The Forbidden Destiny

Galing kay VadIMIV77

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The story lingers around two best friends; one is the heir to the throne and the other one is the Premier's s... Higit pa

Chapitre One: The Predestined Fate
Chapitre Two: The Unwavering Decision
Chapitre Three: The Route of Nowhere
Chapitre Five: The Wrath of a Father

Chapitre Four: The Win and the Anxiety

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Galing kay VadIMIV77

Kaiserin Anastacia dropped down the tablet on the bed, with watery eyes. Her lady-in-waiting was not there with her; except her baby princess who was fast asleep in the nearby crib. My son is injured. How is he right now? She gulped in mute. Searching all over the drawers next to her bed looking for her cellphone was indeed a waste of time. Her husband must have kept away her cellphone the night before since she requested a permission to sleep with her Illustrious. She could not use Vivienne's tablet to make a phone call to her son as it was already locked by the password on the screensaver. Her only chance was a direct video calling via her PC. She quickly switched on her PC and looked up for her Instant Messenger. She chose a video calling function but the call did not reach her son. Andros! Please pick up this call! Please, my son! I need to know your condition right now! Her maternal instinct cried inside her. Andros did not pick up her call. Well, that is because all players are forbade from bringing their cellphones into the field. They should be focusing 100% on their games. The Kaiserin had to send her son a message, in the hope he will reply her soon. While she was devastated about the news of her son, inversely Andros did not react to her message immediately as she was hoping him to do so.


The young marshal walked into the bridge, whereby he was saluted by two crew members. One was the Centre of Information Combat, or in short the CIC, and the other one was the pilot of this baby space shuttle. He sat down in his captain seat, reading almost anything from his virtual screen. That engineer's skill is really a profounded one. Not only he monitored all the functions of this shuttle, he even took care of my Valkyrie too. Unfortunately, he is going to be my first sacrifice in this mission. Siegfried sneered a bit, placing his head on his fingers.

It was then Rad-Ludvig entered the bridge and gave his master a military respect. "Your Excellency, would you like to take a rest first before we reach our destination?"

"What are your suggestions?"

The CIC, Joan Phillips turned around towards both marshal and his lieutenant. So did the pilot, Ensign Max Oliver Dillenburg. Siegfried let his eyes ran wild, avoiding making any eye contact with both of them. I am being careless. Duh, I still have that childish side in me, he sighed a little. Both said nothing, and both CIC and the pilot quietly continued their own work.

Rad-Ludvig pressed the right side of his forehead, with both his eyes closed, silently giving himself some thoughts. "If my knowledge database is correct, Your Excellency, you are a skilled sniper and an excellent Valkyrie pilot," he uttered, slowly opened up his eyes. "I would like to challenge you in a shooting simulation."

Siegfried coughed a little. "If my knowledge database is correct..." His emerald green eyes stared at the lieutenant as if he is hunting for his fleshy prey, and will strike any moment when the chance appears. "You HAVE a data on my personal information? Heh, I didn't know that."

The lieutenant shook his head, then he bent down a little so that he could whisper into the marshal's ear. "I am sorry, but I do not know anything that is not being stored in my memory, i.e. I only know things that is being saved in my internal memory storage." He paused. "My life is in your hand."

My life is in your hand, eh? He's being blunt! Too honest for an Android! Siegfried pretended to cough for the second time, just to break away the silent atmosphere in the bridge. "Alright. I accept your challenge, but I want to change the game." He stood up, adjusting his official suit, and nodded. "I have decided... That you are going to challenge me in archery."

"As expected from our cute marshal," Joan Phillips snickered. "Lieutenant Nermin, good luck to you then."

Rad-Ludvig could not apprehend the whole situation, yet he put on a false front, as if he understood everything. He followed the marshal from behind; on the other hand Joan quickly tapped on a button on the setting panel to focus on the archery challenge between Siegfried and Rad-Ludvig. Unknown to the android lieutenant, Siegfried, aside being the best sniper, he was too, extremely good at archery. Even the Kaiser once lost to him. In a fair play match. This match was concealed within the Imperial Palace and no one was allowed to spread it to the public. It was then the marshal was made as the Kaiser's unofficial master.


Kaiser Ragnvaldr returned to his study chamber, when he sensed something bad playing in his mind. He exhaled a deep breath as his red eyes looked at the gloomy afternoon sky. It was then his Prime Minister knocked on the door and entered upon the permission. "Premier von Ibenré, you are here."

