Two's a couple, Three's a cro...

By Zzze_Baguette

54.4K 1.6K 273

Zane is an omega that's born without magic, in a world where literally everyone else has magic. He's 17 almos... More

Chapter 1 ~ Suprise Find
Chapter 2 ~ Say What Now!
Chapter 3 ~ Confusion
Chapter 4 ~ New Start and Complications
Chapter 5 ~ Secrets
Chapter 6 ~ Awakening
Chapter 8 ~ Rescue mission
Chapter 9 ~ Back Home

Chapter 7 ~ New Discovery

2.9K 107 14
By Zzze_Baguette

Zane P.O.V.

'You're pathetic' "What?" I ask, confused on what's going on 'I can't believe you're the chosen one' "What are you talking about?! What's going on!?". I look around but all I see is pitch black. 'Your mates should've let you died'... "What the HELL!" I was starting to get angry 'You're weak, a loser, and you're nothing'.

"SCREW YOU!" I start thrashing around, hoping to hit whoever was saying that. 'You're the reason your' "Stop" I knew where this was heading 'mother' "Shut up!" 'Died' "I SAID SHUT UP!". A red/orange light starts forming around me and the next thing I knew, I was drenched in water.

My eyes open as I immediately sit up and start coughing from the water. I look to my right to see Danny standing there with his hand out like he just sprayed me with water. "What the hell Danny!?" I yell while getting up to get a towel, "Umm, I should be the one mad at you! You almost burned the house down!".

"Yea, sure. Real funny Danny" I walk into the bathroom and grabbed a towel to dry off with. "I'm serious, I thought you said you didn't have magic" "That's because I don't". I dry my hair as best as I could and was going to close the bathroom door when Danny stopped me. "Wait, did you really not notice?". He asks while pushing the door back open.

"Notice what?" I ask looking straight at him. "Remember when you were running away from me?", "What are you- Wait, you were the one that chased me through the forest!?" "... Not the point, anyways, do you remember when you started to get faster and faster, and the crystal around your neck started to glow?"

"Yea, why?" I'm so confused right now "Can I look at your necklace?" "Why?" Just let me look at it" Fine Mr Bossy Pants". I take off my necklace and handed it to him "Zane, do what this is?" "Umm, a necklace that's was given to me as a present" 'Okay, I'm completely lost'.

"But do you what it's made out of?" "No, why?" "It's eleulite, the same crystal used to determine what kind of elemental magic you have" "Wait, are you saying that I was using air magic when I was running from you". "Yes, how do you think you got faster and faster?" "Adrenaline" "And the glow?" "Imagination". "Really Zane, really".

"Hey, you don't what's going on when you're getting chased thinking you're gonna die!" "And you know, this is still hard to believe, maybe the crystal glowed because it reacted to something else it touched" "Do you really believe that?" "I don't know what to believe ok?! This is all new stuff to me! I mean, how come the crystal didn't glow when I did the element test thing when I was younger?"

"I can't answer that, but what I do know is that you have magic" "Ok, well then how do I activate them?" "I have a theory, but you're gonna have to trust me" 'This worries me' "Sure, whatever. Just tell me the theory" "How about instead of telling you, I show you" and with that Danny punched me in the stomach, not enough to where I fall to the ground, but enough to where I hold my stomach out of reflex.

"What the HELL DANNY!? What was that for!?" "Ok, take a step back" I look at him angrily but do as he says "Now look at where you just were" I look down and see a bit of a burn mark on the carpet "What are you trying to say?" "That your magic seems to be tied to your emotion. I read about this somewhere before, this is a quote from the book. When a person has not developed a way to control their magic, the magic will take on the emotions of that person."

"So you're saying that my magic is connected to my emotions?" I ask confirming I heard him correctly?", "Yes! Again, I don't know why they started to happen now, all I know is that you have magic. So far there's fire when you're angry, air when you're scared, and either light or earth magic.". "Light or earth?" "Well you're standing aren't you.".

"Huh. I didn't even notice. Anyway, can you get me some clothes? I'm still wet from when you know, you sprayed me with water.". I added a little sass at the end there because I'm still a little peeved off. "Fine", Danny got off the door and went off, as I was closing the door he mumbled something that caught me off guard "I still love you". And with that, I closed the bathroom door.

I bang my forehead softly on the door letting out a deep sigh. 'Well, that was... interesting' 'Hey, Jett' I say with a little bit of sadness in my voice. 'So, you have magic. Even I didn't notice it. Strange' 'Agreed'. I take off my clothes and hop in the shower. 'We both heard what Danny said right?' 'Yep'. I turn on the water, waiting for it to get warm before starting to wash myself.

