Even the Stars they Burn

By flawlesstwist

1.7K 38 12

Her job was to make them say, "This has been One Direction." And she succeeded but what happens when everyt... More

Even the Stars they Burn
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Author's Note.
Chapter 7 (after my long hiatus!)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

150 3 0
By flawlesstwist

Hmm. Just finished sending my application form to YOLO. If I get this job, I'll be flying to UK then I can finally visit France. I have always wanted to go to France ever since I was little. Ever since Dad died, Mom had forgotten about me existing.

I wiped a few tears that escaped my eyes. My phone beeped which meant I got a new tweet.

ANHoranFan: @SteffyAdams Hope you get the job at YOLO. Love you! Give me a shoutout? xx

SteffyAdams: @ANHoranFan Thanks. Love you too!

Hmm. Better get off internet. I pushed myself to the back of the chair. Imagine. If I'd get this job, I'll get to visit Ally and mom and France.


"Hello?" I spoke through the phone.

"Can I speak to miss Steffany Adams?" the woman spoke. What is this about?

"Speaking," I bluntly said.

"I'm Anne Martin. Secretary of Mr. Taylor. You're application form has been chosen. You'll be working in YOLO starting next week," she informed.

"How about my tickets? Will I like pay for it?" I asked. Please, I don't have money in my hands.

"We got you plane tickets already. Well, its actually first class. Your sister has been kind to pay the fare. The tickets will be delivered to you tomorrow. You'll be staying at a 5 star hotel in London," she informed.

"Well, ok. One last thing. What's my room number?"

"It's 831 in Building A."

"Wait! Building A? Its like presidential and only celebrities with lots of fortune live there."

"Your sister booked the room. She just told us to inform you. Are there more questions?" she asked which kind of sounded rude to me.

"No. Thanks." The phone hung up. My sister is amazing. She's the best.


I'm now walking in LAX airport. Finally making my dream come true as I helped my sister gain her dream.

I passed the different stages as I like to call them. Well, I love improvising and doing lots of random yet weird things. I sat in seat 34 of the First Class plane cause its what Ally got me.

I sat down calmly. Plugged my earphones in my trusty phone. Ally gave it to me. I sat there quietly waiting for take off. I know people will sit beside me cause I'm in the middle of the three seaters. I guess that's what you call them.

I checked my Twitter through the app. Hmm. Looked at my mentions. Wow! 856 mentions. First time in Julia History. Silence filled the air as I was waiting for people to get in the plane.

"I don't want to sit beside a stranger!" a teenage English boy whined.

"It's just for a few hours," another English man spoke. I think he's Irish.

Now, I was set beside this curly haired boy with green eyes and the boy in stripes. Hmm. The two seemed sad. Oh. What do I care? Its my ride so I care only about me.

I was reading my mentions when the boy in stripes poked me and my privacy. 

"Is there a problem?" I rudely asked. 

"No. Its just that I don't know you yet. I'm Louis Tomlinson from One Direction," he said. Wow. Nice connection you made. It made a very rough wavy line. 

"Oh that. I guess my sister has a lot to do with this. I'm Steff. I heard of One Direction though but I didn't really know you yet," I introduced. 

"Ah. Can I lay in your shoulders? You see my friend is right beside you and I couldn't really like sleep well." 


He laid in my shoulders. I decided to listen to some Taylor Swift song. I'm a fan. Got any objections? Good. Or else I'll have to sue you for a libel case.

3 hours had past and Louis is still sleeping. What the heck is up with this boy? Don't care.

I decided to tweet my 'fans'. I mean go to Twitter. You know that. I mean you should know that. Before I start making my head confused, I'm logging on twitter.

Hmm. Scrolling. Scrolling. This is a funny tweet.

LilyHalpern: @SteffyAdams Lucky you. You're sitting with @onedirection.

Who are you anyway? I was thirsty. I couldn't move because of Louis sleeping. Better ask help for this curly haired boy. I poked him in his shoulder. He turned and seemed irritated. What did I do?

"Uhm. Do you have some water?" I asked politely. 

"Why?" he asked changing his mood. Wow, gorgeous eyes. 

"You see your friend is sleeping on me and I couldn't really move well with his head on me," my American accent spoke. 

"Here." he handed me his water bottle. 

"You don't like have any mouth disease, do you?" I teased as I grabbed the bottle. 

"No. And if I did, would you think I'll be giving you my bottle?" his British accent spoke. You are right. 

"I just thought that you hated me cause the two of you keep whining a while ago," I said with my best British accent. 

"Are you British?" he asked changing the subject. 

"A little. Just thought that maybe you could understand me well with the accent. Am I over doing it?" I blurted.

"No. Its good. I don't hate you. I'm just not used to seat with other people. I've seaten with the boys all the time and our manager messed up in buying the tickets," he shared. I love his accent! Try to keep your composure, Julia. Julia Nicole Montero, focus!

"If I were you, I'd probably stay with that stuck up attitude. I could've ridden the normal class but see my very kind sister bought me First Class tickets. I'm no one special just another girl with crazy dreams."

"What is your dream?"

