Echos of the cursed forest

By makayladecroliere

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-BOOK 1- (Warning this story maybe disturbing to some readers.) this is my first story that I'm posting so t... More

Prologue (narrated)
Chapter 1: Evolving
Chapter 2 : The jolteon
Chapter 3 : A dream or realitatea
Chapter 4 : Unforgivable
Chapter 5 : A new start
Chapter 6 : The past
Chapter 8 : Where the truble's at
Chapter 9 : The threat (past)
Chapter 10 : Fighting to live
Chapter 11 : A broken home (Jake's past)
Chapter 12 : Will you fight?
Chapter 13 : Journey
Chapter 14 : Psychic within
Chapter 15 : Burning heart's (Past)
Chapter 16: Disaster
Chapter 17 : In your shadow (past)
Chapter 18 : Battle cry's
Chapter 19 : A message
Chapter 20 : Pain and hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 21: A glaceon in need
Chapter 22 : Love in the air (past)
Chapter 23 : Truble under ground
Chapter 24 : Betrayal or Loyalty (past)
Chapter 25 : The tree of soul's
Chapter 26 : Trouble maker
Chapter 27 : Secret's (Jake's past)
Chapter 28 : Anglica knows
Chapter 29 : Awaken from depression (past)
Chapter 30 : The king of everfree
Chapter 31 : A Shadow
Chapter 32 : A gift (past)
Chapter 33 : The Blue moon
Chapter 34 : A Cures
Chapter 35 : Love and Hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 36 : Blood in the water
Chapter 37 : war of soul (past)
Chapter 38 : Who am i really?
Chapter 39 : A safe place
Chapter 40 : Confusion (past)
Chapter 41: Dark river
Chapter 42 : The dark side (Jake's past)
Chapter 43 : Unexpected
Chapter 44 : The plot (Past event)
Chapter 45 Where it hurts the most
Chapter 46 : Umbreon of evil
Chapter 47 : Life regrets (Jake's past)
Chapter 48 : The problem with love
Chapter 49 : Night travels
Chapter 50 : Echo (Past event)
Chapter 51 Learning to trust again
Chapter 52 : The Darkness part 1 (Past event)
Chapter 53 : The Darkness part 2 (Past event)
Capter 54 The darkness part 3 (Past event)
Chapter 55 : A cursed vaporeon
Chapter 56 : The new king
Chapter 57 : war is on it's way
Chapter 58 : darkest days are here (Finel past event)
Chapter 59 : Get ready for war
Chapter 60 : The final battle

Chapter 7 : Rain of light

307 6 5
By makayladecroliere

The sun was at its highest point and the foreast was piceful.

Steel sat outside her dean it had been three moon's since she had moved in to the foreast.

She had train battle moves with Slash and his sister Neko was her name.

"Huh" she sighed "Hey Steel!" Steel turned her head to see Neko.

"Hey what you doing just sitting there..we should go hunting or something" she said in a teasing way.

"...i would but...i just feel like being  alone right now you do understand right" Steel said in a soft voice.

Neko stared at her "....alright...but sometimes when were sad is when we don't want to be alone" She meowed.

Steel looked way "yeah well not me...sorry" she muttered as she walked off

Steel walked around even though her had lived here for sometime she still didn't know the holle forest.

She picked some baris "these will came in handy" she told herself as she picked some more. "Heheh" Steel froze in place ears up strat.

She looked around " someone there?" She question

"......" Steel was sure she was being watched. "Um-" Steel started to walk back to her dean a bit creeped out "hehe-hey....came here" a quiet voice whispered.

Steel's fur fluffed in surprise. "Wha?" Steel looked back to see a pare of big pink eye's watch her throw the bushis.

"What the?" Steel slowly walks up to it "um..hello?" She mumbls.

A sylveon jumped out and pushed Steel but Steel pushed back ready to fight if that's what had to be done.

Steel looked coldly at the sylveon to her surprise it was a shiny like her.

"Hehe hey" the sylveon says in a sassy way.

Steel just stared 'what is going on..why was she watching me?'

"Um..hi" Steel says unsure.

The sylveon walks around Steel looking her over "hum...pretty i haven't seen you around must be new..shiny rings...haven't seen a shiny umbreon before hehehe" Steel rolled her eyes 'What have you seen'

"Um tha-" But Steel was cut off " Ah no no no need to thank me for a comet on your bueaty" she huffed before blabbing some more "I'm Skylar...they call me that because I'm blue like the sky hehehe!" She smiles at Steel.

Steel just sat there Skylar leand in closer as if expecting something " this is the part where you tell me your name"

Steel just trend away "yeah...i gotta go" Steel lied.

Skylar gave a glare "huff...rude i know your not being honest" Steel looked at her "yeah and how would you know you spy on every pokemon you meet?" Steel said with annoyance.

"Hmm" Skylar looked at the ground "i wasn't spying...i was hunting and then i saw you" She says.

