Hamilton x Reader Back to the...

By Amberiso

611K 20.8K 48.4K

When Y/N suddenly lands in the 1770s, after being pulled into the ocean, she meets Hercules. He and his frien... More

Before you read this
-Chapter 0: Set up-
-Chapter 1: Help-
-Chapter 2: Shot-
-Chapter 3: Nervous-
-Chapter 4: That morning-
-Chapter 5: Heed not the rabble-
-Chapter 6: Heading out-
-Chapter 7: Whoops-
-Chapter 8: Welcome-
-Chapter 9: What?-
-Chapter 10: The mail woman-
-Chapter 11: Replacement-
-Chapter 12: Britain-
-Chapter 13: the servant-
-Chapter 14: I see...-
-Chapter 15: Shhht...-
-Chapter 16: Ahahaha...no-
-Chapter 17: Walking in to...-
-Chapter 18: Not with you-
-Chapter 19: The winter's ball-
-Chapter 20: AH HAHAHAHA...No.-
-Chapter 21: Pray amen-
-Chapter 22: Wrath-
-Chapter 23: "I'm fine-."-
-Chapter 24: "-No you're not."-
-Chapter 25: Move. On.-
-Chapter 26: Okay then-
-Chapter 27: I admit-
-Chapter 28: You better wise up, 'cause I'll rise up!-
-Chapter 29: Quality (Y/N's P.O.V)-
-Chapter 30: Quality (Alexander's P.O.V)-
-Chapter 31: it ends, now.-
-Chapter 32: Last unspoken words-
-Chapter 33: We're both crying, but you don't know that-
-Chapter 34: Witchery -
-Chapter 35: Well hello-
-Chapter 36: Was it a date?-
-Chapter 37: A mont-whatnow?-
-Chapter 38: I don't like him-
-Chapter 39: Valentine (Part 1)-
-Chapter 40: Valentine (Part 2)-
-Chapter 41: Non-stop-
-Chapter 42: "Work." "Break."
-Chapter 43: Hold up...We're in the past?-
-Chapter 44: Rumors-
You choose.
-Chapter 45: Only us-
50K special writing tips!
-Chapter 46: Back to the future-
-Chapter 47: And all that jazz-
-Chapter 48: There comes the bride! And-Oh no...OH NO!-
Your Books
-Chapter 49: I do-
-Chapter 50: The diversion-
-Chapter 51: about rings and shots-
-Chapter 52: Go, go, go-
-Chapter 53: When things finally go your way-
-Chapter 54: Denied-
What I do with my last days
-Chapter 55: Torture (Part 1)-
-Chapter 56: La la la la love-
-Chapter 57: Home, bitter home-
-Chapter 58: Help me from myself-
-Chapter 59: Ready as I'll ever be-
-Chapter 60: Never gonna be president now-
-Chapter 61: Dear Mary-
New club!
Birthday post
-Chapter 62: Final (Part 1)-
-Chapter 63: Final (Part 2)-
Q & A announcement
New book
What happened to Yafa?
Guess what? SEQUEL!!
!!!Read if you liked the book!!!
AU book of this book is out!
Visual Novel News


2.5K 64 134
By Amberiso

My dearest, readers

So, I've made the Q&A and boi. There are a lot of questions I had to go through. 

Okay let's start!:

- @random_potato1234: What the f*ck happened to Yafa? (This book has send me through an emotional journey, you have great talent, so use it well 😊 )

- @Hahanogoawayrawr: WTF HAPPENED TO YAFA?

Okay so I can confirm that John is holding onto Yafa

John: Yup

Where are they?

John:...See in life, people are bound to make mistakes


John: Yes?

You dropped Yafa didn't you?

John: I can confirm that's not what killed him.

You mother f-

@MinecraftLover900: How did it feel like to die?

@Emophaniplier: Why'd you kill me?

@simplyfangirl24 : Why am I dead on the inside and now out?    

Okay, this one may be a bit because I'm evil. But I also have read a lot of Hamilton X Readers. And from my research I have see that most books don't kill of the main character.


@Hahanogoawayrawr: ALEX WTF?  

  XAngelica_SchuylerX: Alex: why the f*ck did you shoot me?!  

Alexander: ...You see, in life, people are bound to-

John: EY! That's my excuse for doing something wrong!

Alexander: Well it isn't called John Laurens, now is it?

John: Touche.


