cosmic love // e. gilbert 3.

By MaryBravo200

79K 2.4K 201

It felt like a dream. Having Elena Gilbert's love. Holden lived a full summer for once in his life. With Damo... More

1. Best Summer Yet
2. When Boyfriends Come To Visit
3. Annoying Dreams
4. Our Little Witch
5. The Royalty's Betrayals
6. Ikea Sink
7. Three Doppelgängers, what could go wrong?
8. Cannibals
9. Stuck
10. One And Only
11. Last Day Of Happiness
12. Sudden Breakups Cause Ugly Decisions
13. Dark Side
14. Help For The Reckless Brother
15. Possessed Girlfriends
17. A Break Through
18. Even More Annoying Dreams
19. Too Much Broken Hearts
20. Never Have I Ever
21. I Need You Now
22. Gone
1. Remember Me
2.1 Forget Me
2.2 Cherish Me
3. Meet Me
4. Take Me
5. See Me
6. Find Me
7. Hate Me
8. Shock Me
9. Adore Me
10. Fight Me
11. Love Me
12. Talk To Me
13. Be With Me
14. Let Go Of Me
15. Stay With Me
16. Scare Me
17. Befriend Me
18. Surprise Me
19. Imagine Me
20. Do It With Me
21. Hurt Me
22.1 Hold Me
22.2 End Me

16. Back Together Or Not?

1.6K 54 5
By MaryBravo200



Beyonce - Crazy In Love (FSOG version)

"Such a funny thing for me to try to explain
How I'm feeling and my pride is the one to blame
And I still don't understand
Just how your love could do what no one else can."

ELENA WOKE UP ALONE IN HER DORM ROOM. She sat up in her bed confusedly before looking around the room, wondering where everyone was. The confused girl left her dorm room to see an empty corridor before walking slowly. "Hello?"

The floor creaked so she turned around. "Hello?"

"Hey. You're awake," suddenly Stefan spoke causing her to face him. Elena felt like she was in a dream. Not only did she had a blackout she couldn't remember much.

"Stefan... What are you doing here? Where is everyone?" she asked in confusion before her mind wandered to Holden and how she missed him.

Stefan stared at her calmly. "Everyone's gone. The whole school cleared out for spring break. You've been in and out since you first woke up."

Elena slowly nodded her head, taking the information in. "Oh. O-ok. That makes sense. I thought I was going crazy," she explained as she tried to walk up to Stefan but encountered a force field that prevented her from coming too close. "What's going on? Wh-y-y..."

"We had to seal you into the building.." Stefan trailed off as she looked at him in complete confusion. "We've got a lot of catching up to do."

After that Elena began to say what she remembered and what not. "The last thing I remember, I was running through the woods.. my head felt like it was being attacked by Katherine's whole life. I saw Holden and I threw my arms around him... and.. nothing."

Stefan sighed. He didn't want to tell Elena that Holden turned his emotions off or that he killed Aaron, or that Holden took a huge part in infecting her body with the Ripper virus. "Yeah... that was about three weeks ago."

"Three weeks ago? Wow. Three weeks," Elena exclaimed with a face before looking back at Stefan. "Yet it took just one second for Katherine to infect me with some virus that makes me want to kill all my friends."

"Oh yeah. You know Katherine - she's not about to go out without a grand finale," Stefan smiled nervously as Elena closed her eyes.

"Do you really think this whole lock-down is necessary? I mean, I feel fine," Elena told Stefan, who only looked at her with a look, telling her that he didn't believe.

"Look... We shouldn't take any chances. If Damon taught us anything is that the virus makes you want to attack at the mere scent of vampire blood," Stefan explained but Elena was doubtful that it was the case.

"Well, how did you..." Elena asked as she held her hand up to the force-field.


"Liv?" Elena asked so Stefan realized she had no idea who Liv was.

"She's a new witch. Bonnie's been teaching her some spells. Look, I know this is a lot to process, but just know that Caroline's out, looking for the antidote and in the mean time, we've figured out how to ration blood to keep you satisfied. We're going to figure this out, okay?" Stefan asked as Elena furrowed her eyebrows. Stefan smiled and began to leave.

