Maxim/Morgana Stories

By A_Lost_Minstrel

366 7 42

Jumping on the bandwagon and making a Maxana request/story place. Enjoy! More

Stormy Nights (K)
Maxana Challenge: The Past (T)
Maxana Challenge: Present (T)
Matchmaker (T)
Matchmaker Part II (T)
Things I Never Knew (T)

Not Alone (T)

94 1 5
By A_Lost_Minstrel

I finally wrote something! (Though I feel like I forgot how to write) This was a request made by Aurorasilverthorne and I hope it's actually good. It's a bit longer than what I normally write but there's a lot of exposition. Enjoy!

"Why should I trust you?"

Maxim stood up after kneeling before the leader of the Morganians and the Prime Morganian herself, Morgana Le Fay. She stared down at him as if he was nothing more than dirt of the bottom of her boot. You should've never left, a voice said in the back of his mind.

"I'm sorry, Maxim, but..."

Maxim clenched his teeth at the familiar voice echoing in his head. He couldn't go back. Not after embarrassing himself like that. Not after all the suffering he's had to endure as Merlin's apprentice.

"M'lady, I promise you—"

"Your promises mean nothing here," she interrupted. "You're still bound to that old man and I have no patience for nonsense." She narrowed her eyes, "...or spies."

"I assure you, Lady Le Fay," Maxim began again, "I have no further associations with Merlin, or any other merlineans." Especially his apprentices, he thought. "I am yours to do as you please."

Morgana eyed him for a moment. "And if it pleases me to kill you?"

"Then... in a way my life have been useful to the Morganian cause."

"Coward," She hissed. "You wouldn't fight back?"

"I have no need to. I've already told you that I'm now devoted to your cause so if it pleases you to kill me, then I have no qualms."

Morgana eyed him again, as if offering a chance to change his mind. Or possibly calculating the different ways she could kill him. Maxim stood his ground, however. He did not want to go back to Merlin's castle. He couldn't. After foolishly revealing his feelings to Veronica, even though he knew somewhere in his heart that she'll never return the sentiment, he also knew that there is no point in wallowing in his pain and staying there any longer.

"Fine," she finally conceded, "I suppose you could join my cause. But consider yourself dead if you even think about betraying me."

"Of course, m'lady."

That was a month ago and not soon after, he had decided to break himself from the Merlinean circle and bound with the Morganian pentacle. It was freeing to say the least, though he still thought about the others. Did they even care that he's gone? Do they care that he's now their enemy?


Maxim looked across the training to a slim young man of about thirty stalking towards him.

"You're out here lallygagging," he huffed as he drew near, "when the stables need to cleaned."

"I'm not a stablehand, Mordred," Maxim replied. "That isn't my job."

The king's bastard son glared at him. "Then you better be prepared to lick droppings off the bottom of my aunt's shoe. Now get to the stables or you're in for another round of whipping, mongrel."

Maxim wished for nothing more but to snapped the man's neck, but unfortunately, Mordred is both the kin and the right-hand man to Lady Le Fay, and he would like to remain on her good side.

He reluctantly made his way to the stables and did what he was told. He gathered the hay, cleaned after the horses, and did any other menial task that was given to him.

"This should be easy for you, mongrel," Mordred jeered. "You grew up doing this." Maxim tried to ignore him, focusing solely on the task at hand, when a horse rode into the stables.

Gracefully stepping down from the horse was Morgana Le Fay, walking her mare to her stable. "Hello Auntie Morgana," Mordred crooned with a plastered smile, "how was your ride?"

"Pleasant," she replied as she pulled an apple out of her satchel and fed it to her mare. She briefly glanced at to Maxim then back to Mordred. "What is going here?"

"I'm having the Merlinean oaf—"

"Mordred..." she interrupted in a warning tone.

"I meant Horvath," he corrected. "He's cleaning the stables per your request." Morgana quirked an eyebrow then looked over to Maxim.

"I see." Morgana then looked back at Mordred. "I'm going to get wash up."

"Of course, Auntie." Before she left the stables, Mordred stopped her again. Then he leaned in close to her ear, in a lowered voice, "Your orders were carried out."

