Ever After: An Amourshipping...

By HAKDurbin

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Serena is a twenty-one-year-old woman who has been forced to be a slave to her evil stepmother, Hania, and he... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Author's Note
Cover for my new story
New story complete!
Another Author's Note
Another story being published!

Chapter 4

456 20 4
By HAKDurbin

Helga hangs up the laundry glumly while her sister Kim works in the estate garden. Kim occasionally glances at her elder sister, perturbed with what is obviously on her mind. It has been a couple of hours since Serena went to Lumiose City with Clemont and Bonnie and there's no way for the elder woman to know whether or not Serena succeeded in her mission yet. Kim wishes she could come over to be by Helga's side, but she doesn't want Hania catching her not doing her chores.

           As she reluctantly picks out the weeds, however, Kim starts to hear footsteps from a distance. She looks up and sees Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie entering the estate grounds with an old man that she thought she’d never see again. Kim’s eyes widen and she gasps loudly before she turns to her sister and screams, “Helga!”

          Helga stops hanging up the laundry and turns to Kim curiously. Her younger sister points to the estate gate and she turns around to meet the eyes of her husband at a distance. Her heart leaps and she stares in shock for a moment before she starts running as fast as her old legs can carry her. Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie back away from Entalmorfious as he embraces his wife tightly. Helga weeps on her husband’s chest while Entalmorfious tries to calm her down with words of comfort. Kim, Serena, Clemont, and Bonnie begin to shed their own tears of joy at the sight of this reunion.

         “I was afraid I lost you forever,” Helga sobs.

         “It’s all right, my love, it's all right,” Entalmorfious says soothingly. “I'm right here. I'm home.”

         Helga lifts her head up and musters the best angry face she can through the tears.

         “You better make sure it stays that way,” she growls. “Because if that woman tries anything like that to us again, I can't help what I will do. No one is ever to separate us but The Lord and The Lord alone when it is our time to die. Understood?”

         “As you wish,” Entalmorfious says calmly, clearly used to his wife saying such things in a brutish tone.

         Helga keeps her angry face for a couple seconds before she breaks down and starts crying on her husband's chest again. Serena puts her hand on her heart as she smiles brightly at this touching reunion. She wipes the tears from her eyes as Kim joins in the hug. Helga turns her head to Serena and reaches out her hand, inviting her to join in the hug. Serena is taken aback at this before she smiles again and joins in the group hug.

            “Lord bless you, child,” Helga whispers to Serena as the four servants hug each other tightly.

             “Aaaaawwwww,” Bonnie coos. “This is so touching.”

             “Bonnie, not so loud,” Clemont rebukes.

             “Oh lighten up, big brother,” Bonnie rebukes back. “This is a happy moment.”

             Entalmorfious, Helga, Kim, and Serena break their hug and turn to Clemont and Bonnie.

            “Your sister is right, Clemont, this is a joyous moment indeed,” Helga says appreciatively. “I can never repay any of you for your help in bringing my husband back to me.”

            “Ah, don't worry about it. It’s our pleasure,” Bonnie says with a cheerful grin.

            Serena smiles before she turns to Kim.

            “Have my stepmother and stepsisters returned?” she asks.

            Kim looks at the young honey-blonde woman nervously.

            “They are, Serena,” she says hesitantly. “You might want to brace yourself. The mistress is in one of her moods again.”

            “Why?” Serena asks worryingly.

            “I have no idea,” Kim says. “I told her that you left to pick wildflowers like we planned, and she was frustrated at my answer. I hope you have some actual flowers to backup my claim.”

            “She sure does,” Bonnie says taking a handful of wildflowers out of her bag with a toothy grin. “I picked them myself while she was rescuing Entalmorfious.”

            Kim sighs partly in relief and says, “Then you better get inside with those flowers, Serena. Best not keep her waiting any longer.”

           Serena looks at Kim nervously as Bonnie gives her the flowers.

           “We need to get going anyway,” Clemont says. “Our father will be worried if we wait any longer.

           Serena gives Clemont a sad smile and says, “I understand. Thank you for your help, you two.”

