Avril | Completed ✓

By kylieartemisia

715K 13.5K 1.8K

Avril Faye grew up being bullied. She was bullied by her brother, by her pack, by everyone. When Avril's ma... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Extra: Gage

Chapter 3

39.6K 781 62
By kylieartemisia

-Avril's POV-

I hugged all the guys, before pulling my helmet on, and starting my motorcycle up. I was supposed to lead the entire Nightshade pack to Moon Bane territory, on my bike.

Okay, Av, don't flip out when you get home. You get off a few miles away, and have one of the boys ride the Yamaha, while you change. They'll never know it was you.

I pulled my bike to a stop, taking off my helmet. Immediately, Gage was at my side, taking my helmet. Gage was going to follow me as I lead the rest of the way as my wolf. My pack will never know its me, since I never showed them my wolf.

"I'll be in front, just follow me, and I don't want to be road kill, so watch it." I growl playfully, planting a sloppy kiss on his cheek, my lip ring scraping his cheek. The guys were all like my brothers now, so, that's what they are; my legal family. I hid behind a tree, shedding my clothes, and changing into my all white wolf.

I held my clothes in my mouth, trotting up to Gage, who had my backpack open. He took the clothes, putting them in the backpack. I nuzzled his leg, before taking off running towards the pack house.

-Landon's POV- (New POV, Yay!)

I sat at my desk, my head in my hands. I recalled the day, two years ago, when I found my mate. And rejected her.


Aden and I leaned on the car, a crowd of pack members talking to us. Avril walked over to us, her pretty head down, so no one could bother her. Without looking, she went towards the backseat, but bumped into me.

Mate! My wolf cheered, and I'm pretty sure hers did too. I had found out this morning, when I first saw her, but she didn't know. She froze, looking up at the person she had brushed past.

Please no, not here. Not in front of the pack. I thought. They can't know shes my mate. I'd be the laughingstock of the town.

My eyes widened, fear taking over my face, which I had to quickly mask with disgust. I could tell Avril's wolf took over.. She controlled Avril's body, turning her head to me.

"Mate." She purred at me. The sound filled my insides with heat, and pleasure. Something I never thought I'd feel before today.

I continued to look disgusted, as the group just laughed at her.

I need to lie, to say something that will keep her from continuing on about how shes my mate. I can't have this conversation here. It'll ruin my reputation. I thought.

"You're not my mate. Why would an ugly, stupid, fat nerd be my mate? Stop making things up, it only makes you look worse." I growled, my eyes turning a gold. Usually, she would have shrunk back at the alpha glare, but her wolf stood her ground.

"You are my mate, you idiot. Stop lying! I can feel it!" She growled back at me

I need to get through to her, or force her into the car. NO ONE can know the Omega is my mate, my Luna. I thought, my wolf purring at the words My Luna.

"Get in the car, before I make you shut up." I growled. Her wolf allowed her control again, so she walked, her head hung, to the back door, before sliding in.


"I was such an ass to her!" I growled, my fist hitting the desk hard enough to break a human's hand. "And now she's gone. My Luna, gone, dead, AWOL. Anyone I hire, can't find her."

I buried my head in my arms, holding back tears. A knock made me look up, sniffling. In the doorway, stood my Beta, Aden. Her brother.

"Alpha, the Nightshade pack has arrived. Alpha Gage requests your presence." Aden said, bowing.

I wiped my eyes, standing up.

"Are all their members present?" I asked him.

Aden scratched the back of his head. A sign that I'd learned meant I don't know.

"I-I don't know. I'm sure Alpha Gage will tell you if you speak with him-" I cut Aden off.

"Very well, Aden. You're dismissed." I said, with a wave of my hand.

Aden stopped at the doorway. "Um...Landon, I suggest you jump in the shower first. I've heard Nightshade has the hottest femmes, and we need a Luna."

With that, Aden left. My wolf growled at the thought of having anyone other than Avril as his mate. He didn't want that. Not at all.

After showering, I let my dark brunet hair fall into my black eyes. I pulled on a white shirt, green leather jacket, and black tight-fitting jeans. I honestly don't care how I look to my pack, but in front of the Nightshade pack, looks are everything.

Maybe we'll find my mate, my wolf panted.

