Give Me One Chance (Ziall/Lar...

By TommotheHomo

328K 6.3K 1.8K

Niall is one of those kids who has his own little group of maybe one or two friends. Zayn is the 'badboy' bul... More

A/N 6/29/13
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15 Part 1
Chapter 15 Part 2
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 4

17.1K 354 140
By TommotheHomo

Kay so I'm not gonna say anything right now. At the end though.


*Steve's POV*  (SURPRISE!) ;)

I let the piece of shit go when I heard the phone ring. I'm expecting a very important call from a certain lady, if you catch my drift.

I look at the number but all it says is 'Unknown'. 

Well it's not her. 


I answer the phone and speak."Hello?"

I can hear giggling in the background.

"Hello sir. Would you like to purchase our porno magazine? It's reall-"

I cut her off by slamming the phone down. 

Damn kids.

I hate them. 

Always have. 

I never wanted kids but Maura (A/N Niall's mom) already had the piece of shit and Greg, so I had to deal with it.

I go back up stairs to make sure the fucker learned his lesson.


I still want my tea.

I go inside the room  but the kid doesn't get up. 


I kick him in the stomach and yell,"Get up bitch!" 

He didn't even flinch.

I bent down to get a better look at his face. 


He looks pale. He's not breathing either.



I check his pulse. Weak, but nonetheless there.

If he fucking dies, they'll know what I do to him.

 I could go to jail. 


I am not going to jail because of this dipshit!

I grab my car keys and the kid.

I throw him in the passenger side and speed to the nearest hospital.

"I NEED A DOCTOR!" I yell as I burst through the hospital doors, carrying the kid.

A gurney's rushed over and the nurses and doctors rush him into a room, while a different nurse asked me questions. 

"Do you know what happened to him sir?" she asked me, holding a clip-board in one hand and a pen in the other. 

She's not too bad-looking. 

No Steve! This is no time to be checking out hot girls. If the kid dies then this'll become police case and you'll go to jail!


Shit. Think ,Steve think! I just blurted out the first thing that popped into my mind,

"I-I don't know. I came home from work and I went up to his room to check on him and he was just hanging there, with a belt around his neck. I g-got him down and tried to help him but......." I stopped, faking tears. 

"I'm really sorry sir." She said, her voice sympathetic.

"Will he live?" I ask.

"The doctors will do whatever they can for him, sir. Don't worry."

I nod. I cannot go to jail.

"I'm sorry sir, but I have to ask you some questions for his form." 

"I-I guess." I fake a stutter to make her think I was still sad.


She finished asking questions and left. 

Damn, that is one tight skirt.

"Niall Horan?" 

I looked up and saw a doctor standing a few feet away from me.

"H-How is he?" I ask, forcing tears to my eyes, playing up the worried parent act. 

"Well there's good news and bad news. The good news is that he's alive. The bad news is that he's in a coma. But at the rate he's healing, he should be out of here in at least two weeks. He's lost a few brain cells but we managed to save a few. His head was quite bashed for some reason and he had a small concussion but it's nothing to worry about now.  We've got him on some medicine that we're hoping will help clear the bruises on his neck and body and help heal his head and brain. Might I ask why he has so many bruises?" He finished and stared at me intently.

Shit. Fuckin flying shit.

"H-He gets bullied at school but he always said it was nothing to worry about." I said, letting the crocodile tears flow.

Nice one Steve. Good thinking there.

" Well, Mr. Horan, it is something to worry about. He's quite hurt, both physically and emotionally, and the fact that he did this to himself proves it. I suggest getting him a therapist or switching his schools, maybe even self defense training. Anything. This cannot go on."

Ugh. Who the fuck does this guy think he is? Things are fine the way they are.

For me at least. I could care less about the kid. 

" Well, sir, I have to go but you could go see him if you'd like. And we'd like for you to bring him once a week for a check up."

Fuck. Shit. Cunt.

"Yeah...okay....thanks.." I mumble to his back.

That means they'll ask whether or not I switched his schools or shit.

What if he doesn't lie?

I can't beat him to get the message through, or the doctors would notice new bruises. 

Maybe a therapist.

But he might tell them everything.

What if it was someone I knew? Then they wouldn't believe him.

What about that hot therapist lady I met a few months back?

Malik, right? 

Maybe. But she lives in the next town. 

I guess I can at least ask. 

I pull out my phone and get dialing.


*Niall's POV*

It's cold and I can't see anything. Where am I? The last thing I remember was Steve choking me and then... 

Oh! That's right! The darkness. I must be inside the darkness then.

Am I dead? Is this what death feels like? You feel so alive and normal, but around you is just the cold, empty darkness.

No I don't think so.

Hmm. What if I tried to move? Can I even move? Well let's see. 

I wiggle my arm just to test it. 

Seems normal. 

I start walking forward, curios to see what's at the end of the dark but it just keeps going. I start to get tired and sit down for a bit. 




I must seriously be going crazy right now. How can someone be calling my name? There's nobody here.


There it is again. 

I sigh. Why does that voice sound familiar..........

I shoot up straight.


That's Zayn's voice. 


What do I do? Go towards the voice or away?

I want to see Zayn's face again. Those melted chocolate-brown eyes. That jet- black hair He always styles into a quiff.


I go towards the voice and not long after, I can see a faint light. 

I get closer and bask at it's glory.

It's beautiful. There's mixtures of every color, swirling into small patterns. 

