Echos of the cursed forest

De makayladecroliere

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-BOOK 1- (Warning this story maybe disturbing to some readers.) this is my first story that I'm posting so t... Mai multe

Prologue (narrated)
Chapter 1: Evolving
Chapter 2 : The jolteon
Chapter 3 : A dream or realitatea
Chapter 4 : Unforgivable
Chapter 5 : A new start
Chapter 6 : The past
Chapter 7 : Rain of light
Chapter 8 : Where the truble's at
Chapter 9 : The threat (past)
Chapter 10 : Fighting to live
Chapter 11 : A broken home (Jake's past)
Chapter 12 : Will you fight?
Chapter 13 : Journey
Chapter 15 : Burning heart's (Past)
Chapter 16: Disaster
Chapter 17 : In your shadow (past)
Chapter 18 : Battle cry's
Chapter 19 : A message
Chapter 20 : Pain and hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 21: A glaceon in need
Chapter 22 : Love in the air (past)
Chapter 23 : Truble under ground
Chapter 24 : Betrayal or Loyalty (past)
Chapter 25 : The tree of soul's
Chapter 26 : Trouble maker
Chapter 27 : Secret's (Jake's past)
Chapter 28 : Anglica knows
Chapter 29 : Awaken from depression (past)
Chapter 30 : The king of everfree
Chapter 31 : A Shadow
Chapter 32 : A gift (past)
Chapter 33 : The Blue moon
Chapter 34 : A Cures
Chapter 35 : Love and Hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 36 : Blood in the water
Chapter 37 : war of soul (past)
Chapter 38 : Who am i really?
Chapter 39 : A safe place
Chapter 40 : Confusion (past)
Chapter 41: Dark river
Chapter 42 : The dark side (Jake's past)
Chapter 43 : Unexpected
Chapter 44 : The plot (Past event)
Chapter 45 Where it hurts the most
Chapter 46 : Umbreon of evil
Chapter 47 : Life regrets (Jake's past)
Chapter 48 : The problem with love
Chapter 49 : Night travels
Chapter 50 : Echo (Past event)
Chapter 51 Learning to trust again
Chapter 52 : The Darkness part 1 (Past event)
Chapter 53 : The Darkness part 2 (Past event)
Capter 54 The darkness part 3 (Past event)
Chapter 55 : A cursed vaporeon
Chapter 56 : The new king
Chapter 57 : war is on it's way
Chapter 58 : darkest days are here (Finel past event)
Chapter 59 : Get ready for war
Chapter 60 : The final battle

Chapter 14 : Psychic within

181 5 7
De makayladecroliere

The sun was high up in the sky and the forest was bright and beautiful.

Steel could feel the sun burning on her black fur leaving her to pant.

"....hmm" Mocho hummed as she looked into Steel's yellow eye's. "...this will be heard" Mocho said with a frown. Steel stared back "....dark types... I can't read em" She muttered annoyed.

'Well of corse not psychic is week agenst dark!'

Matt grunted " you need to know what she's thinking?" The mightyena looked puzzled but to there relief she shook her head "oh no no it just makes things esyer...but she is an umbreon so I'm not able to read her mind.... we'll just do it the heard way" she then turned away from Matt looking at Steel "follow me.." She then walks away from the tree and Steel followed her.

"Now let's start" Mocho said but calmly with a cool smirk " ok" Steel lowered her head to Mochos level to show that she was lisen to her. "Now...hum Steel i believe it was... I want you to close those eye of yours...and clear your mind" She said with a soft voice. Steel closed her eyes as told abd tryed to clear her mind but that wasn't easy Steel couldn't stop thinking of everything that was happening. " no your not doing it right...i may not be able to read you but any pokemon would know that your stressing to much" Steel snapped open her eyes 'of corse I'm stressed... I got a lot going on'

Steel narrowed her eyes at Mocho " how do you clear your mind then huh?" Mocho shook her head slowly "...well i like to lay in the sun and just lisen to the forest... It clear's my head right away... You need to fine your inner peace that's what your going to do today" Mocho said with a slight smile.

Steel was laying by the river trying to relax and clear her head but she still couldn't do so. 'Hmm how am i supposed to just stop thinking about's not possible!' Steel ralled to herside and glanced at Matt and Mocho who were talking to each other. '...Mocho seems to be relaxed all the time...but how something has to worrie her...right?'

Steel ralled back to her stomach and sat up and looked at the water. Steel looked at her reflecting in the water '..or maybe it's just me maybe I'm the can't be healthy to be stressed day and night...'