"Where's Holden?" Elena then asked as Stefan stopped. He was so eager to leave and prayed that she wouldn't ask him about him, but of course she did. Stefan turned around to face Elena, who stared at him. "Stefan, I haven't seen him since I woke up. Where is he? I know he wouldn't miss seeing me again. I miss him."

Stefan let out a breath causing Elena to widen her eyes. "Stefan... What is going on?"

"I... I-uh. I was hoping you wouldn't ask that," Stefan mused sadly as Elena got all kinds of thoughts in her head.

"Stefan, you're scaring me."

"He's fine," Stefan comforted the girl, but she didn't seem okay by such answer. "Actually he's not."

"I need to talk to him," Elena demanded sternly but Stefan shook his head. "Why not, Stefan?! Tell me where he is! Come-"

"He doesn't have his emotions!" Stefan raised his voice as Elena stared at Stefan in shock. She could only imagine Holden without his emotions. "There. Happy now?" he asked angrily.

"Why did he? Why did he turn it off?" Elena asked but before Stefan could answer Elena had her own idea. "Did Katherine do it? Did she make him turn it off?"

"Listen, Elena, the less you know the better now. All you need to know is that you're back. And you're gonna help me bring him back," Stefan said dully as Elena looked away in shock and sadness. "When we cure you then we go to Holden."

Stefan then vamp sped out of the dorm rooms as Elena stood in one place in shock. Even if Holden was emotionless she wanted to talk to him immediately. But question was would he want to talk to her?

DAMON WAS CHAINED UP IN THE CELL. He was quiet as he listened to Holden, who was in the other cell next to Damon's. Damon was freaked out by how quiet Holden was. Of course Holden had a lot of vervain in his body and no blood since the other day. But Damon knew Holden was strong.

Jeremy then came up to Damon's cell with a glass of blood and teased Damon with it. Instead of handing it to him, he set it down in the floor, just out of Damon's reach. "Hilarious," Damon smiled sarcastically.

The Gilbert boy looked pleased with himself as he gently scooted the cup of blood toward Damon. "Give me the damn cup."

Damon finally clutched onto it and guzzled the contents down in seconds. Then he threw the cup at Jeremy and Matt. "Wipe that smile off your face," Damon hissed as the two smiled at him.

Jeremy then rolled his eyes. "Hey! You're lucky I'm even helping you! Considering the last thing you did for me was to tell Enzo to strangle me to death."

"Quit crying! By the way, Holdie watched," Damon said as Jeremy and Matt both looked to their left, where Holden's cell was. He was calm, didn't try to run. He didn't even talk. "You're still around."

Matt then approached Holden's cell and looked through the small creak to see him sitting on the bed, chains still on his neck like some prisoner as well as legs. Somehow his hands were free. Suddenly Holden's dull look met Matt and Matt had never been more creeped out ever.

Holden only raised his hand up and towards the sun coming from the window. His hand began to burn but no emotion was seen on his face. "Jer, he's burning his hand!" Matt exclaimed as Jeremy rushed towards Matt to see Holden retrieve his burning hand into the shadows, still no emotion.

"What is going on in there?" Damon called from his cell in worry as Matt and Jeremy exchanged a look.

"Let's hope Elena's fine soon so she can bring the old Holden back," Jeremy mused to Matt as they came back to Damon's cell.

Damon looked at them angrily. "What is he doing in there?" he hissed because leaving Matt and Jeremy on guard with Holden was idiotic.

"Nothing. Being his creepy self," Jeremy said dully before glancing at Matt. "You know what... Does Elena know he doesn't have his emotions on or that he was the one to infect her? Or that he killed Aaron Whitmore?"

"No, she doesn't," Damon snapped angrily. Even in Holden's darkest days Damon defended him. "Because Stefan's gotta be the one to tell her. If either one of you clowns beat him to it, I'll rip your tongue out."

A phone started to ring in Jeremy's front pocket. He pulled it out. "Don't you even think about it!" Damon threatened and fumbled at the chains that prevented him from getting ahold of the phone.

