Sang in a Silly Daze {COMPLET...

By IAmCandi

9.4K 500 111

Sang goes to the doctor's for a regular old checkup, but gets accidentally given the wrong medicine. Silly fu... More

Silly Daze: Part 1
Silly Daze: Part 2
Silly Daze: Part 3
Silly Daze: Part 4
Silly Daze: Part 5
Silly Daze: Part 6

Silly Daze: Part 7

1.2K 69 22
By IAmCandi

*media is only because I --and now Sang too lol-- love Bellarke so much and the writers are killing me making me wait!* 

Chapter 7 : End-games and Endgame

The surrender went smoothly, both sides eyeing each other suspiciously but even North being relegated to suffer the silence. It was more like a noon-time showdown from an old western. Only instead of waiting for one side to draw faster than the other, one side seemed to be staring moodily at the other.

Sang and Luke walked hand in hand across the cafeteria, aiming for Mr. Blackbourne because even Luke knew that he was going to need to see his Cupcake first.

It was almost a perfect silence until "Oy! You fuckers are just making it? How the hell do you miss all this shit?!"

Sang whipped around to stare curiously at Gabe, her mouth opening in a silent yawn and Luke's arms going around her shoulders just in case his Cupcake decided to return to the battlefield.

North, Silas, and Dr. Green—obviously confused at Gabe's words—followed his squinty gaze towards the entrance to the cafeteria where Kota and Victor stood, Kota's "Mr. B." face nearly identical to the one person who seemed not surprised by anything else that could possibly happen.

In fact, Mr. B.'s voice when he spoke was as unsurprised as could be. "Mr. Lee, Mr. Morgan, I take it your mission went well?" Poor guy didn't even put up the effort to straighten his hair...or to knock off the jello on his shirt...or to simply not look like Sang had given him a hell of a day.

Kota nodded, giving Mr. B. a nod and a silent We'll report fully later.

Sang, seeing Victor and Kota, grinned and ran towards them, leaving Luke in her dust and practically leaping past North.

She leapt into Victor's arms, Victor who did his princely version of a total shit-eating grin at the embrace. She began planting tiny kisses on his cheeks, pulling back to say "You guys missed the best day ever! Owie and I—"

Kota's eyes flew to Mr. Blackbourne's—Since when did she call you Owie?-- who just shrugged in response.

Sang was smiling and babbling to Victor like an excited toddler about all that she'd done that day. North, hearing some of it, started to stomp towards her yelling "BABY WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN YOU DANCED ON A COUNTER? WHAT THE FUCK IS A FUCKING WAGON?!"

At this point, the yelling sounded more like a whisper to Luke, he could just turn it down in his head. He giggled to himself, happy his daydreaming skills came in handy so often.

Silas walked to the trio near the entrance, reaching out and saying "Aggele Mou, I have missed you today. Would you like to tell us all the stories of your Best Day?"

Dr. Green paused them all, "I'd like to go ahead and check her out first, okay. We can go back to her checkup room, 305. I'll take a few minutes to look her over and then we can all find out what all Pookie got up to today." Mr. Blackbourne shot him a glare, definitely not his best work because Dr. Green just laughed and whistled as he walked up to the others and put an arm around Sang's shoulders, guiding her from the room.

Mr. Blackbourne cleared his throat, "While he's checking over Ms. Sorenson, we all need to get this place cleaned up. I daresay that Ms. Sorenson will be incredibly upset if she realizes how much of a mess she made today."

Kota nodded, he and Victor moving out of the way as Dr. Green led Sang out and then moving along with Silas to congregate to the others. North was on his phone, "I need a minute Mr. B."

The others paused, no one really told Mr. B. to wait. What was going on today?

North, hearing the silence, looked up briefly, grimacing at the others, "I'm googling to see what kind of dance is the 'fucking wagon' okay?"

Gabe just sniggered, moving away to grab cleaning supplies and even the others all just started to move away to do the same. The sooner they could clean this place up, the sooner they could see exactly what they'd all missed today.

Besides, on his way out, Dr. Green had told Victor to get into the security cams and pull up any footage of Sang from the time they brought her to the hospital today. He had a feeling they were going to want to see this for themselves.

____ B ____

Sang was coming down from her temporary 'high' as Sean moved a penlight around, shining it directly into her eyes.

She had a bit of a headache, and Sean deemed it alright to give her about 1/3 of a Tylenol along with a glass of water when she mentioned it to him.

He sat down a stool, pulling it up close to her with a very charming grin on his face.

Sang, who remembered every excruciating detail of her day, groaned internally knowing what his next words would be.

"So, Pookie, if you call Owen 'Owie,' what do you call me? Sexy? Seanie-Pooh?" Sang giggled, immediately regretting it because the Tylenol hadn't kicked in yet. "I'm also willing to accept Sexy-Seanie-Pooh."

A series of random knocks sounded throughout the room and Sean called out "Enter," after he cleared it with Sang that she didn't need a few more minutes to get back to herself.

They'd already spent about 20 minutes with Dr. Green asking her questions, checking her blood pressure, her pulse (which he did more than once), pupil reaction, among other things. The entire time he was giving her the checkup she'd initially come in for, he was getting information about what she remembered of the day, how lucid she was currently, did she feel out-of-body, etc.