Neo knelt down and kissed his master's hand. "Your Imperial Majesty, it is time for you to announce the new term for our Parliament session. I am here to bring you up to the Parliament," he said, while standing up from his kneeling.

Ragnvaldr hit his forehead softly with his fist. "Ah! I almost forgotten about it. Looks like my anger towards my own son had a big impact on my memory. My PA already informed me this morning, and...."

"My Lord," Neo pushed his long hair to the back as he readily to unbutton his neck button. "I have never sacrifice anything for you, but in case you really need me to do so, I am willing to do it without whining." He pulled down his outer robe and revealed his naked skin. "Please help yourself."

Ragnvaldr quickly pulled up Neo's outer robe to cover up his naked skin, a soft pat landing on his back. "Neo, it is okay. How could I harm you just to fulfill my thirst?" He held back, though he understood himself very well. He is a demon after all, and that desire for blood, unlike vampires, he could surpress it anytime he wants without taking in blood.

Neo shrugged. "I am after all, your servant----"

An index finger quickly laid on the Premier's lips. It was a gentle, yet cold finger. "Neo, stop it, will you?" The Kaiser ran his fingers through Neo's shoulder-length hair. Such caress warmed the atmosphere. Neo could feel his master's trembling hands. The palms were a little bit sweaty too, though his master was usually almost cold-blooded (the body temperature of demon clan members is usually lower than normal humans, inversely the fairy clan members have higher body temperature than normal humans).

"Your Imperial Majesty," Neo glanced at the grandfather clock located at the main wall. "If you don't hurry up, I am afraid we don't have so much time to lose." He cleared up his throat, shrugged his shoulder a bit, while placing his left side hair to the right, wider revealing his naked neck and shoulder.

Ragnvaldr pushed Neo to the front, distanced himself away from his childhood friend. "I can't hurt you. Leave me before I harm you."

"But, my Lord..."

"Don't make me repeat myself again, Neo." The Kaiser turned his back to the Premier, walked away towards his study desk and pressed a button on the intercom machine. "Send my message to my butler. I am leaving to the Parliament soon."

The Premier stood up. Hardly gripped his fist, he bowed as he left the chamber. He hit his fist at the nearest pillar in the walkway, with just a moderate hitting power. He learned from his instant future ability, that soon he and his son will face a difficult time dealing with the Kaiser. And so will the Crown Prince. The Kaiser's anger may not be able to hold further anymore, Neo nodded softly, walking away to his castle, preparing to leave for the new term of the Parliament. Argyros, I swear that I am going to make you say sorry. I am going to break up your legs so that you will no longer be able to drag the prince into troubles. I am going to make you suffer because you are the heir of this von Ibenré's. Determined with such decision, as he prepared himself for the Parliament.


Andros received a first-aid treatment from the paramedics and was forced to sit in the substitute bench. He could feel as if his heart went down to his foot; all the rhythmic beatings seemed to come from there. The sweats he obtained from his game appearance made him uncomfortable, yet the heat seemed to accumulate inside his body. His eyes wandered at each and every one in his teammates, while not losing his focus on the opponents. I should have no regrets, if I have to leave this team. Though, I am not willing to do so until I bring this team to the Nationals. Andros monologued softly, as he ran his hand over his right foot. The paramedics used ice packs to reduce the swollen bump and that made his foot become numb. Heh, I am going to be dead later on. That tyrant father of mine will definitely throw me into that legendary dungeon. Is that something I should be rejoicing about? Andros sighed while taking his own leisure time to tie up his red hair. "The Imperials!!!! Go for another score!!!" He gave his team his encouragement words. Of course, he sincerely hoped that his team will win their first match. It is important to win this match, especially against a strong powerhouse team as the winning can enhance the team's fighting spirit to strife further.

Argyros had a quick glance at the clock on the scoreboard.Ten minutes more and injury time of two minutes, which mean we only have twelve minutes left to surprise them with another goal. We are desperate for a clear breakthrough. His silver eyes found Andros who was cheering for them. Andros seemed a little bit bluish, Argyros said to himself. "Guys!" Argyros called as he clapped his hands to gain their attention. "We're going to win this! Let's go, everyone!!"

