives her husband a dreamy look before she turns her head to Ash and Serena with a suspicious glare.

“And what did my husband bring back this time?” she questions.

“These are our guests, my daughter-in-law,” Damlier answers with a smile.

Monica turns to Damlier with a worried look and asks, “And how, father-in-law, do you plan on convincing your wife to let them be our guests?”

Damlier merely laughs and says, “You underestimate how I can handle my wife, Monica.”

With another laugh, Damlier begins walking toward one of the caves with Ash, Serena, Maulinlier and Monica following while the rest of their band return to their respective caves.

“Uh, Maulinlier, should we really be worried about what your mother will think about us coming here?” Serena asks worryingly.”

“Maybe,” Maulinlier says bluntly with a smirk on his face. “My mother loves my father more than anything in this world or any reward Isimun Dagr can promise in the next, but there are times where she just does not care to follow his ideas, especially when they concern the safety of our hideout. Frankly, if I were you, I wouldn’t be surprised if she attacks either of you or demands a duel as a means to earn the right to be in our hideout.”

 Ash and Serena look at each other worryingly before Ash says, “Do you realize you could have told us that earlier?”

“And watch you run away in fear with your noblewoman?” Maulinlier asks tauntingly. “Why we wouldn't dream of it. Besides, it's been some time since my mother had someone other than my wife to spar with her.”

Ash and Serena look at each other again, still unconvinced with the scarred man’s words. They follow the three Demoth more reluctantly as they enter a cave slightly larger than the rest. Sitting on a wooden stool while sewing a garment is a tall, muscular woman with thick, long black hair that goes down to her waist. The woman keeps her eyes on the garment as Damlier approaches her with a cheerful and loving smile.

“Marialier, my most beloved,” he greets loudly as if he wanted the entire camp to hear his declaration of love.

He leans in to give the woman named Marialier a big kiss on her cheek only to find one of her hands grab him by the jaw within a blink of an eye. Ash and Serena’s eyes widen while Damlier laughs in amusement as Marialier drops the garment and stands up to show her incredible height as she keeps her grip on Damlier’s jaw.

“Saw that coming,” Monica whispers to Ash and Serena.

“Damlier of Helliemstyar, you wicked husband,” Marialier snaps. “What madness has driven you to allow outsiders into my cave?”

“These are our guests, my love-above-all,” Damlier manages to say despite his wife’s hand covering his mouth. “Prince Aston and Comtesse de Ridley.”

“Guests?!” Marialier barks. “You dare imply that you attacked what appears to be a noblewoman in her undergarments and… the PRINCE?!?!?! And you decide to lead then into our hideout?!”

“Not just a noblewoman, mother,” Maulinlier says stepping in. “She’s one of unusual strength and courage for a lady of her station?”

“Ha! You expect me to be a hostess to a lady who wears ridiculous dresses and stands around looking pretty just for having an inkling of more strength than what is considered normal to these people?” Marialier ridicules. “I bet she has never held a dagger much less a sword in her life!”

Ash steps in front of Serena and has his hands close to his swords, prepared to take them out if Marialier plans to attack. Serena blushes lightly at the gesture and smiles at Ash sweetly before she suddenly takes both of his swords out of their sheaths from behind him.

“Grace, what are you -” Ash asks before Serena walks over to Marialier.

“I may not be as devoted to combat as Demoth like you, Madame Marialier,” Serena begins with her own sword stance. “But my father was a skilled swordsman and taught me how to duel before I was seven years old.”

Everyone stares at Serena speechless. After a moment, Marialier laughs loudly before she walks over to a wooden chest and takes out a long, thin, sword.

“Taught how to duel at age seven, eh?” She asks tauntingly. “Let’s see.”

Without another word, the tall Demoth woman walks over to Serena until she's a few yards away and makes her fighting stance. The two women keep their eyes fixed on each other while Ash watches in worry and Damlier, Maulinlier and Monica watch in amusement.

“Begin,” Damlier says plainly.

Marialier lets out a battle cry and charges at the honey blonde woman. Serena merely smirks as with one twirl, she dodges the tall woman’s sword and swats her on her side with the flat side of one of Ash’s swords.  Ash looks at Serena with his mouth dropped, but Marialier and her family do not look impressed.

“That was but a test to see if you would cower,” Marialier says plainly. “Now that I know that you’re at least not entirely just words, let’s see what you can really do.”

“That's what I was waiting for you to do,” Serena says mockingly earning a smirk from Marialier.

