The Last Kiss | Ansel Elgort ♡

By barbieberx

161 2 1

Falling in and out of love is never easy. Relationships take bending and breaking and loving and nurturing. B... More

Chapter Two ♡
Chapter Three

Chapter One ☆

109 1 0
By barbieberx

I remember falling asleep but not waking up. Sure, I tended to forget a lot of things..but waking up? Shouldn't the ceiling tell you you've woken up? The sun shining through your window? Now that I thought about it, the sun didn't seem to visit my window very often..

I went through my day in my head. Algebra with Norton, Science with Emery, then Language. But something was different in my Language class today. There was someone sitting next to me.

I'd always sat in the back. It just made everything better: air conditioning, you never get called on, and the desks always have quotes scribbled into them.

Today's quote on my pathetic, torn-up desk: Fuck everyone.

Great, I thought. Understatement of the twentieth century..

But, the boy. The boy who sat to my right, next to the window. He looked he had a permanent frown. He was..well..sort of..beautiful. The type of beautiful you get with Instagram filters and a perfect tan. He kept his gaze steady out the window; his face softened every once in a while.

He was different looking. (In a good way.) Chestnut hair, lightly meeting his forehead. His eyes that glistened when the light hit them right. I scanned his body head to toe, only to notice when I looked back up..the boy was staring right at me. Shit. But he didn't look angry..he actually looked kind of sexy. Like the 'I know you're staring at me, and I don't even have to ask' sexy. I looked down and bit my lip, feeling pretty invasive.

I looked back up to see his smile. A cute, boyish smile. He, too, looked down at his desk when I smiled back. But, he let out his laugh, and picked up his pencil.

He folded the paper and passed it to me.

In a scrawl, it read:

To: Girl who keeps staring at me.

I like your smile.

I could feel my cheeks getting hot and just as much as I was smiling, I knew he was smiling, if not more, at me.

I picked up my pencil and wrote, "To: Mysterious window guy. Don't you know staring is not polite?"

I passed the note back to him, and he smirked right at me. He read the note, shaking his head, and thats when I noticed the marks. They looked like the top of a a big, full chest tattoo. Like what else could it be? Marker?

I laughed at my own thought and he focused his attention my way. He leaned in, knowing Ms. Malone would never turn our way. The boy spoke in a deep, soothing voice.

"What's your name?"

"Charlie," I paused, "like as in Charlotte."

"Charlie..I like that.." He purred.

I paused for a moment. He smiled at me again. I leaned in this time.

"And what's your name, mysterious window man?"

"I'm mysterious?" He smirked.

"Most definetley."

He smiled. "I'm Ansel. You know, otherwise know as sexy and mysterious window man.."

"I never said you were sexy.." I joked.

"But I did." He said as winked, then sat back up and faced forward. He was confident..possibly cocky..but even if I didn't want to admit it - I liked it.

We didn't talk again until near the end of class. English was pretty much an analysis of the first chapter of To Kill a Mockingbird. I, of course, didn't answer any of the questions that popped around the room - but Ansel did. He spoke carefully, choosing his words wisely. He would stand and make his gestures and the class would swoon. Even some boys...

After our books were passed out (apparently Ms. Malone decided the school books should be sent out and kept until the end of the book. She'd had us bring them back everyday.) Ansel leaned back over to my desk and passed the note.

I think your last argument collapsed on itself. You wouldn't by chance have found yourself staring at me?

I smiled at his scrawl and his line through his misspelling of the word 'argument'.

"You do know there's an eraser on pencils for a reason, right?" I said eyeing his perfect eraser. No dents, just perfect form.

"You make mistakes in life but you can't erase them. You just have to come to terms with them, cross them out, but never forget because you'll never learn if you never know." He whispered intently.

"Did you get that off your desk?" I smiled, as he looked confused but soon realized that his desk had a quote.

"No, actually. My desk seems to name a list of things this certain person would like to do to Arielle Summers," He said.

I let out a laugh and it turned silent between us. I paused for a second more...and then the worst thing came out of my mouth: the first thing that came to mind.

"But - you know it's just an eraser."

He laughed. "It's like a drug - or alcohol. It makes you numb so you forget. It erases from your memory like it was never there. It's pretty stupid," he said.

I blushed bright red, feeling about as stupid as the eraser. I tried to make people forget about me, but I had a feeling Ansel wasn't about to do that. (And if he scared me.)

I left the classroom to go the bathroom, but really just to stand against the lockers. He made me feel like I was stupid, but I don't think he knew. Technically, I was the one that said the first thing that came to mind..which was STUPID..

I walked back into the classroom after about two minutes of standing around. Everyone was talking and most were just sitting on their desks, talking to whomever they talked to. Everyone else except me..

But as I walked in, I saw Ansel sitting on his desk looking at me. He smiled as I made my way over to him.

"Wow. Girls pee fast, " He said raising his eyebrows.

"I just had to get out of here. Too hot."

"Oh, sorry. Shall I take a step outside?" he said and took a step back.

"You're so.." I started because I knew exactly what he was doing. Sure he added to the heat, but so did the weather.

"I know, I know," he said.

The bell rang, and the class shuffled out the door. I just about left when I realized my book was still on my desk. I reached for it at the same time he did and our hands touched for a second. I pulled my hand back as soon as it made contact and he laughed, handing me my book.

"So, I'll see you tomorrow..I guess.." I stumbled, feeling my cheeks get hot again.

"Sure," he said, before smiling and walking the other way.

I made my way to History, feeling my stomach plummet to the pit of my insides.

| I know this chapter doesn't have a lot of action, but I promise to update either later tonight or tomorrow. I will also be holding a sort of contest on my page to see which character I should include next. Keep reading xx ♡ Barbieber |

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