Karl Raphael, Gerald and other teammates responded as to agree to their newly chosen captain, while Ian Lee rolled his eyes as he folded his arms on his breasts. Ian Lee knew what he should do, being the substitute of Andros, and having almost the same soccer skills (if not on par) as his captain. "Pass that ball to me!" Ian Lee waved over at Gerald, keeping his dashing pace to suit with the latter's running speed.

Gerald observed the situation in a glance; two Rozen defenders were coming towards him, Karl Raphael was already in the position, some Imperials were in their own support positions, so were the Rozens. In this remaining few minutes of the game, if possible, (have to, am I right?) to secure a head score will be an advantage. The possibility to meet with the same opponent will be lesser, but the chance for it to occur is still there. "Our chance is here!!! Keep that ball possession!!!" He screamed from the center of the field after he heeled as his brown eyes followed the motion trajectory of the ball in the air. This breakthrough if succeed, the chance of turning the table will be huge.

"Nice passing!" Argyros said, waving a thumbs up. He dribbled the ball a little as his eyes caught the figures of both Yuri and Mark Xavier were coming towards him. He heard Ian Lee was calling for ball, yet he still preferred to play around with them a bit. "Just a little," he murmured. "I'll make you pay for what you did to our captain. I swear it!"

"Get that ball from him," Yuri screamed. "Don't make him shoot!!!"

Argyros was only half of the field away from the goal. He shot the ball softly with the edge of his right cleat and followed by a few running steps. His greyish eyes pin-pointed both Rozen's wingers as he made his way to the goal. Andros taught him a secret to score a goal; if you can't make it alone, then rely on your support. The chance grows parallel to the number of supporters aiding in your strategy. The failure to score is still there though. However, as a striker, you have to have that 'moment instinct' to decide a score. An instinct that beats all odds and born you the scoring chances. "Pass, Argyros!" as if he heard Andros' voice crossed over the field, tickling his instinct to shoot the ball away just when Yuri was about to make a clean tackle. The ball rolled in fast speed and amazingly it landed at Ian Lee's foot. He as he was known, the team's selfish type, he shot the ball from where he was. The ball curved along the trajectory and just when everyone thought that it will succeed in beating down the Rozen's goalkeeper, the Goddess of Victory had yet given her smile to the Imperials.

Mr. Francis Lahm who was encouraging his players at the line, did not feel discourage despite of his team's attempt failed. Instead, he collected all his energy to cheer for his team. He scolded at certain times when he saw the moves that were not supposed to be done, yet still uttering some supposed-to-be strategic moves.

Andros peeped at the scoreboard. Five minutes more. And assuming the referee granted another a minute or two for the extra time, if we could give them another successful blow, the Imperials may have a smooth path to become the representative of das Meer der Blauen Alpen in the Nationals. He monologued, in praying mode. He could feel the heat stirring within his body. What is this actually? I feel hot inside. A warm liquid suddenly oozed down from his nose. When it reached his lips, Andros instantly let his tongue out a bit to taste that oozing liquid. He froze. He quickly hid his oozing nose with his palm. Blood? But why? His hands trembled as he tried to wipe off the blood from his nose and lips. He managed to do so, but he had another problem; he was getting light-headed.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is probably the final corner kick for this match. The Imperials have decided to let their captain, Argyros to take up the kick. Can this kick be the turning-point of this match?. Let us sit back and enjoy these final moments." the commentor conveyed his words to the audiences. The audiences, on the other hand, kept on cheering for their respective teams in this last remaining few minutes. Argyros managed to catch the given injury time by the referee; ONE MINUTE. This is my final chance for this game. Everyone, please make it through! Argyros hoped that this monologue message can be felt by everyone on his team. He knew that this may be the last game he and Andros could play together with the Imperials.


Argyros kicked the ball from the left corner of the goal (it will be on the right side when viewing from the opponents' perspective) to almost further a bit from the middle of goal. Gerald, Ian Lee and other midfielders rushed to where the ball will possibly be landed on. Argyros too, headed to the centre of the penalty area. In the midst of commotion, Yuri accidentally hit Argyros' head with his elbow when he jumped into the air to make a clean clearance. Ian Lee caught that, as fast as the thunder strike, he seized that clearance and turned it into his own fortuitous moment. "Argyros! It's yours!!!" Ian Lee shot a fast, somewhat long ball across to Argyros' feet; at the moment he was almost fell down to ground.

"Our chance is here!!!" The coach, the substitutes, and almost all the Imperial's players and their loyalty supporters screamed for the same words. As if everyone was united in that instant.

