Echos of the cursed forest

By makayladecroliere

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-BOOK 1- (Warning this story maybe disturbing to some readers.) this is my first story that I'm posting so t... More

Prologue (narrated)
Chapter 1: Evolving
Chapter 2 : The jolteon
Chapter 3 : A dream or realitatea
Chapter 4 : Unforgivable
Chapter 5 : A new start
Chapter 7 : Rain of light
Chapter 8 : Where the truble's at
Chapter 9 : The threat (past)
Chapter 10 : Fighting to live
Chapter 11 : A broken home (Jake's past)
Chapter 12 : Will you fight?
Chapter 13 : Journey
Chapter 14 : Psychic within
Chapter 15 : Burning heart's (Past)
Chapter 16: Disaster
Chapter 17 : In your shadow (past)
Chapter 18 : Battle cry's
Chapter 19 : A message
Chapter 20 : Pain and hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 21: A glaceon in need
Chapter 22 : Love in the air (past)
Chapter 23 : Truble under ground
Chapter 24 : Betrayal or Loyalty (past)
Chapter 25 : The tree of soul's
Chapter 26 : Trouble maker
Chapter 27 : Secret's (Jake's past)
Chapter 28 : Anglica knows
Chapter 29 : Awaken from depression (past)
Chapter 30 : The king of everfree
Chapter 31 : A Shadow
Chapter 32 : A gift (past)
Chapter 33 : The Blue moon
Chapter 34 : A Cures
Chapter 35 : Love and Hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 36 : Blood in the water
Chapter 37 : war of soul (past)
Chapter 38 : Who am i really?
Chapter 39 : A safe place
Chapter 40 : Confusion (past)
Chapter 41: Dark river
Chapter 42 : The dark side (Jake's past)
Chapter 43 : Unexpected
Chapter 44 : The plot (Past event)
Chapter 45 Where it hurts the most
Chapter 46 : Umbreon of evil
Chapter 47 : Life regrets (Jake's past)
Chapter 48 : The problem with love
Chapter 49 : Night travels
Chapter 50 : Echo (Past event)
Chapter 51 Learning to trust again
Chapter 52 : The Darkness part 1 (Past event)
Chapter 53 : The Darkness part 2 (Past event)
Capter 54 The darkness part 3 (Past event)
Chapter 55 : A cursed vaporeon
Chapter 56 : The new king
Chapter 57 : war is on it's way
Chapter 58 : darkest days are here (Finel past event)
Chapter 59 : Get ready for war
Chapter 60 : The final battle

Chapter 6 : The past

322 8 4
By makayladecroliere

The sun was rises over the foreast and pokemon were just waking up to start there day

Two little brown eevee were playing outside there dean "haha you can't catch me Ramune!" Blaze tessed his brother but then he finally gat hit "oof" Ramune smirked "looks like i catch ya" he fluffed his fur in pried Blaze got up "all right show off take it esy" Blaze said in a chilled voice

"Blaze came here it's time" Blaze heard his dad call his name and got existed "caming!" He calls back and runs towards him a jolteon stood there "are you ready for your fire stone?" His dad asked

"Oh yes i am....i can't wait to evolve!!"

The jolteon named Flash and he's Blaze and Ramune father and also the king of everfree forest.

Blaze and Flash went inside the dean and Flash pulled out a fire stone and pot it in front of Blaze " you go" Flash said.

Blaze touchrd the stone with his paw.

The stone was really hot and braze was hot.

Blaze started to glow bright and he felt a very strong heat around him.

Finally all the glowing stopped snd when Blaze looked at himself "I'm a flareon!" He said in a vary happy voice jumping around.

"Haha alright alright...but Blaze remember your next in line so evolveing meens for you to be responsible" Flash says. Blaze stopped jumping and gsve a noded "of course dad...i won't let you down" Blaze ran to outside to go see his brother again

"Hey look Ramune look!" Blaze ran up to him and gave a playful push.

"Blaze wow your so big and fluffy....i can't wait to evolve" Ramune gave a sad little look. Blaze sat beside him "awe don't worry you'll evolve when you fined the right form" Blaze said in a confer voice. 'waw i can't believe I've evolved i always dreamed of this day!'

"Blaze came here!" Flash called.

Blaze walked up to him a bit bored ever since he evolved his dad had been making do work to popar for the day he becames king

'ugh i always thought evolveing would be fun but it's just hard work!' Blaze sat and looked at his dad "can't we have. Battle training so that i can use fire moves" He grumbled.