"Damon's phone!" Jeremy exclaimed sarcastically after answering the call.

"Jer?" Elena questioned from the other end happily as Jeremy smiled.

"Yeah. How are you feeling?" Jeremy asked with a smile on his face as Holden listened to it. He wanted to see whether her voice would do something to him but so far it didn't.

"A little confused, but good. I miss you," Elena said softly before she sighed. "So I called Damon, because I already know... about Holden."

Jeremy mused as he went to look at Holden to see him lying on the bed with his eyes closed. "Gilbert, give me the phone," Damon snapped but Jeremy didn't unless Elena would tell him it was okay.

"Damon wants to talk to you," he mused as Elena sighed. "Or should I leave the phone so you could talk to Holden."

"No!" Damon shouted as he was getting more angry by seconds.

"Okay," Elena agreed carefully. Jeremy then nodded to Matt so Matt opened the cell's doors where Holden was.

"Are you two dumb! Idiots!" Damon shouted furiously then clenched his jaw. He knew Holden would try everything to get Elena hate him. And for some odd reason Jeremy and Matt let that happen.

Jeremy quickly placed the phone on the ground hoping that Holden wouldn't try to attack and he didn't. He left the cellar so Matt closed the door and locked it before leaving. "Holden," Elena breathed out causing Holden to open his eyes.

"Elena, you have to hang up," Damon said loudly from his cell but Elena was not gonna listen to him.

Holden sat up in his bed as he stared at the phone lying on the ground. He smirked then before taking it into his hands and pressing it to his ear. "Hey there," he said lowly.

Elena was quiet for a long time as Holden made himself comfortable on the bed before smiling. He was weak from the huge doses of vervain Stefan gave him but still managed to act like he did. "Hey," Elena whispered just above the whisper. She wanted to hang up but somehow didn't find the strength to do so. She needed to know Holden like this, to hear what he had to say. Because she wasn't gonna give up on him. "So... I heard."

"Yep," Holden answered as he sighed nonchalantly. "How's the virus? Is it fun?"

"I am symptom free so far, although Stefan has me on the, uhh, Damon diet," Elena commented as she was talking to a normal Holden, the Holden she fell in love with.

"Sucks to be you. I don't care, Elena," Holden said dully as Elena paused yet again, not knowing what to say.

"Well, you don't, I do," Elena said as he could hear her try not to tear up. "I'm calling you on a payphone."

"Retro," Holden said as he waited for her to ask him the question she's been dying to ask. And then he was gonna tell her everything. And that was gonna make her hate him. And then Holden was gonna be like that forever.

"I don't know what I've been doing for the last three weeks..."

"A lot of selfies on Instagram, Elena. They're hot," Holden teased her as Damon listened with a confused face.

Elena smiled slightly. "Why do I feel it's the real you now?" she then whispered as Holden rolled his eyes. "Stefan told me you turned it off but I don't feel it."

"Ask away. I'll tell you everything you want to know," Holden mused dully as Damon shook his head from his cell. But what could've he done.

"How did she do it?"

"Who? And what?" Holden mused with a growing smirk though he knew what she meant.

"How did Katherine break your heart and made you turn it off for the first time?" Elena asked sadly causing Holden to chuckle.

"In case you forgot... I don't love you anymore, Elena. And that means I don't care what you think or try to do to bring me back, because it won't work," Holden commented with a smile on his face. "So deal with reality because the Holden that you knew will never come back."

Elena sniffled as Holden knew she was tearing up. "Well, I still love you," she whispered as Holden stared ahead of him with a blank face. "And I want to fight for you. I will always fight for you."

"Good luck then," Holden said with a kind smile on his face before hanging up and sighing.

"Well that was nice," Damon commented from his cell as Holden lied in the bed. He was really hungry and needed blood. He wondered where Lauren was. "I'm shocked you didn't tell her about Aaron Whitmore or every other person you tried to kill."