           Bonnie hugs Serena tightly and Serena gives Clemont a hug that makes him blush before the two siblings leave and Serena turns around to reluctantly enter the house while Helga and Entalmorfious continue to embrace.


         Serena finds a vase to put the flowers in and begins to find a place to put it in one of the living rooms. As she makes it to the east living room, she sees Dawn’s sewing while Miette sits on a chair on the other side, reading a book with a smirk.

        “Somebody’s in trouble,” she sings.

        Serena looks at her confused until she feels two fingers grab her ear and twist it harshly. She cries in pain and drops the vase of wildflowers as Hania drags her to the floor.

         “You evil child,” she snarls. “How could you do such a thing?”

         “What have I done?” Serena asks.

         “Think hard, Serena,” Miette says, her eyes still glued to her book. “Think very hard.  Maybe it has something to do with this morning.”

        Serena looked back and forth between Hania and Miette before she suddenly remembers.

       “The prince with our horse?” she asks.

        “Yes,” Hania says. “You attacked Prince Ashton himself as he was borrowing one of the horses, you wicked child.”

        “But I didn't know that it was him,” Serena protests. “He had his hood up so I couldn't recognize him.”

        Hania and Miette chuckle in a condescending manner before Miette takes her eyes off of her book and says, “Why Serena, even a simple-minded girl like you could recognize the royal design of his cloak. Why when he came to the estate grounds to return the horse, I could see that it was my future groom before he entered the gate.”

          Hania smirked at her daughter before turning to Serena.

          “Well, no matter,” she says. “Miette gave a stunning performance and thanks to your foolish attack, she is not far from wrapping that boy around her fingers.”

          For some reason that she can't understand, Serena’s heart sank at the thought of the prince and Miette together. Her frown grows as Miette gives her a confident smirk that backs up her mother’s words before Hania speaks again.

          “With that said, however, we must not hold back on your chores for when the prince comes again, mustn't we?” She says, glaring at Serena. “Let's make the floors spotless, the silverware squeaky clean and so on. Is that understood?”

            Serena fights off a protest in her voice and nods vigorously in understanding.

            “Good. Then get to it,” Hania commands.

            “Yes, stepmother,” Serena says as she exits the room.

            Miette keeps her grin as she watches her stepsister leave to do her chores before she goes back to her book. Dawn looks at where Serena left feeling sorry for her before she quickly hides it before Hania turns around to look at her.

           Suddenly, they hear footsteps and the three women turn to see Entalmorfious entering the room with Helga and Kim.

           “What is he doing here?” Miette asks displeased. “Shouldn't he be sailing away?”

           The three servants hide their contempt at her words before Entalmorfious turns to Hania and says, “They told me I can go home, Madame. I paid off your - er, my debts.”

           Miette and Dawn turn to Hania, who stares at the old man with a suspicious glare.

           “Fine,” she says with a wave of her hand. “Go… catch a chicken or something.”

           The three servants smile at this and leave while Miette rolls her eyes and goes back to her book and Hania leaves to her bedroom.

           No one notices Dawn secretly smiling from seeing Entalmorfious reunited with his wife and sister-in-law.


      Ash grumbles childishly as Kenny and Delia escort him to the throne room. He knows he’s in for a serious talking by his stepfather, Jeriack, and it's a waste of time in his eyes. They enter the throne room where Jeriack is waiting for him and is speaking without even looking at the young prince.

           “You are restricted to the grounds,” the king says bluntly.

           “Seriously?” Ash says unamused. “You're putting me under house arrest? Is that really going to do anything?”

            “Do not mock me, boy,” Jeriack growls, his eyes glaring at his stepson. “I am the king of Kalos and I will have my way or I will -”

            “You'll do what? Ship me off to Hemarcrish-Dorcros like some criminal?” Ash ridicules. “What would our own subjects think of that?  What would even King Norman think if he found out his future son-in-law was sold as a slave for a marriage agreement that he's a part of?”

          Jeriack’s tan face turns red in anger as he clenches his teeth at Ash. Delia places her hand on her husband's shoulder trying to calm him down.