"Thank you." She walked out after that. Maxim then had to admit that Morgana was a very attractive woman, though this wasn't the first time he thought that. The thought crossed his mind throughout the many times he was forced to face her in battle. She fascinated him then by the way she fought. There was a certain elegance to it, how she blasted her enemies, how she wielded a sword. It was like watching an elaborate dance by a goddess. But of course, that goddess had to be Morgana Le Fay, a highborn woman who cares nothing of human life, based on the many raids and attacks done throughout Britain under her name.

Maxim shook his head at the thought. He had no right to look at her like that anyway. He was merely a commoner and she is royalty. She would surely maim him if she found out that he had a sliver of attraction to her.

"Hurry up, you louse!"

Later on that week, Tintagel Castle held a grand celebration, presumably for the recent raid on a nearby town. It was as lively as twelfth day of Christmas throughout the grand hall of the castle. Food, drink, merriment all around for all the Morganians. While Maxim attended, he was in no way celebrating. From what he heard, the last raid was a massacre and he didn't support unnecessary deaths.

He chewed on a piece of venison as he took in his surroundings. Against the sea of festivities stood Morgana sitting alone at the head of the table. Maxim wondered why she didn't socialize and mingle with the other Morganians during the party. In fact, now that he thought about it, Maxim never seen Morgana socialize with any of the other Morganians. She's either by herself or discussing future plans with the others to take Britain and then the world.

For a moment, he locked eyes with her and noticed something in the way she looked at him. However, he didn't have time to analyze it as she stood up and excused herself from the room.
The days continued like normal—Raids, celebrations either grand or small depending on the loot gathered. Maxim saw Morgana only in passing then, but noticed that she seemed distant. Maxim at the time has no intention of getting to know her, but that was until he called down to one of her meetings among her closest allies.

As he drew near the door, he could hear murmuring on the other side. He knocked to announce his presence, silencing the voices inside.

"Come in."

All eyes were locked on Maxim as soon as he entered the room. His own eyes scanned the room to see who was in was in attendance. Among those in the room was of course, Morgana, her nephew, and two of her allied lords, Lord Mark of Cornwall and King Urien of Rheged. Accolon, one of her Morganian followers, was also present.

"You sent for me, your grace?" Maxim asked Morgana, bowing before her.

"Yes, I did," She replied. "Take a seat." Maxim nodded, obeying her order. Morgana then turned to address the rest of the room.

"As you all know," she began, "the ruling family of Ireland has been dethroned and eliminated. The entire royal family... murdered."

"By none other than your ally, Morholt, Aunt Morgana," Mordred pointed out.

"He isn't my ally," Morgana corrected, "but he isn't Arthur's either so I think we have slight advantage in that front."

"We should make him an ally then," Mordred hummed. "He seems inherently Morganian."

"Making him an ally isn't the purpose of this meeting," Morgana said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Then, if you mind me asking," Mark began, "what is it, Lady Morgana?"

"I will be going to Camelot," she responded. "It seems that when they traveled to Ireland, Arthur's troops acquired some... precious cargo that should be in my possession."

"What type of cargo?" Urien then asked.

"None that should concern you," Morgana countered.

"But it concerns that lowborn cur?" Mordred asked, referring to Maxim, who hasn't said a word yet. "Why is he here?"

"I need someone to accompany me on the way to Camelot."


"Why?" Accolon then questioned with a raised eyebrow.

"If you needed someone to protect you, milady," Urien offered, "I could've done that."

"If I wanted you to do that, I would've asked you, now wouldn't I?" Morgana curtly replied. "I chose Horvath."

"But why?" Mark asked. "Why him?"

"Because I want him to come," Morgana remarked, clearly getting irritated. "I won't have you question me. I chose him specifically for this and that's final."

Mordred protested, "That oaf couldn't protect a paper bag. Why would you—"

"I said that's final!" Morgana snapped. Then she looked at Maxim. "Horvath?"

Maxim sat erect in his seat at her tone. "Yes, m'lady?"

"We leave at sunrise." Then she looked to the others in the room disdainfully. "You are all dismissed."
The next morning, the sky was painted with soft hues of pink, orange, and blue as the sun rose slowly above the horizon. Maxim was gathering supplies and getting his horse and Morgana's mare ready when Morgana appeared in the doorway.

"Are we ready to go?" she asked, adjusting her cloak.

"Almost, m'lady," Maxim replied, bringing her horse to her by its reins. "I'm just putting away the last bit of supplies in our bags."

