
By b00klover09

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Book 1.5 in Queen Series Princess Esmerelda of Histania Queen Esmerelda of Lycea Queen Esmerelda of Histan... More

Alternate Ending-1
Alternate Ending-2


8.1K 432 82
By b00klover09

"This will be good for you Thorian," I smiled as I walked side by side with him and William.

After I said my goodbyes to Chelsea and her girls, William and I began to pack. Soon after that Rowan had arrived with an already packed bag...well should I say chests and bags.

"Yes it will," William agreed as Thorian still gave him a look that could kill. Thorian was not in the best of spirits when he agreed to come with us but I could tell he wanted to leave, to leave and experience something different. I would be his getaway.


A familiar voice was shouted incredibly loudly as the coach door was open for us. As I was helped into the carriage I could see Esa rushing down the pathway an enraged look in her eyes.

Thorian seemed ready for impact as his cousin barreled into him. Her mate was hot on her heels yelling her name. I winced as my son fell to the ground but was quickly back up on his feet, glaring at his cousin.

Esa growled, her arms crossing over her chests. "You better get yourself together while visiting with Aunt Esmeralda okay? Do not mope about like Lillian when she cannot have dessert. You are a future King for gods sake!"

A laugh left my lips as Thorian scoffed, "Do not tell me what to do Esa, I know who I am," he growled back at her as a smile spread over her lips. I watched as she threw her arms around him and hugged him. He surprisingly hugging her back before she attempted to bite his shoulder. "Dammit Esa!" He growled out as she quickly jumped back, laughter bubbling up within her. "Oh... and tell my father I will be back," Thorian said in a low tone as I glanced towards the castle.

Sirus was in one of the windows..I am guessing to his study, staring down at all of us. Without thinking my hand lifted up, waving slightly to him.

I watched as his eyes widened before he curtly nodded and pulled the curtains in front of the window. "Are you alright?"

Laughter bubbled up within me. It would just be much too easy for Sirus to wave back...or smile. Much too much time and energy to do that...

I turned towards William, taking hold of his hand. "Yes, I am fine." That was a truth that has been a lie so many times before.

Once Thorian was done speaking with an annoyed Esa, we were on our way. Thorian was being extremely quiet and as soon as I was getting ready to speak, William squeezed my hand.

" you enjoy using weapons? Between the three of us I have an arsenal of interesting weapons from all around the world," William told Thorian as his silent demeanor shifted.

I watched my son run his fingers through his frost like hair. Pulling it tightly just like I was accustomed to Sirus doing so long ago when he was frustrated. "You do not have to win me over human," he explained as he glanced at me. My eyes hardens as Thorian sighed, taking a long breath. "My mother likes you and you treat her well. I will be cordial to you but I am here to see more of my Uncle's kingdom and see my mother."

William seemed taken aback. I kept my quiet, wondering what my betroth's response would be. "Well that is fine with me. As long as you behave-"

"-Behave?" Thorian questioned, his eyes slowly beginning to morph into that of a lycans. "You may be marrying my mother but I can kill you human. Very easily."

Why could we not just have a nice cooperative trip back home?! "Thorian stop. William just does not want you to act out since you are still upset over recent events," I told him sternly as Thorian did not seem to want to listen to me, but glare down William.

"I know when my wife left me I acted out. I went to brothels, I picked fights with soldiers. I was not well behaved for a Duke. It felt as if she broke my chest cavity, ripped my heart out, took a chunk out of heart and then slammed it back into my body." My poor William.

That was how I felt when Thorian was ripped away from me. Heart break does not have to be from a love partner. I watched Thorian's eyes slowly return back to normal before leaning back in his seat.

He was not so talkative the ride back but I knew it was just because he was still heart broken over what happened with Margaret. I just hoped this would help him get over her to an extent. I knew from personal experience it took a long time to get over certain matters.

By the time we arrived back at our home William was asleep. Leaning heavily on me, while Thorian kept looking out the window.

I pinched William's arm, watching him jump awake. "We are here," I announced as I glanced to Thorian who was now looking at me. He gave me a brief smile which I appreciated, before his smile disappeared with a look from William.

The carriage doors open and I was let out first, William let Thorian go out next. We all three were met with soldiers bowing down to us and a few maids stepping outside to help with out more delicate bags.

"Excuse me where is my brother?" I questioned one of the guards as he seemed to be staring at Thorian with disdain. "Do you have a problem with my son, guard?"

I glanced at Thorian to see that he had a threatening look to his features. It might scare one if they were not already accustomed to Lycan. This guard looks new, I doubt he has ever witnessed one before. Even though plenty of them live in my kingdom.

He quickly bowed to me, " your highness, forgive me...and King Edwin is in the foyer with King Drakka."

That King was a nice man but seeing him would make my feet ache. Then again I had to greet Edwin and congratulate him...and also tell him I have brought Thorian along.

"Very well then, lead us to them," I told the man as I placed my hand in Thorian's arm as we walked. By the time we arrived in the foyer, I could hear Edwin laughing heartily. Along with a very boisterous laugh also.