"Talk less, Damon. You won't be as hungry," Holden commented before closing his eyes and drifting off.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Damon asked Holden after a couple of hours of silence. He could hear movement in the other cell and wondered what Holden was doing. Damon then heard sizzling before widening his eyes. "Holden, what are you doing?! Move away from the sun, you idiot! Jeremy! Donovan!"

"Shut up," Holden said as he left the rays of light. His face and hands healed as he fell to the floor on his knees like a praying sinner. Holden breathed in and out as his skin healed.

"Are you out of your mind?! Burning yourself in the sun?" Damon shouted angrily as Holden's skin completely healed before he smirked to himself in satisfaction. "Why are you doing this?"

"Burning myself in the sun helps me get rid of vervain, Damon. I thought you know how body works," Holden said as he stood up before moving his stiff neck around.

"You're an idiot... You've always been an idiot but now you're level 100 idiot," Damon commented with a grumble as Holden laughed cheerfully. "Why are you getting rid of vervain then, brother? Weren't you the one to put yourself in here in the first place?"

"You think I'm dumb?" Holden asked curiously as he touched the collar, wrapped around his neck. It burned his fingers because it had vervain so Holden sat down as his fingers burned. "I put myself in here because I... Why should I even tell you? You're just gonna judge me."

"Wow. As a guy whose every sentence is 'I don't care' you do care, kind of," Damon made a face as Holden smirked widely. He was entertained by Damon.

"You got me. Good for you," Holden said as he imagined blood so his eyes vamped out a little. "I'm not gonna stay here forever. I needed to be here because I have to say I wanted to escape Lauren. God, I don't know why I turned that whiny bitch. And she didn't even kill Izzie or Matt. She left them. Bad girl."

Damon scoffed lowly. "Poor girl to be honest. Turned by you... I have no idea what it means to be sired to someone so dumb like you," he commented in annoyance.

"I didn't just turn her, you know. I killed her whole family," Holden laughed nonchalantly as Damon looked up at the ceiling with a small sigh. "But she doesn't know it. So, shh."

"You know, when you come back... You'll gonna regret all of it. It'll eat you up inside," Damon said dully as Holden listened with a calm face.

"Thanks for the memo, Damon. I'll be sure not to use it," Holden said with a smirk before pausing for a moment. "I don't remember what it feels to feel actually."

Damon was surprised by that. It has been three weeks since Holden turned it off, so it wasn't such a long time. Damon didn't have his emotions for about 40 years. And yet he still remembered what if felt to feel. So he didn't believe in Holden's words. "You're a liar."

"I'm not," Holden said calmly. "I just don't. Not anymore."

"That's not possible. No matter how ruthless we are without our emotions... We still remember them. It's not an amnesia, Holden," Damon explained seriously with a small frown.

"Thank God I'm not you, Damon."

"So... When you talked with Elena today, you couldn't remember your love for her? How much she means to you?" Damon asked curiously as Holden laughed.

"I do have an amazing mind, Damon."

Suddenly, Izzie descended down the stairs into the cellars while she talked to Elena on the phone. "What do you mean, werewolf venom?" Izzie asked before stopping at Damon's cell.

Their eyes met as Izzie opened the cell's door before walking in. She wasn't scared that he'd hurt her because Damon fed on vampires only. "What is going on?" Damon asked her curiously.

"The virus had werewolf venom in it..." Izzie trailed off as Holden raised both of his eyebrows from his cell at such news. The corner of his lips moved up. He knew Elena would die from it.

"I mean, I'm deteriorating slowly," Elena explained from the other end. "I seem to be hallucinating all of my worst fears. So... that's been fun."

Izzie then sat down next to Damon, surprising him like that as Izzie smiled at Damon slightly as she put Elena on speaker. "Maybe someone should come over there?" Izzie questioned.

"You can't. I would tear Damon apart and he'd do the same to me, remember?" Elena sighed deeply. "How is... How is he?"

"Awful," Damon spoke dully. Izzie looked down. "He's telling me he doesn't remember what it means to feel."

"Distract me, please..." Elena sighed deeply as Damon and Izzie looked at each other. Their faces were close to each other's as Izzie slowly looked away.

"What are you wearing?" Damon teased with a smirk causing Izzie to groan in disgust.

