Finding Life's Treasure

By Gouki4life

63 7 3

A guy ponders his worth and sets off to find his importance. More

Finding Magic in Fiji
Taking Care of Business

Unexpected Journey

30 2 0
By Gouki4life

     In New York City (Queens District) there is a party being thrown for a girl named Alexa "Alex" Worthington. This is her 30th birthday and she is partying it up with a block party at her place of residence. Even with the tremendous amount of people there, she still finds the time to enjoy the party with her best friend Jamal Davidson whom isn't really enjoying himself partly because his friend Alex has been drinking excessively and at this point is making a fool of herself. I have to get her out of here says Jamal. Excuse me he says as he maneuvers through the crowd of people. After a few long exhilarating minutes, Jamal finally reaches Alex whom is dancing very provocative in the street. As he reaches for her hand, she falls to the street in a drunken state. Jamal picks her up and places her over his right shoulder. The intoxicating crowd cheers loudly as they watch him carrying her off towards her house. He stumbles a few times over the beer cans and bottles that have accumulated in her yard but manages to reach the front door unharmed. As he begins to open the front door, he feels something warm on the right backside of his waist. He uses his left arm to feel in the area and quickly discovers the problem. As he brings his left arm to his face, he frowns in disgust. I can't believe that you just threw up on me says Jamal. I do not know why you attempt to drink alcohol because every time you do it, I have to clean up behind you. You like to drink the hardcore stuff but you can't even handle the kiddie drinks. As he continues to lecture a semiconscious Alex, he is walking up the stairway making his way to her bedroom which is on the second floor. When he reaches the top of the stairway, he feels the same warm sensation close to the same location on his back as a few minutes earlier. Come on Alex......again? How much did you have to drink? He walks down the hallway to the last door on the right. Here we are Alex. After a long and unfortunately warm journey, we have finally made it to your room. Jamal opens the door and walks in. He kicks the door shut, places Alex on the bed and proceeds to the bathroom in her room. I have to clean this vomit off my shirt before I go home he says. I know how crazy my girlfriend can get especially over you Alex. He hears a noise in the room so he goes back to check on Alex. Jamal stands there as he witness Alex, whom is now in her birthday suit, dancing and stumbling around. He hurries over and tries to restrain her. You know that you want me says Alex. Alex now tries to kiss him but he shrugs back. What I want is for you to get in bed and sleep this off says Jamal. I'm beginning to think that someone spiked your drink hoping to get something else out of you. Because of her drunken state, Alex loses consciousness in Jamal's arms. That didn't last long says Jamal as he gently puts Alex to bed. Tired and exhausted, Jamal sits in the chair beside Alex's bed. He looks over at her while she sleeps and snores. You really made me work tonight you crazy girl says Jamal. I won't tell anyone but you have a nice body. You better be glad that you are my best friend he says jokingly. I'll tell you about it in the morning when your hangover begins. It will give you something else to think about besides that terrible headache that you'll have. He now stands up and rubs her face gently. You're the sister that I never had says Jamal. You have always had my back and of course I have yours..........always. Jamal now goes back into the bathroom and removes his heavily stained shirt. He washes it in her sink and hangs it on the shower curtain rail to dry. He now goes back and takes a seat in the chair beside Alex's bed. As fatigue sets in, he leans back and closes his eyes. The party is ending so I'll just rest here for a few minutes until my shirt dries.

     It is now 7:15am and the party has been over for several hours. Miles away a girl named Ava Roberts is waking up alone in her bed. She rolls over and looks at the clock and sees the time. Where in the hell is he at? He stayed out all last night? She reaches underneath her pillow to retrieve her cell phone. She tries to call him but his phone just rings and eventually goes to his voicemail. Now furious, she gets up and begins to shower and get dressed. I bet he went to that girl's party last night while I specifically told him not to go there. He is lucky that I do not have to work this weekend. After a few more minutes of getting dressed, Ava is on her way out of the 2 million dollar condo that her father bought for her. She gets into her wine color Maserati and takes off angrily.

