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and I lost so much more than my senses, cause loving you had consequences More

loving you was
loving you was
loving you was
loving you was
found loving you was sunshine
found loving you was sunshine II
but then it poured.
and I lost so much more than my senses,
cause loving you had consequences.


1K 58 21


Demi didn't know if this was the case for all mothers but before she had Aiden, she was a very heavy sleeper. She could sleep through anything. Then once she had Aiden and had to adjust to him waking up in the middle of the night and having to listen out for his cries, she was no longer a heavy sleeper. Now anything could wake her up, especially her screaming five year old.

"What?" She mumbled as she forced her eyes open and saw that she was in her bed, dressed in her favorite pair of pink striped Victoria's Secret pajamas. She didn't even remember getting into bed last night, nonetheless putting her pajamas on.

"LOOK WHAT THE TOOTH FAIRY GAVE ME MOMMY!" Aiden exclaimed again as Demi finished rubbing her eyes then squinted at the bill in Aiden's hands. Benjamin Franklin. Who gave Aiden a one hundred dollar bill?

"Wow sweetie, that was so generous of her," Demi said as Aiden began to babble about Toys R Us and Legoland and visiting his favorite aquarium, and Demi tried her best to listen to his ramblings.

"Why don't you brush your teeth and pick out something to wear so that we can go spend your tooth fairy money?" Demi suggested, and that was all that Aiden needed to hear before he was hopping off of her bed and running out of her room to get ready.

Demi had a pretty good idea of who gave him the hundred dollar bill, and once she made it downstairs and into the kitchen, she found her culprit.

"Hey tooth fairy," Demi said as she watched Drake flip an omelet in the skillet.


"You know you're supposed to give him like, quarters right? Thanks for doing my job but one hundred dollars?"

"I didn't have change and no one else was up," Drake sheepishly admitted as Demi giggled.

"It's fine. Thank you. Now you have to come with us to help him spend it," Demi said as she leaned against the counter.

"Actually, I have rehearsals for OVO Fest, so I was wondering if you want to come with me this year. It's right before the trial...might be a nice way to relax," Drake said as Demi chewed on her bottom lip.

"I don't know if I want to leave Aiden," Demi said as she folded her arms over her chest, but Drake just shrugged.

"That's fine. Just let me know when you make up your mind. I gotta go, I just wanted to make sure you had some breakfast before I left," Drake said, turning the fire underneath the skillet off before pressing a kiss to Demi's forehead.

"Thank you. Text me when you're done," Demi said as Drake nodded before he left the house.

theshaderoom: #Roommates, we found the girl spotted out with #Drake in Toronto yesterday! Y'all think issa #baewatch or nah? and what happened to Miss #DemiLovato?

"She's gorgeous," Demi breathed out as she looked down at her phone on the marble countertop. Lani glanced at the girl's picture and shrugged.

"She's alright. You look better though," Lani smirked as Demi closed out of Instagram and locked her phone. "Tell me how you're feeling," Lani urged as she leaned against the counter and stared at her best friend.

"We're not together so I don't feel anything," Demi mumbled, running her castless fingers through her newly dyed bronze waves as Lani lightly rolled her eyes.

"What do you mean you're not together?"

"We're not together. He asked me to go OVO Fest and I said no because I didn't want to leave Aiden behind. Obviously that girl is there with him and it's not a big deal because we're not together. We're just friends," Demi explained, knowing that she was trying to convince herself more than she was trying to convince Kehlani.


"No, just...I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm just going to lie down for a little bit. I have a headache," Demi mumbled the last part before going upstairs and back to her room.

She was irritated and a little upset and a little.m, dare she say it, jealous, but she was trying not to be because she was the one who told Drake that she didn't want to be in a relationship. She was the one who was afraid to move things forward when he was ready to jump all in. So could she really be upset that he was seen hanging out with someone else? Not really.

After a few minutes of laying down, Lani came and lied down next to her, snuggling up to her and wrapping her arms around her as Demi released a deep sigh.

"Demi, I know you don't want to jump into another relationship. But I also know how much you like him and deep down you do want to be with him," Lani said as a Demi slowly nodded.


"So...your parents are still in town. How about we take a quick flight to Canada and claim your man?"

"No way," Demi shook her head but Lani sat up and gently nudged her in the back.