She took the reins. "Of course. Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me, m'lady," Maxim said, smiling softly. He then grabbed the reins of his horse, expecting a struggle, but was instead surprised when his horse left its stable without a fight. "Hmm, that's strange."

"What is?"

"My horse." Maxim explained, quirking an eyebrow at the animal drinking from the water trough. "Normally the beast always wants to pick a fight, such as throwing me off its back."

"Oh, I see," Morgana said. Suddenly, Maxim's horse made his way to Morgana and her mare's side, haphazardly bumping into them.

"No, you stupid beast! Don't do that!" Maxim barked, yanking his horse by his reins. Then he gave Morgana an apologetic smile, "I'm sorry. I don't know what's gotten into him."

Morgana smiled back. "It's alright. I've deal with my fair share of rowdy horses." Maxim was actually in awe because he never saw her smile before. It was a wonderful and radiant one.

He then realized that he most likely was staring at her so he cleared his throat, "Shall...shall we go, m'lady?"
The two rode for most of the day, finally arriving in Camelot in the early part of the evening. A guard greeted the both of them at the gate, allowing them to proceed to Avalon Castle.

As their horses moved towards the castle, Maxim looked over to Morgana. "If you don't mind me asking, m'lady," he began after he cleared his throat to get her attention, "why exactly are we here?"

"To get something," Morgana replied, "or rather someone."

"Someone? But how are..." He tried to ask more questions but Morgana trotted ahead of him. Maxim let out a sigh, tapping his heel to his horse's side to make him catch up.

"I'll need you to stay outside of the castle," she then added. "It's a quick retrieval. No need to stay in Camelot or my brother's court longer than needed."

"Yes, ma'am."

Morgana swiftly dismounted her horse with a grace that Maxim's never seen before then walked up the stairs of the castle. Although he didn't hear what was said, Maxim saw King Arthur at the top of the staircase, ready to greet his sister, only for her to walk past him. He didn't need to hear them to know that they were bickering.

It was about 10 or so minutes when Morgana returned, with her cloak wrapped around her, and Arthur hot on her heels.

"You can't just do that, Morgana!" He hissed. "You have no way to take care of her!"

"Oh, like you and your wife were doing a lovely job of that?" Morgana sneered as she pulled herself up on her horse. "Goodbye, Arthur." She clicked her heels against her horse and bolted away, and Maxim quickly followed behind, confused on what happened.

"M'lady?" Maxim began when they were out of the city of Camelot and Morgana's horse finally slowed down.

"What?" Morgana replied, clearly irked.

"Didn't you say you were retrieving someone?"

"I did." She gently moved her cloak, revealing a small girl with soft strawberry blonde hair, fast asleep in Morgana's arms.

"A child?"

"This is Isolde," Morgana said, "Princess of Ireland."

Maxim's eyes widen. "Princess of Ireland? You mean..."

"Morholt killed her entire family and she's the only one left," Morgana said with a sigh. "She has no one else."

"I see." Then Maxim squinted, trying to see what was beyond their horizon. "We probably need to find an inn soon."

"No," Morgana stated firmly. "We'll ride back to Tintagel tonight."

"But milady, we can't ride for the entire evening."

"Yes, we can," Morgana argued. "I've done it before."

Maxim frowned. "That may be true but our horses have been going all day without a bit of rest. And we haven't either. We should stop at an inn and..."

"I said no." Morgana snapped. "We can rest when we get back to Tintagel."

Maxim sighed, "Yes, ma'am."

As the night drew on, they all rode in silence, continuing towards Tintagel Castle. Maxim was vigilant, making sure their surroundings were safe and free of bandits. He heard Isolde snoring softly against Morgana's chest. He was surprised when he glanced over to see Morgana softly stroking Isolde's hair. Maxim never thought that he would see Morgana acting maternal in anyway. A small smile started to play at his lips at the sight. It seems like the supposedly heartless witch had a heart after all.

The moon was directly overhead when Maxim glanced over to Morgana and Isolde again. Isolde was still asleep but Morgana was also nodding off slowly, her head drifting forward then back again. Maxim gently nudged his horse next to Morgana's.

"M'lady..." He said softly, "I think we should stop and rest."

"No..." she mumbled, half asleep. "Not... stopping..."

"M'lady, you're falling asleep and I don't want you to fall of your horse, especially with a child in your arms."