The tall Demoth woman makes another battle cry and charges at Serena. This time her attack is more professionally swung leading Serena to have to use Ash’s swords to parry. Marialier begins swinging more and more attacks with Serena parrying each one with ease. The two women begin moving their feet back and forth as they clash their weapons together violently. Ash watches in awe while Damlier, Maulinlier, and Monica begin nodding their heads in approval. Eventually, Marialier’s attacks start to go slower, giving Serena the advantage to go on the offensive. The tall Demoth woman blocks both of Serena’s swords with ease, but her stamina appears to grow weaker with each attack.

Finally, Serena brings all three blades in a lock and gives her opponent a smug look. But Marialier merely smirks back and elbows Serena in the face causing her to lose her balance and fall down on her face.

“Grace!” Ash calls out as Marialier walks over to her fallen opponent and aims her sword close to the back of Serena’s head.

“Pity,” she says. “I expected more.”

“Your foot would disagree if this were a real battle,” Serena says plainly.

Marialier, Damlier, Maulinlier, Monica, and Ash look at Serena in confusion. They turn their heads to Marialier’s foot and stare in surprise to find Serena secretly pointing Ash’s short sword close to Marialier’s ankle.

“If you were going to kill me, you would have attempted the killing blow not noticing that in the process I would have impaled your ankle. I honestly doubt a woman of even your devotion to combat would have recollected herself from the pain in time before I rolled over and pierced your stomach with my other sword,” Serena states.

Everyone stares at the honey blonde woman, in shock, but no one is as speechless as Marialier. The tall Demoth woman stares at Serena for a moment before she drops her sword and suddenly bursts into hearty laughter. After a moment, Damlier, Maulinlier, and Monica begin laughing as well while Ash sighs in relief.

“Now that’s more like it,” Marialier declares in mid-laughter as she reaches out her hand to pull Serena back up. “You are certainly more than what you seem, noblewoman. What do they call you?”

Serena holds her tongue for a moment to stop herself from giving everyone her real name before she answers, “I am Comtesse Grace de Ridley, madame.”

“Well, Comtesse, any lady that can manage to outwit me almost as well as my daughter-in-law is welcome to stay in our camp, so long as they keep it a secret,” Marialier declares.

“Then as surely as the Lord lives I shall not tell a soul where you live,” Serena promises.

“And I shall make that same vow if it is what my lady wishes,” Ash declares, stepping in.

“Then let us not delay any longer,” Damlier announces with a hearty smile. “Let us eat and drink with our guests and brethren.”

Damlier’s family cheers in response as they begin to exit the cave with Marialier leading Serena with her hand on her shoulder. Maulinlier follows behind with his wife to give Ash an amused smirk.

“Clearly wonders never cease with this lady of yours,” he says. “You better heed my words and make a move young prince.”

Ash nods in understanding but frowns in concern as soon as Maulinlier looks away to follow the group. The Kalos Prince begins to debate about taking the scarred man’s words even if he admits he is not worthy to be with someone like Serena. He sighs and tries to bury such thoughts from his mind before he follows everyone else.

“And someone get my opponent a gown to cover her undies for humanity's sake!” Marialier shouts at a distance.


It is late at night and tension is growing inside the Yvonne estate. When Hania came home with her daughters and asked Helga and Kim where Serena is, the two elder servants merely answered that her stepdaughter went out to pick wildflowers and should be home soon. But it has been several hours since they gave the Baroness that lie and even Helga and Kim have grown worried as it is now late in the night and there has been no sign of their young, sweet friend.

Eventually, Hania had the two elder sister's prepare her bed before she sleeps. Helga made the bed while Kim emptied her pot. As they worked, the Baroness stares at the night sky waiting for Serena.

“I want to be informed the moment she gets home,” she orders. “Is that understood?”

“Yes, mistress,” Helga replies quickly.

Kim grew more worried for the honey blonde woman with her stepmother’s order until she noticed something.

“Uh, mistress, did you move your mirror from its bed stand?”

Hania looks away from the window and bluntly answers, “No, why?”

Kim hesitates before she answers, “It's not there, Madame,”

“Then it too shall come out of your pay until it is found,” Hania announces harshly without missing a beat.

Kim sighs and nods in acknowledgment as she and her elder sister finish their duties and exit the bedroom with Hania still glaring out the window.

“Either you quit saying what is missing or we’re going to pay her to work,” Helga grumbles as they walk down the hall.