Steel just glared "why do you want my name anyways..." Skylar laughs "because how can we be friend's when i don't know your name hehehe" She answered fast.

'wait who said we're going to be friend's'

Steel bit her lower lip

"Um Steel" Steel finally says.

"Hehehe!" Skylar laughs and Steel narrowed her eyes at her "Ok What's so funny huh!?!" Steel snapped at her.

"It's just that's a funny name for an umbreon like you hehe" she says in a teasing way.

Steel grips her teeth together ' funny'

Steel tryed to walk away but was pulled back by Skylar "hey we should hang and get to know each other!" She ye

lls with joy well for her joy.

"Hey Steel" Steel herd Neko call 'oh thank Arceus!'

Neko came and saw Skylar "oh...Steel who's your new friend" she says in a happy voice.

'oh-no Neko...I'm not her friend...' Steel thought coldly. but by Steel's surprise Skylars joy seemed to have vanished by Nekos arrive.

"huh...I'm Skylar"she mumbled kinds grouchy. 'wha?...she was so happy and annoying before'

"Um who are you?" Skylar asked  Neko with a bitter voice. Neko tilted her head "huh I'm Neko....are you ok did i do something wrong?" She asked but Skylar only smile again "Nop I'm fine if your a friend of Steel I'm sure we all can get along" She said in that annoying happy voice again.

'but...what was that about?...that sudden coldness?' Steel shivers as she looked this sylveon over her yellow eyes locked on her with questions.

"Um...but me and Steel were going to hang alone ok sweetie" She says in a sweet voice but Steel shook her head "no...i gatta get some umbreon sleep in daylight so...yeah bye Skylar" Steel said before running way looking back for Neko to follow.

Skylar just watched them leave with a smark on her face "Steel."

Steel and Neko got to her dean "are you really going to sleep...because something's telling me you lied to her" Steel rolled her eye "so what if i lie...she's freaking me out" Steel huffed but Neko gave a cold look "you know you should be more nice to other pokemon" she said.

Steel knew she was right but couldn't help it she didn't want to make close friends not after what happened 'even if it was three moon's ago it still happened'

Steel glaref at her for a bit before letting out a heavy breath "yeah ok your right but maybe that's because i don't want friends" she told Neko.

Neko noded "ok but I'm your friend...Slashs your friend i don't think its that bad Steel you need to let go of the past alright" she purred.

Steel opened her eyes to found herself in her dean she streched before gtting up and walk over to the entrance of the dean to look outside the foreast of dark but lit with the stars and the moon was half there.

"Um well it seems to be nice out tonight" she said to herself.

The grass around her was reflecting blue from the glow of her rings her yellow eye's as well had a thin glow to help her night vision.

Steel walked out of her dean and stopped to enjoy the night breeze and sniff at the purple flower by her dean.

She had grown uset to her new home sure she missed Dusty and Shawn but Neko was right she had to move forward and she liked the foreast it was nice here.

Steel walked to the river that flows by her dean just a few leaps away. She took a few laps of water before lifting her head "mmm im pretty hungry maybe there esy pray neer by" she walks past the river and deeper into the forest with her ears picked and eye's peeled for any movement.

Her eye catches sight of a cyndaquil.

'now that's a challenge and a good delish meel' Steel thought licking her lips

'now Steel always remember that cyndaquils can burn you esly so go for the front'  Steel remember her dad giving her a hunting lesion on cyndaquils.

Steel dimed her rings so that her holle body was black she quickly moved to a patch of grass to get a good angle of her pray. She slowly creeped foreword until she was closed enough and she lead into a run the cyndaquil tryed to run but Steel jumped on in pinning it down with a snarl and quality snaped it's neck so it couldn't use any fire attack.

Steel sat dawn and started to rip it's flush apart. Blood drop from her muzzle as she dug through her pray enjoying the delish tast of it and the tast of blood. after she was done she licked off the blood that was still on her muzzle and got to her paws amd looked around "huh i wish Slash was a dark typ so that he would be awake" Steel sighed. She walked to the bary bush she wa at earlier that day "ugh i hope that annoying skylar isn't here" she mumble but then her ears picked up a voice.

"Hey long time no see i thought you went after Skull to well you know" a. Female voice was saying steel glance at the bush diming her lights she moved closer to the bush. Her ears picked to liceing

"Yea...Skulls to strong i didn't stand a chance"  a male voice said with hint of shame and anger Steel felt for him she also hatted Skull 'but his voice do i know him?'  Steel leand closer to hear better "oh well i did tell ya you wouldn't be strong enough and besides revenge is never good" Steel rolled her eyes 'yea well i guess im not good then'

"Yea i know but he took everything away he needs to be but in his place" Steel heard paw steps going farther away "well see tomorrow Rusty i going to my dean for the night" the one with the fumiler voice siad before steel realized that he was running her way. She let a yelp out went a jolteon ran into her pushing her over "owe!...what the?" The jolteon says.