      Around 8:25am the wine color Maserati arrives at Alexa Worthington's residence. She exits her car and proceeds towards the house. While getting closer to the house, she notices beer bottles, cans and trash on the ground and overflowing in the trash cans in the yard. She shakes her head in disgust as she continues to the front door. She bangs ever so loud that Jamal whom is upstairs wakes up. He slowly looks over to the right and sees the time on the clock. After realizing that he slept entirely too long, he jumps up and goes into the bathroom. Back at the front door Ava turns the door knob and realizes that the door is unlocked. Jamal, are you here she yells. She receives no reply and so decides to go inside to look further. Being that she has been here before, she knows the layout of the house and decides to go upstairs due to the loud snoring that she hears. She arrives at the bedroom door and slowly opens the door. She goes inside and sees Alex lying in bed knocked out. As she stands there Jamal comes out of the bathroom putting back on his shirt. After he gets his head through his shirt, he sees Ava standing there in front of him. He jumps out of shock. Hey baby you startled me says Jamal. Ava replies don't hey baby me! I knew that you and she had something going on! At that moment Alex rolls over from beneath the cover and her entire backside becomes exposed. Just like I thought says Ava. You FUCKED HER! Jamal replies I DIDN"T! She was drunk and I put her to bed. Ava replies you put her to bed. Do you know how that sounds plus you didn't come home last night. She's my best friend Ava says Jamal. I wasn't going to let something bad happen to her. I planned on coming home after the party but I fell asleep in the chair. Alex now awakens and is wondering what is going on. My head is killing me says Alex. Ava replies that won't be all that's killing you after I'm finished with you. Alex slightly opens her eyes and in confusion sees Ava in her room angrily arguing with Jamal. Can you two go somewhere else and argue? I feel like crap. Ava looks at the both of them, shakes her head and now walks away. You two can go to hell she screams. Wait Ava says Jamal. He pursues her downstairs and outside until she enters her car. Baby, don't go says Jamal. Nothing happened between us. Ava replies you expect me to believe that a man being in the room with a naked woman that nothing won't happen. Jamal replies I can't speak for all men but nothing happened between her and me. That girl is like a sister to me and you know that. I don't know why you are so jealous of her anyways. Ava replies you spend more time with her than me. Jamal replies that's because you are never around. You're always at your father's multimillion dollar consulting firm working for him. You never make the time for us to spend together and you're preaching to me? Ava replies guess what? I'm not going to make the time either. I tried to make you into somebody. Jamal replies you tried to turn me into someone that I'm not. Everything that I say is wrong and everything that you say is correct. Ava replies if I can't change you then I don't need you. I want you and your things out of my condo by the end of the day. Jamal replies you really want me to leave? Ava says nothing. By law you have to give me at least 30 days says Jamal. Ava replies you know how powerful my father is in this city. If I go to him, you'll be out in 30 minutes and the law won't matter. Jamal stands there speechless with his head lowered. I guess I'll be out by the end of the day says Jamal. Ava reaches into her purse and pulls out one thousand dollars. Here is something to help you get on your way says Ava. Jamal replies I don't want your money. Ava replies think about it. You have nowhere to go. You are nothing without me. Let's see how far you can go on one thousand dollars before you come back to me begging. Jamal takes the money and now realizes the she never really cared for him. I'll use this to better myself and I will repay you your money but I'm never coming back. Ava replies tell that bitch that you are all hers now. Ava now speeds off while Jamal stands there watching until she gets out of sight. He re-enters the house, goes upstairs and enters Alex's room. Before he can speak Alex asks why were the two of you arguing? Jamal sits on the bed beside her and replies because I saw you drunk and naked. Alex replies oh. NAKED? WHAT DO YOU MEAN NAKED? Jamal replies I brought you up here last night because you were heavily intoxicated. You vomited on me several times and then stripped naked. You tried naked dancing but it didn't go in your favor. I then tried to put you to bed when you made a pass at me. Eventually I got you into bed where you slept soundly. I went into your bathroom and washed my vomit stain shirt. I sat here in this chair and fell asleep. I woke up and went back into the bathroom to retrieve my shirt but went I came back out Ava was standing here. Alex replies let me guess. She thinks that we had sex. Jamal replies yes she does. Alex replies I'll talk to her. I'll clear this all up. She never liked me anyway so it shouldn't be a problem. Jamal replies I don't think that it will help. Alex replies why not? Jamal replies she just kicked me out and gave me a thousand dollars to start a new life. Alex replies well maybe that's a good thing. I don't know what you ever saw in that spoiled blonde chick. I never liked her because she always treated you like crap. The average black man would have left her ass a long time ago. Jamal replies I think I stayed with her because people expected me to. I did like her. Alex replies did you love her? Jamal replies no I didn't. I tried but those feelings never developed. Alex replies you're a good man. It's her loss and someone else's gain. You do know that you have a place here if you need it. Jamal replies thanks for the offer but I haven't experienced anything good in this city. You are an exception but I think that I will just leave New York all together. Alex sits up and grabs Jamal's hand. I don't want you to leave says Alex. Jamal kindly and gently rubs her hand. Put on some clothes and we will talk about it later says Jamal. There are some things that I have to take care of. Jamal now leaves the room and goes downstairs. He exits the house and goes to the bus stop across the street. Minutes later a city transit bus arrives and Jamal takes it to Ava's residence. After making numerous stop along the way, the city bus finally reaches Ava's condo. Jamal exits the bus and walks towards the front door. As he gets closer he notices a green military duff bag sitting by the front door. Now that he has reached the bag he also notice a note attached to it. The note reads: Here is all of your shit. Take it and never come here again. P.S. You can keep the key because the locks have been changed. Enjoy your life......chow! I can't believe that she really would put my stuff outside he says. Anyone could have stolen my belongings. Jamal looks through the bag and discovers that all of his belongings are there including his sketch pad which he loves. Jamal, with his eyes full of water, places the note in the bag. He lifts the bag and places it on his right shoulder. He now begins to walk away in the vicinity of Alex's house. After about a block away he stops and looks back at Ava's condo. Wiping tears away from his eyes, he now turns around and continues walking.