I'm close enough to touch it now and it's warm. It makes me feel so fuzzy and strange inside but I love it. The feeling feels to familiar but foreign at the same time, like I've felt it before.

Where though?

 I never want this feeling to go.

But then I hear a small beeping in the back of my head. 

It gets louder every time.


The sound is getting on my nerves now. It's ruining the bliss I was in earlier.


I will it to stop but it just get deeper into my head and louder. 

"Gaaaaaah!" I groan and cover my ears, not that it helps. 


I gasp and open my eyes, blinded by a bright white light. 

"Finally awake, aren't we Mr. Horan?"

I turn and see a tall man wearing a white lab coat and some scrubs. He's a doctor.

"Where am I? Am I in a hospital?"

Wow my voice is hoarse....

"Yes, you are. Do you remember what happened?"

Yeah. Of course I do but I can't tell him that........

I look down at my hands and mumble a small 'no'

"Well you tried to hang yourself, Mr.Horan. You're lucky to be alive. You've been in a coma for 12 days now."

What?! Kill myself?! Is that what Steve told them?!  

"To make sure that you don't try it again, you step-dad has arranged for a therapist to help you. She wants to see you Monday through Saturday for two months, starting a week after you get out of the hospital. You should be out in 2 days, by the way. We will check up on you once a week, until we're absolutely sure you're better. Rest for now and I'll be back later to run some tests, alright?"

I'm feel numb. I was in a coma?

Oh no. Louis and Abby are going to flip.

And a therapist? Why would Steve do that? I know for a fact he hasn't had a sudden change of heart, because he doesn't have one. Maybe he has some gain in this.

 I sigh and turn to get more comfortable in the bed. I start to feel my eyes get heavy.

12 days huh?

I wonder if Zayn missed me.


I was just released from the hospital and Steve hasn't talked to me at all. He'd come to the hospital every now and then , but he'd just sit there,glaring at me. I guess he thinks it's my fault for being weak and letting this happen. He'd only talk if he saw a nurse come in.

We get home and Steve mumbles that I have school tomorrow.

How am I going to explain this to Louis and Abs. Mainly Louis. He worries alot and I know he'll want a good reason. Abs is more sympathetic towards me and understands when I don't want to talk about something. I'm not too worried about her.

I'll figure something out.


I have to go to school today and I honestly have no idea what I'm going to tell them.   

But on a brighter note, Steve hasn't lain a finger on me since I got home from the hospital. I think it's because of the check ups I have at to go to at the hospital.  

I look a bit too white to look healthy and the bruises are still noticeable so I know I can't tell them I had some sort of family trip.  

Maybe I can try to avoid the subject.  

I walk over to school and sigh when I see Abby and Louis by their lockers, both looking really worried.  

I walk over and mumble a weak 'hi' to them.  

Their eyes get so wide, I think they might pop out of their sockets.   

"Oh my god, Niall! Where have you been? Are you okay? How come you didn't call us? I was so worried!" Abby shoots questions at me and grabs my face, looking for something.

"What happened to you, Niall?" She whispers letting go of my face. I guess she's noticed the bruises.

"N-nothing, Abs. I'm totally fine." I mumble, plastering a smile to my face.

Suddenly, Louis, who's been surprisingly quiet, yells out, "DON'T BULLSHIT ME NIALL!"

I jump at it and I can feel tears coming to my eyes.

Abby slaps her hand over Louis mouth to ensure he doesn't yell at me again.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I can see her eyes full of sadness.

I shake my head, staring at the ground.

"Why don't you wan't to tell us, Niall?" she says, her voice cracking at the end.  

"I just don't Abs. Please just leave it. I'm back right? That just proves I'm fine." I really don't want to talk about what happened.

"It's not fine Niall!" Louis exclaims, tearing Abbyy's hand off his mouth. " You disappeared for 2 weeks and you didn't even tell us why!" He sounds desperate. He must've been really worried.

"I-I'm sorry Louis...... There wasn't much I could do...... Please don't hate me...."  I say, my voice sounding equally as sad and desperate.

I'm on the edge right now. The tears in my eyes get heavier and I think Louis saw them.

He sighed and pulled me into a hug. "Just don't do it again, okay?"

"Okay...." I whisper, sniffling into his shirt and urging the tears back.

Louis lets me go and Abby hugs me again and gives me a kiss on the cheek.

The bell rang and wee start walking toward our next class.

Call me crazy but I think I saw Zayn listening in on our conversation.

Why would he do that?



IM SOOOOO SORRY! :( i couldn't update yesterday because my mom took us to Raging Waters and when I got back everything was hurting. I scraped my knees a few hundred times, got kicked in the stomach, my skin got really dark and i got sunburn, and almost drowned. Not to mention the food there was fucking disgusting and made my stomach worse than it was before (my appetite's gone to rot in a hellhole and i haven't eaten a decent meal in a while and i feel like im going to throw up everything i eat) And  the chlorine has done terrible things to me.

But I didn't want to let you guys down.


Did you see that coming with Zayn's mom? ;) SURPRISE! :)

I don't like having to put the same scene in later but I have to for it to make sense. DOES IT ANNOY YOU GUYS?



Im hoping it'll get happier later and more Ziall and Larry loving but every time i write a new idea pops into my head and I just add it in.

But I'm hoping for some Ziall lovin soon ;)

I'm hoping to put up the next chapter soon but no promises right now seeing what happened last time. 



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