The Shadows We Pass [JONGHO]

By Triple-Khaos

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A twist on a true story Choi Minho and Kim Jonghyun are from a popular boy band called SHINee. Things change... More

Chapter 1: It's a different feeling
Chapter 2: What's going on?
Chapter 3: I want that
Chapter 4: Can we really do this?
Chapter 5: The Beginning
Chapter 6: SHINee
Chapter 7: Is this reality?
Chapter 8: Grateful
Chapter 10: Minho, I'm Pregnant
Chapter 11: Taemin, really?
Chapter 12: Its a...

Chapter 9: Secret kept, but not so well

178 10 2
By Triple-Khaos

Minho POV

So it was 8pm. The atmosphere was full of adults, partying, doing their thing. It was almost intimidating to the 20 year old I was. Don't worry, 19 is the legal drinking age. The only one who can't drink alcohol here is Taemin. He still came to the bar with us, he just had to skip out on any drinking that was done there. 

I kept my arms around my boyfriend, I couldn't risk any drunkards trying to steal him away from me. 

"You're pretty cute," Jonghyun smiled, poking my cheeks which rounded out when I returned the smile.

My cheeks turned a pale pink color, "Thanks."

"Hey, get some drinks!" Jinki cheered, a glass of champagne in his hand already. I chuckled at his stupidity and nodded.

"I will Jinki-hyung," I turned to the bartender who looked me in my eyes.

"Anything I can get for you sweetie?" Her eyelashes fluttered, her beady eyes stared into mine.

"Yeah, I'll take a small glass of champagne to start I guess," I politely asked, glancing over at Jonghyun. His eyebrow was slightly raised. 

"Anything for you, sir?" The young woman looked at Jonghyun.

"Oh, no ma'am," Jonghyun smiled, "I won't be drinking tonight."

"You sure?" She questioned, she was slightly confused as to why he might have been there.

"Yes," Jonghyun turned back to me, "We should get away from her."

"Come on Jong, she's not into me," I reassured my boyfriend, who was getting slightly heated over the female bartender.

"Its not wrong to take precautions right?" He looked at me, still a disappointed look on his face.

"Well no," I smiled and placed my hand under his chin. A smile crossed his pretty face. Jonghyun, if you didn't know, has the brightest smile in my opinion. Not biased at all.

"Why didn't you want to drink?" I looked at Jonghyun, concerned.

"I-I just didn't want to," He responded, looking away from me.

"Okay," I looked at him weirdly, before being interrupted by the bartender.

"Here's your drink darling," She leaned forward in a seductive manner, holding my drink out for me to grab. I reached for it, but then she forcefully pulled it away.

"Nope, you don't get it until I get a kiss!" She puckered her pink lips, my face turned into disgust.

"Excuse me ma'am, you can't do that," I looked over, my boyfriend was holding in all of his anger. One more thing, he was going to blow and I was quite certain about this. "I have a boyfriend."

"Well I guess you don't get your drink then," She took the drink and poured it in the sink.

"Listen here bitch," Jonghyun got up harshly.

"Baby, what are you-" 


The bartender was covered in alcohol, shards of glass cutting at her skin.

"Hey my drink!" Kibum whimpered, seeing the disaster my lover had made. The bartender was absolutely stunned. She had no words for what had just happened. Her jaw hung open in surprise, alcohol dripped down her clothes. Same for me as well, I had no words for what my boyfriend just did.

"J-Jonghyun," I whispered.

The whole bar became silent.

"Get out," The manager of the bar had came from the back room.

"N-" Jonghyun tried to let out, before I interrupted him.

"Yes sir," I responded for Jonghyun, before he was able to make the snarky remark he intended on making.


We all sat in our stationary car outside the bar. After being kicked out of the bar, we were unsure of what we planned to do with the rest of our night.

"Come on Jonghyun, that was seriously uncalled for," Taemin said from the backseat.

"Yeah, why'd you do that?" Kibum added.

"I'm sorry okay, I wasn't thinking," Jonghyun placed his hand on his forehead.

"You can't just do that to someone," Kibum said. I continuously bit on my lower lip, placing my hands on the steering wheel, tapping it.

"I know," Jonghyun covered his eyes. 

"I don't know what's up with him lately, but it needs to stop," Jinki mumbled to Taemin.

Jonghyun covered his face, he let out a sniffle.

"Guys, shut up please," I sternly said to the boys who were gossiping in the back seat.

Jonghyun began crying harder, his tears visible on his cheeks.

"Don't worry about it sweetie, its okay," I placed my hand on Jonghyun's shoulder, reassuring him unlike the other members had done.

"I said I was sorry," Jonghyun said in a muffled voice. 

"Don't cry," I held my arms out for my boyfriend. He willingly climbed over the divider between the 2 seats.

I held my lover in my arms, his tears soaking my shoulder. I pat his back, he started crying hysterically.

"Its okay, no one is mad," I smiled and held him closer, continuously rubbing his back to comfort him. He held on to my neck tightly.

Jinki looked away, "My bad."

I gave Jinki "the look" in the rear view mirror, and went back to cuddling Jonghyun up into me.


It was about 11pm now. After driving home, no one talked to each other, we kind of all just stayed silent, reflecting on what had just happened at the bar.

We were now all in bed, Jonghyun seemed to be sleeping. His back was turned to me, so I personally wouldn't know.

I turned to Jonghyun and wrapped my arms around his small waist, pulling him toward me. I snuggled myself onto his small frame and nuzzled my nose into his neck.

My boyfriend turned his head and smiled, his smile warmed my heart.

"I love you Jonghyun," I whispered to him.

"I love you too, Minho," Jonghyun replied, turning his body to look at me. The room was dimly lit, so he could slightly see me in the midst of the darkness.

"Although I cannot see you, I will still love you the same," Jonghyun whispered, I could see the shadows of his smile.

"I will do the same, my love, although I can see you more than you can see me right now," I chuckled, placing my hand on my lovers face.

Jonghyun POV

I watched my lover slowly drift to sleep. He was still awake, but on the verge of falling asleep. Often, we loved to sing to each other as we fall asleep. Tonight was one of those nights that I wanted to sing to him.  I started to sing the chorus to one of my songs:

You're my cocktail 

You, you, you, you, you
You're my cocktail
You, you, you, you, you
'Cause you, your charms
I-I love you, I'm falling for them
'Cause you, your charms
I-I love you, I'm falling for them
You're my cocktail
You, you, you, you, you

My voice was enough to put Minho to sleep completely. I planted a kiss on his cheek, then on his lips. I smiled, looking at my lover, sleeping.

I laid back down, feeling content in my heart. Little does he know hes a father.


Short chapter haha been pretty busy. more like lazy XD 

forgive meee, some juice coming next chapter loveliess~


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