Steels eyes were closed when the jolteon jumped off of her and glared at her "Steel!?!" He yelps in shock.

Steel got to her paw and opened her eye's to see Jake standing there "Steel what were you doing here...a-and alive i thought you were dead to be honest" he admitted to her. Steel stared at him "you thought i was dead because?" She asked tilting her head to one side. Jake stood up straight "um because you went after a vary dangerous pokemon" he said in a low voice.

Steel turned away "oh that...yeah well I'm alive" She said remembering that day that changed her life.

Jake stared at her before realizing the look in her eyes. "....I'm sorry He died didn't he" Jake asked with a sympathy look. Steel just noded.

Jake walked up to her "then thats why your here..." He says and Steel looked at him "I've gotting over it besides i like it here im happy living here" she says with hope Jake smiles "yea i loved living here...but then Skull react everything for me" he growled with anger. Steel glances at the stars "Jake what did Skull do to you? And who where you talking to?" she asked but got no answer just hollew eyes.

"Huh nevermind" Steel got to her paws again "I'm just going to go for a walk" She mumbled. Jake got up as well "why...i meen why came your here in everfree forest?" Jake aaked Steel looks over her shoulder at him "because a friend of mine lives here" she answer "hm do you mind if i go with you...i haven't had time to hunt anything since i got back here" he says looking at Steel.

A wave of happiness washed over her 'i don't know what it is about him that makes me feel this way' she thought before noding her agreement "yeah ok i could use company since everyone else is asleep"

Jake lead the way through the forest Steel had no idea where they were going but Jake wanted to take her somewhere so she just followed him.

"Jake you live here right?" Steel asked to brack the silence. Jake noded "yea all my life" he said with  such a distants.

The trees were thinning where they were.

"Alright here we are" he said.

Steel walked to his side to see that there were a bunch of blue flowers mixed with white "" She question him but he smirks in response.

"Haha don't look at me like that...this is the best place to hunt because of the flowers attract other pokemon" he explained before lowering himself in a hunting poses "mined diming them lights' he whispers and Steel did so.

Steel watched him.

He creeped forewords but in sted of using quick attack he shot out a lightning  streem out to hit a swellow.

Steel wounded her eyes as it hit the ground and the he used quick attack to pin the big pokemon to the ground and used bit to kill it.

"Nice catch" Steel commented but Jake didn't seem to surprised by his catch "hmm if you say so" I've catched bigger before. Steel noded. Steel's mind as only on one thing and it was a time when shawn had catched a swellow 'its esyer then it looks' he would say. Steel looked back at Jake his eye were a motionless 'whats he thinking..' She wondered

"i heard you talking to some pokemon...why did you go after him but then tell me I'm crazy to go after Skull?" Steel asked but jake just rolled his eyes "why don't you stick to your own business huh" he snarled at her Steel lowered her ears "bu-" she tryed but was cut off by a hard glare "never mind" she muttered 'ugh it's so hard to talk to him when he dosent wanna talk about anything' Seel got up to look at the moon that was now seting Steel looked the other side to see the sun picking over the raising. "Well im off to my dean Jake see you around" She says and walks through the trees toher dean watch to a few getting there "ah now i can rest again" she walked in and curled up in her beding to sleep.

"Steel!!" A voice called.

Steel opened her eye to see golden.

Her breathing slowed "i-i forgot about this place" she said to herself.

The place were she meet that espeon but also saw a pikachu.

"Hello?" Steel called out and her ears twitched when she saw the out line of the espero and started walking over but Steel noticed "I'm not moving?" She looke behind her to see showdowns "the forest its fading a way!!" She watched as new forest replaced the golden trees with dead one's the bright sky turned to doll gray. "Wha? What's happening?" Steel looked around she couldn't see the espeon anymore "hello are you still there?" She called but no Pokemon answers.

Steel sat there not knowing what to do "Steel hahaha" steel jump up at that and looked a round "hello who are you?" she said but all she saw was a pikachu standing there with an cold look in his eyes but his mouth curled into a smile. Steel backed away eyes widened "y-you" is all she could say.

Steel wake up with hardly any breath she stumbled to her paws and looked outside to see the sun at high point. "What...who is that pikachu why is he so scary looking?" She thought 'i mern why am i so scared of him?' She sat there for a bitl before walking outside to get some water. "Hey you!!" Steel shot up to see Skylar there 'Oh brother' Steel grippef her teeth "hi Skylar" Steel said under her breath.

Skylar jump beside her "hi Steel so since your not busy we should hang now" She says and steel rolled her eye as soon as she looked the other way 'what with this girl why can't she see im not intrusted' but she didn't want to seem rude "um....yeah whatever" Skylar jumped around happily "oh great lets go!" She says grabbing Steel with her robins and pooling her way from the water 'Oh Arceus what did i get myself into!'

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