Elena also groaned. "That's disgusting, Damon. Come on, just tell me what else I have missed."

"Okay. Um..." Izzie pursed her lips as she thought of what to say. Damon gazed at her. "Well, it's kind of cold in Mystic Falls today. Also, Jer brought a bunch of new x-box games that are ridiculously loud and obnoxious."

"Should we tell her that Tyler had a party? Oh! Izzie! The gossip!" Damon exclaimed as she raised both of her eyebrows up in confusion.

"The gossip?" Elena asked in confusion as Damon mused with a mhm.

"Caroline and an original hybrid... sitting in a tree," Damon trailed off with sarcasm as Elena paused. Izzie bumped Damon's side so he only smirked at her.

"No!" Elena realized as Damon laughed at her. "Are you serious? Caroline and Klaus? I mean... Wait does Tyler knows about this?"

Izzie nodded her head. "Yes. And guess who told him?" she sighed because Katherine Pierce ruined their lives. If not her Holden would still be Holden.

"Katherine?" Elena questioned before groaning. "Katherine is such a bitch."

Suddenly she began to cough uncontrollably. Damon and Izzie looked at each other in worry. "Sorry, I..."

"Are you okay?" Izzie asked worriedly.

"Um... I just don't understand why Stefan's off at some mystery location. Why don't we just hunt down Wes and force him to make us an antidote," Elena complained as Izzie looked at Damon before looking away.

"Uh. That might be easier said than done. Wes is dead," Damon commented dully causing Elena to let out a breath. "I killed him. And please don't lecture me saying he didn't deserve it!"

"What about Aaron?" Elena then asked angrily as Damon and Izzie exchanged a look. None of them wanted to tell Elena that it was Holden's job. Damon just wished he killed him quicker. He was fine with Elena hating him, but he didn't want Holden to lose her. "He didn't deserve that. Wes was pretty much the closest thing that Aaron had to family."

Matt then entered the cellar as Damon looked that direction. "The highlight of my day. Call us later, bye," Damon hung up the phone.

Izzie stood up as she went to take the blood from Matt and give it to Damon, when suddenly Lauren vamp rushed into the cellars. She blocked Izzie's way as Izzie gasped in shock. "Goodbye," Lauren smirked before shutting the door and locking it.

"No!" Izzie screamed as she began to bang onto them. Damon began to try and get away from the chains but it wasn't working.

Lauren grabbed Matt by his neck before compelling him. "Where is Holden?" she asked angrily.

Matt glared at her. "I take vervain."

Lauren pursed her lips before pushing Matt against the wall, causing the boy to hit his head. Matt fell to the floor. "No, Matt!" Izzie banged against the floor.

Lauren saw another cellar before walking there and opening it. She found Holden standing in the middle of the room. The chains were already off of his body as he smiled at her. "And here I thought you abandoned me," Holden then began to walk out but Lauren put a hand on his chest before smacking him in the face harshly.

Holden held onto his face before raising his eyebrows up at her. "Excuse me?"

"That's for snapping my neck," Lauren sneered before she unblocked his way. "Here's your ring."

Holden looked at her in surprise. It was already dark outside so he didn't need it but he'd need it in the day. "How did you find it?" he asked curiously before taking it and putting it on his finger. He flexed it with a smirk.

"Apparently they gave the ring to the most boring person in the world," she pointed to an unconscious Matt. Holden rolled his eyes at their stupidity before Lauren moved out of his way to let him leave.

"Thank you so much, Lauren. You're the only one I can count on," Holden said as Lauren smiled with a nod. Holden knew she was sired to him. He then used vampire speed before shutting the door on her.

"Holden? What the?!" Lauren shouted as he locked the cell's door with a smirk.

"But you're so boring. Stay in here. Pray for your family or something," Holden chuckled before turning to leave. He saw Jeremy aiming a crossbow at him with a glare. "Seriously? A crossbow?"

Jeremy then shot one arrow but Holden caught it before letting out a breath. Jeremy quickly began to load another. "Jeremy, no! Run!" Izzie continued to yell as she decided to rush and help Damon. He was the only one able to stop Holden even if he'd kill him.

