Define Me

By littlemissbookworm6

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Eleven people. Three bands. A crazy bucket list. And one long summer. ~ ~ ~ Never in a million years did A... More



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By littlemissbookworm6

Chapter Twenty Three:

Leo had been right when he told us that our names would be in the news. This morning, both Ryan's and I's phones were blowing up with texts, calls, and notifications. Somewhere between getting home last night and waking up merely hours later, media and fans were on the gossiping train of opening night.

It was weird to see your name in the body of dozens of articles, especially in reference to our music. It felt like a weird dream that I needed to wake up from because it was too good to be true.

Tonight we were heading to Phoenix, Arizona; although, we weren't actually set to perform until tomorrow night which seemed like too soon in the grand scheme of things. I really didn't want this tour to pass by at the speed of light, it already was hard to believe that opening night had came and went.

"Have you even packed?" I ask Ryan as I walk into his room. It was strewn with an abundance of clothes, nothing hanging up in his closet or folded in his drawers, and him sitting in the middle of all of it on the floor.

"I can't decide what all to pack. Like what if something comes up and I need to wear something specific but its lying around here." Ryan explains, picking up a piece of clothing before tossing it over his shoulder.

"You look like something out of a movie right now." I tell him, picking up a ratty old t-shirt before dropping it again. "How long has it been since you've done laundry anyways?"

"Last week? I think. The weeks have been blurring together honestly." He dismiss, still engrossed in his fashion options.

"You shouldn't pack a ton. It you think about it, a majority of the time will be either on the bus or performing. So, pack a few pairs of pants, a couple of shirts, some pyjamas, and of course the basics." I tell him, watching him from where I have perched myself on his bed.

"That's so much easier said than done." Ryan huffs, still working through everything in his head. I sigh, falling onto my back on his bed. "Did you read that one article about the duet?" Ryan asks after minutes of undisturbed silence.

"Which article?" I interrogate, his question peaking my interest.

"It's on my phone, I was just looking at it until I remembered that I should stop procrastinating about this packing scenario." In the blink of an eye, Ryan's phone is cradled in my hand as I scroll through its contents.

'Could Landon be someone's Mr. Wright?' Is the title that I am met with as soon as I make eye contact with the screen. As I scrolled, I was shocked by how detailed the article was when it came to discussing Landon's dating life. It went through each and every girl that he had ever been rumoured to be dating, ending the article with talking about the duet and our supposed 'romance.'

I was stunned into silence until I felt eyes lingering on me.

"Wow." I whisper, thinking about the article, about the girls, about Landon. I knew that a majority of it was probably a lie but I still couldn't wrap my head around how easily your life became public. I especially felt bad because I knew that if I never met Landon than I probably would've read the article and believed the whole thing.

"You okay?" Ryan asks me.

"Yeah, it just seems like a such an invasion of privacy, you know?"

"I get what you mean but like Leo said, we signed up for it." His voice rung through with indifference, I could tell though that he was trying to just remain positive rather than dwell on the downfalls of life in the public. I guess it wouldn't affect you as much either if you are not apart of it.

"You're right." I sigh, before crawling off of Ryan's bed. "I'll let you finish packing." With that, I exit his room feeling the slightest bit guilty for everything.

~ ~ ~

The road to Phoenix was only a five hour drive which was simple enough. Somehow the most complicated part of the tour bus was the actual sleeping arrangements, specifically when it came to the boys. Although there was enough bunks, they were squabbling about who got the top bunk, who got the bottom bunk, and everything there was possible to argue about.

I had somehow managed to get a bottom bunk which I was completely happy with as from what I've heard, from the girls, your bed ends up being just a place to crash and store your stuff, it's not something to get super attached too.

"Will you guys just pick a place already?" Kara complained, getting fed up with all of the guys who still remained difficult about the beds. Somehow all of the girls had managed to claim four bunks closest to the front of the bus where a curtain separated the guys bunks from the girls. Leo had said that he specifically asked for it just out of curtesy for all of us even though there is no such thing as privacy in such a small area.

"This is a very big decision." Carter defended, sounding like a little kid who just stomped his foot because he didn't get his way. He was smiling though so we all knew that he was being dramatic.

"Well, it's a five hour drive and we don't perform until tomorrow night so you don't have to make your minds up just yet." Liana finalized, her voice holding undisputed authority. Amazingly, the boys immediately figured out everything and we all found ourselves in the back lounge room pretty quickly.

Of all of the parts of the tour bus, this area was probably my favourite. It was equipped with a huge couch that could hold all eleven of us which was nice as it brought back the feeling of being in the living room watching television with my family; however, this living room was on wheels and I was surrounded by a different type of family than what I was used too.

"Who's up for a game of Desert Island?" Amy enthusiastically poses as we've all settled into the couch. Landon and I had managed to not get much time to speak to each other since arriving on the bus earlier this evening. He smiled and said 'hi' though when we first met up which was such a simple gesture but it made my heart manage to beat twice as quickly.

"Top three albums you'd take on a desert island, go." Reece lead after we'd all agreed that desert island was cool.

"I know!" Ryan announced. "Okay, definitely '1' by The Beatles, 'Too Weird To Live, Too Rare To Die!' by Panic! At the Disco, and 'Masterpiece Theatre' by Marianas Trench." I couldn't help but smile at his choices, I was impressed and a little envious of him choosing such great albums, even if it was for just a game.