Steel drooped her ears knowing  ever since Skull had killed Shawn she's been like this.

Steel's eye's lit up as she looked back at matt '...he didn't take me here to learn psychic moves that wouldn't make sense...he took me here to help with my stress problem...the psychic was just a bonus...but honestly it wasn't going to be much help in the war against Skull'

Steel smiled at the mightyena but he wasn't paying attention to her he was to Bissy talking to mocho.

Steel closed her eye's lisen to the wind and river she was aware of everything around her. She took a deep breath and took it all in. Steel relaxed herself for what felt like the first time in a life time she couldn't even remember the last time she just sat around relaxing. Steel could help but to smile she felt good. 'This is what i just forget the world for a bit'

"Vary good" commands a soft voice Steel knew it was Mocho so she keeped her eye's close to keep her inner peace. " that you got yourself calm and her mind cleared... Let your mind wonder else were... feel the heart of the forest" Steel twice her ear a little bit and did so.

She swear she could feel the forest around her in a new way and it was peaceful "now that you've done it see into it" Mocho said in a vary small voice. Steel could see something it was a pokemon but her eyes were closed 'how am i seeing this?'

Steel rcrnized that it was Mocho she could also her voices talking suddenly but they were all the same voice Mocho's voice.

Steel opened her eyes to make the voices stop Steel then looked around to see that the forest was still the same peaceful place. "...well done..your a fast learner faster then most dark types...they ushaly have a hard time" Mocho says with a slick smile. Steel looked at her "but remember psychic only work's if your mind is anger no stress" Steel noded 'was that it? there more to it?'

Mocho sat down on a rock "...there is more i can teach you another time...i mostly just what to help you cope with your mental health" She admitted to the umbreon. Steel got to her paws "so i was right...Matt told you i was stress... But how did he know i don't even know him hardly" Mocho let a small laugh out "hehehe oh Steel like i said earler....any pokemon would know your stressed" Steel noded "ok i get that...." Mocho then smirked "you can came to me for help...and if there's anything you what to learn or know always came to me" she said and for once Steel didn't feel annoyed "i will and thanks" Steel looked at matt and stsrted to walk toward him but matt was looking at Mocho "hey mocho you should came with us" he says to her and mocho looked shocked for a few before noded "well... If you want me to" she said with her eyes closed "but i won't be fighting against Skull... A psychic pokemon such as myself would be dead in scents." Bothe Steel and Matt noded in agreement. As they started to head back "So Matt why couldn't this wait until after the war?" Matt eye'd her "...i know you going through a lot...i thought it would help to clear your mind before going into such a fight some pokemon go crazy from that.."

Steel noded 'i thought so'

They walked across the bridge.Steel's ears kept twiching "hmm something up?" Mocho was the one to asked but Steel just shrugs "eh no...i just feel like something's wrong...but i don't know what" Steel muttered but Mocho twiching her teil "hmm.... I feel it to something is indeed off" Steel looked around but saw nothing she then looked up ahead to see no other then matt walking normally 'it dosen't seem like anything is wrong but....something dosen't feel right'

"Hey you came?" Steel and Mocho look to see Matt looking at them "yeah" Steel runs up to him "let's keep going" Steel says and but then Mocho run's up to them "shhh!" She shushed them they were quite Steel felt a bit unpashint but then she herd something and looked at the river "...there someone here...came on" Mocho says walking up to the bushis by the river and moves them away to see what's behind them. Steel walked beside her and froze to what she was seeing.

There half in the river and half on the rocks was a vary thien daylight lycanroc laying there hardly breathing there was cut all over his body and he was missing clumps of fur. Steel ran up to the lycanroc Matt and Mocho followed behind "is he dead?" Asked Matt looking him over Steel sat beside him with wide eyes 'what could of cosed this...i bet it was Skull!'

Mocho picked some barris and opened the lycanroc's mouth to give them tobhim "No...his not dead but close" Mocho answered Matt.  The lycanroc opened his eyes and snapped at them Steel jumpped back with sock as his week eye's met her's. Steel could see the fear in them but she also realized who this was

"D-Dusty!?!"  Steel stutter with horror.this half dead lycanroc was her child hood friend. Dusty opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out he insisted he drooped his head once again. "You know him?" Matt breathed and Steel spun around "Yes...we can't leave him!" Steel cryed out "hmm....get him to my dean I'll go fined some herbs" Mocho said to them and Steel did not hasatat to do so.

