This Dark Paradise- a collect...

נכתב על ידי Nyhterides

6.1K 476 393

**Highest ranking #1 IN VIGNETTE ** I dream. The night calls to me. I howl at the stars longing for this dark... עוד

This Dark Paradise -a collection of short Gothic horror stories
The Grandest Creation-A Nikola Tesla Story
The Grandest Creation (The short version #bloodbonds)
House of Moths #100wordscream
The Chime Hours #westcountryfantasycontest
Scarlet Epigraph
Trick or Treat #31creepywords
The Locked Room
Abel and Cain- The First Mourning
The Tale of Peter Pan and Wendy Darling
Dorian And Cassiel
Oskar and Eveline
There's Something Wrong With The Wyses.
The Things We Become
Black as Night
The Jeweled Box
Deep Pink Water
Little Red

True Love's First Kiss

117 12 4
נכתב על ידי Nyhterides

Out of the corner of her eye, Maleficent watched Diaval twirling around in a sea of pastel blues and greens. The hem of Diaval's long gown fanned before the girl like the feathers of an exotic bird.

"I may become ill if you keep doing that," Maleficent said dryly. Both faeries were dressed in soft, delicate hues. Maleficence's cat-like eyes shifted back to her mirror and she scowled. She detested the gown she had on, a long, flowey thing that shimmered like pink gossamer, like those horrid butterfly things she'd once heard about.

"Isn't this how Ladies dance?" Diaval giggled but stopped her twirling. She fell to the floor with a chuckle, her full skirt fanning before her beautifully.

"I do not know how they can wear such clothing." Maleficent looked over to where the girls' dark clothing hung. Long hems ended in rich points and touched the floor. Sleeves as black as night. Material that did not shimmer or itch or squeeze you free of breath.

"It's only for a few hours. How else would we be able to slip into the castle?" Diaval reached up and touched her hair. The once ebony locks were kissed by magic, turning them into a fair golden blonde.

Maleficent watched herself through the looking glass. Mirror, mirror on the wall –

"How else could we kill the Prince?"

I'm the fairest of them all.

Maleficent did not answer her cherished friend.

Skin as white as snow. Lips as red as wine. Hair as sterling as silver.

Shimmering mites swirled around Maleficent, crackling with tiny flashes of light as her magic transformed her skin whiter, her lips redder, her midnight hair into spun silver. When the magic settled, Maleficent reached onto her vanity table, took a golden tiara and placed it upon her head.

"Do we look like fine Ladies now, Dia?"

Diaval clapped her hands and let out a mighty whoop of delight. "If those so-called Lords and Kings do not fall at our feet tonight, then I'm a crow." The girl rose and with a flourish curtsied before her friend.

"You'd make a fine crow, Dia." Maleficent rose, slipped her arm through her friend's and hurried out the door.


The Wyrm Woods had always been home to the Dark Faeries. With its protective wall of Herculean trees sprouting thick from the stony ground, it boasted an air of darkness. Tall branches created a leafy umbrella over the whole of the Woods, keeping the sun's bright light from touching the ground below. The Dark Faeries preferred to roam during the nighttime when the moon hung like a pearl in the sky. The sun was always too hot, too bright, too happy for any of the faeries to enjoy. The woodland creatures living in the Wyrm Woods were scarce. Large bat with leathery wings rested in the hollows of caves. Slippery snakes roamed over the cracked ground. Sly foxes with pointy ears darted from behind the trees hunting for a vast variety of rodents. Maleficent and Diaval had never seen a fawn. They had never heard the cooing of a dove or the howling of a wolf calling to its pack. Neither Dark Fae had ever felt the soft fur of a cat, had never seen the majesty of a horse. All these creatures belonged outside their woods to the silly humans that cared for animals that did not snarl or hiss.

The pair exited the woods. They stood on the edge looking at the vast land of the Kingdom before them. Grass as green as emerald greeted them. There were no trees to hide out the sky. Beneath their feet, tiny flowers in orange and blue bowed their heads as they slept. It would take the faeries hours to walk to the castle were they mere mortals. The two fae, still young in age, had yet to acquire all the magic and power a Dark Faerie ought to have. Waiting for them at the edge of the woods was Great Aunt, Mab, to assist them in their journey.

Mab stood hunched over, had she not been wearing a black cloak, she may have resembled the sleeping flowers. Nine hundred years had made the Great Aunt wrinkled, made her voice a whispered croak. When she walked to the two younger ones, it was as slow as a tortoise but the two youngsters waited patiently. When Mab neared them, she uttered a spell under her breath creating a swirl of wind around Maleficence's and Diaval's feet. The swirl grew around the pair, moving from their ankles to their waists until it engulfed them. Inside the cocoon of wind, Maleficent heard Mab's voice loud and clear.

"Kill the handsome Prince and bring back his heart."

In the bodice of her gown, Maleficent had hidden a dagger. The handle was made of black leather. The blade was forged glass, made strong by dark magic and sharper than any metal man had ever known. This was what she would use to kill the Prince and cut out his heart.

In her pocket, Diaval carried a small wooden box carved with vines and serpents. A box in which they would place the Prince's heart to carry back to the woods.

Maleficent closed her eyes, when she opened them, they were standing outside the castle doors.