Maxim let out a sigh before feeling droplets fall upon him. He looked up to the night sky to see  rain clouds rolling in above them. He then scanned the horizon for shelter, his eyes stopping at a cave just ahead. Gently grabbing hold of Morgana's reins, Maxim brought them closer to him. "Just lean against me, m'lady. We're just going to rest in the cave and wait for the storm to pass."

Morgana hummed softly, acknowledging that he did indeed speak to her, and started leaning towards him anyway. Maxim gripped tighter on her reins to steer both horses towards the cave. He then nudged her slightly so he could get off his horse without knocking her over when they got to the cave. Morgana slowly sat up, silently and groggily watching him set up a fire before coming back to help her.

"I can take Isolde," Maxim suggested to her before attempting to help her down. "You've been holding her all evening. Your arms are probably sore."

"No, I'm fine," Morgana quietly replied. "I can hold her."

"Are you sure?"

Morgana nodded, letting out a soft yawn. Maxim then used his extra cloaks and satchel to make a makeshift bed for her.

"You should you rest, milady. I'll keep watch."

She nodded again, laying Isolde down first then laid down next to her. Maxim watched as Morgana subconsciously curled herself around the child protectively, much like a fierce lioness would her cub. Within moments, she was fast asleep. Sometime later, Maxim heard a soft whimper coming from their direction. He glanced over to see Isolde sitting up, rubbing her eyes. Maxim smiled at the girl. "Hello little one." Isolde didn't say anything, probably a bit nervous since she was in an unfamiliar environment and she didn't know him. "Don't be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you." Slowly, Isolde walked over to him. Then he heard her stomach growl. "Are you hungry?" She nodded. Maxim then grabbed his bag and pulled out a piece of dried beef, handing it to her.

"Thank you," she said quietly. Maxim smiled.

"You're welcome."

Isolde then quietly chewed on her beef before glancing over to Morgana. "Mama's... sleeping?" Maxim furrowed his brows but then realized she was talking about Morgana.

"That's Lady Morgana," he corrected.

"Mama," Isolde repeated, as if she was certain that Maxim was wrong.

"Lady Morgana."

"That's Mama!" She said more adamantly. Maxim decided not to argue with her, since he didn't want to accidentally wake Morgana up. He continued staring at the entrance of the cave when suddenly out of his peripheral vision, Isolde popped to his side. "Are you...Papa?"

He shook his head. "No, I'm Maxim."



"No! Papa!" Isolde huffed.

Maxim quirked an eyebrow, then playfully asked, "Are you going to argue with me all night?" Isolde giggled in response then sat down next to him.

"Is Papa... Are you going to sleep too?"

"No," Maxim replied. "I'm guarding the cave."

"Why?" Isolde then asked.

"So you and Lady Morgana would be safe."

"Mama's... safe?"

"She is while I'm guarding her." Maxim looked over Morgana, who looked at peace for the first time as she slept. Maxim smiled then looked back at Isolde. "I want her to always be safe. I don't think she's had anyone to take care of her in a long time."

"Papa...take care of Mama?"

Maxim nodded. "Even though she's done some bad things in her life... it doesn't mean she doesn't deserve any love."

"Love?" Then Isolde's face lit up. "Papa loves Mama?"

Maxim froze. "I didn't say that."

"Papa loves Mama!" Isolde squealed happily. Maxim tried to shush her, for fear of Morgana waking up and hearing that.

"Shh... little cub. Don't be too loud."

Isolde perked up again. "Cub?"

"Yes, cub. Like a lion cub." Isolde smiled at Maxim before giving a small growl and roar. He chuckled, "Just like that."

"Lion cub! I'm a lion!" She giggled, running about the cave.

"Isolde, come here," Maxim said. Isolde ran over to him, tackling him. Maxim laughed as he picked her up and placed her in his lap. "You need to keep your voice down, alright? It's very late and Lady Morgana is sleeping. Understand?"

"Yes, Papa."

It was very strange for Maxim to have a child look up to him as if he was her father. He didn't think he would get married, let alone have a child. Apparently, this child has taken a liking to him so perhaps that would be a good thing for the both of them.

"Papa's... sleepy?" Isolde then asked, looking up at him.

"No, I'm not, little cub," Maxim replied, stoking the fire.

Isolde paused then asked, "Are we... going home?"