Just one more goal! Just one more goal, Argyros!!! It's not your time to rest yet. Those words kept Argyros firm on his foot. He shot the ball with his dominant left foot but his kick was amazingly slow. Dammit! He pissed with himself, yet he did not want to give up easily. With the remaining one minute, in that kind of hectic situation being caught in the middle of the Rozen's defenders, Argyros stretched out his left foot to add further force to the rolling ball. He saw the ball rolled swiftly between those small gap of jungle of legs and finally it stopped on the goal line. "Wait! Please count in that ball!" Argyros screamed in desperation. "Please count in that ball!" He repeated.

The atmosphere in the stadium turned into an instant still. The same went to the players; they froze in their own positions. However the Rozen's goalkeeper denied that ball and kicked it out from his goal in anger. "Was that counted as a score for the Imperials?" the commentor added the tension to the current situation. "The referee and the linesmen agreed to double confirm using the technology we have installed in this stadium. Ladies and gentlemen, we will now project the visual for better judgement." Argyros had his eyes on the visual screen. Three quarter of the ball landed on the goal line. Such situation rarely occurs, and if so, it will cause controversies between both teams, yet the final decision belongs to the referee. "As agreed by the referee and the linesmen, this goal is counted and thus making the Imperials lead the Rozens by 2-1 score."

The scoreboard showed the Imperial Academy 2-1 the Grand Rozen Techology Academy. "Argyros, good job!" Gerald came from back and hugged him from behind. Argyros turned around and gave him a thumbs up. "Argyros, you are bleeding."

"Nah, I don't feel a thing," he replied. It was then he caught Ian Lee's figure standing there while wiping away the sweats with his bare hands. "Ian Lee, thanks!" Argyros walked in the direction of the latter followed by the remaining players. "Thanks, buddy!" He let out his hand but his intention was not replied. They went back to their respective positions and the final whistle blew right after the Rozen's goalkeeper have his final goal shoot, to indicate the end of the game.

"Ladies and gentlemen, with that final whistle, the match between the Imperial Academy and the Grand Rozen Technology Academy ended with the Imperial's victory 2-1 to the Rozens. Let us give them a big applause for their good match." The audiences followed as per instructed by the host commentor. Some of them stood up, cheering for both teams. So were the Imperial Academy's substitutes. They hasted over to their members on the field, celebrating the victory.

Argyros turned around, eyeing at the substitute bench. Andros was there, waving at him. My prince!!! Argyros smiled as he ran towards Andros. "Andros! We have won! Andros, we have won!" He quickly dashed to where Andros was. "Andros," he smiled upon reaching, gasping. "We did it!" They exchanged high-fives.

Andros nodded. "Yes! Thanks to you and everyone." He hugged his best friend tightly. "You're bleeding. Does it hurt?" He let his red blood eyes drown into Argyros' stare.

The Premier's son denied the pain. "Not at all." Argyros displayed one of his many flashing smiles. A warm, delighted smile. "By the way, Andros. Are you okay?" He instantaneously removed his smile, replacing with a worry look. "You look pale."

"It's nothing," the captain replied. "But, I need your help afterwards." He then welcomed his team members with a high-five. "Great job, everyone! Well done!!"

Karl Raphael grinned. "We did nothing, captain. You scored one, and the other one by Argyros. We couldn't score any further." A pat laid on the captain's shoulder. "Get well soon. We still need you in our team."

Andros burst into a laugh. "Well, yeah. It's gonna take time to heal. The Imperials have to play without me in this district tournament, but..." he let his eyes to scan each and everyone in his team, including his coach. "I promise to return before we advance to the Prefecture Tournament."

Francis nodded as he clapped his hands. "Alright, everyone. After thanking your opponent for the game, please return to the changing room. We will leave this stadium in thirty minutes' time." All the members obeyed him, and quickly returned back to the field. After thanking the Rozens, the Imperials walked back to their changing room. Andros and Argyros were the last one to head back. The captain cling his hand around Argyros' neck, while his other hand supported his walking by using a clutch. The coach followed them from behind. After a moment of silence, he broke that inside library-like atmosphere. "Andros, Argyros, wait." Both stopped, remained speechless. "Andros, are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital? I can send you there and inform your benefactor in the same time."

Andros shook his head. "It's okay. I can go later on. Plus, I still need to inform my benefactor father. Because I am his sponsored child." He paused. The real terror was soon about to begin. "Argyros, I need to use the washroom. Please excuse us." His best friend okayed it, bringing along his injured captain to the washroom.