"That actually made me scared," Holden said with a nod while pointing the arrow he caught at Jeremy. "You shouldn't have done this, Jeremy. Now I gotta kill you."

"No!" Izzie screamed as Holden rushed towards Jeremy before pushing him against the wall.

"Any last words?" Holden asked with a smirk as Jeremy continued suffocating.

"Remember the summer? How you took me to the car shop and told me to buy any car I'd like?" Jeremy questioned suddenly. "And that you're gonna buy me it. I thought you were gonna compel them but you actually payed with your own money. I was happy. I still drive that car. It's your gift and that gift made me cherish you as a friend."

"How lovely. You do realize I don't-"

"Care?" Jeremy asked and Holden didn't even realize how his grip loosened. "Sure. Keep telling yourself that."

"Hm... That's it?" Holden asked as Jeremy nodded with a look on his face. Holden then noticed a Gilbert ring on Jeremy's hand. "Ah, what's the point of killing you. I'll just injure you."

Holden then threw Jeremy across the cellar causing the boy to fall down and groan lowly. Holden then abandoned the cellars as Damon stared at Izzie. "He hesitated."

ELENA WAS OUT OF THE DORM ROOMS, WANDERING AROUND IN THE STREETS OF THE CAMPUS. She looked like she was out of her mind, seeing Aaron in her hallucinations once again. "Elena?" Aaron asked so she stopped before facing him.

"Oh my god. Aaron, are you alive?" Elena asked in shock as Aaron looked at her with a smirk.

"You look awful," he said dully as Elena sighed deeply.

"No. No. I'm good now. I'm good now!" she exclaimed with wide eyes and a pale face. "I thought I killed you... I didn't kill you! You're right here! You're still alive!"

Elena's joy turned to shock when her hallucination of Aaron lifted off. She saw that it was actually Holden standing in front of her with a huge smirk. "Elena, Elena," he commented as Elena stared at his eyes. "Hallucination at its finest."

The Gilbert girl shook her head quickly. "You're hungry?" he asked curiously as she could smell his blood and her eyes vamped out. Holden lifted his sleeve to reveal his wrist before he bit into it.

Elena vamped out immediately before rushing towards him and feeding. She loved the blood before bitting even harder as Holden stared at her while smirking. He knew Elena wouldn't pull away but when she did he was kind of surprised. And he hated that. "She won... Katherine won," Elena mused as she wiped her lips with tears in her eyes.

"Oh great... Why is she always taking the crown?" Holden chuckled as Elena looked at Holden in confusion. She was still upset over this Holden. "I took a huge part in it as well."

"What?" Elena asked just above the whisper as Holden looked at her with fake surprise.

He covered his mouth before smiling. "You didn't know? I was the one to infect you. And Katherine agreed of course," he said as Elena let out a few tears. He made her be like that. He wanted her to suffer and Elena's heart broke. "Sorry everyone's keeping you in the dark. I'm not."

"Holden... You turned me into a monster!" Elena raised her voice as Holden listened calmly. "Liv... the witch, I almost killed her! And my friends... I want to kill my friends because of you!"

Holden stood in one spot before nodding his head calmly. "Get it all out."

Elena then pushed Holden angrily staring at him hatefully. "And, and I keep seeing Aaron everywhere I turn. I... I killed him."

"Hm..." Holden trailed off as Elena continued her angry lecture.

"I keep seeing him, he keeps popping up everywhere! Because of you!" Elena shouted from the top of her lungs.

"You didn't kill Aaron Whitmore," Holden commented dully as his smile vanished just as fast as his emotions.

"Then who did?! You?" she asked, not believing in what she was saying. Holden then gave her a look. "Wh-at? What? Why..."

Elena looked away in complete hurt. "Simply because I don't care. I love killing. It was the same night I turned it off," Holden pressed her on as Elena cried in pain. It hurt so much. She felt like the Holden she loved died. "I loved feeding off of him as Damon watched me. He was the one who wanted to kill him but I beat him to it. Also... I smashed his head into the car so... harsh, I know."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Elena cried loudly as she stared at Holden. "I love you and you're destroying it! Don't do this to me, don't, Holden, please!"

