Alphas Property Yoonmin Smut...

By SuckMyAgustDaddy

326K 9.5K 6.5K

"Your scent is too much I can't take it" "That's because I'm your mate omega" "What" In which jimin and hi... More

the frost
spring has come
come back
birthday boy
sunrise whines
fluffy devil
rose bud
update schedule
classroom issues
cats and dogs
people are poison
protect the balance
Dirty dogs
Baby doll vkook

pretty school boy

14.6K 456 668
By SuckMyAgustDaddy

Yoongis POV~♡~

(I decided to skip the smut cause it'll be coming soon)

When I woke up and went to jimins room he was in the same position as yesterday

He was leaning in the window sill staring at the rising sun. Everytime I saw him he would get more beautiful

I crept behind him and wrapped my arms around his waist

"Goodmorning hyung" his small voice was slightly raspy from sleep

"Jimin how long have you been awake" he shrugged and turned around facing me

"I've been up since round 5:30 I guess I like to watch the sun rise it's relaxing"  I nodded and kissed his neck

"Lets go get breakfast jimin" he hummed and we went to the breakfast hall

This time he sat in his own seat and kihyun already had food out for us along with a cookies and cream protein shake for jimin

"So jimin, what do you think of going to school" he dropped the strawberry he had in his hand and started at me

"What, really hyung" I nodded and he smiled

"I would love to go" I nodded with a smile plastered on my face  and ate a piece of sausage

"You and taehyung will go to the high school, also you will be a senior since you've been doing online courses" jimin stood up and danced around

"Eat your shake jimin" he stopped and pouted

"It doesn't taste good hyung I only like jins" I sighed and put my fork down

"Just try and eat half of it" he sighed and flopped Into the chair holding his breathe and sipping on the shake

When jimin finished his shake we went out in the backyard for a while

"Hyung it feels nice outside today" he stepped into the grass barefoot enjoying the feel of the warmth

I stood at the stairs and watched him lay down in the grass sighing and humming in content at the warmth

Suddenly a little stampede of children ran and jumped on jimin breaking the beautiful scene

The children smiled and hugged him

He blushed and hugged them all back he was beautiful. He looked so gentle when he was picking them up and tickling them

"Yoongi look they're so cute" he squealed when they rubbed their heads on his face

Kihyun came up with glasses of tea a
And placed then on a table

"He's good with the children as expected your lucky yoongi" I smiled and nodded still looking at him

"You have work to do, you have to look over and Renew contracts for peace and continue the ties with our allies, also you have to have meetings with them" I sighed and went down to Jimin

"Jimin I have to work I'll be back late tonight  so you can play with the pups or do whatever but you will not leave this house of yard and there always needs to he an alpha or beta present with you" he nodded and kissed my cheek making the little pups coo and shout embarassing taunts

I went inside and started working immediately . First dressing Into a tight black button up and slacks woth patted hair that shows my forehead slightly 

I had an emergency meeting with the blood stone pack and the lunar pack.

After two meetings and the sorting of four contracts I was ready to die when  I stepped foot into the mansion jimin was laying down on the floor asleep with three of the pups from earlier resting their heads on him

Kihyun comes waddling down the stairs with his extra pregnant belly and he smiled sympathetically

"He played with then all day, jackson should be here soon"

As soon as he said that the doorbell rang and in came Jackson to pick up his pups

"Hey yoongi, aawww your mate will be a good mother" the kids smelled their father and woke up and in the process waking jimin up

Jimin started to tear up and ran into me for a hug

"Yoongi I missed you" he started scenting himself and Jackson and kihyun didn't know what to say.  Things like scenting should be intamite moments behind closed doors away from anyone else

I grabbed this waist and kissed his nose

"You need to get ready for school tomorrow I'm gonna take you to the school and get you signed in I already have all your supplies, and the school doesn't have a dress code so you could wear whatever you want" jimin nodded and scurried upstairs to bathe

Jackson was laughing hysterically  and picked up Michael who was now half way there to throwing a tantrum

"He seems uumm very open to scenting and mating. You should have seen your face you were embarrassed as all get out. I've never seen you like this your whipped"

I rolled my eyes and smiled

"He's an omega that has lived his entire life in hiding his parents were killed and  he doesn't know  much about other wolves and how we do things" kihyun held a hand to his heart and pouted

"Awww poor baby I'm gonna make him some cake" and with that he waddled towards the kitchen

Jackson balanced holding all three kids while trying to shush one of the whiny ones