Steel and Matt were able to drage him to Mocho's dean Steel layed him down on some moss.

Mocho came in after them with a paw full of barris and leaves "ok...give me some room...I'll call you back if he getd any better" Mocho says pushing Steel and Matt away.

Steel and Matt where sitting by the river. Steel was grinding her teeth together "Hey... Don't worrie about it Mocho will have him back yo himself in no time" Matt was saying trying his best to make her feel better "...." Steel just ralled her eyes not wanting to talk 'Dusy....he mught be deying...'

Matt frowned " know I've seen worse...he'll be fine trust me" Steel eyed him "oh yea were have you seen that huh?" Steel growls at him with narrow eyes but Matt looks at his paws "..I've been to a war before...pokemon get hurt...pokemon die" he said Steel stared in disbelief "What war?" Steel asked "ah you wouldn't believe me if i told you my story...of how i got these i came to be" he muttered but now Steel was now curious of this mightyena. "Well can you tell me anyways?" Steel said walking up to him and sitting beside him and he smils at her "well it's kinda crazy..I'll tell you if you promise not to tell any pokemon" Steel noded in agreement "Ok...well i knew this flareon...he was the king of this forest...well he still is but he's not around as much.." Steel stared at him with entrusted 'wait Matt knew the king?...'

Matt pawed at the ground "and well there was a war...and i fight for him and that's that" he said the last part fast.

Steel frowned "that's it? sounds like there is more to wby was there a war...why did you fight for him?" Matt just looked away "Steel!" Called Mocho. Steel looked his way 'oh arouse i forgot'

Steel ran to Mocho with hope. Mocho lead her into were Dusty was laying "he's going to be fine... I'll leave you alone" with that Mocho lefted. Steel stared down at her old friend and sat down beside him "...oh Dusty" steel mumbled. Dusty lifed his head and looked strat and Steel "ugh...were...were am i...what happened?" He asked Steel stared at him "Dusty your awake!" Steel cryed with joy. Dusty gave Steel a shocked look "Steel?"  He sat up but with a struggle "Dusty...What happened to you?.." Steel asked hoping for an answer. Dusty looked down with a sad frown "....Steel my pack...there dead there all dead" Dustys voice cracked as tear filled his eye's. Steel stared in disbelief "" Steel asked but Fusty shook his head "No...I'm sorry steel....but i-i don't want to talk about it" Steel wanted to know but she also didn't want to push her friend 'Poor Dusty...i know what it's like to loss family...but Dusty lost his hole pack. Dusty then gave steel a smile " Oh Steel I'm so happy to see you though.... I missed you" Steel gave a smile back "I missed you to..." Steel said "Steel" Matt said walking in looking at her "hey who this?" Dusty asked eyeing the mightyena. Matt just shrugs "I'm Matt a friend of Steels.. And this is Mocho" he pointed his muzzle to Mocho as sge walked in "Oh..ok well nice to meet yo all..." Mocho walked up to Dusty looking him over "hmm... Looks like your helling well enough to walk back" Dusty looked puzzled "Back were?...i can't go back were i came from" Matt shook his head "oh no she just mean's back to Jake's dean...that's were we're traning" Matt explains. "Training?..." Steel noded looking at dusty "Skull followed me we're building a group of pokemon to fight against him" Dusty gave Steel a fear full expression and shook his head "Oh no Steel don't be won't stand a chance...remember what happened to Mr Shawn" Steel then narrowed her eye's 'did i really miss Dusty?...because now i don't want him around if he's going to tell me what to do'

Mocho looked Dusty in the eye's "you've been through a lot.. I can see it but you can't let fear control you..i approve of her decision some pokemon has to end that beast" Dusty stared at Mocho for a minute "...well I'm not going to fight I've seen a enough" Steel frowned at him "but dusty.. We could realy use your help" Matt noded in agreement "She's right.. Jake is the only electric type...we have to many dark types" Mocho gave a guilty look "and i can't fight unless I'm willing to die..and I'm not" Dusty frowned at them "But..fine" Dusty grumbled "can i at least eat something...i haven't been eating ever since...well niver mind"  Matt walked up to him and dropped a rattat "...i know it's not much...but you look like you haven't eating in day's" Dusty noded his thanks and eat the rattat after that the for of them took off to go back to Jakes dean to train more and to fined more pokemon to fight with them.

Sorry again about the short chapter.

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