      About two hours later Alex hears a knock to her door. She opens it and discovers Jamal standing there with his duff bag. Come in says Alex. Jamal goes inside, sits on the couch while Alex closes the door. So she actually kicked you out again says Alex. This makes the fourth time I believe. Jamal replies this is the last time as well. I'm finished with her this time. Alex replies I never knew what you saw in her anyway. She's conceded, selfish and cares about no one except herself. Jamal replies I couldn't see that back then but I see that now. You tried to tell me but I wouldn't listen. Alex replies at least you see it now. Jamal replies I just can't believe that she didn't believe me. She came here and saw all the evidence but was so adamant against me. Alex replies I think that she didn't want to believe you. Jamal replies what makes you say that? Alex replies the word is that she's been dating someone else and didn't know how to breakup with you. This was the perfect opportunity and she took full advantage of it. Think about it Jamal, it does explain her behavior for the past few weeks. Jamal thinks about what she says for a few minutes. I heard the rumors too but didn't want to believe them says Jamal. I guess she played me for the fool. Alex replies no, she's the fool and she will get what's coming to her. Jamal now stands and looks over at Alex. Well enough talking about that girl says Jamal. I came back here to say thanks for everything that you have done for me. Alex in a shaky voice replies what are you saying? Jamal replies I have nothing to keep me here so I'm leaving. Alex replies I don't want you to go. You can stay here. Jamal replies I don't think that Michael would like that. Alex replies he drives trucks and is hardly ever here. Jamal replies true but how would he feel that another man is living here when he's not here? Alex replies he knows about you and me. You know that. He'll be fine plus I could use the company. Jamal replies thanks again for the offer but I can't do that. I don't want to put your relationship in jeopardy. Jamal now walks towards the front door. Alex grabs him again and pleads with him to stay but he reluctantly refuses. Where will you go says Alex. Jamal replies I don't know. I always wanted to go west so I'll probably head in that direction. Alex hugs him and begins to cry. I wish you will stay says Alex. Jamal replies you'll see me again I promise you that. Alex now kisses Jamal on the cheek. Do you have any money says Alex. Jamal replies I have one thousand dollars in my pocket. That's enough to get me to the west coast. Alex replies but you can't survive on that for long. Let me give you some money. Jamal replies no, I'll manage somehow. However I do need for you to do something for me. Alex replies sure, name it. Jamal replies could you pay my cell phone bill for the next few months. This way I can at least stay in contact with you. Alex replies consider it done plus I already know your information so it's no problem. Jamal replies thanks, I owe you. Well I should be going. They hug again and Jamal leaves with Alex looking at him walking down the road until he fades out of sight.

      Jamal goes to the Grey Hound bus station and purchases a ticket to Los Angeles for $300. Well now I have $700 to live off of for a while says Jamal. The bus is almost full so you can go ahead and board it says the clerk. After receiving his ticket, Jamal boards and sits midway of the bus at a window seat. A few minutes later the bus driver boards the bus and closes the door. He drives through the terminals slowly until he reaches the road. The bus is now heading out of the city in a southwestern direction. As he looks out the window, Jamal has a clear view of the city now. He places his right hand on the window and says goodbye New York in a low sad voice. He continues to look at the city until it is no longer visible to the eye. He now leans back in the seat and falls asleep due to mental and physical exhaustion.