"Well we have to do something! Ooo!! You should reactivate your Instagram and post some thirst traps!" Lani squealed as Demi giggled but shook her head again.

"Won't that look desperate?"

"No, you need one anyway if you're gonna get back into modeling," Lani nonchalantly said as Demi released a deep sigh.

"Have you been talking to Drake?"

"A little bit...come on, it'll be so much fun! You can get all dressed up and look all pretty. Show him what he's missing out on!"

"We used to have so much fun with our photoshoots, Dems. I promise it'll be fun and if not we won't even post the pics, okay?" Kehlani reassured her as Demi slowly nodded.


"YESSSSS! I have the perfect location! How long is Aiden gonna be with your parents?" Lani asked as she began to excitedly bounce around the room, causing Demi to break into a fit of giggles.

"Until he decides he wants to come home. What's the location?" Demi asked as Lani just shot her a mischievous grin.

"You'll see."

After gathering all of her outfits and everything that they needed for Lani's impromptu photo shoot, Demi and Kehlani were sitting in Demi's car across the street from the entrance to Drake's house. Apparently, this was Kehlani's "perfect location."

"Let's hop the fence," Lani suggested in a serious tone, going to open the door of the car before Demi pulled her back.

"Kehlani. I have a key," Demi pointed out but Lani shook her head.

"It'll be more fun," Lani whined as Demi shook her head, but turned her car off anyway. Drake didn't keep security around when he wasn't at home.

"If we get arrested, I swear to God," Demi mumbled as they both got out of the car with their stuff. Drake's gate surrounding his property wasn't that high, so they were able to throw their stuff over pretty easily, but getting over the gate was a whole different matter.

"What if his neighbors see us? They're gonna think we're crazy stalkers! What if someone calls the police?" Demi groaned as Lani began to climb.

"Okay, then you be lookout and when I get to the other side, I'll open the gate," Lani suggested, but that just made Demi start laughing all over again because she was so ridiculous.

"Lani, I have a whole ass key."

"As opposed to what, half a key?" Lani responded as she dropped to the other side of the gate, sending Demi a smirk.

"Take a picture!" Lani exclaimed, throwing up peace signs and sticking her tongue out as Demi snapped a few pics.

"Okay, now open the gate. The passcode is my birthday," Demi said as Lani scoffed.

"Yeah, but the two of you totally aren't a thing," she mumbled as she typed in Demi's birth date and watched the gate open. Demi walked through and after grabbing their stuff, they both walked up the hill and to his house. Demi used her key to get in then set it on the side table as she looked around. He usually had a cleaning service come and clean his house before he went out of town.

"So after we post these thirst traps, I would highly suggest you going to see him in Toronto," Lani said but Demi shook her head as they walked up the stairs.

"I don't like drama, Kehlani."

"Wow, don't full name me Demetria. And I'm not telling you to go up there and cause drama. I'm telling you to go up there and claim your man before someone else does and you both end up hurt," Lani said, but Demi didn't say anything in response so she left it alone.

Once she was ready, Demi came out of the bathroom and wrapped her arms around her best friend.

"I love you, but I'll get with him when I'm ready. I don't think I'm ready to make myself vulnerable in a relationship again," Demi said as Lani kissed her forehead.

"Demi, you would tell me if everything's not okay, right?"

"Of course."

Lani stared at her for a moment, but in the end she let it go.

"Fine. You don't need a boyfriend anyway. You have me, and we both know that I don't like to share," Lani teased, pecking Demi's cheek before they both headed downstairs.

ddlovato: guess who's back, back again
kehlani commented on your post: Demi's back, tell a friend
champagnepapi commented on your post: 😍😍😍

kehlani: Aubrey's backyard, an iPhone X, a few of Demi's fave swimsuits, and a bomb ass photographer. my best friend is back and better than ever 😌
champagnepapi commented on your post: only demi gets to call me Aubrey
kehlani replied: shut up Aubrey
ddlovato commented: lmfao I love you 😘😘

Aubrey💕: are we good?

Demi: why wouldnt we be?

Aubrey💕: bc of those pictures. I'm assuming you saw them.

Demi: we're not together. you do you...or her...or whatever. see you when you get back.

Aubrey💕: k.


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