OUR mate. I stated. And no, we won't. We'd have found her if she was with them.

Before he could reply, I blocked him out, walking towards the front door, where Alpha Gage would be waiting.

"Time to meet the Alpha, and the dude who trains the best wolves around." I muttered.

"Sorry for the delay, I was just a little busy before." I said, holding my hand out. "I'm Alpha Landon."

"I'm Gage. Gage Gray." The Alpha, Gage said in a gruff voice, shaking my hand.

A boy stepped forward, bowing at me.

"This is my Beta, Silas." The boy, Silas, looked like he should be related to Avril. "And, my third in command, she wishes to stay in her wolf form. There was an accident with her clothing. Ripped to shreds while we were coming."

A white wolf stepped forward, nuzzling Gage's leg affectionately. Was she his mate?

"H-Hold on, did you say she?" Aden piped up. Everyone had expected Nightshade's third in command would be some buff guy, not a petite femme wolf.

Gage laughed, and the she-wolf gave us a wolf smile.

"Yes, she. Avs is the best trainer a pack could have. Would you like a demonstration?" Gage asked, looking me in the eyes.

I turned to Alek, my third in command, nodding, a signal that meant Fight her.

"Thirds versus thirds, huh? I like it." One of the Nightshade wolves said.

"Shane, quiet down." Gage commanded, before turning to me. "You might wanna take a few steps back."

My mouth dropped at the sight before me. On top of the brown wolf known as Alek, was a petite white wolf. Her one paw was enough to keep Alek down. She gave Gage a wolf smile, before trotting over to his side again. How could a wolf as slight as that pin Alek?

"How...Did...She?" I asked, before I stopped myself.

Alek changed pack, quickly dressing in cargo pants. I noticed the she-wolf averted her eyes when Alek was changed back, and dressing. I chuckled under my breath. She was an innocent one, huh?

"Damn, that bitch is strong!" He commented, making the she-wolf growl at him.

"Calm down Avs." Gage laughed at the she-wolf, before turning to me. "Can your Beta and third show my members inside? I'm pretty sure my third would like to be able to change back with a place to get dressed."

I turned to Alek and Aden, who dropped a nod. The she-wolf trotted up to me, her tail wagging. She sat in front of me, seeming to give me an inspection. She then growled deeply, and walked up to Aden and Alek. Did she hate me or something? What did I do?

No, my wolf said in a shaky voice. She doesn't hate you. She can't.

Why are you acting like a PMS-ey she-wolf all of a sudden? I asked him.

Mate. She's near. I can feel it.

I froze. Once a month, my wolf would claim my wolf is near, but he mostly mistakes other girls for Avril. How convenient, the Nightshade pack shows up, and my wolf goes insane. Once the other wolves were gone, Gage glared at me.

"Wheres your Luna? I heard you had one. Was I wrong?" He asked.

He's on to us. Lie, human, lie! My wolfcried in my head.

"No. I don't have a Luna. Never had one." I lied coolly, shrugging. Gage growled slightly, before shrugging nonchalantly.

"Oh well. So, about the training, she starts on Saturday morning, 8 AM sharp. Don't let any of your wolves be late." Gage said, before walking past me. Huh.

Call me crazy, but I don't think that human likes us, my wolf says.

I agree, so we must both be insane. I replied with a sigh.

-Unknown POV-

I retreated as both of the Alpha wolves went inside. I turned toward the forest running in my wolf form, not caring if my fur got dirtied. I reached the wooden shack in the middle of the forest, where I was supposed to report what I saw. I changed back, not even bothering to dress. After all, all of my 'pack' were men. I knocked on the door to the shack, and waited.

"Come in, scout." My alpha's voice wafted through the door.

I pushed the door open, walking in. My alpha stood tall and proud, a menacing look on his face.

"So?" He asked.

"They have a she-wolf who wouldn't change into a human. She's small, but strong. We could snatch her along with the missing Moon Bane Omega when we find her." I said.

My Alpha smiled, clapping his hands together.

"Wonderful. We'll wait, until she makes the Moon Bane pack even more vulnerable." He said.

"Yes, sir." I replied.

"You're dismissed."


DUN DUN DUNN....So, whose after Avril? What do they want with her?

Like it? Dislike it? Love it? Hate it?




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