      After about two days on the road due to layovers and bus maintenance issues, Jamal reaches Oklahoma. However the weather is rather treacherous and the bus pulls over at a restaurant off of interstate 40. The sky has darkened making the day appear like night. Golf ball size hail begins to fall as the people exits the bus. They all run into the restaurant as the storm intensifies. As Jamal enters the restaurant, he notices an Asian lady sitting on the left side of the restaurant. She seems sad and very afraid which intrigues him. He goes over to her and speaks. Hello mam, are you alright he says. The lady looks at him and replies my life will change in about two weeks. After that, I will have nothing. Jamal stands there and looks at her with a puzzling look. Do you mind if I join you for a moment says Jamal. The lady replies sure, it's a free country. Jamal sits down at the booth with the lady. How will your life change says Jamal. The lady replies I will be broke and jobless. Jamal replies well will you have a home? The lady replies yes. Jamal replies things don't sound that bad then. I'm broke, jobless and homeless. Everything that I have is in this duff bag. At least you have two weeks so that means you still have time to resolve the issue. Never give up, always fight until the end. The lady looks at him and smiles slightly. Jamal turns his head and looks at the window afar. That's strange he says. The lady replies what's strange? Jamal replies the hail and rain has just stopped and it's too quiet. The lady replies what's strange about that? Jamal replies usually that's the sign that a tornado is close by. The lady replies I hope that you are wrong. Jamal replies we are in tornado alley and that's a pretty bad storm outside. Enough about the storm, can I at least know your name before I get on my way? As the lady begins to say her name, a man from outside runs inside screaming "it's a twister!" Everyone immediately gets under the tables and seconds later the tornado hits. Seeing how frighten the Asian lady is, Jamal holds her hand to comfort her. Jamal yells to her that everything is going to be fine. Moments later the windows shatter, cars and buses outside are tossed like toys and the people inside are being bombarded by utensils, cups, pots, pans, etc. Half of the roof has been blown off which allows for the brunt of the wind to reach inside. Jamal's bag is blown across the room and the Asian lady begins to lift in the air while holding on to the table. Jamal sees her ascension and grabs her arm. He screams I got you. She holds him tight with both hands. As he looks around he sees other people being sucked out of the restaurant by the intense vacuum of wind. He now turns his attention back to her. He see how frighten she is and can hear her screams. As he tightens his grip he notices that the winds are decreasing. The storm is quickly leaving the area. The lady, whom is still suspended in the air, falls onto Jamal. This causes Jamal to fall back hitting the side of his head on a piece of metal shrapnel. As the frighten lady regains her composure, she hugs Jamal and thanks him for saving her life. She also notices that he has a knot on the side of his head. Are you ok says the lady. Jamal replies I'm fine. This isn't the first time that I have gotten a knot. They stare at each other for a few seconds and then the lady speaks. Sachiko she says. Jamal replies what are you talking about? My name is Sachiko Azuma. Jamal replies it's nice to meet you Sachiko Azuma. I'm Jamal Davidson. I wish that we could've met under better circumstances. Oh my God says Jamal. Sachiko replies what's wrong? Jamal replies where's my bag? Sachiko now gets off of Jamal and helps him to look for his bag. She sees something that looks like his bag and goes over to it. She reaches between some debris and pulls out a bag with something sticking out of the top of it. She pulls out the object and discovers that it is a sketch pad. She screams to Jamal telling him that she has his bag. As he makes his way towards her through the debris, she looks through his sketches. He is good she thinks to herself. One very detail sketch attracts her attention. My god, this is good, very good she says in a low voice. Jamal finally manages to reach her and is delighted that she has found his bag. Is this your sketch pad says Sachiko. Jamal replies yes, that's mine too. She asks him to explain what this sketch is. Jamal replies that's my holographic cell phone. It will have holographic technology kind of like the holocubes on Star Wars. Sachiko replies I don't watch Star Wars but looking at your specs and materials needed, I think that a working prototype can be created. Jamal laughs and says this is just one of my fantasy ideas. I have a lot of them in that sketch pad. I'm glad that you like them. Sachiko gives the pad to Jamal. You have great potential she says. Jamal replies you sound like my martial arts teacher. Look, the storm has passed, let's get out of this building before it collapses. Sachiko and Jamal exits the building and can now see all of the destruction that has taken place. Even though some of the people are seriously hurt, there was no apparent loss of life. Well it looks like this is the end of the line for me says Jamal. Sachiko replies what makes you say that? Jamal replies that was the bus that brought me here. It's destroyed along with almost everything else out here. I have $700 in my pocket and all my belongings in this bag. I guess things could be worse. I could have died in this storm but I didn't so I guess that means something. Listening to him and still visualizing his invention in her head Sachiko has an idea. Jamal, I have a proposition for you. Jamal turns and looks at her. Jamal replies I'm listening. Sachiko replies I think that we can help each other. You told me to never give up and because of you I think that I can turn my two weeks left into a multi-million dollar profit with your help. Jamal replies my help? Sachiko replies your sketch idea I think could make you rich and save my father's company. Jamal replies what kind of company is it? Sachiko replies it's a Japanese tech company that has fallen on hard times. Come with me to Los Angeles. Jamal replies you are serious, aren't you? Sachiko replies yes I am. Plus you said that you don't have a home. I will put you in a hotel room and cover all your expenses. You saved my life and I owe you. Jamal thinks for a few minutes and then he answers. I was heading to Los Angeles anyway so I guess why not. This will be another adventure. They both shake each other's hand and Jamal replies it's a deal. Sachiko smiles and replies let me go see if I still have a car. She walks around to the side of the building and discovers that her car is virtually undamaged. She waves to Jamal and tells him to come on. Jamal goes over to the car and looks at it. This is a nice Lexus he says. Sachiko replies thanks! Now let's get moving because we have a long ways to go. Jamal replies sounds good to me. They both get inside the car and Sachiko drives off heading west on Interstate 40. Sachiko replies I don't know why but I have a good feeling about this. Jamal looks out the window and replies I'm glad one of us does. Sachiko replies why so negative? Jamal replies nothing positive ever happens to me. Sachiko replies your luck has to change sometime. I have a feeling that this is it. Jamal replies we'll see. I will say this. I don't have a bad vibe about you. Sachiko replies that strange because I don't have a bad feeling about you either. I go with my instincts. So like you said earlier, I guess that means something. Jamal looks at her and smiles. You may be right he says. Sachiko replies trust me. I'm trusting you. Jamal replies trusting me with what? Sachiko replies never giving up and that I have two weeks to turn things around. Jamal replies oh, ok. This may be fun after all. Sachiko replies speaking of fun, can I take a picture of your cell phone sketch and email it to a friend of mine? Jamal replies sure. He reaches in the back seat and pulls the sketch pad from his bag. She gives him her phone so that he can take the picture that she needs. He takes 5 pictures that reveal great details and shows the schematics as well. He gives Sachiko the phone and she adds a few texts to it before sending it to her friend. This will speed things up and we can see what we are dealing with. Your life is about to change says Sachiko. She looks over at him and smiles as the black Lexus speeds down the road.