"Well he's sweet and good with children just watch him when he goes to school you can trust him but not other wolves you need to get him marked and soon. He smells strong and since he's an omega he's more sibbmisive than anyone else he'll be an easy target" I opened the door and helped him carry a kid out to the car where his mate was waiting for him sleeping a huge baby bump showing

"God Jackson you've had three and your getting another one" 

He chuckled and wiped hair out of the sleeping  marks face

"What can I say I'm a dog" he snickered before driving off 

When I got into my bedroom jimin was curled up in a ball asleep I unbuttoned my shirt too tired to bathe and laid down next to Jimin

5:30 in the morning

I was sleeping peacefully until I felt pressure on my stomach

"Ugh,what the fuck!!" I groaned in slight irritation as I lost breathe

"jimin what the hell are you doing" he giggled and kissed the top of my nose

"Its my first day of school we gotta get ready" he climbed off and fell in the process

I got up fast and went to his side

"Im ok hyung let's go bathe" he pulled me to the bathroom and the water was already ready

"Jimin your school doesn't start till seven it's too early" he whined and stomped a foot

"No I want to look the best" I smiled and got undressed

We sat in the bathtub him in between my legs I washed his hair for him and washed his back. After I cleaned myself I went to get dressed.

I was in my usual attire of a tight black button up and black jeans

I yelled for jimin telling him I'll be in the dining room

When I got there kihyun had a protein shake ready for jimin, along with strawberry pancakes,strawberry orange juice, strawberries and strawberry crepes

"Don't you think you over did it a little bit"kihyun giggled and sighed

"The baby is going to his  first day of school, I want him to be happy he seems to enjoy strawberrys a lot" I nodded and sat down drinking my black coffee.

My attention went to the door when I heard the door open and light footsteps

The sight i saw I wasn't prepared for cane walking out happily skipping 

Jimin had a black skater skirt on, along with a baby pink and white thigh choker, he had a baby pink crop sweater that showed his belly when he raised his arms, his hips swayed when he walked and his smile never faded

He sat down and smiled at the food

"Jimin you look amazing"I complimented him and  his eyes flashed pink and he blushed

"Thank you hyung"

He was feeling himself in that outfit sorry that I would have to break that

"Go change" I deadpanned and his ears went down

"What why hyung" he whined and I shook my head"you can see too much leg and I don't want anyone seeing your cute belly it's mine,your mine, put on some pants and a longer sweater" he slammed his chopsticks down and stomped out he was upset but I didn't care I smiled happily and sipped my coffee

Kihyun rolled up a newspaper and


"Hey what the hell!!" He rolled his eyes and sighed

"He looked cute he would have been fine" I chuckled and rolled my eyes

"I'm easily jealous I refuse to let him go with that much skin showing" kihyun groaned as he sat down

"Your gonna pop soon kihyun do you have the babies room done? Also you need tinrest stay in bed for the next few days" He smiled and relaxed in his chair

"Yes it's cute my little girl is going to be so comfy, im fine i dont eant tk be on bed rest i have responviblilties and also the pack doctor says shes healthy and so am i the only bad thing is my back is killing me. Hyunwoo isn't gonna be here to help me he had to go to a training" I nodd and soon jimin came back

He had a pair of black ripped jeans and a on oversized cat sweater on that showed his collar bones

I grimaced and sighed

"There's too much collarbone and those jeans are too tight on your ass" he groaned and sat down

"Ugh I don't wanna dress like a grandma or a church boy" he crossed his arms and I raised an eyebrow

"Don't sass me and change" i deadpanned and kihyun finally broke the cycle of attitude and yelled

"Yoongi he's fine stop being an overpossesive alpha and leave the boy alone!! Jimin you look lovely" jimin blushed and stuck his tounge out at me

He ate some strawberries a half a crepe and a bite of pancake but he didn't touch his shake

By the time I noticed it was too late to do anything or he would have been late to school

We hopped into the limo and drove to his school he was texting taehyung the entire time

"Put your phone up we are here" he giggled and put it in his pocket

"Do you need me to go with you I can stay with you today"

He shook his head and got out of the car the driver was about to pull off but I asked him to wait, not  even two minutes later jimin came back to the car in tears

"Yoongi it's so big and there's so many people they are looking at me weird I don't want to go anymore" I chuckled and got out of the car I held his hand and walked through the entrance. The loud buzz that once filled the air went dead silent. Students looked up at me in fear they bowed their heads and greeted me

I got jimins schedule and took him to his class

I entered the room and the teachers jaw dropped

He got on his knees and bowed

"Good morning my king, what bring you here" I stare down at him and sigh

"My mate is going to be attending school here This is  his first period, he's nervous so I will a company him today" the teacher stood and nodded

