Time is Complicated (Harry Po...

By TheDeathBringer

8.6K 440 61

At the age of thirteen, Albus Potter experienced time travel just like his father. The problem is his isn't h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18

Chapter 19

157 4 1
By TheDeathBringer

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

A/N: This is before the ending of the previous chapter



Someone was shaking him awake.

"...Al... wake—now!"

Al groaned and rolled onto his back, not wanting to be disturbed in his sleep.

"—us! Wake—" the shaking grew frantic, "Wake up already!"

"—erlin's beard!... sleeping pills— let me—this,"

Al was thrown off his bed.

"Argh—" he crashed into something quite hard and at somewhat soft. Both he and the object he crashed into went plummeting down the floor.

"For Merlin's sake," The object said, groaning under Al's weight, wait what? "Krish, what was that for?"

Albus wildly opened his eyes and pushed himself up on his elbows, his eyes landing on Derrick. The two boys stared and blinked, before scrambling away from each other. The image of him pinning down another boy his age permanently burned inside his mind. Al groaned.

Krish doesn't seem to care as she was too busy pocketing her wand, "See, now he's awake."

"That was awesome," Dennis said in awe beside Krish.

"No it's not," Albus growled, dusting off his clothes, "What was the wakeup call for?" then something dawned on him, "What are you doing here?" he asked Krish, "you're not a Gryffindor."

The three teenagers stared at him in disbelief, "Are you serious right now?" Dennis asked, "Don't you know what's going on?"

That was when Al suddenly noticed the state of his room. The bed were empty, blankets thrown on the floor, as if students were in a rush from leaving the room. How he didn't hear the commotion was beyond him, it was obvious the tower was being evacuated.

A memory clicked inside Albus's mind.

He knew what was going on, it's happening.

Did the teacher not notice that he was left alone here? Or he was woken up, but too sleepy to actually follow orders. But whatever it is, Albus was left sleeping in his bed, unaware of what was going on.

"We need to leave, now," was all Al said as he dashed out of the room, aware of what was going outside.

"I'm taking that as you know what's going on," Derrick said from Al's back as they ran down the dormitory stairs and into the Gryffindor lounge.

"Yes! And if I don't meet Snape I can kiss my way home goodbye!"

He vaguely remember the potion master sending him a letter to go fetch something the dungeon when he had the time, something to do with his way home. But so much things had happened, his mom and dad were together, his emotions were all over the place, he actually can't believe himself he lost track of time.

Time, how ironic.

"Snape? What is—" whatever it is Krish was going to ask, she was cut off as soon as they got out of the portrait, the fat lady gone.

McGonagall was screaming orders at passing older students and— old members of the Order? Strands of hair falling on her face as sounds of object crashing and breaking reverberated across the whole castle. Her eyes landed on the four students and pure panic enveloped her face. Albus felt himself stiffen, it was obvious they weren't supposed to be there.

"What are you four still doing here?" McGonagall exclaimed.

"I—we—"Dennis stuttered, Krish appeared to be mute for some reasons.

McGonagall sighed, "Nevermind, get out now, find—"

Albus found himself running, leaving a screaming McGonagall and four students.

He can't afford to waste more time, he was behind everything. No, no, no, no, no, please, please, just let me reach him, just—

He found himself avoiding everyone he ran into, his mind set on reaching the dungeons. If he miss now, who knows how long he has to wait for the next opportunity. Everything that'll happen tonight can't change, he needs to leave, he needs to reach Snape... he needs to go home.

He was running blind, not knowing where he was actually going.

Another crash echoing from a far made him realize the fight was starting, Death Eaters were inside the castle.

That means...

Albus skidded to a halt, changing tactics and ran back. If he's right, his father along with the other Death Eaters are in the Astronomy tower. If he's right, Snape's still on his way to the Astronomy Tower.

Something green flashed at the corner of his eyes, he stopped dead in his tracks as he frantically ran towards the window.

"Oh my god,"

Albus found himself staring at a very big Dark Mark hovering at the top of the castle. And everything crashed on him.

He realized the overwhelming circumstances of the situation happening before him. And for a moment, he was himself. His emotions weren't in shambles, his mind was straight and suddenly he was slapped with realization. In fact, he found himself collapsing on the ground, he could barely hold himself together.

"Oh my god..."

He was shaking from head to toe.

"Oh god..."

He shouldn't be here, why is he even here? He haven't done anything, and now he's facing his way to death. He's going to be part of one of the most tragic deaths in history, and no one's going to know he was there.

I'm just a kid, I can't do this.

The impact of the situation was crushing him, he can't breathe right: he was scared.

Small droplets of water hit the castle floor just within his line of sight. He struggled to keep his breathing intact, his breath catching, his hands balling into a fist, gripping his robes.

Albus keep it together...

... Keep it together, you need to find Snape.

He hiccoughed as he scrunched his eyes closed, denying himself for more tears to fall from his yes.

Find Snape, dammit Potter, get up!