      Several hours have pass and because of the storm they haven't gotten far. They are around the Amarillo, Texas area and both are exhausted. She sees a hotel and pulls into the parking lot. We will continue tomorrow says Sachiko. My eyes are burning and I just can't drive any longer. Jamal replies I agree with you. I'm tired too plus I could use a bite to eat. As they both exit the car Jamal tells her that he will go and see if they have any rooms available. She says ok as she opens the trunk looking for some comfortable shoes to put on. As Jamal goes inside the hotel, three men slowly approach Sachiko. Unknown to her, they slowly surround her and one of the men goes in closer. Excuse me miss he says. This is a nice car. Sachiko closes the trunk and replies yeah, it is. Can I help you gentlemen with something? The lead man replies yes you can. We would like your car so could you give me your keys? I would hate to hurt a pretty woman like you over a car. Sachiko replies if you leave now and walk away, you won't have to hurt a pretty woman like me. Then again, if you three stay, I may be the one doing the hurting. All three men laugh uncontrollably. Sachiko replies did I tell a joke or something? At that moment Jamal sees what's going on through the window and returns outside. Hey honey, are these men bothering you he says to Sachiko. Sachiko replies yes dear but it's nothing that I can't handle. One of the men decides to charge Sachiko but he gets a surprise. She round house kicks him in the jaw knocking out 4 teeth. The man is immediately rendered unconscious as he falls to the ground. Jamal sees this and just says Damn! Something tells me that they picked the wrong woman to mess with. Another man, angered by what he saw, charges Sachiko calling her a bitch. He throws a punch to her face. She side steps and catches his arm. She breaks it with a palm strike to the elbow. He screams in agony and is brutally thrown to the ground. Now who's the bitch says Sachiko. Jamal stands there in shock as he is amazed by what he is witnessing. Wow, she's amazing he says. The ring leader decides not to attack her but instead attacks Jamal. He charges Jamal and Sachiko screams. Leave him alone! Jamal sees the man coming but all he does is smile. Sachiko runs after the man but the man has a head start. The man has now reached Jamal and throws a punch. As he throws a punch at Jamal's face, Jamal blocks and connects with a front kick to the face. He now follows up with a roundhouse kick and a reverse roundhouse kick to the face as well. The man tries to fall but Jamal catches his arm. He pulls him in and follows with a devastating uppercut punch to the chin. This time the man is knocked a few feet into the air and falls unconscious in the parking lot. Sachiko stands there in shock and amazement. You know martial arts? I thought you were being sarcastic earlier. Jamal looks at her and replies yes I know martial arts. I don't think that I need to ask you that. You have some nice moves. Sachiko replies and so do you! What style was that and where did you learn it? Jamal replies Shotokan and I studied in Japan. Sachiko replies that's interesting because I also studied in Japan. Jamal replies well now that the excitement is over, let's get our things and get inside. They retrieve their things from the car and begin walking to the room. There was only one room available so I figured that we will share it. Sachiko replies did you book it already? Jamal replies I was booking it when I saw you talking to your sparing partners. Sachiko replies oh, you have jokes? Jamal and Sachiko both begin to laugh as they make their way to the room. Jamal opens the door to room 123 and they both go inside. Well I guess this isn't bad for the price that I paid says Jamal. Sachiko replies how much was it? Jamal replies don't worry about it, it's handled. Sachiko replies but you said that you didn't have much money. Jamal replies I don't have much but I have enough for a room. After his comment she just stares at him. Make yourself comfortable on the bed because it's yours for tonight. I will sleep on the couch. Sachiko replies but this is your room. Jamal replies this is our room plus I don't want to fight you for it. Sachiko smiles and shakes her head. Jamal replies while you get settled in, I'm going to walk to that McDonalds that's a few stores down. Sachiko replies ok. Jamal leaves and returns about 15 minutes later. You have a big bag says Sachiko. You must be starving! Jamal replies I bought two combos. I have a quarter pounder combo and a grilled chicken combo. Which one do you want? Sachiko whom is sitting on the bed replies I never said that I was hungry. Jamal replies you never