Years... (Tom Holland)

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Requested by andiereneee

"It's a boy." the nurse said smiling. She handed me my baby.

I smiled and held my baby close to me, he was all I had.

Where were my parents to cry over their new grandson?

In another continent, clueless to the fact that I had just given birth.

Where was my sister to congratulate me?


And my brother?

A drug addict in jail.

And last but not least, where was the most important piece to the puzzle? The babies father.

He had left me 9 months ago. We were both 16. Ran off. I haven't heard from him since. And I wanted him to come back. I wanted him back every day. To hold our baby and I in his arms.

But now... almost 6 years since he left.


"William." I yelled in a sing song voice.

"yes mummy." My five year old skipped into the kitchen with his Spider-Man action figure in hand. (ironic actually... my son doesn't know his father. But Tom had just starred in his new movie Spider-man homecoming-my sons favorite movie)

Toms a dick and it took me three years to realize it. I was young and stupid and I thought he loved me. I made myself vulnerable and he got to me. Then he got what he wanted, sex, I should've known. He got me pregnant and ran. And he just moved on with his life pretending it had never even happened. I always thought I loved him. But I was just in love with the thought of him and I'm so much better without him.

Anyways back to my son.

"Yes mummy." The little boy said in a sweet high pitched voice.

"Do you want to go shopping with mummy and pick out a birthday cake for the lucky birthday boy?" I knelt down and swooped his tiny hairs to the side and out of his eyes. "And maybe a haircut while we're at it." I laughed and scooped him up in my arms.

[We're running low on money. It's a problem I've had since my son was born. But I will do whatever it takes to give him a great childhood... and if that means skipping a meal or two. I will. Some people have noticed my size and asked if I'm eating. I'm very skinny. I always reply yes. But more than not I'm lying.]

"Yay!" The little boy screamed. "I'm gonna go shopping with mummy."

I rarely ever shopped with him. I usually shop when he's at daycare.

I set him down and watched him run to find his shoes. He came back when both of his tennis shoes velcroed on his feet. But on the wrong feet.

I laughed. "Can mummy fix your shoes?"

"Yeah. I did them all by myself." He smiled.

"I see that! Good Job!!"

I picked him up and say him on the kitchen counter, then I fixed his shoes.

Then I picked him up and put him down.

"Wait here while I grab your coat." I told him.

"Ok." He said and he did as I told him.

I came back to my little boy standing exactly where I told him to. "Good Job." I smiled and held his jacket out to him so that he could put it on.

Tom Holland IMAGINES Where stories live. Discover now