“Good thing I didn't mention the tapestries disappearing,” Kim says.

Helga nods in agreement as they make their way to their bedchambers and both of them silently asking, “Serena, where are you?”

Hania, on the other hand, keeps staring out the window as she thinks about her stepdaughter’s inexcusable disappearance. But her disapproval turns into a smirk as she suddenly makes just the decision she needs to make to punish the honey blonde woman severely.


Meanwhile, Serena is laughing with Ash while wearing a Demoth garment as the two of them eat and chat with their new friends. The Demoth people gather together with their two guests in one big bonfire in front of their caves as they all eat hunted deer, rolls, and wine in merriment with a band of musicians are playing while some couples and small groups of children started dancing around the bonfire.

Eventually, having finished their meals, Maulinlier and Monica decide to dance together followed by Marialier who because of her height practically carries Damlier as they dance much to her husband’s amusement. Serena smiles brightly at the two Demoth couple before she gets an idea. With a light blush on her face, she gathers the courage to take Ash’s hand and lead him to the bonfire to dance. Ash tries to protest, but the words fail him as Serena takes his other hand and leads him to a dance. The Demoth cheer as they watch Ash struggle to keep up before he trips on Serena’s foot and they both fall down with Ash landing on top of Serena. The two of them stare at each other with their faces close to each other before the laughter of their new friends snaps them out of their moment and they begin laughing too.

After an hour of merriment, Damlier stands up and claps his hands repeatedly for silence and the entire camp sits down with their eyes fixed on him.

“My brethren,” he begins with his voice loud and clear. “As promised to our dear guests, it is time to speak about the ways of our people and the renouncing of our late leader, Powuru.”

Some of the Demoth people look at Damlier with sore frowns on their faces and whisper to each other. Ash and Serena look each other unsettled as they sit next to Damlier’s family while he walks over to them.

“Now then, Your Highness, Comtesse de Ridley,” he starts. “I have told you about the belief of our god, Isimun Dagr and how all of us, men, women, and children devote our lives to combat to show our worth in this life to secure our rest in the next one. And you, young prince, asked me if that's why we went to war against the eight kingdoms within your continent and my answer was yes and no.”

Ash nods in understanding before Damlier continues.

“While we did fight as a means to prove our worth, it was the leader of our country, Powuru, who made the decision,” he says. “Powuru was the mightiest out of all of us. He was born a slave in a far country where his parents were kidnapped and enslaved from our land. When he was just a teen, his cruel masters worked him to the bone to become a gladiator in their arenas. Not as a champion, you see, but a mere soldier expected to last a moment at best while he and hundreds of others would kill each other until one or none survive just for the amusement of their masters. But Powuru survived that day and in anger, his masters would send him into more fights in the arena where he was expected to die. Many times this happened, and the result would be the same, hundreds dead, but Powuru stood alone. Not a scratch on his face or a dent on his armor or a tear in his garments.”

Ash and Serena listen intently, while the other Demoth listen reluctantly, clearly having heard this story before and have a clear hatred for their fallen leader.

“Eventually, Powuru found his chance and after surviving another great onslaught at the arena. He overpowered and slaughtered his masters and anyone affiliated with them,” Damlier continues. “He fled away before anyone could find out what he did and he wandered through the eastern countries until he made it into our borders. When we learned of his heritage, we welcomed him home, but when he was offered a place among our forces because of his deeds, he openly refused and demanded to be made the leader of the Demoth. We thought him mad at first, but our leader at the time, Lord Morfan-itus was a proud man and allowed trial by combat against Powuru. We expected Powuru to put up a good fight, but we never dreamed that he would win much less have ended the duel with his sword through Morfan-itus’ skull.”

Serena winces at the description before Damlier continues his story.

“From then on, Powuru was Lord of the Demoth and he was beloved by our people for his strength and skills in battle. For years he ruled over us, learned about our culture and appeared to be more infatuated with Isimun Dagr than anyone among our people.”

Damlier’s face falls into one of shame, leaving Maulinlier, Monica, Marialier and the rest of the Demoth to look at him in sympathy leaving Ash and Serena confused.

“I… was his second-in-command,” Damlier slowly admits leaving Ash and Serena surprised. “I was considered the strongest warrior among our people, second only to him and I openly followed him without condition. As such, he made me High Enforcer and since then I had nothing but pride for myself and my family for such a title for a man I foolishly believed to be the most powerful mortal being in all of the earth. Never once did I disagree with him or doubt his power. And then came the fateful day where Powuru made a proclamation that he had a vision from Isimin Dagr himself. He claimed that our god said to him that the time to show our worth him his eyes elsewhere was now and we must sail for conquest against the western kingdoms. A great number of our people were reluctant until I stood up and gave this big proud speech about how we should do as he commands, claiming that he clearly has been given a divine blessing from Isimin Dagr.”