said that you wasn't hungry either. After a few seconds she replies give me the quarter pounder combo. Jamal replies I also got a coke and a Hi C for the drinks. Which drink do you want? Sachiko replies give me the Hi C. Jamal gives her the drink along with the rest of her food and he goes over to the couch and begins to eat his food. As Sachiko eats her food she looks over at Jamal. Thank you she says. Jamal looks over at her and says what are you thanking me for? Sachiko replies for the food, the room and for helping me with those thugs outside. Jamal replies anytime. Jamal continues to eat but Sachiko wants to ask a few questions out of curiosity. Where are you coming from and why? Jamal hears her but continues to eat his meal. Are you running from something? He pauses for a brief moment then drinks his coke. I am only trying to start a conversation. Jamal has now finished his meal. He now lays on his back on the couch. I'm coming from New York he says. I left there because I had no place to go because my girlfriend kicked me out. Sachiko replies why would she do that? Jamal replies she thought that I slept with my best friend. Sachiko replies did you? Jamal replies no. I told her that I didn't but she didn't want to believe me because she was messing around with another guy and this would give her the excuse that she needed to break up with me. Plus she never loved me anyway so it was easy to walk away. Sachiko replies you couldn't go live with family? Jamal replies no. My mother was my family. She died three years ago. I have no brothers or sisters that I know of and I have no idea where my mother's people are. My best friend asked me to live with her but she has her own life to live. Sachiko replies I'm sorry to hear that. Jamal replies its ok. I feel dead inside anyway. Sachiko replies dead? Jamal replies I died on the inside when my mother died. I died again when my ex screwed me over. He reaches inside his shirt revealing a gold necklace with a golden bullet for a charm. That's why I wear this gold bullet necklace. This bullet reminds me that I am dead inside. Maybe one day someone will bring me back to life but there's a slim chance of that happening since I no longer trust women. Enough about me, what were you running from? Sachiko replies what makes you think that I was running from something. Jamal replies a person in a restaurant in the middle of nowhere crying and looking sad is running from something. Saying things like my life will change in two weeks kind of gave it away. Sachiko is stunned and surprised to hear this coming from him. She lowers her head and answers. My father's company is bankrupt and closing its doors in two weeks. People will lose their jobs and I couldn't handle the fallout so I ran. Jamal replies where is your father's company? Sachiko replies Los Angeles. Jamal replies so why were you in Oklahoma? Sachiko replies I was running away to Virginia. I lived there once so I thought that I would go back. Jamal replies do you have a boyfriend or family there? Sachiko replies no. I have no family there but I do have some close friends there. I don't have a boyfriend there either. I don't trust men, so I don't date. All the men that I have come across only like me to further their careers or use me for their personal gain or benefit. They never liked me as a person. Jamal replies welcome to the club. Hey wait a minute! If you don't trust men then that means you don't trust me. Sachiko looks away and replies well I kind of trust you. Jamal replies kind of? Sachiko replies you saved me during the tornado and assisted me with the thugs. So maybe you're okay. Jamal replies I guess that's a start. Sachiko replies I'm a woman so I guess you don't trust me? Jamal laughingly replies I knew that was coming. I'm beginning to trust you. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here. Sachiko smiles from hearing this statement. Jamal replies I think that we should get some sleep. Sachiko replies I agree. I'm going to take a shower. You can have it when I get out. Jamal replies ok. Sachiko takes her shower which lasts for about 10 minutes. When she comes back in the room, Jamal is fast asleep. She tries to wake him but he doesn't budge. She looks at him and says I don't know why but I think you're an ok guy. There is something about you that intrigues me. Maybe I'll figure it out one day. She goes over to the bed and pulls the comforter and a pillow from the bed. She goes over and covers Jamal and places the pillow underneath his head. She now returns to the bed and lays under the sheet and thick blanket. She looks over at Jamal on the couch and smiles slightly before placing her head on the pillow and falling asleep.