"I got mine... the Shrek 2 soundtrack, for sure." Carter speaks up, capturing my attention as soon as he mentions the soundtrack. I have loved that album since watching the movie. " '+' by Ed Sheeran and The Best of Keane album." He confidently finishes, again coming up with great choices that I'd wished I'd remembered.

It wasn't long before the game burned down after only a few rounds and slowly everyone headed on to bed. Landon cornered me on my way to my own bunk, his hand burned as he took ahold of my elbow, gently pulling me into him.

"Hi." He whispered. It was only us two at this point, only a few feet from where all of the bandmates were.

"Hi." I copy, a little louder than I had intended causing him to laugh slightly.

"Is it possible for you to be quiet?" He asks, a smirk cast upon his face.

"Not really." I tell him, flashing him a quick smile. "What do you want?"

"Just to say hi." He beams.

"Well, hi." I repeat, glancing into his mysterious blue eyes.

"Hi." Landon then moves around me and starts heading to his bunk, leaving me to try to decipher what exactly is our friendship.

~ ~ ~

"So, I was thinking..." Ely states as he comes into view of our dressing room door. We had arrived in Phoenix late last night after we had all fell asleep on the bus. And were currently waiting for the stage to clear so that we could do a soundcheck/rehearsal.

"That can't be good." Ryan mutters, just loud enough for everyone to hear him.

"I am choosing to ignore you." Ely huffs. "I think that we shouldn't take for granted this summer." His voice becomes laced with concern and sheepishness, causing the three of us to look around at one another trying to decipher what Ely is getting at.

"Obviously, but what's got you worried?" Ryan asks, picking up the concerned big brother role that he has always had when it comes to all of us.

"I just..." Ely pauses, looking up at us. "I just don't want us all to forget where we came from, you know? I've read the articles and seen the news about bands that end up hating each other and breaking up. We can't guarantee that there will be more performances for us and so, I just hope that we can all appreciate this."

"Ely..." I say warily, a little cautious about where this was all coming from but also a little nervous because I was scared about the same things. "I can promise you that we will not turn into another article. We are so much more than just another story." I tell him, looking him dead in the eye before turning to lock eyes with Noah and Ryan, both of them nodding at me.

"She's right. We have been through so much together so whatever is thrown at us next can only bring us closer, got it kid?" Noah assures, standing up and walking over to Ely in the process. He gives his shoulder a light shove.

Ely breaks out in a tentative smile as Ryan and Noah both make their way out of the dressing room right after Ryan gives his brother's shoulder a tight squeeze. It was Ryan's way of saying that he would be there for Ely no matter what.

I started to head out after them as well, wrapping my arm around Ely who's face still held some concern but was starting to lighten up.

"We are always going to be here, you can't get rid of us that easy." I tell him as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, both of us walking out towards the stage for rehearsals.

"I should've known that it'd be more difficult." He laughs, his bright smile returning once again. It reminded me of the very first time that I'd met Ely and I knew that I would cherish this moment forever.

~ ~ ~

The days and nights passed by faster than I had ever imagined them too. It felt like in the blink of an eye, we had finished our Phoenix and Albuquerque shows meaning that we were performing in Dallas tonight; however, we were staying until the morning because we all had interviews to get to in the morning for publicity.

Life on the road had been exciting for the most part, at least partially as it was truthfully night time that made everyone come alive. Although, there was definitely never dull moment with the eleven of us together. Between rehearsals and travelling, we were always in a heated battle of competition whether it be a simple card game or a full fledged monopoly meltdown.

Today's misadventures though included the boys deciding to race golf carts outside of the arena in a parking lot before the show which is how I ended up sitting next to Liana as we barrelled down the parking lot.

"Are you sure that we are even allowed to take these things?" Kara screamed from the back of the seat where Amy and her resided. Landon, Carter, Noah, and Ely were all in the cart next to us, trying desperately to catch our own cart. Ash, Reece, and Ryan lagging behind but it seemed like they had given up trying before the race even started.

"Probably not!" Carter called back from the driver's seat, a smile on his face as he tried to maneuver his way past us.

"We are almost there." Amy urges as Liana's eyes squint just the slightest amount as her foot presses down even further on the gas. From what Amy had told me, Liana used to be an athlete in school which made her super competitive when it came to absolutely everything.

Landon's cart slowly begun to drift into the distance behind us and within seconds, we all had our hands in the air as we slowed down.

"And the girls win!" Kara screams as the rest of us start hollering and cheering on Liana for leading the team to victory.

"In your face, Carter!" Liana tells him, a smug grin on her face. As it turns out, the two of them were both competitive, especially with each other, and their last bet about the dinner was only one of many. It was all in good fun though as all of their bets only consisted of winning bragging rights until the next competition was placed in front of them.

"Only until the next one Liana." He sulks, feigning hurt even though a smile was desperately trying to remain hidden.

"Whatever you say there." Liana exclaims, rolling her eyes as we all start heading back inside so that our absences isn't noticed too soon.


Hey everybody!

Here is the newest chapter for you all!  I really hope that you enjoy because the tour is only the beginning...

Until the next part!


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