That's your problem to figure out bea 

@AndmynameisCaremelita: how do you feel aboutLin Manuel Miranda on Ducktales? Because, omg, I watched the episode threetimes already    

Wait...*Does quick research* OH SNAP! I'ma start watching Ducktales!

    @Goat_Frisk : What's your favourite Hamilton song? =P    

At the moment, Schuyler sisters!

- @AndmynameisCaremelita : If Cinderella's shoe fit perfectly, why did it fall off?

Well according to my well done research, in the original brothers Grim Cinderella stayed 3 nights. On the 3rd night, the prince had asked to put some lacquer on the stairs to make his princess slow down on the stairs. Unfortunately when Cinderella ran down the stairs, her glass slipper stuck and she had to run without one.

Hercules: I don't think she expected a logical answer Amber.


- Divianaxx: What other fandoms are you in?

Hamilton, DEH, BMC, Heathers, Steven universe, Gravity falls, SVTFOE, Percy Jackson, every nintendo game ever, Once upon a time, Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Yandere simulator...I think I forgot some but eh...  

   LunazStories : How'slife? I want to know.    

Same as always. Dry, funny and heartbroken

 KSYT28: Foxina: Who's your favorite in your family?

My Grandmother. She's the best and most wonderful woman I have ever met!

KSYT28: Kawaii: Who's your favorite girl and guy in Hamilton and Heathers? If you know Heathers.

In Hamilton it's Philip and Peggy. In Heather's it's Veronica (Or Heather Duke) and JD :"3

- @AnabelleWan: Do you have any pets?

Yep! Her name is Pamuk (Cotton in Turkish, because she looks like a cotton ball) Little cute cat of 2 years! She was mentally and probably physically abused by a rich family. (Like so rich that they appeared on a TV soap called: The sky's the limit (basically for the richest folks of Belgium) ) 

The owners had enough of the pets and decided to lay them to sleep. (forever) Their cleaning lady sneaked 3 pets out, 2 cats and 1 dog (which they only had 1 week btw) from their abusive homes. Then one of the cats and the dog landed with my aunt. She gave the cat to me and the dog is now safe and sound with amazing people. I've seen them.

  EmaliaLightvale : Whatdo you do in your spare time when you're not working on Hamilton?    

Study, play some piano, practice on drawing and singing, help the devil, casually chat with my British friends :3

@CANADA_FANGURL16: Why did Thomas didn't run for president and Alex did? And WHAT THE HELL ALEX?! HE THE FLIPPING HAY?!

Thomas couldn't run for president as he was emotionally unstable to do. Therefor he decided not to run for president. Also, he had a minor fear that Y/N would run for president and would win against him.

- @FewDeersInGryffindor: Why you make Laf one of ze bad guyyyyysss?

    @Lilleigh44: Why did Alex and the reader not endup together?    

Diversity is the span of life. If we always keep our trues that the good guys in musicals will stay good, there will be no drama about anything regrading the good guys. Especially if you're choosing another main character. It could've been a lot worse, trust me. Alexander and the reader didn't end up because they're both main characters. Lafayette is a bad guy because he isn't present in the second act.

    @Crystalsong11: What happened to Lafayette andSam after the pamphlet got out?     

They hid somewhere in France, afraid that they'd be dead if they walked around. Not long after the pamphlet, Sam struck himself in the heart as the stress was getting to him.

Sam Briseurdecoeur.

- @MaryTheWolfie : Are Mary and Philip gonna have kids (even tho I'm probably dead...but that doesn't matter)

Yes! They did have 2 kids.a twin boy and girl!

Philip: Philip Jr and Paige!

Mary: I can't believe I let our son be named after you.

Philip: Well we couldn't do Mary Jr and Philip Jr.

Storybrook23: A/N: If (Y/N) does die how do think Thomas and Mary will react

There's going to be an epilogue. But it doesn't specifically tell that part. You can really just repeat stay alive reprise. But Y/N was shot in the chest and wasn't able to talk when she reached the medics. This fact is pushed forward in the epilogue that's going to come out after this.

ShittyMusicalFan:Philip: How did you get on the chandelier when you were younger?

Philip:...You see in life-

John and Alexander: *Jump on Philip* MY LINE!

- @Wolfiebyewrites : How did you make me cry countless times? Are you magical or somethin'? Also I need so tissues...

- @dustinstuff: How do you make me cry and give me an endless cycle of emotions?