'Zane, do you still... like him?' I stayed silent for a moment, wondering if I really did still have feelings for him. 'I don't... I don't know how I feel'. I grab the bottle of soap next to me and rub it on my skin, making sure to get all the dirt from when I fell. 'Zane, didn't he try to rape you!?' '...kinda?'. I wash off the soap and turn off the water.

'What do you mean kinda?' I step out of the shower and walk over to the counter and grabbed the towel that was on it and wrap it around me. I stare at myself in the mirror above the sink. 'What I said wasn't exactly what happened...'. Jett didn't say anything for a bit, probably thinking about what I just said. I just continued to stare at myself in the mirror. I started to get a little teary.

'What really happened?' The tone in Jett's voice had changed from a confused to a betrayed kinda tone. 'During the night Danny had brought me to his house, he had some alcohol. I know I was only 16 but I was curious what it tasted like, it started as 1, then 2, then enough to where we were both drunk off our asses. I then had decided to make a move a kiss Danny, which turned into a flow blown make out session.'.

'We went upstairs where we still continued, being drunk and had wanting to know what is was like, I slowly took my clothes off, giving the impression that I wanted to do it. Danny complied to my request and things escalated quickly.' (I want to let you guys know real quick that this will not turn into a smut scene, I know, I'm the worst, I'm sorry. But I don't feel comfortable writing one just yet. Again, I'm sorry, eventually I'll get there and I'll come back and write one for you. But for now, you'll just have to imagine it, sorry.)

'Before I knew it, Danny had pushed me onto the bed getting ready to do it with me. I had thought I was ready for it but I wasn't. He got closer and I was backing away a little bit, I said stop but he most likely couldn't hear me and thought me backing up was me teasing him. He got on top of me so I panicked and hit him with a lamp, and you know the rest.'.

Jett was silent for awhile, probably taking in what I just said, while my eyes started to get all watery to the point where my vision was blurred. 'Then why did he apologize when you said he tried to rape you?'. Jett had said that like he didn't want to believe what I just said was true.

'Danny's the kind of guy that takes the blame onto himself for something that really wasn't his fault. Like if he had accidentally bumped into me, causing me to stumble and getting my foot caught in a tree root, falling and twisting my ankle. He would blame himself, even though he really didn't do anything and it was the tree root that had got me. Plus he probably remembers some stuff from that night, like him getting ready to do it then me hitting him with a lamp. He would think that he had tried to do it and I refused but he kept pushing so I resorted to self defense. When in reality, I was the one to start it.'.

'Why Zane. Why would you lie about something like this!?' 'You know how I am Jett! I try to blame others for my actions, even when its not their fault, I try to find the littlest reason to blame them! When it was all me!'. 'Why did you even start Zane to do that! Tell me!!!' "BECAUSE OF MY MOM!!!"... 'Zane I-' "NO JETT, YOU WANNA KNOW THE REASON. IT'S BECAUSE OF MY MOM'S DEATH. I BLAME MYSELF EVERYDAY FOR WHAT HAPPENED TO HER. IF I HADN'T GONE SO FAR INTO THE WOODS AND STAYED OUT LATE, THEN MAYBE SHE WOULD STILL BE ALIVE! Then dad wouldn't be like he is now.".

At this point I was balling my eyes out, I collapse to the ground and just cried. 'I had no idea Zane, I'm so sorry' "Of course you didn't Jett, there are some things that I can even keep from you. Everyday, I go through the pain of my mother dying because of me. And everyday, the feeling just get worse and worse. I-I- I just want it to stop!" Suddenly, water burst from the shower head, sink, and toilet.

"What's going on!?" I quickly get up, and see water spraying everywhere. I reach for the door and turn the knob but it wouldn't turn. At this point, the water had risen so quickly that it had gotten up to my waist. "Danny! Help!" I bang on the door but it wouldn't budge. Before I knew it, the water had risen to my neck. The water kept rising and now I wasn't even on the ground.

I take a deep breath just before the water fills the entire room and go back to the door knob. I jiggle it around so much that it ended up breaking from the door. I was running out of air and was now it full on panic mode. 'JUST! OPEN!' Suddenly, the door opened straight up and just before the water rushed out; something stopped it. I feel someone grab my arm and pull me out while keeping the water in place.

I was on my knees, gasping for air and was coughing from having to hold my breath for so long. "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED!?" I look up to see a worried Danny in front of me, hold his hand out to stop the water from pouring our.


I did it! I finally finished the damn chapter! Yay, sorry for that long ass update. I hope it was worth waiting for! Thanks for sticking around for anyone who's still here! Bye😆

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