Andros... Argyros... Just who on earth both of you... Francis thought to himself as he continued walking to the changing room.


Siegfried strided to the Relaxation Chamber. It is a big doom-like chamber. You can see the scenery of the outer space right from the floor up to the ceiling of the chamber as the chamber is built up from glass. Stepping into the chamber makes you feel relax, as you admire the majestic view of the universe. The young marshal pressed the button at the setting panel located nearby the exit. In an instant, the lights switched on, the glass panes covered with pastel white shades, the glass floor was replaced by marble-like tiles, and two virtual shooting board appeared almost at the edge of that white shaded windows. He let his green eyes ran towards the upper level of the chamber. Some of his crews were already there; as if they were waiting for such occurrence to happen. Yes, Siegfried had never lose in his best game. "Those spectators...." he murmured to himself as he altered his hair a bit. The moment he picked up his best bow, Rad-Ludvig entered the chamber. "You are late than I do." He sounded as he was giving his subordinate a warning.

Rad-Ludvig observed the marshal's expression. "I'm sorry," he quickly apologized, as the output to his implanted feeling storage being triggered after detection of facial expression. He noticed the bow picked by his superior and then, he chose one for himself. "So, this is a..."

Siegried gestured that. "A bow. A weapon you use in archery, which..." he pulled out an arrow from the bag he carried behind his back. "An arrow. You are going to shoot at your target by using this." As he pointed his index finger towards the shooting board, he let go off his arrow. It flew in a slight curve towards its target board. It hit the bull's eye. His so-called audiences gave him a big applause, cheering for their superior.

"Whoa. You're indeed an excellent archer," Rad-Ludvig too, instead of an applause, he gave the marshal a thumbs up.

Siegfried was already numb with such praise. Praises are, to him, some kind of poisons. If you receive it too much, it will hurt you when you do not deserve it. Probably due to his childhood upbringing. "I believe this is a piece of cake for you. Your mechanical eyes should have done the calculation during your observation on my performance." He prepares himself in a his stand-by position. "Do you need a handicap?"

The lieutenant's rolled a bit. "I wanted to challenge you in a fair play. I know your strength, Marshal, but I can't determine my strength if I use your handicap."

Joan Phillips exchanged looks with Ensign Max Oliver Dillenburg, while Ir. Julius Biehn just came in to join them. Their so-called caretaker, Phoebe Veils and Wayne Steinberg, who was the subordinate of the engineer Julius Biehn tagged along from behind. They swapped some gossip news as they sat on the empty seats.

"This is going to be interesting," Joan frankly said. "A shouldn't-be-missed entertainment." She laughed to herself. She sounded as if this challenge is an amusing thing to her.

Siegfried adjusted his arrow properly on the position as he forecasted his trajectory. His emerald green pinpointed at the red spot on the shooting board. He murmured the possible calculations and outcomes. He smiled. No wind detected in this almost vacuum-liked room. Simple maths and physics calculations involved. He let go off his arrow. It flew in the air in an instant and pierced the initial arrow into two to let itself buried in the middle of the red spot. He gained applauses and praises from the spectators, but that did not even lift up his self-esteemed.

"As rumoured, but this is the first time I saw this with my eyes," Julius spoke as he folded his arms onto his large chest. "Looks like he earned his title not only because of legal inheritance; he was born with such talents."

Joan shook her head, burying it into her palms. "Marshal von Platina believes in hard work. Practice makes perfect. Of course you still need one percent of talent and luck." She sneered at the engineer before she continued, "He is my toyboy junior, but he skipped so many levels which allowed him to graduate before I did."

Max Oliver was focusing on the marshal's performance, eventually made him drown in his skills. Awed by his perfection. "I also heard such story, Ms. Phillips. I even made him as my idol."

"Was mine too," Joan added with cold shoulders.

"Lieu. Nermin, your turn," the young marshal said. "Would you like me to replace this shooting board? I can reset it, if you want."

Rad-Ludvig politely refused the offer. "Let it be, Sir Marshal. I wanted to see if I can do the same as you did."

Siegried walked away, placing his bow back to its storage, while letting his eyes to focus on the lieutenant. I have some work for you, if you could do this. If only you are almost on par with my shooting skill. He monologued, quietly as he observed his opponent. Being challenged by an android means nothing to him, because they are implanted with the AI system which allowed them to store any knowledge in their memory. Even though he knew this, he still decided to play a bit with him. The marshal judged from the lieutenant's aiming position. Smirked alone, his mind went away between his observation.