Ash and Serena stare at Damlier with horror while the shame in the Demoth man’s face grows.

“With my words, anyone who doubted Powuru where suddenly filled with faith as blind as my own and confidence that we will succeed with the conquest,” he says. “For the next couple of years, we built every ship, siege weapon, armor and so on until there was enough of what we needed for our entire nation to set sail and attack your continent from multiple sides. Every kingdom in your land was unprepared for us and it took a while before they joined forces and began to fight back.”

“I remember that happening,” Ash interrupts. “My father was distraught when he heard what was happening and had to summon every man he had available.”

“I can only imagine,” Damlier says plainly with a sad look. “Nevertheless, we had the people and the supplies to make the war we started last as long as we wanted to. I'll never forget how much pure joy was in Powuru’s eyes the more we killed and destroyed in battle. I didn't want to admit it during the first couple of years of the war, but it was sickening to see that man look at the remains of a battlefield and smile brightly at the sight like a child looking at a shiny new toy. Whatever my doubts were back then, I buried them deep in my mind, telling myself that I should be ashamed for having any against what I deemed to be a remarkable man.”

Serena looks around and notices shame filling the faces of the other Demoth men and women who clearly had thought the same about their former leader while their children look at their parents either in sympathy or ignorant confusion.

“I used every battle I fought to try to fight through my doubts,” Damlier continues. “I was teaching myself to take pleasure in every soldier I cut down as a means to try to focus more on how great my reward will be in the netherworld. No man ever stood a chance against me.... until I met a young scrawny boy who would become the very general that is staying at your castle, Your Highness.”

“Timothy? General Timothy Durbin?” Serena asks in surprise before Ash could.

“Ah, so you've met him too,” Damlier says with a small smile before he frowns again. “Indeed, before he was this war hero, I first knew him as the scared young man I saw during a battle in Kanto. My men and I successfully breached the gates of Vermilion city and the Kantonians attempted to counter with a garrison of troops from their Varpathion allies. We didn't show any fear that more men were trying to flank us from outside the city walls, it just meant more lives to take to show our worth to Isimun Dagr. Eventually, we overpowered both forces and the Varpathians were beginning to fall back. I remember laughing in amusement as I watched my forces cut down so many enemies around me.

“And that's when I saw General Durbin for the first time. He was barely of age to be called an adult and despite the fact that he was cutting down any Demoth around him, the fear in his eyes and the fact that he never fought in a battle before was unmistakable. He knew as well as anyone that we were winning and it was a miracle that his fear didn’t overcome whatever courage he had to keep fighting. In my arrogance, I watched in amusement as the boy cut down his last attacker and with a wave of my hand, I ordered the men and women under my command to stand back and allow me to handle him myself just for sport. I still remember Durbin taking deep breaths in respite only to see me walk over to him with an amused grin. Horror was written all over his face as he barely held his slightly bent sword correctly to face me.

“I took out my sword and we began our duel. Not that I saw it as a duel, you see, for I pretended to be giving it my all so that the lad would think he was doing a good job against me before I overpower him with ease. As I started to take off the kid gloves, however, he still managed to hold his own. It was as if he figured out my fighting style and took it to his advantage so that he would block every swing of my sword. I began to attack harder and faster and yet this boy still defended himself from everything I had. I don’t know how long this continued, but the next thing I knew, he saw an opening because of my unfocused anger and he took it.”

Without another word, Damlier lifts up his shirt to show a long scar on his side. Ash and Serena wince at the sight of the closed wound while Damlier’s family and the other Demoth just stare at it without a word before he puts his shirt down and continues.