           “Jeriack, dear, please calm down before you have a stroke,” she pleads as she makes him sit down before turning to Ash. “Now Ash, sweetie, you are a prince born of privilege and with that comes specific obligations.”

            “No offense, mom, but the idea of being forced to marry someone I haven’t met never made either of us very happy,” Ash says. “Just because you two married without even meeting each other doesn't mean I should too.”

           “Listen to your mother, boy,” Jeriack snarls. “As heaven is my witness, you will marry Princess May by the next full moon or I will strike you in any way I can.”

           “Jeriack!” Delia shrieks disapprovingly.

           “What shall it be, stepfather? The hot oil or the rack?” Ash asks mockingly.

           “Ash!” Delia screams.

           Jeriack growls as he stands up from his chair and walks over to Ash until they are face to face.

            “Be careful with what you say, Ashton,” he warns. “I may find a way to live forever and deny you the crown even when you are twice the age I am now.”

            “Good,” Ash says smugly. “I never wanted it even when my real father was alive.”

            Delia gasps at Ash’s harsh words as he storms out of the room. Jeriack watches him leave flabbergasted before turning to his wife.

            “He’s your son,” he rebukes.

            Delia gives him a hard glare and says, “He’s your son too.”

            Jeriack scoffs angrily until he notices Kenny still in the room.

            “You are dismissed, captain,” he says with a wave of her hand.

            Kenny clears his throat and says, “Yes sir, but before I take my leave, General Durbin and Captain Woodward arrived with the prince. They are waiting out in the hall.”

            Jeriack’s eyes widened as he completely forgot about Timothy’s arrival in the midst of chasing down Ash. He turns to Delia and gives her a nod, as a calm way of asking her to leave. Delia sighs and reluctantly leaves the room before Jeriack turns his head back to Kenny.

         “Send them in,” he orders.

         Kenny takes a bow and exits the room. Jeriack takes a big breath to collect himself just in time to see Timothy and Coovers enter the room and greets them with a bright smile.

         “Ah, Timothy, Coovers, my old friends,” he says in a gleeful tone while Timothy and Coovers give him a respectful bow.

         “King Jeriack,” Timothy greets. “Your father sends his regards and best hopes to you.”

         “Oh there is no need for titles, dear boy,” Jeriack says giving both Timothy and Coovers a friendly hug. “I may be a king, but you don't have to treat me in such a formal manner. Come sit and tell me how goes your assignment across the land?”

           “It's going slow but steady,” Timothy answers as the three men take a seat around a square table. “Everyone still has a way to go with recovering from the war, but the other kingdoms are managing with or without our aid.”

           “That's splendid news,” Jeriack says with a grin as a servant brings a pitcher of wine and starts pouring it into three goblets. “And how is King Norman in Hoenn?”

           “He was doing well last we saw him,” Timothy answers plainly. “He looks forward to the wedding between his daughter and your stepson.”

          “Good,” Jeriack says. “I'm looking forward to it as well. Everything is going according to plan on our end.”

           Timothy and Coovers give each other skeptical looks before Coovers says in a taunting tone, “It didn't look that way when we saw him.”

           Jeriack’s grin falters as he turns to Coovers with a glare.

           “What the devil has that boy said to you?” He snarls.

           “Oh not much,” Timothy answers for Coovers. “Just enough to confirm the rumors we’ve heard concerning his feelings about marrying May. Clearly, he does not share your eagerness to have him marry her and everyone in Kalos and their dog knows it.”

           Jeriack frowns irritated.

           “Alright,” he grumbles. “That childish stepson of mine has been trying to find a way out of the agreement by his own stubborn means.”

           “Yes, he confirmed as much after we dealt with the Demoth scavengers who ambushed us,” Coovers says.

            Jeriack turns to Coovers in shock.

            “Demoth in my kingdom?” He asks, trying to sound innocent. “Surely you two jest. There are none of those filthy scum here.”

            Timothy sighs impatiently and says, “Jeriack, drop the act. Demoth refugees are hiding in your lands and attacking convoys like ours. One of them almost stole some of our valuables including my paintings. They may not be an army to be feared anymore, but even without the fifty plus men we had cut down, it's obvious that there are a considerable number of them in Kalos.”