      It is now 9:45am and Sachiko is just waking up. She looks around and discovers that Jamal is gone. Where is he she thinks? As she gets out of the bed, the room door opens and Jamal enters with a Mc Donald's bag. I got a bacon, egg and cheese biscuit and a sausage, egg and cheese biscuit says Jamal. Which one do you want? Sachiko replies I don't usually eat breakfast. Jamal replies ok, I just thought that you may be hungry. Sachiko replies are you always like this? Jamal replies like what? Sachiko replies always so humble and nice. The people that I usually deal with are snobs and only think about themselves. Jamal replies my ex always told me that I wasn't like other guys. Sachiko in a very low voice replies you're not. Leave me the bacon, egg and cheese biscuit. I'm going to shower and will eat it after I get out. Jamal replies you got it and thanks. Sachiko replies what are you thanking me for? Jamal replies for the cover and pillow that you gave me. Sachiko replies sure, no problem. Jamal replies I thought that was a nice and sweet gesture. She looks at him and frowns as she goes into the bathroom. He laughs and starts eating his breakfast biscuit. She comes back into the room and grabs her cell phone from off of the table. I am not nice or sweet she says as she goes back into the bathroom. Jamal shakes his head, smiles and continues to eat his biscuit. About 10 minutes have passed and Sachiko is fully dressed in the bathroom. Before exiting the bathroom Sachiko checks her emails from her phone. She sees that her friend has returned her message so she clicks on it to open the email. The email reads: I have looked at the cell phone schematics. I was amazed and thrilled. I forwarded it to the board members and they are all thrilled as well. They all replied that this is genius work and are all willing to invest in this idea. This will revolutionize the cell phone industry and we have the potential to make billions of dollars. I have reopened the business account so that I can receive their funds to purchase the parts to make a working prototype. There is also an investor that wants to invest with this ideal. His investment could clear most of our debts eliminating our bankruptcy. Whoever this guy is, he will be a multimillionaire overnight. I will email you back with more upcoming news. PS: Keep this guy around until I finish the prototype, Boss. I know that he'll love it. His world is about to change so maybe take him somewhere that he always wanted to go until I complete this. Sweeten him up. Sachiko sends him an email. It reads: Thanks for the good news. Remember that I am the boss and I tell you what to do. However, you have done a good job but that's what VP's are for. I will consider your advice. Keep me updated. Sachiko is now thrilled. She exits the bathroom and goes over to Jamal. If you could go anywhere in the world, where would you go? Jamal looks at her with a blank stare. He replies why are you asking me this? Sachiko replies just starting a conversation. Jamal replies I would go to Fiji. Sachiko replies why Fiji? Jamal replies because I always wanted to go there. I would want to stay in a bungalow overlooking the ocean. I once thought that I would take a friend with me and we would grow closer but so much for that. However I still want to go there. It's a paradise to me. Where would you like to go? Sachiko replies I never really thought about it. I guess anywhere is fine with me. Jamal replies if you were in Fiji, I think that you would have a good time and who knows. Maybe you will learn to trust again. Fiji has that kind of magic on people. Sachiko looks at him and replies magic isn't real. Anyway, we need to be going so gather your things and let's go. Sachiko grabs her biscuit and they both leave the room. Jamal goes to the lobby to return the room keys. Afterwards he meets Sachiko at the car. He gets inside and Sachiko drives off. We still have a ways to go she says. After about 45 minutes down the road, Sachiko makes a phone call. Have the angel fueled and ready for departure upon my arrival. I will be there in about 15 hours. She now ends her call. Jamal replies what's the angel? Sachiko replies you'll find out very soon. Jamal replies should I be afraid? Sachiko replies no, you shouldn't but you might. Some people are afraid of them. Jamal looks at her more puzzled than ever. Trust me, you have nothing to fear she says. Jamal replies I don't know why but I trust you so I won't think about it too much. Stopping only for gas and little rest, Sachiko arrives in Los Angeles around 1:30 am. She wakes Jamal so that he can get a view of the city. Los Angeles is beautiful says Jamal. Sachiko replies I'm sorry that I can't give you a tour of the city. Jamal replies I understand. It is rather late. Sachiko replies that's not it. We have someplace to be. Jamal replies where are we going at this time in the night? Sachiko replies you'll see in a few minutes. At 2:00 am Sachiko arrives at the LAX Airport. She drives to the private hangar that is separated from the other hangars. She makes a call and a few seconds later the hangar doors open. A private jet comes out with the picture of an angel on it. Well now I know what angel is says Jamal. Sachiko replies time to go. They both exit the car and walks over to the jet. The jet's door now lowers and she tells him to climb aboard. Jamal replies where are we going? At that moment a man exits the jet. Sachiko tells the man to get their things from the car. The man replies yes mam. He goes and retrieves their belongings and loads it unto the jet. Ready to go says Sachiko. Jamal replies no. I have never flown on a private jet before and I wasn't prepared for this. Sachiko replies you can't always be prepared for everything. Some things happen by surprise and you just have to deal with it. Jamal replies that's true but I didn't see this coming. Sachiko replies are you afraid? Jamal replies no, I'm terrified. Sachiko replies if you like I'll hold your hand. Jamal just stares at her. She can see fear in his eyes. She now extends her right hand towards him and says trust me. He hesitates for a moment but eventually grabs her hand and replies I do. They both now walk up the stairs and enter the jet. He sits closely beside her out of fear. They fasten their seatbelts and Sachiko tells the pilot that they are ready to go. Do you have a passport? Jamal replies it's in my bag. Sachiko replies I should have ask you that earlier but I figured that you had one. Where are we going says Jamal. I hope it's a short trip because I really hate flying. Sachiko replies flying isn't bad plus our destination is a surprise. Jamal replies surprises for me are usually not good. Sachiko replies you will love this surprise so stop worrying. The plane now speeds off down the runway and becomes airborne. Jamal grabs Sachiko's hand out of fear. She looks at him and tells him that everything is ok. She looks down at him holding her hand and for a brief moment she has butterflies. Jamal has his eyes closed and she tells him to calm down. You can go to sleep and when you awaken, we should be there. Jamal replies ok. Maybe that will calm me down. He unintentionally lays his head on her shoulder and falls asleep. Being exhausted also, she falls asleep on him as well. One of the pilots look back at them and sees that they have fallen asleep. The pilot says I have never seen her like this. I think that wall of hers is beginning to crumble. The other pilot replies I think that it's sweet. After all that she's been through, she deserves some peace and happiness.