"Ah my sister has returned, along with my nephew...oh and William," Edwin smiled widely as he walked over to us and enveloped me into a hug. I hugged him back tightly before he went to Thorian. "So you just could not get enough of Esmerelda could you?" He chuckled as he grabbed Thorian in a hug. He seemed less than thrilled to hug back but he did so.

"Yes Thorian will be spending some more time with us, I hope that is not a problem," I smiled as I watched Edwin's eyes. One thing about him was that he could be smiling up a storm but his eyes were the true testament of his feeling.

"Of course you are family, Thorian. However long you would like to stay you are welcomed." Thorian gave Edwin a slight smile before looking past him at King Draka.

I waved at the King. "King Draka it is nice to see you again-"

"-My Queen!" King Draka gasped, as he made his way over to us. The large green man's smile was large enough to light up the sun. I could hear William scoff as King Drakka bowed lowly to me, then grabbed my hand firmly. "I have waited to see you before I leave," he told me as I squeezed his hand back before he let go.

I suppressed my laughter. "I am glad to see you also, King Drakka. How has your stay been? Has my brother been treating you all well?"

He glanced at Edwin before chuckling heartily. "Your brother is the smartest human I know. It is interesting because I thought all humans were ignorant, weak fools!" He laughed boisterously as one of William's eyebrows rose.

Well how kind of him to not think that Edwin is not a 'weak ignorant fool.' "I happy that my brother and you are becoming well is your sister?" I questioned, as King Draka's eyes moved to something behind me.  I also noticed Edwin's eyes did the same.

I turned slightly to see the person I was looking for. It was Jantek's sister. She was being escorted down the steps, her eyes avoiding mostly everyone.

She wore a multicolored white and black dress and a head wrap...with a large beautiful necklace. I glanced to my brother to see his eyes slowly take in the princess. A smile spread over his lips before making his way over to the princess.

"Princess," he said while bowing slightly and holding out his arm. She hesitated before holding unto his forearm and continuing their walk. She seemed less than thrilled and it looked as if she was trying to get as much space between her and my brother as possible.

I smiled when her eyes landed on me, and she greeted me with her own slight smile. "Princess Esmerelda," she said while bowing a bit. " is nice to see you again."

"You too, my soon to be sister," I smiled as I walked up to her and gave her a slight hug. I noticed that she was shaking a bit. "And this is my betrothed Duke Calfont," I told her while I heard a grunt from behind.

"Betrothed?! Ah, Edwen you did not tell me your sister was spoken for! I have jewels and spices for a woman like you, my Queen!" King Drakka announced as his sister put her hand over her mouth and I heard a small laugh on her part.

This King is the most hilarious Royal I have ever came into contact with. "Maybe if we met one another earlier in life King Drakka, but my heart belongs to William," I explained to him as he frowned but nodded his head in understanding. "So when will the wedding be?" I questioned, glancing towards Edwin and his bride.

Drakka cleared his throat. "Well, my sister has a request. She wanted me to ask but I told her I am not marrying a King, you are." I glanced to his sister who looked ready to throw a dagger in his heart. Drakka just smiled at his poor sister.

"What is the request, Princess?" Edwin asked his betrothed as she sighed.

"Our harvest is this week. It is very important to my people....and I wanted to know if maybe we can marry next week and this week I can spend in my home country with my people," she murmured as she already seemed defeated in her task.

Edwin better let the poor girl go to her harvest festival! I wanted to say 'yes ofcourse' but I was not the Queen anymore. I could only hope that Edwin would be kind like the man I knew he was.

By the look on his face I could tell it was going to be a no and that annoyed me quiet a bit. "Of course," he said with a not so convincing smile. " Princess, let us have a word in private."

He gave her his arm and she took it with much apprehension. As Drakka and William began to speak to one another..measuring each other's manliness I supposed, I snuck behind my brother and his soon to be wife. I admit I seemed like an old hag for doing so but I just wanted to know how Edwin would treat his wife!

The door that I was next to creaked slightly so that I could get a clear view of them. As soon as Edwin ceased his movements, she pulled away, making immediate distance between them.

My brother straightened up a bit, his eyes going over every inch of the poor princess. Way to make this poor girl feel even more uncomfortable than she already is, Edwin! "Princess...I hope you are not using this harvest festival as a way to escape your destiny with me."

Her skittish behavior lessened. "I-I do not run from my problems, Mundane King," she defended herself as her eyes turned to slits.

"I am a problem?" Edwin chuckled, making a move to come closer to her. "I think our kingdoms are in a problem and we are the agree, yes?" He questioned, as I realized how intimidating a man like Edwin could be. I saw him as a nuisance little brother with a larger than life pride complex...but to her, he was probably nothing more than a pompous pushy King.

I watched the princess, wring her hands together, "I suppose, Mundane King." She looked defeated.