"Our love is dead, Elena. And it will never come back," Holden said before smiling and leaving. Elena clutched onto her stomach as she watched him disappear into the night.

Suddenly, Damon appeared looking around. "Elena!" he saw her before rushing towards the crying girl. "What happened?"

"Holden, he, uh..." Elena couldn't speak from the emotions as Damon realized she knew the whole truth.

"Say something, come on..."

Elena then saw Enzo standing behind Damon. "Why is Enzo here?" Elena asked so Damon turned around to see him there as well.

"Sorry to interrupt. I have the antidote," Enzo held a small vial up. "Although, from the looks of it, you'd both rather be dead."

Elena and Damon then exchanged a look.

AFTER GETTING CURED DAMON OFFERED ELENA TO GO TO MYSTIC FALLS BUT SHE REFUSED. The broken girl slowly walked back into her empty dorm room before closing the door. Her dried tears were still evident on her face.

Elena approached her bed before sitting down on it. She saw a framed picture of her and Holden before taking it into her hands. She brushed her thumb across Holden's smiling face before looking down in pain.

Pain suddenly turned into anger so she threw the picture across the room when suddenly Holden caught it. Elena quickly stood up as Holden looked at it. "Weird how you remember the day but you don't remember what you felt," he commented dully as Elena sneered at him.

"Get out of here. You've done enough," Elena said through gritted teeth. Holden rolled his eyes before putting the picture on some of the girls bed.

"You know, you're blaming me for what I did," Holden said before sitting down on her bed. "But I was the first to know you weren't you."

Elena furrowed her eyebrows in confusion. She had no idea what Holden was doing by telling her that. "Fine. Even if you told them it was Katherine in my body... You still let me get infected, you still killed Aaron."

"And I felt nothing," Holden raised his eyes up at her as Elena clenched her jaw tightly. "But somehow I'm still here. Somehow even if I don't feel, you have this much control over me. I want you to suffer, Elena, like no one else."

"Leave..." she trailed off threateningly.

Holden rolled his eyes dully. "Don't you wanna know why?"

"This is toxic, Holden. I said leave!" Elena shouted but even then Holden ignored her.

"I want you to suffer because even if I don't feel, I do things for you. I'm this monster because of you. You control me," Holden wasn't even smiling anymore, just staring dully at her face.

Elena looked away. "Then leave. I'm not gonna control you," Elena shook her head.

"You gave up?" he asked before standing up. He needed to hear those words. Something was wrong with him and he needed to leave her as soon as possible.

"You know what, Holden? Stop confusing me! You're a monster like I've never seen before. You ruined peoples lives and I have no idea how many people you killed! And now you come here and tell me you do these things because of me?" Elena snapped furiously as Holden tried not to smile. "And for some reason I feel like you want emotions. Like the inner you is begging for help. But you're just playing games."

"Done? Just tell me you give up and I'll leave, really," Holden said with a smirk as he took a step closer towards her.

"You want to know the whole truth?" Elena asked sarcastically. "The truth is that no matter how much I want to hate you or give up on you, I can't! My mind keeps defending you even after all these things that you did! Because that's how much control you have over me! So, no, I will not give up. I will make it my life mission to bring you back. Because no one deserves to die from your hand. But... When you come back... It's over for us. As much as it kills me... It'll be over."

"Great," Holden nodded with a smile. "Good luck with bringing me back. I'll be sure to wait for it," he smirked before opening the door and stopping. He turned to look at Elena before smirking and leaving.

When the doors closed Elena fell to the floor before resting her back against the bed. She brought her legs to her chin before closing her eyes and suppressing a scream.

Her Holden was gone and she had no idea how to live anymore.

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I don't know if this is right or not, it's been a terrible three years since I returned to Mystic Falls. I lost many of my family members, my ex-love...
188K 4.9K 22
(Y/n) Gilbert was one of the most outgoing people you could ever meet, but when her parents died in an accident things became very rough. What once w...