Being the naturally honest girl she is, Sang had answered his questions honestly and didn't leave anything out, knowing how important telling your doctor details was (even when your doctor wasn't a family member, it was really important she knew).

Now 8 other men piled into the room, followed by a nurse—blood rushed to Sang's cheeks as she realized all that she'd put that poor nurse through today—and Dr. Roberts.

Apparently, they'd had their own information discovering session because none of the guys seemed angry when Nurse Alice walked up to Sang, hugged her, and apologized. "I'm so sorry Ms. Sang, I misinterpreted what Dr. Roberts was telling me about your anxiety levels. As a nurse, I should've known better than to just medicate a patient and I can assure that something like this will never happen again."

Because the girl seemed genuinely sorry and worried—and not to mention, Sang had actually had some of the best fun of her life—she graced the nurse with a small smile. "It's alright, Nurse Alice, I actually enjoyed myself a bit today. And as long as there are no long -lasting effects—"

Sang paused and glanced at Sean who just shook his head and interjected "No, none that I can find."

She turned back to the nurse, "then all's well that ends well. I think."

"I want to be your endgame, I want to be your first string" began ringing from a phone and Sang blushed as Luke's phone rang in her pocket.

Luke's jaw dropped, his hand racing to his pockets patting everywhere and his eyes shining at her. "How did you—"

Sang giggled, "Apparently, Silly Sang is a great pickpocket, and you're a great first mate."

Cutting into the moment, Silas rumbled, his words always seeming to come straight from his barrel chest. "And why did you steal my ringtone?"

Luke smirked, "Because Cupcake is totally endgame."

Sang gasped, "Like Bellarke!"

Luke nodded, Gabe cutting in "You fuckers both stole that from me. You listen to me Trouble, I said that months ago when you first started watching The 100 and talking about how Bellarke was the OTP."

Victor cut in "Actually, I called them endgame when she called them OTP –One True Pair—so technically, you all stole it from me." The fire in his eyes let Sang know they were all just making sure she was alright, but in their own way.

North snapped "Who cares about the fucking ringtone—which I found on YouTube before any of you assholes by the way! I want to know what the hell is a 'fucking wagon' dance! I can't find it on YouTube at all!"

Sang blushed when Dr. Roberts laughed aloud, asking North "Do you mean the Futterwacken?!" He was laughing so hard that he was holding his side, "Its from Alice in Wonderland, remember the Hatter?!"

Kota smiled, "So Sang spent an entire day thinking she was the Mad Hatter?"

Alice, who had moved to stand near Mr. Blackbourne, spoke up "Nope, there was some pirate in there wasn't there? I definitely remember something about yer, uh, booty." Her cheeks pinked up instantly as all gazes turned to her and Mr. B.

Sean grinned, standing up. "Is that right, Owie? Did Pookie raid your ship and capture your booty?"

Sang blushed, completely aware of Sean's innuendos.

Dr. Roberts chuckled, "And that's my cue," he smiled gently at Sang's red face. "I just wanted to make sure everything was cleared up and that you were alright Ms. Sang."

Sang smiled at him, at this point willing to even undergo another physical (which probably had more to do with all of the boys being there than with her now having courage to go through with it). "Yes, everything's fine now, Dr. Roberts." The way that she smiled at the others let Phil know that she really meant everything's fine now because my family's here.

He bowed out of the room, taking Nurse Alice along with him—who had had to shake her head through a moment of "So do you imagine 3 impossible things every morning before breakfast? I think I could do that," from Luke.

As the room cleared of all but the 10 of them, Sean glanced at Victor who replied to his silent question aloud. "I managed to get footage of the entire day, and I've gotten it logged into my personal system by chronology. We'll be able to watch it as a movie when we get home."

"Mr. Blackbourne," Sang spoke up, "can you forgive me for this day? I fear I did some very silly things and it seems that you caught the brunt of it."

He shook his head, amazed at how she took all of it in stride. "There's nothing to forgive Ms. Sorenson. I haven't dodged jello in years, and at least I had my clothes on this time."

He smirked when Sang's jaw dropped as she thought, Dodging jello...naked?!

"It was definitely a silly day, Sang, but I actually enjoyed it, I think" Mr. Blackbourne shook his head ruefully, thinking back over all that had occurred and knowing that trying to remain formal while covered in Jello was a no-go.

"Yeah, well," Gabe grumbled, holding a strand of his once perfectly colored hair out at eye level so he could glare at it, "No fucking more Silly Daze!"

A/N: (totally only if you want to know why it took so long for this update. Otherwise, the story is ended, and I want to thank everyone who read it, commented, voted, everything! I really appreciate it as I try and get back into the swing of writing. )

So one of my aunts passed away from a massive heart attack last week, and we had her funeral on Saturday. 

One of my sisters just got out of surgery to remove brain aneurysm s and has been told that she will have to go back under the knife to remove 3 more. 

One of my sisters has been diagnosed (on last Friday) with Grave's disease and though I don't know much of it, I know that the medication just since Friday has been really affecting her. Which means her 3 year old son has been with me for over a week now and he's really clingy to me.

All in all, I just had zero time to type up anything guys so I'm really sorry that this update is late but it took me a bit to get to that "happy place" where I go to write my stories especially one that's supposed to be funny like this one. So thanks for reading all of this and thanks for keeping up with the story and thanks for just being amazing people! Hopefully, I can get back into writing so that I can update other stories soon. 

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