Edwin smiled, "I know we will see eye to eye, Princess. I nor your brother will accept nothing less. I think you will find enjoyment here...with me rather than the other man you were promised to."

Why would he say something like that?! "I know Jantek, I do not know what kind of man you are...and I am by law Janteks. My brother breaks clan law by giving me to you," she spat back as I was surprised at how much venom she carried with that statement.

"And in what way are you this other man's woman...not mine? You have not had a ceremony with this Jantek man am I right?" Edwin questioned. I could see the annoyance in his face, see the tension in his body language.

I could see the sadness in her eyes. It made my chest ache. "He has given me his markings already. My brother disrespects me and our clan by doing this." I could see the tears in her eyes. They slipped down her cheeks and she was quick to wipe them away.

Edwin was one to be rendered useless by tears. I watched as he cleared his throat a few times, his eyes awkwardly going to anywhere but her. "I...You should have taken that up with your brother, Princess. I do not know the markings you speak of but you will be my I said before you will find that I am actually a kind man. I respect women-"

"-I may be yours by your peoples standards but I am not yours and never will be! The markings-"

"-Please explain to me what these markings are. Show me them...are they on your arms or something?" Edwin was getting increasingly agitated by the Princess. What markings was she talking about?

I watched the Princess turn her back to Edwin. She pulled her scarf from her head and pushed her hair up. Ink was on her skin? "The markings of Jantek's clan. Covers half of the the backside of my body," she explained. She pulled at her skirt a bit, revealing her legs. One of them had intricate designs going up her leg. "I am his...not yours."

Edwin was completely ogling her...not paying attention to her words. Not at all! I watched as his eyes raked over her exposed skin before shaking his head. Granted she was awfully beautiful...she obviously was not showing him her body to get a rise out of him.

"Those markings are beautiful," my brother commented his hand reaching out to touch her neck. She tensed. He better get his hands off of her! Before he got carried away I suppose, he quickly cleared his throat before backing away.  Good. "As beautiful as those are they mean nothing to me, Princess. Your brother thinks this is a good idea, I am aligned with him to think so and I think you should be too."

She quickly covered herself back up before turning towards him. The look on her face was quiet fierce and I applauded her for trying to seem so strong in front of my brother. "I am not a virgin."

Oh! Oh my. Just what is she trying to do?! Edwin chuckled darkly, "Well seems we have something in common, Princess. Neither am I. I enjoy a woman who knows what she is doing."

She seemed completely flustered by the I cannot listen to thus any longer! I cannot handle these turn in events. "What?! I-I thought humans are obsessed with those things!"

"Some are, I am not one of them Princess. It does not matter to me who has had you first because I will be the last to have you," Edwin smiled at her as I felt the need to slowly slip away. This was just too much to hear! Not appropriate at all to be saying or listening to! I have half the mind to go in their and yell at both of them...

She let lose a frustrated sigh. " are disgusting! I was lying. I thought you would be furious and not want me." Poor naive girl...

"I do not act on what lies below my belt but above it princess. Now I think we have been gone long enough. We do not want anyone to receive the wrong idea," he said as he began to make his way over to the door.

Before he had the chance to open the door, I knocked then opened it. "Oh there you two are! Princess I was wondering if you wanted to stay for diner. Fill your stomach before your journey back," I sugguestdd as she gave me a stressed smile.

"Oh...that would be nice. I will go ask my brother." I grasped her hand tightly before I glanced at Edwin who was glaring at me.

I gave him an innocent look, "What is it, Eddie?"

"So how did you enjoy our conversation, Esmerelda? Do you think I was too harsh with the princess?" He questioned me as I remained with my innocent act.

I shrugged, "I have no idea what you are speaking about." Edwin was glaring at me, as if he was not happy with my supposed eavesdropping.

"Esme I do not want you interfering with my marriage," he warned me as I scoffed. As if all I had to do in the world was worry about he and the princess.

"Do not flatter yourself, little Eddie. I have my own wedding to plan and other things that I have to handle, but I will not let you treat that princess any type of way," I said firmly watching him roll his eyes, before his eyebrows drew together.

He gripped my shoulders gently. "Your own wedding? You agreed to marry William?" I nodded my head as he smiled widely. "Good, so if you annoy me too much I can kick you out to his wonderful estate."

"I will overthrow you if you even attempt at kicking me out of my castle. You do realize you would not have all of this if it were not for me," I told him. I have told him that before and I will keep telling him until he gets it through that thick skull of his.

He loosely wrapped an arm around my shoulders, leading me towards the door. "I understand that, Esme. How about you get that wonderful son of yours settled in and I talk to my brother in law, William?"

"Do not threaten or attempt at sparring with him. Rowan and everyone else in Lycea has already given him enough. Be nice or I am coming for you, Edwin.," I warned him. I knew he liked William he of course just had to put in his brotherly advice.

"Yes, yes whatever you say mighty Queen of the Beasts."

One more chapter left😩😔
Still thinking about the alternate idea....(I don't know why the font changed. This is so weird.)

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