“Timothy Durbin wounded me for everyone, brethren, and enemy alike to see. If the soldiers behind me weren't so quick to come to my side, maybe he would have finished the job with a simple jab to my stomach. Regardless, morale fell gravely among the Demoth ranks and both the Kantonians and the Varpathians took advantage of it to form one last charge and drive us back from the city. For the first time since we came to this continent, my people and I went to fight a great battle but there would be no song or feast when we returned to our war camp. Powuru was infuriated when he learned of my failure and began to doubt my worth, and because I thought so highly of him, his words only increased my shame. That shame turned to anger as I eventually healed and went back to the battlefield feeling more determined than before to keep Lord Powuru’s favor. What I did not realize then, however, was that Durbin’s superiors at the time decided to promote him for winning the duel and thus turning the tide of that battle. While I, Powuru’s High Enforcer was in bed healing my wound like a dog, that boy was personally knighted by King Markenal and with his newfound confidence, he slowly began to use his fame to learn how to better fight and lead under the guidance of any officer from just about any kingdom that he would come across as the war continued. Thus, my brief moment of recklessness and blind pride turned that frightened, skinny boy into one of the most dangerous enemies against my people.

As the war carried on, the eight kingdoms began to grow evenly matched against us. I would face Durbin again and again and even when I won the battle against him and perhaps killed soldiers he cared about in the process, my anger never subsided as long as he alone was alive. But in the process, I became so distracted with my lust for the young man’s blood that I became even more insensitive to Powuru’s plans. He became more bloodthirsty to the point that he would skewer any prisoner we took for sport and would order our people to kill defenseless civilians even though it is against our customs to do so. When Demoth soldiers began to openly question or defy his commands, he would kill them without hesitation whether with his long sword or his bare hands. Even my family tried to persuade me to see what was going on, but I merely rebuked them and gave them the same long speeches about how he deserves our undying loyalty if for no other reason than to shut then up so that I can go back to the war and try to focus on killing the then recently made General Durbin once and for all.

“Finally, our main forces made it to Varpathion, the last kingdom to invade. We tried to catch the enemy off guard, but the eight kingdoms decided to gather every man that wasn't occupied by our other forces across the land and make for a major counterattack in the open Varpathion countryside. Thus began the longest, bloodiest and final major battle of the war.”

“The Battle of Candronia Fields,” Ash says. “That's what I've heard my stepfather call it.”

“Indeed,” Damlier says with a respectful nod. “For weeks on end, there was nothing but death from both sides without end. We did not know who was winning or losing, we just fought to the death without question. Our heads were filled with dreams of everlasting honor and glory for taking part in such a mighty battle while the kingdoms fought for their families and their homelands. I myself fought endlessly, sometimes without thinking about eating or sleeping or even wondering if my wife and son are still alive and fighting or have been killed.

“Finally, on the night o the battle, I was pulled from the fighting under Powuru’s orders. I was upset that he would dare give me such an order during a great battle, but I had my faith and reputation as High Enforcer to uphold. I was escorted to a tall hill just half a mile or so from the battlefield. Powuru was standing there alone watching the battle and sharply told the soldier escorting me to leave us and continue the fight. For a moment, neither of us said anything, but then without looking at me he simply asked, ‘Isn’t it beautiful, Damlier?’”

Ash and Serena look at each other in shock while the Demoth stare at their leader with wooden faces.

“I was speechless for a moment before I asked what he meant,” Damlier continues. “He only replied with one word; death. Unsettled, I reluctantly agreed and went so far as to say how great our reward shall be in the netherworld because of everything we've accomplished. But my words made him frown as he plainly asked, ‘Do you honestly still believe in their so-claimed god, my old friend?’ I stood there dumbfounded as he said, ‘there are no gods to follow. All that these fools are believing in is superstition. Death is the only thing to praise. Death upon the weak and the naive, death upon all who fall under my strength. Death upon all but me and the few I deem worthy.’”

Ash and Serena listen in shock again as Damlier continues.

“I told him that, that's not what we came here for and that he is sending our people to their needless deaths including my family, but Powuru merely growled and shouted, ‘There is no such thing as needless, there is only destruction against my enemies and upon those who follow my will and might, for I am the Demoth, I am love, I am strength, I am power, I am war, I am pain, I am death, I am Isimin Dagr. I. Am. Powuru.’

“I stood in shock as he turned his back on me to watch all the needless fighting again. He began to chuckle maniacally until it grew into a full-on laugh and all I could do was stare at him. It was at this moment that my eyes were finally opened and I realized who I was following. It was clear that through all the strength and skill he gained when he was just a slave in the arenas went through his head until he decided to take all the power that his slaves used against him from birth and much more. He truly believed himself invincible through all the power and worship he gained from both the arenas and our people and truly decided to use it to destroy everyone he wanted as if he was a wrathful god inside a human body. He actually believed that he was becoming something more than human through his constant rise to power from the moment he made his first kill in the arenas. I felt nothing but indescribable shame as I realized that we've been feeding his illusion this entire time and I was his loyal enforcer to persuaded my people to do it. Everyone who died in this war died for nothing and my wife and son where out there killing for him if they had not been killed already.