Maxim hummed in thought. "Well, it's Lady Morgana's home but it will be your home too." Isolde grinned, as though that sounded like a wonderful idea.

"It's... your home too, Papa?"

"It is. I think you'll like it," Maxim then added. "It's a big castle with an open field that you could run and play on. There's horses—"

"Horses!" Isolde squealed excitedly. Maxim chuckled then continued.

"The kitchen makes the best treats I've ever had and the rooms are so large and the beds are so soft..." He let out a yawn.

Isolde giggled, "Papa is sleepy."

"I'm not sleepy," Maxim yawned once more.

"You are sleepy, Papa!"

"He should rest then." Maxim and Isolde looked over to see Morgana had woken up.

"Mama!" Isolde shouted, running over to Morgana and hugging her. Morgana smiled softly and returned the hug.

"Aren't you a bundle of energy?" Morgana said with a chuckle.

"I'm so sorry, m'lady," Maxim apologized. "I didn't mean to wake you."

"It's alright, Horvath. I was waking up anyway." Then she sighed. "I didn't mean to fall asleep like that earlier. I don't why that happened..."

"You probably don't eat enough."

"Excuse me?"

"You probably don't eat enough," Maxim repeated, going into his satchel to grab a piece of dried beef for her. "I didn't see you eat at all today so you're probably low on energy."


"Please eat, m'lady. I don't want you to faint or pass out."

"Stop calling me 'm'lady'," she grumbled quietly. "I hate when I'm called that."

Maxim furrowed his eyebrows. "Then... what should I call you?"

"Just Morgana," she said with a shrug, chewing on the beef. "I don't like it when everyone's so formal."

"It isn't my place or within my station to only call you by your first name, Lady Morgana," Maxim explained. "I could call you Lady Morgana, correct?"

Morgana sighed, "I suppose that's fine."

"Mama!" Isolde chimed in with a giggle. Morgana smiled over at her.

"Apparently we're now her papa and mama," Maxim said.

"Apparently," Morgana agreed. Then Maxim cleared his throat.

"If you don't mind, m'la--I mean, Lady Morgana," he began, "I would preferred not to be called Horvath. Maxim is just fine."

"Maxim..." she repeated. "Why not Horvath? It's your last name."

"Yes, well... it sounds more distant and cold when you refer to people by their last names. Especially if I'm the only one who you refer by last name."

"Oh." Morgana said, as if she didn't realize. "I'm sorry, Maxim."

"It's alright, Lady Morgana. You don't need apologize. It was just something that bothered me and it's not important." Maxim thought about how Merlin stopped referring to him by his first name about a few years. He did not understand why that happened, but it did anger him, seeing that Balthazar and Veronica were never called by their last names.

"It is important if it bothers you," Morgana said as she began stroking Isolde's hair. "You should've told me that it bothered you."

"I didn't think it mattered," Maxim told her. Or rather, he didn't think she would care.

"It matters to me," she said back quietly. Isolde then let out a yawn. "Are you sleepy again, love?" Isolde nodded, leaning against her. Morgana gently picked her up and cradled her chest, rocking back and forth. Maxim watched as Isolde's eyes began to droop and Morgana softly hummed to her. When she was fast asleep, Morgana laid her down on the makeshift bed, covering her with another cloak.

"You are really good with children." Maxim told Morgana when Isolde was tucked in. He must have taken her off guard with that compliment because her cheek were dusted a soft pink and she bowed her head.

"I'm... adequate."

Maxim shook his head. "More than adequate. Isolde absolutely adores you."

"I wouldn't say that..."

"I would," Maxim argued. Then he paused to stoke the fire again. "I meant to ask you... are you planning on taking on Isolde as your ward?"

Morgana nodded, "She'll be living in Tintagel with us."

"Do you think that's a good idea?"

"Yes, why?" Maxim immediately thought of the many Morganians that frequented Tintagel Castle and that he would never let a child near. Morgana must have read his mind because she gave him a reassuring look. "Don't worry. I won't let anyone hurt her in any way."

"That's good," Maxim said, a bit relieved. "How did you end up with Isolde in your custody anyway? She was with the king so she could've stayed with him."

"No," she said firmly. "No, she couldn't have. Arthur is a pompous arse who only cares about himself and his broodmare of a queen is no better. When I got her, she was sleeping on the floor like a dog. And who knows how long she's been with them... so I don't know if she ate at all or was bathed..."