"Have you ever seen anything so bright and so big?" Diaval shielded her eyes when they entered the castle. The gold interior of the ballroom was covered in elaborate paintings, boasting the work of the finest artists. From the ceiling hung many candle chandeliers, each one bright from the light dancing on the wicks.

An orchestra played music. Lords and Ladies danced. Maleficent felt her head spinning.

Scented wrists reached for a partner. Powdered cheeks and perfumed necks were drowning Maleficent in too many unfamiliarities Diaval looked not to be bothered, but the taller faerie began to turn a whiter shade of pale.

Diaval nudged her friend, "Are you all right?"

Maleficent straightened up, tried to hold her breath. "What is that stench?"

Dia laughed then leaned into Maleficence's ear. "It's called perfume."

"It's ridiculous." The faerie wrinkled her nose. Just as she was about to state that it smelt worse than anything she'd ever smelled in her life, Dia tugged on her sleeve.

"Look!" Dia said in a loud whisper and diverted Maleficence's attention from the perfume to a young man entering the ballroom via a long staircase.

The music stopped and trumpets blared. A man dressed lavishly stood at the bottom of the stairs announcing Prince Edward's arrival.

The sound of the trumpets stung Maleficence's ear, yet when she caught sight of the Prince, the whole world around her vanished.

His hair was blacker than any hell she'd ever known. His eyes were orbs of deep brown that one could get lost in. His skin was fair, nearly sickly. Where others were clad in happy, pastel hues, the Prince wore clothing of deep purple and black. The crown upon his head was his only shimmer of light. When the Prince bowed to his guests and welcomed them, Maleficent realized that her heart had stopped beating.

"It's him," Dia hissed. "Tonight, he dies."

At that moment, the world around Maleficent came back to life. The music began and people started to talk and dance again. The dark faerie covered her mouth with her hand, feigning perfume-induced sickness and excused herself.


Maleficent found herself wandering through the vast hallways. The castle was like a labyrinth. Soon she found a door and exited into a lush garden. Dainty cherry blossoms dotted the garden. Bushes boasting bright red flowers were placed around tall marble statues of Cupid. When Maleficent reached to touch a flower, her finger grazed along a thorn and drew blood. She pulled back with a gasp, never having seen a flower as perfect as this, both beautiful and painful. A bead of blood crowned her finger. Maleficent felt the coldness of the dagger against her skin, her mind consumed with the thought of the Prince's beautiful face. How could she kill him now? Now that she felt this odd ache in her heart, a longing to see him again. What this what mortals called Love?

A window above the garden opened. Maleficent darted behind a tree and hid. She peeked out, saw a shadow walking to the open window and leaning sadly against the frame.

"Whoever said I wanted a bride."

Maleficent jumped when he began to speak. The figure leaned out of the window, his face coming into view.

The Prince!

"I wish I could flee from here, run off into the forest and forget I was ever Prince Edward."

Maleficent looked around and noticed he was talking to himself. She had stumbled upon his thoughts and she wanted to hear them all.

"I would set up court in the darkness of the woods. Create my own castle in the caves. Among the trees, I would be King of Nothingness and that would be just fine." The melancholy prince sighed and when he did, Maleficent took a step back and fell right into the bush.

'Who goes there?" The Prince demanded as the faerie scrambled to rise. Thorns tore at her dress, weaved themselves into her hair. She could use her magic on him, paralyze him so she could escape. But she wanted to hear his voice again.

"It is I, my Prince." Maleficent rose. She lifted her gaze to the window and caught his. When he looked down she curtsied. Moths crashed into her ribcage. She could hear her heart in her ears, loud and wild.

"You should not be in my garden." Maleficent heard him run out of his room and tear down the stairs. With his hand on the hilt of his sword, he entered the garden and came face to face with her.

The fae bowed her head at his beauty. "Never have I seen --" she uttered under her breath.

When the Prince curved a finger under her chin and lifted her eyes to his level, he asked. "Who are you?"


His touch was warm. Perhaps this is what summer felt like. "I heard what you said. That you want to run away."

For a moment, he looked cross, but quickly he nodded. "I do not belong here among all this happiness and light. Nothing in this grand place has ever given me joy."

"Would darkness bring you joy?"

The Prince looked at her questioningly. "Perhaps."

Maleficent thought of the blade. Death is darkness. She could kill him in one fluid gesture, take away his light. His heart would become a treasure, a sacred spoil of war in the battle between faeries and man. Maleficent touched the spot by breast and bone where the dagger rested. Above, the moon shone rays of light upon Prince Edward, making him look ethereal.

Maleficent needed to know for sure, so she asked again. "Would darkness bring you joy?"

The Prince's eyes were so full of sorrow, he didn't need to reply. The storms in his orbs spoke to Maleficent, telling her the truth.

"Let me kiss you," she whispered and touched her lips to his. Her fingers curled around the blade and soon she sunk it into his chest. The Prince let out a tiny cry, blood dripping from his lips, then fell to his knees.

"Kiss me again," he whispered with the last of his breath and Maleficent did.


The two faeries did not have Mab's power to return home quickly, but the night was still young, and the moon would keep them company.

Maleficent insisted she carry the small box back to the woods. Inside, the Prince's heart rested. He had given it to her. Maleficent knew that this was what love was. 

*This was written as part of a fanfic anthology hosted by VictoriaMoschou . Visit to read the rest of the stories in this anthology. 

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