“Thus at that moment, I knew what I had to do for the sake of everyone Demoth and non-Demoth alike. He must have been laughing so hard that he didn't hear me take my sword out of its sheath before I walked up behind him and plunged my sword so deep into him that the hilt was touching his back. Powuru let out a loud scream as he felt pain for what must have been the first time since he was a lowly, abused slave. He didn't even turn to look at me and show a look of betrayal in his eyes. He just looked up in the sky and reached out to it as if whatever was up there was his ultimate dream that I just took away before his legs gave out and he fell flat on his face, dead. I stared at his corpse for what felt like an eternity before I let out a yell and cut his bald head off his shoulders and ran into the battlefield carrying it. It took a while before I managed to grab the attention of everyone from both sides with my former master’s head. My brethren were horrified and angry at what I had done, of course, but when I explained everything to both sides, they began to fully see the truth that they were fooling themselves was not true as I was. Together we surrendered to our enemies and asked forgiveness for our deeds. Some of the officers and kings of the land like General Durbin and King Markenal took pity on us, but when the eight kingdoms took counsel together, it was decided by majority vote that we were to be hunted down and driven out.

Ash looks down ashamedly and says, “I think I recall my stepfather being one of the kings who voted against you.”

“That wouldn't surprise me,” Damlier says plainly. “King Jeriack has been determined to find us since then. We all fled to separate directions all over the land with our ships long burned down during the war thus keeping us from returning to our homeland. I don't know what has become of any Demoth outside of Kalos, but I was fortunate enough to reunite with my family and my future daughter-in-law and find this hideout so deep into in the woods that Jeriack would never find it.”

“And that's when you began to pillage and plunder including the day you attacked Timothy's convoy?” Ash asks suspiciously.

“Well… that was a special case if you will,” Maulinlier says while scratching the back of his head nervously. “We usually only use our swords to threaten people as a means of obtaining what we're trying to steal in order to survive, but there were some of us who still had a little bit of venom against General Durbin and his men from the war and so wanted to get back at him against my father's orders. Those who were trying to steal from the convoy like me wanted nothing to do with any more fighting and just focused on stealing for or families. So I guess you can say in a twisted way you helped us get rid of a few of us who were still bloodthirsty for battle despite knowing that we fought a war for nothing.”

“What my son says is true, Your Highness,” Damlier says sincerely. “I cannot speak for every Demoth still alive throughout Kalos and the other seven kingdoms of your continent, but I swear to you that everyone here in my camp wants nothing to do with causing any harm upon you or your allies. I had a few men who tried to take vengeance out on your Varpathian guests and Maulinlier and his men tried to take advantage of that to steal from them to try to make ends meet, it's true, but I want nothing of the sort. Over the last three years, we have found a life of peace and merriment here despite the fact that we have to steal in order to feed our families. All war has done is give us nothing but compunction for following a madman and frankly has shaken our faith in our god. If there was anything we could do to undo the entire war, we would do it without question, I swear to you. All we want is peace with your stepfather and all the other kingdoms and if not peace with him, then at least peace with you, the future king.”

Ash frowns at Damlier’s words. All eyes turn to him as both he and Serena realize what he just said. Serena looks at Ash worryingly, unsure of how the man she loves is going to react.

Finally, Ash stands up and says, “Please excuse me, I need a moment with this information,” and walks away from the group. Damlier sighs sadly while the other Demoth whisper to each other. Serena turns to Marialier, Maulinlier, and Monica who look at her with concerned looks on their faces.

“I'll go talk to him,” she says kindly and her hosts give her thankful nods as she stands up and catches up with Ash who stands by himself staring at the moonlight.

“Your Highness?” Serena asks as she approaches him. “What's the matter.”

“Nothing, Grace,” Ash says bluntly.

Serena frowns, steps in front of him and put her hands on his cheeks and forces him to look at her.

“Talk to me, please,” she pleads.

Ash hesitates before he sighs and says, “I never had a desire to be king, Grace.”

Serena stares at the Kalos Prince in surprise and says, “But why? Think of all the wonderful things you could do for our country and maybe even the world. Think of how you convinced your stepfather to free the men that were about to be enslaved in Hemarcrish-Dorcros or even now with this chance to make things better for a people who want to make amends for their deeds.”