Maxim glanced over to the sleeping girl. He had to admit that she seemed fairly frail and had a small frame for any child. "I'll get her something to eat when we get back to Tintagel..." he mumbled under his breath. Morgana nodded, hearing what he said. Then she sighed.

"I knew her mother," Morgana continued. "We were cousins on my mother's side. I think... I think she knew she was going to be killed by her brother because the last time I saw her... she told me that she wanted to watch after Isolde." She took a deep breath. "Isolde was the only member of the Irish royal family to survive. Her mother, father, brothers... all killed by Morholt."

"That's a horrible thing for a child to experience..." Maxim said with a sigh. "No child should have to go through that."

"I agree..." Morgana looked over to Maxim. "If you're tired, you should rest. I can keep watch as you sleep."

"No, I'm fine, Lady Morgana. I can keep watch."

"Maxim, you're already exhausted," Morgana argued, crossing her arms.

"I don't mind staying up a bit longer." Maxim assured. "I'll be fine. I promise." Morgana eyed him for a moment before moving to sit next to him in front of the fire.

"I've always wonder..." she began, chewing on the dried beef from earlier, "why would a Merlinean would become a Morganian... I mean, I know the old man probably did something to push you over the edge."

"Well, you're not wrong..." Maxim admitted.

"Then what happened? Did you go against his "Merlinean Way?'" she asked with an irritated yet amused tone.

"I don't really want to discuss it."

Morgana looked at him. "Why not?"

"I just don't."

"I see..." Morgana then said, staring into the fire. "It must have been horrible if it convinced you to joined the side of enemy."

"You were never my enemy," Maxim confessed. "You may have been Merlin's but not mine."

"Why do you say that?"

"Clearly this sorcerer's war began with you and Merlin and it somehow expanded to all sorcerers choosing which ideology they follow."

"That's because Merlin and I never seen eye to eye," Morgana explained. "If I remember correctly, that self-righteous fool was never able to see beyond his own nose and see the world in a different light. He never understood that his way wasn't the only way. So I left and made my own path."

Maxim let out a snort. "That's some path. Merlin said you were exiled for using black magic against his orders."

"Well, that too," she admitted. "And I wasn't exiled, I left. I was practicing black magic to undo what that monster did."


Morgana immediately got quiet. "Nothing."

"What do you mean nothing?"

"I mean nothing!" She snapped at him. Maxim immediately recoiled at her tone as she crossed her arms and turned away from him. It was not even a minute later when Morgana let out a sigh and bowed her head. "I'm sorry."

"No, I am," Maxim replied. "I pressed on when I should've realized that this was a sensitive subject for you."

Morgana looked over to him. "You don't have to apologize, Maxim. I got upset for no reason. You merely asked a question."

"One that you did not want to answer," Maxim added.

"Yes, well..." Morgana let out another sigh before glancing over to Isolde, who was sleeping peacefully. Maxim looked over to the girl as well.

"She's a good child."

Morgana nodded, "She is. But left alone in this world."

"Not true," Maxim countered. "She has you."

"I'm not her mother," Morgana said. "I can't replace her."

"That's not what's being asked of you, Lady Morgana," Maxim said. "You took her in because something in your heart that this little girl needs someone to provide for her and give her the love she deserves. I know for a fact that you can do that for her."

"You do?" Morgana asked with raised eyebrows.

Maxim nodded. "I do. I know you already love her like she was your own daughter." As she watched over Isolde, she let out a small smile before sighing again.

"I wish that this didn't happen her," Morgana said, bringing her knees up to her chest. Maxim sighed as well, stoking the fire once more.

"Sometimes, people just have the worst of luck." Then he paused to take a deep breath. "I was a only boy when my mother died of a horrible sickness. When she was on her deathbed, my drunkard father wouldn't let me see her. I didn't get to say goodbye to her before she passed... At the time, I was so distraught by this that I was convinced that father had let her die. I ended up burning down my familial home... with my father inside. This was when my magic first manifested. Merlin found me weeks later, pick-pocketing coins for food. He then gave me a choice: be turned in or become his apprentice."

"I'm sorry that happened to your family, Maxim," Morgana said.

"Don't be," Maxim replied. "Some things happen for a reason. I never would have learned magic if this didn't happen."