"My dream? Uhm... Its.... Hard.... To.... Tell.... Its kind of harsh," I stammered. Oh, who am I kidding? I like to trash talk artists.

"You can tell me anything." the boy smiled. You have an adorable smile.

"But I don't know you," I argued.

"I don't know you either but I'm talking to you. I don't even know if your a crazy fan," he stated. He got the point.

"Are you in a band with Louis called One Direction?" I asked.

"Uhm.... Yes. Are you gonna ask my autograph or a picture?" he seemed horrified.

"Don't worry. I'm not a crazy fan. Just a crazy girl whose dream is to rule the world," I joked.

"Well, your gonna have a long way to go," he laughed.

"I know but if I perfected this training. I soon will get my dream," my laughing finally stopped.

"What is your dream anyway?"

"To travel the world. Reunite with my sister and mom."

Awkward silence filled the air. Well, great speech, Julia. Now, you're stuck for another long silence.

"Why do you want to reunite with your sis?"

"She's living her dream as I'm just making mine stable."

"I believe we haven't introduced yet," he stated. I nodded in agreement.

"I'm Harry Styles of One Direction. And you?"

I was about to speak when...

"Please fasten your seatbelts as we prepare for the landing," the flight attendant spoke. Great interruption. Harry and I just laughed. We might have woken up Louis.

"Morning Lou!" Harry greeted.

"Oh. Hey!" he yawned.

"Have you met my friend?" Lou asked.

"Yeah. I just don't know her name," Harry said.

"Well, she's the woman with the a soft arm that I slept on. Thanks for it," he stated.

"What is your name?" Harry asked.

"We'll meet again. Don't worry," I simply said.

The plane landed safely. We all got out of the plane. I haven't introduced myself to Harry. Oh, well.

I pulled my black trolley bag towards the machine that checks it. I passed and was about to meet someone named Max Stetson.

I messaged my sister.

To: Allison Nicole

Ally, thanks for the plane tickets and the hotel. I'm about to drop by the hotel now. Just finding Max. Stay safe. Say Hi to Mom. xxoxo

From: Allison Nicole

Stay safe too dear. Better start rehearsing. Calling you later. Love you! xxoxo

I finally came up to this man named Max Stetson.

"Ms. Montero?"


I finally arrived at the hotel. Grande! Luxurious! I have the presidential room. Woah! Thanks Allison! Love you!

Laid in my soft queen sized bed. Grabbed my phone. Opened twitter.

Followed Louis and Harry.

SteffyAdams: Grateful of my sister @AllisonNicole. Love her!

Browsed my timeline.

Harry_Styles: Finally arrived at our hotel. Met someone in the plane. She's amazing though I don't know her name.

Louis_Tomlinson: It's not possible to have love at first sight, ain't it? Well, I know someone.

Hmm. Do I tweet this guys or not? Tweet them.

SteffyAdams: Met @Harry_Styles and @Louis_Tomlinson in the plane. My arm hurts.

I was about to press tweet but my phone died. Great! Better charge it and get some rest too.


I finally slept. I pictured myself in YOLO. It was a perfect moment but why did I see them crying? Did I do something wrong? Would I even do that? I woke up. Bad dream. I'm crying. Why?

I wiped my tears. It's morning already. Better get my butt off.


It's been a smooth month. Yeah. No rough edges. I've learnt so much from YOLO. I've been on top of everything. I'm no. 1 in the class.

It's been 1 1/2 month since I studied at YOLO. I graduated yesterday. Gonna meet my boss. I'm a music critic for teens. Nice!

"Ms. Adams is here," Mina informed.

"Let her in."

I slowly stepped in the room but with my luck I tripped.

"I'm sorry," I apologized as I felt a bit embarrased.

"Sit down." I sat down the chair.

"I heard that you've topped off the trainings."

"I don't brag but yeah its true."

"As we all know you're hired and I'm giving this task to you cause I think you'll be able to handle it."

"What is it, sir?"

"You need to bring One Direction down. Its requested by some people and we couldn't really say no to this," he bluntly said. I can't do this. They're my friends. Well, I consider them as my friends. But how about the people working for them. They'll be jobless. I can't do it.

"I'll have to think about it," I blurted.

"I knew you'd say that but I was threatened and they'll be paying 300 000 000 euros for the job."

"What?! Three hundred million euros?!" I freaked out.

"Well, just tell me in two weeks time," he informed.

"Sure." I walked out the room. Went to my hotel room and wondered off twitter.


American Music Awards


Now Playing

Earth Day

The Mystery Girl


Happy US Day


Project Runway


Wow! Hmph. Looked at Harry's account.

Harry_Styles: Love you from the very first day. #loveunknown

Harry_Styles: Just woke up and dreamt about Math. Really?! I dream about that!?

That made me laugh.

Harry_Styles: I'm the mastermind behind the trend #loveunknown.

So, he started that trend. Looked at Louis' twitter.

Louis_Tomlinson: Great show tonight!

This made me laugh too. Hmph.

Should I take the job or not? I can't hate them. They're lovable. They like have millions of fans.


Lots of spaces.

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