“I know, but with that comes being viewed as not who you are but what you are,” Ash counters. “My father devoted his life to ruling our kingdom before he died and I can't deny that no matter how stubborn my stepfather is, his noble desire to see Kalos renewed to what it once was is undeniable despite his bad choices, but I never had a desire to be like them. I loved my father for the king he was, but it is something that I never wanted even for one second and yet I'm constantly told what I must do because of my heritage. You can't imagine what that’s like.”

“You’d be surprised how much I know what that's like,” Serena says firmly.

“Really? How?” Ash asks.

Serena's eyes widen for a moment when she realizes that she is about a second away from talking about how her own heritage has led to her becoming a slave in her own house and what that's done to her and her friends at the manor. She bites her tongue and thinks of other examples.

“Well, how about the way you've acted with other people?” She challenges. “Because my servant was sold and imprisoned, you thought he was a thief, you yourself said that it annoys you that servants do everything for you yet you accept it simply because it's their station, our new friends thought I was nothing more than a pretty lady, and Damlier just established how even the Demoth have the capability to have more humanity in them than what we were all led to believe because of their deeds that they deeply regret doing. All of them are defined by their status as your title defines you, yet that isn’t who they are. But as a prince you can do more than either of us who are wrongly judged can do because you have been born to privilege and that comes specific obligations.”

Ash stares at her in amazement. Even though he heard her last words before, he processes them as if he finally understands the full meaning of those words for the first time in his life. Serena looks at Ash nervously and chuckles.

“I'm sorry,” she says. “I'm afraid my mouth has run off on me again. It's a bad habit I kno -”

Ash puts his finger on Serena’s mouth for silence. Then he smiles at her warmly and puts his hand on her cheek, making her blush.

“Don't be sorry, Grace,” he says sweetly. “It's your mouth that has me hypnotized.”

Without another word, Ash closes his eyes and leans his head. Serena’s face turns red and her eyes widen before Ash’s lips lightly touches hers. When they part, the two of them stare at each other for a moment before they close their eyes and lean in for a deeper kiss. Ash caresses Serena’s cheek gently while Serena wraps her arms around the prince she loves. When they part, they stare at each other lovingly for a moment until Ash’s eyes light up.

“I got an idea,” he says.

Without another word, he takes Serena’s hand and leads her back to the camp. Serena looks at Ash in confusion as they make their way back to the bonfire with Damlier, Marialier, Maulinlier, Monica and their people waiting for them.

“Sir Damlier, I have a proposal,” Ash announces. “If peace among our people is what you desire, then I suggest we begin to work towards your goal starting with you coming to the ball.”

Everyone looks at the Kalos prince in surprise. All of the Demoth people talk to each other in shock, but no one is as shocked as Damlier.

“W-what did you say?” He manages to say.

“I'm inviting you to the ball,” Ash answers. “We could use that to begin talks for peace between you and at least Kalos itself before working her way for peace throughout all eight kingdoms. Since I just need to appear, I'll just use most of the day tomorrow to inform my stepfather that you're coming and secretly escort you there so that your hideout is a secret.”

“Are you sure that would be a good idea?” Damlier asks. “We are commonly hated by your citizens.”

“I'm sure we could find a spot in our courtyard just for you and your people so that you have a place to yourselves if people are unwilling to mingle with you,” Ash says. “Though if Timothy took pity on you when you surrendered, I'm sure he and Coovers will welcome you to the ball since it is thrown in their honor. It is in short notice I know, and I imagine this will be a nightmare for my stepfather with everything he's planning, but I see no reason to wait any longer to take steps for peace long before I would become king of Kalos. What say you, Damlier of Hellenstyer?”

No one says anything for a moment. All eyes are on Damlier as he thinks hard with his eyes fixed on the prince. Serena, Marialier, Maulinlier, and Monica look at each other, unsure of what's going to happen next. Finally, Damlier walks over to Ash with a wooden face.

“Prince Ash of Kalos, I say unto you…” Damlier begins coldly before he smiles brightly and shouts with his arms wide open, “We would be delighted!”

There’s a moment of silence before all of the Demoth stand up and cheer loudly. Ash smiles as he and Damlier shake hands firmly while Damlier’s family surround them with excitement. Serena smiles as she looks at Ash with pride in her heart before Damlier calls out the musicians and orders for the festivities to continue.