Keep it together!

... Albus please get up.

But whatever it is he was telling himself to do, it wasn't enough. Harsh sobs wracked his whole body, barley containing himself.

Dad I'm scared...

A sudden crash from somewhere made him stop, his head snapping up. His breathing was still erratic, but he was right, he doesn't have time for this.

He wobbly got on his feet, tears still streaming from his face.

And he ran.


He barely got out from the raging battle happening inside the castle as Albus collapsed on a tree near the Forbidden forest. Tears were still streaming from his eyes, and he was angry at himself for enabling to cry as he ran.

He wasn't aware how he got out, or why he was still sobbing as if someone had died.

... That's not right...

... Someone had died...

He scrunched his eyes, denying anymore tears. By now Dumbledore's dead, he can't screw up anymore, he needs to find Snape. He have nowhere else to go.

Al jumped from his spot as flames started up from a far. He heard distant screaming and... dad!

Al jumped to his feet, the giant's hut in his line of sight now in flames.

He ran towards the destination and... stopped. He could see Hagrid fighting of a blond Death Eater from afar, but Albus's eyes was glued at his father. Harry was running after Snape and Draco Malfoy.

Al stopped, he was too late. That's not how it's suppose to happen, Hagrid's hut shouldn't be in flames yet. He was changing the timeline.

No, he can't let that hanppen.

A flash of red light came from his father's wand but missed the target: Snape and Malfoy.

He couldn't hear what was happening, but not long after Draco was running... running towards him. Their eyes locked as the blond boy stared at him. At the corner of his eyes, Albus saw Snape fighting off with his father. Shit! I shouldn't be here! Draco's not supposed to see him!

"Parker..." The pale boy said.

Their eyes locked again and Albus found himself saying the words he never thought he'll say to a Death Eater, "Run,"

Draco blinked, "Wh—"

"Run now you idiot," Albus hissed, he can't change the timeline—he can't afford this right now.

And so the pale boy ran.

Albus turned to his father and was startled to see him on the ground with Snape's wand pointing him. Instinct kicked him and before he knew it, Snape's wand went flying towards his hand.

Two heads jerked to look at him.


Albus what the hell did you do?!

The image of his father collapsed on the ground, losing a battle, rattled him for a moment. And now without a doubt, destroyed the timeline. Ad he thought letting go of Draco was enough.

"Albert!" Harry screamed, his wand feets away from him.

Al looked around, Hagrid and the blond death Eater was far away now. That's not right, this is not how things are supposed to happen. The time is freaking changing.

"Al get him!" Harry screamed pulling him back to reality.

Al stared down on his hands, holding two different wands. He can't do this, he's ruined everything. What am I going to do, I screwed everything up.


The voice was soft, and even with his father's screaming from the background, Al heard it very clearly. He looked up and saw Snape looking at him. His hand was outstretched, "My wand," he said simply.

Al hesitated.

"I won't hurt him," Snape said as Harry bellowed on, "You know that."

Heaving a breath, not knowing if it was a sigh or not, Al threw the wand back to Snape, "Go," He said, "Fix this, please," the last words came out of his mouth sounded like he was begging—which he was.

"NO!" Harry screamed as he clumsily got on his feet. "ALBERT WHAT DID YOU DO!"

Snape turned and ran.

Harry grabbed his wand from the groand as Al found himself disarming his own father. The wand flying way from the two of them as Harry's enraged face glowered at him.

"Get away from me you traitor!" Ignoring his wand, Harry ran towards the retreating figure of the potion master.

Al stepped in and pushed Harry away, which was easy because his father was battered, he couldn't believe he was still able to stand at this rate. "Get away from me!" Spit was flying from his mouth as he tried to get away from Al, but to no avail.

"I'm sorry," Al choked, tears bacl from his eyes, "I'm sorry."


"I'm sorry," He was sobbing now, "I'm so sorry."


That must've been the last of his energy as Harry collapsed on the ground. But he wasn't crying, he was seething with anger.

"Get away from me," He growled one last time at Al, and Al knew he wasn't needed anymore. Snape was gone, he did his part, his father wasn't going to go after Snape anymore.

"He's the Half Blood prince," Albus supplied, knowing that Snape never got the chance to tell him that.

Harry stiffened, but it was easily covered up as he glared at him from the ground, "That doesn't change anything, traitor."

Al bit his lip as he heard Hagrid from a far, calling for harry. Closing his eyes, he ran again that night. Away from his father, away from Hagrid, away from everything. He doesn't know where it is he's going, he just need to run away.


A/N: I know, I know, where have I been? And no I'm not dead *dodges incoming grenade: Hey the wasn't necessary!

I'm sorry I wasn't able to update, for like almost two years.I just really lost the will of writing, sorry. You lovelies have no idea how long it took me to finish this chapter, eight freaking months. Uh-huh, yep that long.

It's just that every time I found myself writing, I'd loose interest, I'm sorry I really am.

I hope this chapter makes up for it.

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