Flash just shuck his head

"Blaze we can do that after but we need to know how to take care of this foreast first" he informed. Blaze ralled his eyes "huh fine" he muttered.

"Alright i what you to go and bring some hunny...i know it sounds weird but it will came in handy so get to it" Flash ordered.

Blaze take off to the foreast to fined some hunny.

Blaze walked to the beedrill tree to get some hunny "huh how am i supposed to get it without being attacked" he asked himself.

"Ahhhhh!!!" Blaze ears flue up "what was that!?!" He looked around.

He ran to the other side of the tree to see a delcatty being attacked by the beedrills "Ah! Help someone please!!!" She was crying out as a bunch of beedrills through attacks at her

Blaze narrowed his eyes 'well i could get the hunny...but that won't be right i gatta help her!'

Blaze ran to the beedrills "HEY!!!" He yelled out then used swift to get there attention "buzzz" the beedrills turnd to look at Blaze "buzzzzzz" they didnt look to happy

Blaze used sand attack on them and looked at the delcatty "well what are you waitting for go!" He yelled at her and delcatty noded and ran off.

Blaze looked back at the beedrills and they seemed to be lost

But one of them came out of the sand cloud "buzzzzz!!!" it was the biggest of them.

It used clear smog hitting Blaze really hart "owe!" Blaze ralled on the ground but got up and used scratch and beedrill hit him the Blaze used bit but missrd and got hit by the beedrills sludgge wave and hit a tree "arr" he growled and got up feeling a wave of heat caming off him "buzzzz" the beedrill used. Sludge wave again but Blaze move out of the way and the heat off his boyed became over wilming and when he tryed to us an attack he surprised himself when a sreem of fire was used instead of his swift move.

The beedrill got hit and feill out of the sky and didn't move.

Blaze ran off not wanting to fight the other who have finally got out of the sand cloud.

He looked over his shoulder to see the beedrills were gone now "oh thank arceus" Blaze sat down feeling tierd "Oh you were great thank you thsnk you so much!" Blaze shot up shocked when the delcatty jumped on him "ahhh!" He felt his face heat up with embarrassment. "Huh c-can you get off of me" he said pushing her of.

"Oh so sorry i get over excited sometimes" she huff as she jumped off of him.

Blaze got to his paw and looked at her "what are you still doing here i thought you ran" Blaze asked her.

"Oh i did i ran but then i thought i better came back to make sure your alright so i did" she meowed with a lovely smile.

"Oh well thanks...but I'm fine" blaze asured her. "Well i thought I'd give this to you to well show how greatful i am" she gave him a hunny cone "i know it's not much but-" Blaze pawed it "no that's fine" he said pushing it to her "oh no you take please its rude to not accept gifs" Blaze finally tooke it in his jow and noded his thanks and headed to this dean when suddenly a mightyena jump out of the bushed "...Blaze why you taking so long your dad was worried" it snarled.

Blaze didn't realize that it was so late "oh...sorry Matt..i didn't realize" but he got cut off by the delcatty "wait...your a servant of the king right?" She asked Matt but he only glared in return "who's this?" Matt growls. "Oh she's just s friend of mine don't worry about it...i got the hunny" he tired to change the subject.

"Humf...fine lets go" he snarled.

Matt started to walk off the delcatty looked at Blaze "..I'm Katty by the way. You?" She meows.

Blaze looked over his shoulders at her "..Blaze" he said before picking up the hunny cone and falling Matt

Matt and Blaze walked in the rolyo dean "...finally when i told you to get hunny i didn't meen for you to run off" Flash snarled Blaze sat dawn "sorry dad but there was truble...and i-i just wanted to help...i didn't want her to get hurt" he explained Matt looke at him "you meen that delcatty?" He glanced back at Flash.

Flash walked up to Blaze " where did you get the hunny then?" Blaze losers his head 'Sigh' "she gave it to me for helping her out" he admit.

Flash gave a long heard looked at him.

"So instead of getting the helped a stranger is that created?" Blaze lowerd his hole body "y-yes sir" he mumbled

".......well done son" he finally said. Blaze got confused by this "huh?" He got up and looked at his dad.

Flash noded " Blaze you see it was a test..i knew some pokemon would be in trouble with those beedrills so that's why i sent you there" Flash said

"You see Blaze..a good king thinks of other's before there own need's."

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