The Kaiser, Ragnvaldr arrived at the National Parliament House slightly after the mid noon. He was welcomed with protocols, then a national welcome by the Imperial Orchestra team. Neo Klasse Koenraad von Ibenré and his cabinet members stood up in their own positions as the head of the nation stepped into the Brilliance Virtue Hall. All the administrial representatives in the national cabinet are voted and chosen by the general election, except the position of the Prime Minister, which is continuously inherited by the rightful heir of the von Ibenré. This actually had put Argyros in a tight decision; because he wanted to pursue a career in scientific research, since he was fond of science so much. Yet, as the one whose destiny had been laid out since birth, Argyros did not have many options; except to accept his own fate. He shared this with Andros. Both actually lacked of friends, as they were surrounded by adults only.

The Kaiser adjusted the microphone at his administrial desk. "I, Kaiser Ragnvaldr V von Orseddfawr, now declare the opening of the new session of Parliament Term First Quarter. I will now calling upon our Prime Minister, His Excellency Premier Neo Klasse Koenraad von Ibenré to convey his opening speech and with that, this new term officially begins."

Neo caught the look of his master. He kept his serious and stern look, while maintained his handsome-ness. Did His Imperial Majesty angry at me just because I offered him my blood? Neo hid that thought quickly as he had to set his priority first; the opening speech of a new term of Parliament. He took a moment to calm down himself. Well, this was not his first time. The Parliament's sessions are divided into four quarter per year, whereby the first quarter begins in the mid spring. Each session lasts for one month, and each session takes three days for discussion and two days for for decision finalising. Some matters discussed may consume longer time and may carry to the next term, if needed. "First and foremost, I would like to say my appreciation to our head of this nation, His Imperial Majesty Kaiser Ragnvaldr V for his approval to lift up a new curtain of this Parliament session. This legacy runs in our thousands sessions, whereby we bring up the voices of our people to the highest debating stage in this land. We discuss, debate, argue, consult, and finally with the agreement from the round table, we come out with a decision THAT change our reformation and policies of this nation. We, as the Members of Parliaments, are abide by our national law and the oath we agree in when we first stand here as the representatives of our people. Once again, I would like to take this opportunity to lead the rest of the members of this Round Table to renew our pledge and oath we agreed to abide heretofore."

All the members of the Round Table stood up, placing their right hands on their left chest as they bowed a little to the Kaiser. The Kaiser then slightly raised his right hand to indicate the action of you-may-rise-your-head. Neo, with all respect he received, he read the oath and followed by the rest of the members. To Neo, this oath is just a simple pledge; as you stand above your people, you actually stand below them to hear their needs, to adhere their problems, to fight for their rights as long as the rights they fight for do not go beyond the National Code of Law.


Argyros helped Andros to sit on the resting bench when they entered the changing room. Andros clapped his hands a little; instantly the commotion-like atmosphere turned into a deep silent and everyone had their eyes on their captain. "Alright, everyone." He smiled despite enduring the pain which gradually increased over the time. "Good job, everyone! I am happy with today's performance though we still lack in many areas which we can further improve ourselves. Our defense is still not strong enough as we let those Rozens penetrated our walls so many times. Anyway, I don't want to downgrade your spirit. Please give yourselves an applause." The whole changing room filled with their clapping hand sound. "We have succeeded to beat down the powerful Rozen. And we are going to win in every match!"

"Yeah!!!!" The Imperials responded to their captain's calling.

Karl Raphael handed two bottles of isotonic drinks to both Andros and Argyros. "Captain, we can win this district match, but we need you to play in the prefecture match. We are willing to wait for your return, thus until then please don't worry too much and just concentrate on your recovery."

Andros nodded. "I will. Thanks, Karl Raphael. Thanks, everyone." He twisted the bottle cap and sipped in the liquid. "Ian Lee did a great job as my substitute. I just hope he will discard that self-concerned attitude."

"Because soccer is played by eleven players, right?" added Argyros, as he exchanged look with the captain and the right winger. Both agreed and laughed together.

"Yes. We want you to be on this team. We want to play together with you." Gerald said, while the rest stood in front of their injured captain with promising look. "Captain!"