           Jeriack’s frown deepens and glares at Timothy annoyed.

            “Well, of course, there are Demoth here,” he growls. “They are practically half the reason I made the agreement with King Norman. They've been plundering whenever they can ever since the war ended. We’ve been trying to hunt them down, but their hideout is nowhere to be found.”

             “I thought you'd say as much,” Timothy says disapprovingly.

             “Well, then what do you intend to do about it?” Jeriack asks. “Did my father send you here partly to wipe out all the Demoth scum in Kalos?”

             “No, he did not.” Timothy answers. “We’re here to help you set everything on track with rebuilding everything that has happened in Kalos just like the rest of Varpathion’s allies, not to be your personal exterminators.”

             “What?!” Jeriack shouts angrily. “I just said that they are plundering from my people. Does that not warrant that you destroy them all?!”

             “If our goal was to commit genocide against what’s left of a people who blindly followed a madman and willingly surrendered when one of their own stabbed him in the back, King Markenal would have ordered it as soon as the war was over,” Timothy says unfazed with Jeriack’s outburst. “But your father has made it clear that we are not to stoop to Powuru’s level and execute people who openly regret following him. We are to try to find peace with the Demoth who have fled and -”

             “Peace?!” Jeriack screams, slamming the table with his fist. “You expect any of us to want peace with them after all the damage they've caused? Do you expect them to just forget that you and your men just killed a few dozen of them?”

             “Told you he wouldn't take it well,” Coovers says smirking at Timothy who rolls his eyes at his second-in-command.

             “You're right to say that killing some of them in defense didn't help our cause,” he admits. “Regardless, we did not come here to kill for you. We're here under orders from your father to help you begin to patch things up in Kalos and that includes what is clearly going on with the Demoth who live here and Prince Ashton’s engagement to Princess May.”

            “Then what do you expect me to do with either?” Jeriack asks.

            “First thing's first, Jeriack,” Timothy answers. “You need help figuring things out with that young man and contrary to your claim, you can't live forever.”

            “You heard me say that?” Jeriack asks.

             “Ha! I wouldn't be surprised if the whole kingdom heard it the way you, your wife and stepson were bickering,” Coovers mocks.

             Jeriack glares at Coovers again before turning to Timothy.

             “It's not my fault if the boy refuses to fulfill his duties even before his real father died,” he claims. “The boy has his head filled with ideas about love and time away from the castle.”

             Timothy raises an eyebrow at this information.

             “And what pray tell is wrong with either of those things?” He asks.

             “He’s the future king of a country, that's what,” Jeriack answers stubbornly. “Kings are married by marriage agreements and stay in their castles to rule their kingdom. That is the way things have been for centuries and there has been no need to alter traditions. Why it's because I made the agreement to marry Delia with my father that there was a kingdom of Kalos to aid Varpathion and its allies during the remainder of the war.”

              “And do you really think Prince Ashton will keep those ideas just because you might strike him with oil or an iron if he implies otherwise?” Timothy challenges. “I think I can speak for Markenal when I say he would be disappointed that you are stooping to this level just to force his step-grandson to marry into another one of our allies.”

              Jeriack’s blood boils at the general’s words. He stands up from his chair and screams, “You listen here, General Durbin, my father may treat you like you're one of his sons, but that doesn't mean you can order around a king with what he does to his heir or his kingdom. I am the king and I will uphold the traditions that must be held whether Ash likes it or not for the sake of the kingdom.”

             Timothy looks at Jeriack, unfazed by his outburst. Then he sighs and speaks to Jeriack calmly.

              “You're right, Jeriack,” he says. “You are the king of Kalos and one of Markenal’s own flesh and blood. However, your argument works both ways. As much as you have made your father proud by willingly forfeiting your claim to the Varpathion throne next to your brother so that you can aid one of our allies by becoming their king, that also comes with high expectations from you more than any other king in the continent. A marriage agreement may have been a necessity before, but your father does not share your beliefs that it will now for that young man and Princess May. Our traditions are changing, Jeriack. Slowly but surely, they have been ever since the war whether you want it or not and no matter what you do, Prince Ash will want that change as soon as he becomes king. Your father is expecting many great things from you and it's up to you to decide whether or not to meet his hopes.”