- Jamiltonismyjam: I hope you're happy, because this is the only book that has managed to make me cry (That's a good thing!) . Stupid Hamilton and his Weehawken dawn guns drawn shit.

Its a hidden talent I guess. I don't cry easily (Except for the last 2 songs of Hamilton and stay alive reprise and John interlude but shhhh) So I didn't really think most of this was very emotional. But I guess it is!

- @kathrynmurray0 : How is it that you get your inspiration? And how did you manage to get me to re-read this whole thing just so I remembered what happened?! And don't get me started on the tears oh the rollercoaster of emotions it felt like it was endless but somehow it ended in more tears! How do you do it???

-BlackWasp_ClaraWayne: What got you into writing? And also any tips for an fellow writer? Also love the book and i had an emotional road trip with book

- @AndmynameisCarmelita : How do you get good ideas and somehow post almost daily. Do you have any inspiration? Like do you listen to Hamilton and be like: yes! That's a great idea!

- @Hahanogoawayrawr : HOW U GOOD AT WRITING?

@awkwardtrash-3 : How did you find inspiration when writing like, this book is hella awesome. P.s : u just kill me with this book

I've been thinking about writing stuff ever since I was 6. (I'm 14 btw) Couple that with reading books most of the times, listing to diverse music, watching movies and series, and you have a mind that is way too big to ever run out of inspiration. If I could I would write 50 books in one year, but my education comes first. When I'm grown enough, I can decide to do this as a job or not. But this idea came to mind when I was laying in bed and thinking of new ideas. Mostly ideas I couldn't fit in Heels on the battlefield.

@TalkLessTrashmore : What has been your favorite book to write?

So far, I think this one. But at the time, Modern times was also really fun to write. 

- @AndmynameisCaremilta: Do you ever feel stuck but push yourself to make a chapter, then regret it later?

All of my chapters are posted with me later thinking: "GURLLLLL WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" But hey! It's okay! Because it makes it more of a challenge to write something down when the story changes by only a little bit! It's good for my practice in improvisation.

-Lunarzstories : And do you like...have any other plans on books? Mahal ko aklat mo btw.

Author: *Immediately translates Mahal ko aklat mo, because she can't stand not understanding sh*t* 

Aww thank you! And yes! I have 3 original books in the back of my brain, but those are going to be background projects for now. But I have something special planned!

ShittyMusicalFan: Author: Did you already made a plot for this story from the beginning, or did you just went with the flow and wrote whatever's in your mind?

AHA! This is the question I had been waiting for! And the answer is, kinda... Here's how the original plot would go:

+ Hercules wasn't going to die

+Alexander would've married Y/N

+Thomas would've been shot by yandere Alexander

+John AND Lafayette would've attempted to seduce Y/N, but only John succeeded

+Lafayette would've blackmailed Y/N to get what he...Desired.

+Y/N would've been president

+Burr would've shot Y/N

So yeah.

 @Hahanogoawayrawr SeQuel?

- @thelostfamily : Do you think it's possible you might consider making a sequel?

If the hype for this book goes up by 10%, I'll make a sequel

Author: *Reads last comment* Ho boi.


Thomas: T_T I was sleeping.

Eliza: Leave the bastard, orphan, son of a wh*re and a Scotsman

Eliza: Erm...

Author: Other time line, don't worry

Eliza: Oh.


Angelica: GUUUUUURL, it is infected by rich men, halp.

Burr(sir):If you challenge Alex to a duel, shoot the motherf*cker without a second thought!

Burr: Finna-f*cking-ly *Cocks gun*

Alexander: What's that?

Washing machine: Opinion on Alex shooting me?!

Washington: I'm dead.

Readers: WHAAT?!

Author: Oh yeah, I forgot the death of Washington.


Lafayette: Casse-toi before I count to dix
















Lafayette: Oh, MERDE! *Ducks*


Mary: Hi mom :3

Philip: treAT HER RIGHT

Philip: ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Medicine(MADISON): Have you taken your medicine yet?

Madison: I can't find a proPER DOCTOR! 

Doctor Hosack: I better f*cking live this

Doctor: Well-

Author: NO!

Doctor: I'm not allowed to say-

Author: *Hold gun against head* I dare you.

Author: can I at least be like... Wheelchair-bound or something?!!!!!!! I JUST WANNA LIVE, and how's life?

You'll see in the epilogue!

Which will be posted later this day!

From your probably not favorite author


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