"Captain! Please return before the prefecture match starts!" said one.

"Yes! We need you, captain!"

Ian Lee let out his hand towards Andros as the latter puzzled in confusion. "Captain, I hate you because you are playing in my stead, but I too.... Just like everyone else, hope that you will return to us soonest the possible." Those words glued Andros' red lips. He said nothing. He was only able to agree with them.

Mr. Francis Lahm who just returned from the administrial cubicle, walked into the room. He went to get some refreshments, i.e. the mineral water and isotonic drinks from the sponsors for his boys. "Boys, get ready to go back to our school. Be sure to keep yourselves hydrated, be careful of your health and don't get into careless injury..." as his purple eyes stared at Andros, who quickly turned his eyes away from his coach. "Our next match will be three days from today and our opponent is the Schleichsee Business Affliated Middle High School. As we all know that they are the so-called the Iron Wall as their defense is very tough and difficult to be penetrated. Yet, I believe that constant attacking will slowly weaken the defense and our chance to score a goal against them will eventually come soon. Anyway, lets enjoy this winning moment for today. Gerald, please distribute these drinks."

"Okay," replied Gerald, in short.

Argyros helped Andros to collect his stuffs and bags. "Thanks," said Andros as he changed into a clean shirt. Argyros changed his too, and the jerseys they wore just now were packed into a small plastic bag before keeping them in his bag. Andros removed his left cleat as well as the sock. His best friends picked up all his stuffs and stored the cleats into their own bags. In that instant moment, Andros felt bad towards his best friend. As a member of the Imperial Family, Andros did not have to worry about doing things on his own as he had so many butlers and maids served him. Yet, Andros preferred to do that by himself, as he believed that even if you are a prince, at least you must know to do simple things on your own. "Sorry, Argyros."

Argyros stunted as if he was bitten by a sting, when he heard Andros said his apology. "Andros..."

"Andros, Argyros, I send both of you directly to school with my car. But make sure to update me with your medical report, Andros. You are our key player. Remember that." Francis Lahm sounded as if he gave a warning to Andros. Well, all he knew about Andros is that the red-haired captain was under a sponsored benefactor; a child of Nordsternhaufen. Nobody knows the real person of this benefactor, but all his sponsored children bear the family name of the Nordsternhaufen until they graduated from colleges. They are not required to repay the sponsorship; however they are obliged to serve the nation thoughout their lives.

"Okay. I promise." With the help of a clutch, Andros stood up and gave them a high-five to his team members who were slowly leaving the changing room as they made their way to the bus stop.


Lady Vivienne came into the empress' chamber to find her mistress was not there anymore and the baby princess was crying alone. "My Lady, where are you?" She quickly picked up the little princess, cuddled her so that she will stop crying. "Hush, my princess." Her attempt to console the princess failed. It was then Anastacia came into her chamber and found her lady-in-waiting was comforting her baby. "My Lady, is there something happened to you? Your eyes are red and swollen."

Anastacia wiped away her watery eyes. "Not... Nothing. It's nothing. Hand me my daughter. I'll breastfeed her."

Vivienne gave the little Illustrious to the Kaiserin as she added, "I think it is better for the princess to be taken care by the wet nurses so that you can have more time for yourself." She used to give that suggestion to her mistress, but the latter refused. Anastacia determined to raise up her children with her own hands, and that is the reason she refused the services of wet nurses from the moment Andros was brought home from the hospital.

"Summon me Lady Anne Nicolette here," Anastacia instructed while loosing her front button to reveal her naked breast. The baby Illustrious calmed down instantly. "At once."

"But, my Lady..."

"At once." The Kaiserin repeated again; this time in her stern voice.

"Yes, Your Imperial Majesty," Vivienne obeyed, followed by a respect bow before she headed out to the Hall of Benevolence, which homed to the Imperial court doctors. Lady Anne Nicolette von Nachtmond was a court doctor, assigned to the Kaiserin. Anne Nicolette served two Kaiserins during her service time, which made her the oldest doctor in the Imperial Palace. Upon reaching the entrance, Vivienne was stopped by two imperial guards who were guarding the entrance door. "I am Lady Vivienne von Bachmeier, Her Imperial Majesty the Kaiserin's lady-in-waiting. I am here on my mistress's order to summon Lady Anne Nicolette von Nachtmond to der Weiße Palast."