            “What is it that you're saying, Timothy?” Jeriack asks. “Are you saying I should cancel the agreement and let the prince marry the first pretty girl he sees?”

            “Not necessarily,” Timothy answers. “I merely propose that you should come up with a compromise between you and your stepson.”

            “Are you out of your mind?” Jeriack rebukes. “I've been fighting hard to show that boy how everything must work with no intentions of giving him an inch.”

            “Well, that's exactly why you should do it, isn't it?” Timothy says with his eyebrow raised. “Neither of you are getting anywhere bickering like five-year-olds. As long as you two keep at it, nothing will really be accomplished and at best that will cause trouble with just your agreement with Hoenn and at worst it might cause problems for all of Kalos. You said it yourself that you're doing all of this for the kingdom, Jeriack. How can you secure its future if you can't even figure out how to handle its future king?”

          Jeriack doesn't say anything for a moment. He and Timothy stare at each other while Coovers takes a sip out of his goblet without a care. Finally, Jeriack sighs and looks at the general with a slightly calm look.

          “How do you propose I make such a compromise, Timothy?” He asks.

          Timothy gives a small smile and says, “Well, if the young boy is so certain that he should marry for love, why not give him a chance to do just that?”

          Jeriack raises an eyebrow at Timothy before he looks away in thought. Timothy stares at the king, curious of what he's thinking about while Coovers quietly belches having finished his wine. Finally, after a couple of minutes, Jeriack raises his eyebrow again and turns back to Timothy with an amused smirk.

          “Fine,” he says. “If a compromise is what you believe is the best solution, then how about this...?”


    Ash lies down on a bench in the castle gardens as he stares at the night sky. His thoughts are wrapped up with how trapped he feels still being forced to marry the princess of Hoenn without his consent. The more he thinks about it, the more irritated he is until he sits up and groans in anger.

    “Why can’t I make him listen?” he asks to himself as he runs his fingers through his hair. “I wish I never bumped into that Varpathion general. I should have been in Sinnoh by now if he didn’t make me stay long enough for Kenny to catch up with me.”

As he thinks about getting caught again, however, his mind drifts to the woman with the honey blonde hair. His face turns calm as he considers how he would not have met her or been able to free her servant if he wasn’t brought back to the castle grounds. He begins to think of how she spoke with such intelligence and kindness toward those less fortunate and a smile begins to enter his face as he thinks of the look of happiness in her blue eyes when he ordered that old man’s release. Suddenly, his smile turns into a frown when he realizes something.

“What’s her name again?” He asks himself.

“What’s who’s name, Ash?”

Ash turns to his right startled to see his mother walking toward him with a concerned look. Ash sighs and looks away from her.

“Nothing, mother,” he says.

Delia frown and walks over to her son.

“Ash da Ketchum, you know better than to claim that something is nothing to your mother,” she rebukes. “Clearly you have your mind on someone.”

Ash hesitates before he reluctantly says, “Okay, I am thinking about somebody.”

“That’s better,” Delia says with a smirk. “And this somebody would be that young lady you were talking to in the courtyard, am I right?”

“What?” Ash says surprised. “How did you know?”

Delia rolls her eyes and says, “Because I saw the way you were looking at her before I called out to you. You obviously took a liking to her.”

Ash’s surprised face turns back to a frown as he looks away from his mother.

“I guess I did, didn’t I?” he says. “But it’s strange that I’ve never heard a noblewoman speak the way she does.”

“Oh? How so?” Delia asks intrigued.

“Well...I’m not sure how to explain it,” Ash admits. “It’s just...she talks with such...a sweet yet insightful voice. She quotes Utopia and ridicules me for my lack of knowledge about the people.”

“Hmmm, sounds like a very wise noblewoman,” Delia says with a pleased look. “And yet you didn’t learn her name?”

