Finding Magic in Fiji

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     Jamal and Sachiko begin to walk on the beach and conversate with each other. Thanks again for staying with me says Jamal. Sachiko replies I was surprised that you asked me. Jamal replies why is that? Sachiko replies most people don't like being around me. Jamal replies maybe it's because of your charming personality or they're afraid that you'll beat them up. Sachiko smiles and then laughs. Are you always comical? Jamal replies sometimes. I like to make people laugh and feel comfortable. Laughter is good for the soul and being comfortable takes the edge off. Sachiko replies I can agree with that. Jamal replies plus it's easy when I'm around someone that makes me feel comfortable. Sachiko replies the way that you fight you should feel comfortable all the time. Jamal replies I wish that was true. I'm actually a shy person. Sachiko replies you're shy? I find that hard to believe. Jamal replies it's true. I usually stay to myself and only associate with people that I know. Occasionally I will be brave enough to approach other people especially women. Sachiko replies women? Jamal replies yes. Smart intellectual women scare me because I don't know what they are thinking. Immature women don't bother me because I expect them to say something stupid or silly. Sachiko replies which one do you think that I am? Jamal replies smart and intellectual. Sachiko laughingly replies then that means you're afraid of me? Jamal replies I should be afraid but I'm not and that's what I don't understand. Sachiko replies that's probably because you are comfortable around me. Jamal looks at her and replies I don't know why but I am. Sachiko replies can I ask you something? Jamal replies sure. Sachiko replies what did you think about me when you first met me? Jamal replies my first thought was what can be so terrible that would cause such a beautiful woman to look like her world was about to end. I guess that gave me the strength to approach you. Sachiko turns away as she begins to blush. After she regains her composure she continues the conversation. You think that I'm beautiful? Jamal now stops walking and so does Sachiko. He turns and looks straight into her eyes piercing her soul. I think that you are a very beautiful woman. A cold chill runs down her spine as she stands there motionless gazing into his eyes. However due to their long walk on the beach, they have walked into an area where people are snorkeling and this breaks Sachiko's gaze. That looks so fun and interesting she says. Jamal looks and sees that people are snorkeling off the shore. Jamal replies would you like to do that? Sachiko replies I would but I can't swim. Jamal replies I'll teach you. Sachiko replies no you won't! I am not getting in the water. Jamal replies come on, it'll be fun. I won't let nothing happen to you, trust me. I hate flying which you probably know by now but I trusted you and I got on your jet and flew halfway across the world to be here. She looks at him and replies that is something that I always wanted to do. You overcame your fear so I guess I can do the same. Will it be scary? Jamal replies no because I will be there to show you step by step. Sachiko replies then I will do it. She and Jamal goes over to one of the stores and buys some snorkeling gear. She also buys a bathing suit and two straw hats. They walk back to the bungalow and change clothes. Jamal walks out of the bungalow first and with his snorkeling gear on except for the flippers. He walks down the private pier and waits for Sachiko. Minutes later Sachiko comes out in her bathing suit and trying to figure out how to equip her snorkeling gear. Jamal sees her and stares at her in astonishment. What's wrong she says. Jamal shaking his head replies nothing. Let me help you with that. After helping her, she walks down the pier carrying her flippers. Jamal walks slightly behind her admiring her with every step they take. Maybe I shouldn't do this he thinks. Looking like that, she might break this warrior. I must train harder to build up my defenses. Is this where we are going in says Sachiko. Jamal replies yes, this is the spot. The water here according to the brochure in the room is 4ft here and 6ft beyond that marker so you'll be fine as long as we do not go pass that marker. Sachiko replies 6ft is over my head. Jamal replies 5ft is probably over your head. Sachiko laughingly replies you got jokes? Jamal replies just kidding. I will train you in the shallow water then we will move into the deeper water. That's where you will enjoy the snorkeling. Sachiko replies if you say so. Jamal climbs down the latter and goes into the water. Sachiko climbs down next and he helps her into the water. She begins to nervously shake but he holds her tight and tells her that everything will be fine. She replies I don't know why I let you talk me into this. Jamal replies that's because you trust me. She looks at him and replies I do. He smiles and begins to teach her to swim. Everything that he shows her she does nicely. She feared putting her head in the water but after a few tries she actually started to enjoy it. After holding her while practice swimming, Jamal let her swim on her own. She is thrilled at her own progress. Jamal is surprised at how well she is progressing. After swimming around Jamal she now stands in the 4ft of water. Jamal looks at her with the water running off of her face and her being excited over her swimming lessons. While jumping up and down she shouts I did it, I did it! Jamal replies yes you did. She goes over and hugs Jamal out of excitement and appreciation. Do you think that you are ready for the 6ft area? Sachiko replies let's do it. Jamal replies ok but just remember that this time if you stop just keep moving your feet with the flippers pointed downward to shred water. I'll show you when we get out there. Sachiko replies ok, I trust you. They now swim into the 6ft area and Sachiko is having a ball. She sees different kinds of fish, corral and other types of marine life. Jamal stays close to her and instruct her to do other things that will enhance her swimming. He signals her to stop and she does. Good he says. You are shredding water like a pro. Sachiko replies I have a pro teaching me. Jamal now sees that she is frowning a little. What's wrong he says. Sachiko replies my legs hurt a little. Jamal replies it's the flippers that you are wearing. Your legs aren't accustom to the strain but the more you use them the stronger your legs become. Let's go back to the bungalow. Sachiko replies ok but can we come back later? Jamal replies sure after you rest your legs. He extends his hand towards her and she grabs his hand. They now snorkel back to the bungalow holding hands.

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