After a couple hours of laughing and dancing, Damlier gives Ash and Serena a horse as promised. The leader of the Demoth tells Ash he and his people will wait for him tomorrow before Marialier picks him up on her shoulder and carries him back to their cave much to everyone’s amusement. As Serena and Ash prepare to depart, however, Maulinlier approaches them before they get on the horse with a humble look on his face.

“What’s the matter, Maulinlier?” Ash asks.

Maulinlier looks away from the prince for a moment before he says, “My father might not have shown it, but he is humbly overwhelmed with your invitation. What you said over there was more than any of us could have hoped. As such, it is custom among our people to give something simple yet meaningful to someone who has done a deed like yours.”

“You don't have to do that,” Ash says before Maulinlier raises his hand up.

“Please, let me on behalf of my people,” he pleads quietly.

Ash hesitates for a moment before he nods yes. Without another word, Maulinlier reaches into his pocket and takes out a plain, blue ribbon.

“Wow, that's a pretty ribbon,” Serena says.

“Pretty, yes, but no less humble of a gift,” Maulinlier says. “In our culture, blue represents hope and trust between one another. The plainness in its design and its short length shows the humility of the gift in how it pales in comparison to other treasures in the world in the eyes of many people.”

Ash smiles kindly and takes the gift saying, “Thank you, Maulinlier, I will do everything in my power not to betray the trust you and your people have bestowed upon me.”

“Thank you, Your Highness,” Maulinlier says.

“Oh there’s no need for that, my friend, you and your family can just call me Ash,” Ash says.

Maulinlier nods respectfully and says, “Very well. Ash, Grace, my faith in my god may be broken and I don't know enough to say anything about yours, but may there be blessings upon you both either way.”

“And to you, Maulinlier,” Serena says with a friendly smile as Ash gets on the horse and they ride off.

Ash and Serena ride to the Yvonne manor quietly with Ash riding the horse while Serena sits behind with her arms around him. The honey blonde woman silently thanks The Lord that Ash can't see her blush furiously by hugging him from behind and yet her heart is filled with happiness to hold the man she loves so close.

“You know, I've been thinking,” Ash says suddenly.

“Yes?” Serena asks curiously.

“I want to build a university,” Ash announces. “One with the largest library in the continent where anyone can have access to whatever knowledge they desire no matter their station.”

Serena smiles brightly and says, “That sounds like a wonderful idea. Do you think your stepfather will approve?”

“Oh, nothing a little persuasion and a little support from Timothy and Coovers can't handle,” Ash says confidently. “I plan to tell him first thing in the morning tomorrow along with informing him that I've invited our new friends to the ball.”

“You might want to start with that before breaking the news about Damlier and the others,” Serena suggests with a chuckle.

Ash simply nods in response.

As they make it a few feet away from the estate, Serena asks Ash to drop her off at the gate to avoid waking anyone up. The two of them get off the horse and look at each other sweetly with Ash’s hands on Serena’s waist and her hands on his arms.

“You saved my life over there, you know,” Ash says.

“A lady does what she can, sire,” Serena says humbly.

“Ash,” Ash replies. “Call me Ash.”

Serena smiles brightly as she softly says, “Ash,” with a dreamy look.  

Ash smiles back as the two of them stare at each other for a moment before Ash reaches into his pocket and takes out the blue ribbon Maulinlier gave him.

“I want you to have this,” he says.

Serena looks at him surprised and says, “But that was meant for you.”

“And I would never have earned it any more than I would have invited them to the ball or freed those men or want to build a university for my kingdom without your help,” Ash points out. “Besides, Maulinlier also said it’s something that represents hope, so who better to have it then the person who gave so much hope?”

Serena’s heart melts at Ash’s kind words. Her smile grows as she takes the ribbon saying, “Thank you, Ash. I will keep it with me always.”

Without another word, the two of them continue to happily stare at each other before they lean in for a sweet kiss and Serena reluctantly walks toward the manor.

“Grace?” Ash calls out causing Serena to look at him. “Do you know the ruins of Pafrum?”

“Yes,” Serena answers.

“I often go there to be alone,” Ash says. “Will you meet me there tomorrow? Say in the afternoon after I’ve made the arrangements for the Demoth to come to the ball?”

Serena smiles kindly and honestly answers, “I will try,”

“Then I will wait all afternoon,” Ash says with a smile before he gets on the horse. “Good night, Grace.”

“Good night, Ash,” Serena says, happy to call the prince she loves by his name once more before he rides off into the night. Then she turns around and happily walks back to the manor whispering, “Thank you, Lord.”

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