“No, I did but it isn’t coming to me,” Ash says racking his brain. “It was...uh...oh right! It was Comtesse Grace de Ridley.”

Delia looks at her son, puzzled.

“Comtesse Grace de Ridley?” she asks.

“Yeah, that’s it,” Ash says. “She said she’s from Kanto and is visiting a cousin here. Do you have any idea who that could be?”

Delia chuckles nervously and says, “I’m afraid I don’t. There are so many courtiers in our country alone to remember by name, it would take a miracle to recall how any of them could be related to someone named Ridley.”

Ash frowns at his mother’s confession.

“Well, that messes up my chances of finding out where she’s staying,” he says defeated.

“I’m sorry, sweetie,” Delia says sympathetically.

Ash merely hums in acknowledgement until they hear a set of footsteps coming their way. Ash’s frown grows as he knows that his stepfather is coming towards him and looks away before Jeriack stops walking in from of him and his mother. No one says anything for a moment before Jeriack clears his throat.

“Ash, I think it is time we make a compromise regarding your engagement,” he announces.

Ash turns his head to look at his stepfather in surprise as Jeriack continues.

“In honor of General Durbin for his visit and his service in defending our country and all the other kingdoms in the land, I’ve decided to throw a ball where our compromise is to be struck,” he says. “If love is what you seek in a marriage, then I suggest you find it before then for at the stroke of midnight, you will announce your engagement to the girl of your choice and if you can’t find one that you wish to marry before then, then you will marry Princess May and that will be final then and there.”

Ash stares at Jeriack, taken aback by his announcement. He and Delia look at each other in shock before Jeriack speaks again.

“Well, boy, are we in agreement?” Jeriack asks.

“What will you do with your marriage agreement if I find someone?” Ash asks.

“You just leave Hoenn to me and General Durbin,” Jeriack answers plainly. “From where I’m standing, you have bigger problems to worry about then how King Norman will react if he discovers his daughter no longer has a fiancee.”

Ash looks at Jeriack with an unsure look. Delia places her hand on her son’s shoulder.

“Choose wisely, Ash,” she says turning her head to her husband. “Divorce is not something that can be done here in Kalos.”

Jeriack merely smirks, slightly amused by his wife’s words before turning his gaze back to Ash. After a moment, Ash looks at his stepfather in the eye.

“Very well,” he says taking out his hand. “We are in agreement.”

Jeriack smirks again as he shakes Ash’s hand.

“About time that you two agree on something for once,” Delia whispers to herself.

Standing several feet away from them, however, is Timothy and Coovers spying on the royal family. Timothy smirks as he walks away pleased while Coovers follows him with a concerned look.

“Do you really think that kid is going to find love at the appointed time we gave him?” he asks. “For that matter, are you sure it’s a risk to jeopardize a possible close alliance between Kalos and Hoenn for this?”

“If you have concerns, Coovers, you had plenty of time to say them while Jeriack and I were talking instead of drinking,” Timothy says.

Coovers frowns before he stands in front of Timothy, forcing him to stop walking.

“You better not let your little hopeless romantic side get the better of our mission,” Coovers says. “I don’t want to stay away from home any more than duty dictates we have to.”

“Says the guy flirting with virtually every unmarried woman in the realm that we come across,” Timothy points out. “Besides, Jeriack is right. We’ll find a way to calm King Norman down if Prince Ash indeed finds someone.”

“Which comes back to my first question; do you really think he’s going to find love?” Coovers asks with his arms crossed.

“I do,” Timothy answers bluntly.

“Why?” Coovers asks with his eyebrow raised.

Timothy scratches his chin, pretending to be deep in thought before he answers, “It’s a secret.”

Coovers frowns suspiciously before he scoffs and walks away, giving up. Timothy smiles at his friend’s reaction before he exits the castle gardens and walks across the courtyard. The moonlight shines on him as he walks in thought until he sees the spot where Prince Ash was talking to the woman with the short honey blonde hair. His smile grows as he thinks about the way they looked at each other as she was trying to save her servant.

“Well, my young prince,” he says quietly. “I hope I gave you a chance to find that love you are looking for.”

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