Tom Holland IMAGINES

By ohyikes03

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This book will contain Imagines Tom Holland x Reader- It will also contain imagines with other characters he... More

In Danger (peter parker)
Ellen (tom holland)
Honesty (peter parker)
Deal Breaker? (Tom holland)
I Want You (Peter Parker)
In My Hands (tom holland)
Disappointment (tom holland)
Update/ Apology
Memories (tom holland)
Memories pt. 2 (tom holland)
Don't tell (tom holland)
For Her (peter parker)
A baby? (Tom holland)
Not the water (Lucas Bennet)
Prom? (Peter parker)
Nighmares part 2 (peter parker)
Why her? (Tom Holland)
Parenthood at the worst time (tom holland)
Will You...? (Tom Holland)
Twins (tom holland)
Another A/N sorryyy
Makeover (Tom Holland)
Disney Land (Tom Holland)
Mr. Delmar (Peter Parker)
Years... (Tom Holland)
A/N please read
New Story!!!
Lie Detector (Tom Holland)
Lie Detector pt.2 (Tom Holland)
If You Say So

Nightmares (peter parker)

5.5K 60 9
By ohyikes03

This is an original. I take requests. Comment or personal message me.

As Peter fell from the building he screamed. It was the most awful ear shattering scream you could've ever heard. He tried to shoot his webs but he had ran out of web fluid. And as he fell I couldn't help. It felt as if I as glued to the floor. Couldn't move. I screamed his name. "PETER! PETER!" But I knew that couldn't help. There was a crash and his screaming stopped. At that moment I knew... I knew. And then and there my knees gave out and I fell over the rail of the balcony plummeting to my death. But I didn't scream I didn't even try to stop it. I just let it happen.

"AHHHH!" My body flew forward. Almost off the bed. But Peter grabbed me just in time.

I was crying. My eyes red and puffy. My body shaking violently as I twisted around feeling for my boyfriend.

"You're ok... you're ok." My body relaxed as i heard peters voice and I realized it was just a bad dream. A nightmare.

"Are they back!" Peter asked, holding me close to reassure me that he was there.

"Yeah... uh yeah they are." I managed to get out. My voice was gone. Like I had screaming in real life. But it was only a bad dream.

The nightmares had started 3 months ago. But after 2 months they went away. But they were back. They started when I was kidnapped and tortured for 2 weeks. Then Peter finally found me. But in the process of trying to save me he was shot. After he was shot he was sent tumbling over the balcony. That's why I have the nightmare. But he was able to web himself back up to me even with the gunshot wound. We're obviously both ok now. Well at least he is. I'm still having nightmares.

"Tony said he could help you with these." Peter said while rubbing my back.

"He did say that... but what can he really do about this." I didn't understand how Tony could help me.

"We'll never know until we trust him and let him try." Peter said.

I nodded and turned my body sitting up. I sat with my feet hanging over the edge of the bed and I stood up.

"We're going right now?" Peter asked.

"Yeah." I answered.

"It's 2 am." Peter said confused.

"I know."

I stood up and wrapped my self in my robe and slipped on my boots. I was wearing a set of grey pajamas. I didn't care what I was wearing I had to get rid of these nightmares.

Peter stood up and slipped on his sweats and a t shirt.

"You're going in that?" Peter asked.

"You're going in that?" I asked pointing to his sweats.

"Fair." He grabbed his keys and we headed out.

(Pajamas below)

When we got to Starks tower it was nearly 3:00 am.

"He's probably asleep." Peter said.

I gave Peter a "Yeah right" look and hit a buzzer near the door.

Within 10 seconds Tony said was standing in front of us still fully dressed from his press conference today.

"It's a little late... or early?" Tony mentioned.

"Nightmares." I said sheepishly and he moved out of the way allowing us to walk in.

He didn't say anything he just guided me to a couch and motioned for me to sit. Then he disappeared and came back with a blanket. He wrapped it around me and placed a cup of warm milk in my hands.
Tony pulled Peter aside. I couldn't hear what they were saying.

*from 1st to 2nd person POV*

"Now some of this will affect you." Tony told Peter.

Peter lifted an eyebrow.

"If you've noticed I'm trying to get her tired. Once she is asleep we will hook her up to a couple machines."

Peter moved uncomfortably the idea of you covered in cords and machines just didn't settle right with him.

"These machines will track how serious the nightmares are and what effect they're having on her. And I'll figure out how to treat it from there."

"This affects me how?" Peter asked.

"How old are you two?" Tony asked.

"I'm 23. She is 22."

"Married?" Tony asked.

Peter looked over at you sitting in the couch and smiled. "I'm working on that."

"Ok now here's where you come into play. However much she loves you will affect this procedure."

Peter once again raised an eyebrow.

"We can get this done in one hour top."

"Good." Peter nodded.

"No you don't want that."


"The more she loves you, the longer this will take."

"Um... would you mind explaining."

"The more she loves you the nightmare will affect her more. So if she really loves you that much this will take a long time."

Peter didn't know what he wanted. He wanted it over. But he wanted you to love him so much that it took forever.

When he turned around Tony was gone.


"Over here. Your girlfriend fell asleep I'm taking her to my lab."

Peter ran and caught up to Tony. He watched as Tony set you on a table covered with a blanket and a pillow. He then draped a separate blanket over you.

The He began hooking you up to wires. Wires everywhere.
Peter hates watching this.
After ten minutes Tony was done. He sat down next to Peter.

"Now we watch and wait."
Peter nodded.

2 hours passed. No nightmares. But then a machine beeped.

"Her heart rate went up." Tony said.

He watched your face as you began to sweat. Your eyebrows furrowed. Tears dripping out of your eyes. But you made no noise.
Then you began to move. Struggling against the wires.

Then came the screams.

"PETER! NO PETER!!" You screamed.

Peter lept at you but Tony pushed him away.

"Wake her up."

"No we can't." Tony scolded him.


Tony pinned Peter down.
Peter promised to stop.
They both stood up.

"PETER..." Then you went silent.

They both watched in silence.

You began breathing heavily. And you let out one final scream.

"NOOOOOO!" With that all the machines sparked and shattered.

Peter fell to the ground and he began to cry. He stood up and ran to you screaming your name. But you wouldn't wake up.

"Oh my God..." Tony wiped some blood off his forehead from the flying glass. " holy shit"

Cliffhanger sorry. There will be a part 2.

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