"Jimin please introduce yourself to the class I'll wait for you to finish" he cried a little sob and I kissed his cheek

"H-hi my name in park jimin and him I love yoongi, let's be friends"  I slightly blushed at his cute manner and walked him to his seat

Suddenly the door opened revealing a pissed off taehyung with tears in his eyes and a smirking jungkook

Jungkook pushed taehyung in the room and slapped his ass in the process

"This brat is my mate and  he is attending your class but he's so scared he wanted his daddy to take him in I'll stay with him today,and if anyone touches him I'm going to Rip your heads off" his smirk disappeared and was replaced with a glare

"Asshole" taehyung muttered and everyone gasped

It wasn't every day that someone would talk back to one of the head alphas and king

Jungkook grabbed taehyungs chin and  lifted his head biting into his neck , remarking him, making jimin gasp and stare at me in disbelief

I put a hand on his shoulder to relax him

"Remember who you belong to omega" taehyung gulped and whimpered when he was let go

"Like I said asshole, anyway I'm park taehyung and my mate is this dickhead and my brother is back there" jungkook slapped taehyungs ass again and guided him to a seat making him sit in his lap

The class looked around awkwardly and didn't pay any attention to the lesson they stared at us the entire class

The day went by slowly and jimin didn't leave my side and same with taehyung

We sat in the lunch room and jimin went I to the lunch  line and he stared at the food in disgust

"Can you eat any of this" he shook his head and I sighed

"Can you at least try it" he grimace and nodded slightly

We sat down and the lunch room was silent

Taehyung and jungkook came and sat with us

Jimin stared down at the soup and grimaced

"Jimin are you really gonna try it, inhavsnt seen you eat anything other than jins food and strawberries " taehyung asked wide eyed

Jimin nodded and started to shake in fear

Everyone in the room stared at him as he lifted the spoon to his mouth. He took a bite and spit it out immediately

He dropped the spoon and gagged then turned around falling out of his chair onto his knees and threw up

I rubbed his back and picked him  up taking his small shaking body to the bathroom he rinsed his mouth out and sighed

"Its ok jimin your a picky eater it's not that big of a deal, we'll take you to a pediatrician and see what we can do to get you to like more foods, you can't eat strawberries all your life"

He giggled and kissed my lips softly

"Your a great mate yoongi"I kissed his small knuckles and guided him back to the lunch room after calling kihyun to bring Jimin some strawberries and kimchi

When he arrived with  the food jimin smiled brightly and thanked him

"Baby I'll be back eat your lunch I'm going to go to the bathroom" jimin whined but i had to pee so he let me go

"Taehyung I'm going to go and get a soda  from the line" taehyung nodded and with that the omegas were left all alone

The cafeteria doors swung open revealing a boy that had a dangerous look on his face he smelled the air and leaned his head towards the omegas

"I smell fresh meat" he growled and made his way too the already shaking omegas

"Hello" his voice changed he was now speaking sweetly to the boys

"I'm chanyeol, what's your name" jimin gulped down his strawberry and taehyung cleared his throat looking away

"Uuum I'm jimin" he showed a sweet smile to chanyeol making him ruffle his hair "cute" he cooed and jimin smiled

All of a sudden in jimins soul he felt scared and angry

He looked over and saw jungkook and yoongi standing at the door

Yoongis glare never left chanyeol and jungkooks soda was now crushed spewing everywhere

They stomped over and yoongi cleared his throat

Chanyeol turned around and instantly cowered

"Get away from my mate" yoongi spit with extra venom, chanyeol eyes widened and he removed his hand from jimins hair immidiatley running to the safety of any place where yoongi wasn't

"What the hell was that jimin" he spits and jimin flinched slightly at the time of voice he used

"I was making a friend" yoongi rolled his eyes at the innocent comment and sighed

"You aren't to speak to anyone you have taehyung that's all you need" when jimin went to protest yoongi sent a glare that finished the conversation all while jungkook is currently rubbing taehyung thighs and sucking on his neck showing off his ownership of the pretty omega
The rest of the day went well other than the jealous and scared looks that was sent their way everywhere they went

Not surprising but taehyung and jimin were very smart they worked equations and wrote essays and reciting the constitution with no problem at all.

When the day was over jimin was exhausted from working all day and was asleep in yoongis lap almost as soon as they got in the car

To surprise jimin yoongi called jungkook telling him to meet him at namjoons place with taehyung


I'm sorry another cliffhanger but this time I'm going to continue this next chapter

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