      Seven hours into the flight Sachiko's cell phone begins to vibrate. The vibration awakens her. She retrieves the phone only to discover that she has another email. She checks the email. The email reads: I have exciting news. Funds have been received. We are now debt free. Workers are excited that they are not losing their jobs. I worked around the clock to complete the prototype. I put a demo of the phone online and people are already wanting to order. We have 1.2 billion dollars in sales if we accept the orders and that was yesterday morning. I am predicting around 6 billion in sales during the launch if you decide to do this. How do you wish to handle this? Oh my god she says. This is more than I expected. Sachiko replies to the email. It reads: That is wonderful news. You have the green light from me. Start mass production and send me the prototype. Also open a separate account and deposit 100 million dollars in it. Link it to one of the visa cards that I have in my desk. Send that to me also. Attached to this email is the address where you can send those items. Also attached is the person's information for the card but use my residence for the address. Expedite those two items immediately along with the necessary paperwork for him to sign! I will return in about one week. Keep me informed on the sales. She now sends the email. Afterwards she looks at Jamal. You "my friend" are about to become rich and famous. She lays back on him and falls back to sleep. Two hours later Jamal awakens from his sleep when the jet hits some turbulence. He looks around and sees that Sachiko is still asleep. He gets up from his seat and goes over to one of the round windows. He looks out and sees clouds and ocean. He falls back into the seat in a panic. This awakens Sachiko and she tries to calm him again. Jamal, look at me she says. Breathe in and out slowly. That's good, you're doing fine. She holds his hands and yells to the pilots. What is our E.T.A? The pilot replies we are 15 minutes away mam. Sachiko replies see Jamal, we will be there in a few minutes. Can you stay calm for a few more minutes? Jamal replies I can do that. Minutes later the pilot tells them to put on their seatbelts because we are about to land. Jamal closes his eyes as the jet descends. It's almost over says Sachiko. He squeezes her hand tightly as the jet lands. The jet is now safely on the ground. The pilot tells them that they can safely exit the plane. Jamal still has a tighten grip on Sachiko's hand. We are on the ground now she says. Can I have my hand back? Jamal looks down at his hand and says oh. Sorry about that Sachiko. He now releases her hand. Sachiko replies wow, you have a firm grip. Let's get off this jet. She helps Jamal to his feet and they both exit the jet. She shakes her hand trying to get the feeling back into it as she exits the jet. Now off of the jet, Jamal is looking around somewhat puzzled. Where are we? Sachiko replies you'll find out soon enough. He hears her but continues to look around until he sees something. Am I dreaming or does that say Fiji on the side of that hangar? Sachiko replies you are a correct. We are in Fiji. Jamal jumps with joy and excitement and seems to be thrilled. Jamal replies now I understand you asking me where I would like to go but this is too much. I can't accept this. Sachiko replies why not? You deserve this. I didn't tell you this but you have saved my father's company. I can show you the email later but this is the least that I can do for you. Jamal replies I still feel undeserving because I didn't earn this on my own. Sachiko replies you definitely earn this along with much more. I will go into more details in a few days but for now enjoy your time here. Jamal looks at her and replies have you been here before? Sachiko replies no. I never knew that Fiji was a chain of beautiful tropical islands. I never gave this place any thought except for the bottles of water that are sold in stores. Jamal laughs and replies ok, I'll stay but only if you promise to have fun too. Sachiko replies I have never been on a fun vacation so I'll do my best. Jamal replies where are we staying? Sachiko replies our driver will show us. They walk over to the jeep beside the jet and get into the back seat with their luggage. The guide in the jeep takes off and drives about 20 minutes down the road until it reaches the Malolo Lailai Lagoon Resort. Jamal begins to get very excited. I got you a bungalow on the water says Sachiko. I will be staying a few miles down the road at another resort. Jamal replies stay here with me. Sachiko replies I wouldn't want to intrude on your dream. Jamal replies what good is a dream if I can't share it with someone. This shocks Sachiko and causes her eyes to glisten. She looks at Jamal and then looks at the bungalow then at Jamal again. Sachiko replies well I guess I can stay for at least a night, I meant day. Sachiko shakes her head in disbelief of saying that. Jamal replies this place is magical. Sachiko says I can't believe you're still saying that {in a low voice}. The driver pulls up to the main entrance and Jamal and Sachiko exits the vehicle with their belongings. They go inside and get registered. A resort guide shows them to the bungalow. The guide opens the door and shows them around the bungalow. It even has a private pier says Jamal. This is a dream come true. The guide tells them that if they need anything to just contact the main desk. He tells them to enjoy and then he leaves. See Sachiko, this place has two large bedrooms so you have to stay now plus it's beautiful. Sachiko is looking around in amazement. Well I will say this she says. This place is a sight to behold. I love how it sits on the water and it has an amazing view of the ocean. Jamal replies it sure does. Sachiko replies ok, you talked me into it. I'll stay. Jamal goes over to her and gives her a hug. Thank you he says. This means a lot to me. He now goes into one of the bedrooms and starts unpacking. Sachiko looks at him for a brief moment then goes into the other bedroom and starts to unpack as well. She also sends another email telling her VP to send the package to this address instead of the other one. She now puts the phone down and continues to unpack. She is now having conflicting thoughts about this guy that she has known for only a few days. As she continues to think and unpack, Jamal comes to her room. Let's take a walk on the beach he says. Sachiko replies I haven't finished unpacking yet. Jamal replies you can do it when we return. Let's not waste any time here. Sachiko replies ok but only if I can put on something more comfortable. Jamal replies ok. I'll wait for you outside by the shoreline. Sachiko replies ok. Jamal goes outside and looks at the scenery. About 10 minutes later Sachiko goes outside to him. Jamal looks at her and says ready to walk? Sachiko takes off her shoes and replies I am now. 

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