"Please wait here, Madam. I have to confirm the availability of Lady Anne Nicolette von Nachtmond." One of the guards replied, before leaving them behind the entrance door. Vivienne settled herself at the nearby milk-coloured sofa. The White Palace (der Weiße Palast) is the name of the East Wing of the Imperial Palace which homed to the Kaiserin and her ladies-in-waiting and maids (including the kitchen maids). Die Halle der Güte (The Hall of Benevolence) is located at the South-West Wing, which comprises other Halls, such as Die Halle der ewingen Edelsteine (the Hall of Everlasting Gems) (basically it is a name for an imperial library) and Die Halle der Göttlichkeit (the Hall of Divinity) which of course, the ultimate chamber for the family of von Ibenrés as this chamber is where the von Ibenrés study and practice their astronomical and astrological studies. However, Argyros was not very fond of astrology because they contained myths more than real facts.

"Oh my. It is you, Lady von Bachmeier. How have you been?" A warm greeting by a middle aged female doctor. Yet, she remained beautiful as if the time which had passed by could not consumed her with aging effects.

Vivienne quickly stood up to greet the doctor. "Doctor, it's good to see you here. I am fine, thanks for your concern. I am afraid that you might not be around as you too, are busy with your works in the hospital."

Anne Nicolette shook her head. "I just went a while to see my students performing operations. Well, they are basically playing with dolls." She chuckled. "Her Imperial Majesty called for me, am I right? I wonder what's wrong this time."

"I am not sure. I think she just need some rest, that's all." Vivienne kept her words to the minimum, as she had to refrain herself from viralling such news in the palace. Being an important public figure is a tiresome thing, as well as their direct personal maids. They cannot speak or act freely without thinking the consequences to their serving masters. "Doctor, let's hurry up." The doctor obeyed, as both rushed over to the Kaiserin's place.


The soccer regulars of the Imperial Academy reached their school compound around evening, without waiting for other matches to end. All the members gathered around their coach's sedan car upon arriving. Andros felt embarrassed because everyone was worried about him. "You are too worrisome. I am okay," he said, sounded somewhat remorse deep inside him.

Gerald repudiated that. "It's not okay at all, Captain! Look at your foot. It is getting swollen." All of sudden everyone agreed with him. Gerald eyed at Francis. Their coach brought down a wheelchair which he kept inside his car bonnet and pushed it to where his injured captain was. "Captain, let's go to the hospital. We accompany you there," he added, fairly forcing Andros to the corner.

"The hospital will be in doom if the whole club go there just to escort me," Andros tittered. "Alright. I'll go, okay? BUT, I can't have all of you tag along to the hospital. I'll update you after I have my check-up."

Argyros cross-eyed with the captain prince. Unspoken as he was, he knew that it was not an easy attempt to bring the prince to the hospital, as he concealed his identity to the public. Unless, in terms of emergency cases such as accidents, critical illnesses, or urgent cases which in need of first aid attention, other than that the Imperial family members' health matters are monitored by their court doctors. "Just now you mentioned that you need my help..."

"Play servant for me," Andros replied in short. He said nothing afterwards, yet the Premier's son guessed that the prince had another meaning behind his words. Argyros helped Andros to sit in the wheelchair and pushed him under a shady fir tree. He allowed the captain to convey his words to the club members, on the other hand, he went away to make a phone call. He received in-coming messages and calls in the Instant Messenger and to his surprise, they were all from the Kaiserin. Whoa. Since when I became so popular with the Kaiserin? He checked the in-coming messages and read them one by one. All the messages seemed to be reforwarded so many times because the contain of the messages were the same. Argyros. Tell me about the prince. Tell me about his injury. Regards, Her Imperial Majesty, Kaiserin Anastacia. He froze. He did not know how to react to the mesaage. The Kaiserin knew about Andros' injury. Perhaps someone had informed her about what had happened in the match or maybe she had just watch it from the TV. We're in a deep shit! Argyros quickly put down his cellphone into his bag and returned to where everyone was. He walked towards his coach and whispered into his ear. "Coach, please send me and Andros to the National Specialist Medical Center. Andros' guardian is currently in an important meeting and he let me handle Andros' case."

"Alright. I send both of you there." Francis agreed, leading his eyes on Andros who was conveying messages and strategies for the upcoming matches. Indeed, Andros was a reliable center; once a midfielder, yet he was way better in forward position. His existence, currently, was irreplaceable.

Foot Note: I am sorry for the late update. I am so busy =_=

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