"I see." Morgana finished her beef then yawned. "I became Merlin's apprentice when I was seven. I... burned some drapes in the throne room. My mother arranged for Merlin to take me under his wing... of course, not realizing the role he played in her death."

"What do you mean?" Maxim inquired. "I heard that the late queen died in childbirth."

"She did." Then she hesitated for a moment. "Did you hear how Uther Pendragon took the throne?"

Maxim squirmed a bit under gaze. "Um... no. I just remember one day, Uther being announced king through rite of conquest."

Morgana scoffed. "I'm surprised that Merlin never told you. But then again, why am I?"

"I don't know what you mean, Lady Morgana."

Morgana shook her head. "Merlin helped Uther steal the throne my parents."

"How so?" Maxim asked, eyebrows furrowing.

"Merlin gave Uther the ability to disguise himself as my father," she explained. "I was only a child when it happen. It was stormy night and my father hadn't returned from his meeting with his court. Eventually, a man claiming to be my father arrived. I tried to greet him, but he strode right past me." Morgana let out a deep breath. "I didn't realize there was something wrong until after he..."

Maxim rested a hand on her shoulder. "Morgana, if it's too painful, you don't have to continue."

She nodded, wiping her eyes of tears once she realized they were there. "I always wondered... how could I have been so stupid at the time... I remember my mother's screaming and crying then. How could I've not known?"

"You are not stupid," Maxim affirmed with a bit of sternness in his tone. "You are a highly intelligent woman. You were a child then."

"Not a bright one, apparently," she huffed. "Either way, the next day, Uther was there and my father wasn't. My mother later died giving birth to Arthur, and Merlin is to blame for all this."

"I'm so sorry that happened to you and your family. If I had known... I never would've became his apprentice."

"But you didn't know," Morgana countered, "so don't apologize for things of which you have no control."

Maxim nodded, letting out another yawn. "We should probably rest. We have a long day ahead of us." Then he added playfully, "We won't have you falling asleep on the way back."

To his surprise, Morgana chuckled. "Right. Of course."

When they returned to Tintagel, Maxim noticed that atmosphere changed when Isolde arrived. It was almost as if she was a little ray of sunshine within the castle and the impact he saw the most was in Morgana. She was happier and more sociable than before. She was also kinder to him and her other followers.


Maxim looked up from his book a few weeks later, sitting in the library, when Isolde ran in.

"Hello, little cub," he greeted with a smile, helping her up on his lap. "What are you up to?"

"Me and Mama are going riding today," Isolde said excitedly.

"Really? That sounds fun."

"Mama said that I've been cooped up in the castle so I need fresh air," she then explained.

"I happen to agree with her." Suddenly, Morgana walked hastily into the library, seemingly out of breath.

"Gods, Isolde! Don't run off like that! I need to know where—Maxim!" Morgana immediately brushed off her gown off and made herself look presentable, causing Maxim to quirk an eyebrow. "I... I didn't know you were in here."

"Yes, you did," Isolde said with a grin. "You wanted me to get him."

"Hush, child," Morgana shushed her, brushing a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "Anyway... I'm glad you're here, Maxim... because I... Well, if you want to... the weather's nice and..."

"Yes?" Maxim said, trying to figure out why her cheeks started to grow pink.

"Mama wants you to come with us," Isolde finished for her.

"If you want to," Morgana then said. "In case, something happens and I need help with Isolde."

"And because she wants you to come," Isolde playfully added, earning her a look from Morgana.

"Well, if want me to come," Maxim began with a smile, "for assistance of course," he added when she gave him a look, "then sure. I'd love too."

Morgana clapped her hands together. "Great! Our horses are being saddled as we speak. Since I know your horse is friendly with my mare, you won't have any problems with him knocking you off," she added teasingly.

"Of course," Maxim grinned and Morgana softly smiled back.

Isolde enthusiastically jumped up from Maxim's lap and ran about the room. "Let's ride the horses, Mama! Let's go!"

"Alright, alright, love," Morgana chuckled as she was being dragged out of the room. "Come on, Maxim," she threw over her shoulder with a grin.

As he watched them, a smile played softly on Maxim's lips. He started to forget about the pain he felt before arriving at this castle and decided that from then on, he wanted to do anything possible to keep a smile on Morgana's and Isolde's face.

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