The Story of Us- A Jemi Love...

By mizznika1

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Demi Lovato is a teenage girl who has her hand full with problems in life and causing herself to change. With... More

The Story of Us- A Jemi Love Story
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Part 1
Chapter 6 Part 2
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 13

889 15 8
By mizznika1

"Aww they look so cute together."

"Let's take a picture and add it to their baby books."

I could hear our moms whispering above us. Me and Joe must have fallen asleep downstairs and I was laying on his shoulder and his arm was around me. My eyes were still closed. I don't know if he is awake but there is no way I am letting them add to those stupid baby books.

"Don't touch the camera mom! That book is already filled with enough embarrassing pictures." I heard Joe say to his mom. So I guess he was awake.

"But you guys just looked so cute together. It reminded me of when you were little kids and you used to fall alsleep like that. Please just pretend you're sleep so I can get one picture!"

There is no way I was gonna let this happen. I raised my head from Joe's shoulder and sat up. "Too late Mrs. Jonas. Not this time."

Both of our mothers walked away while grunting about missing the perfect photo. Of course his mom yelled at us as they were walking up, "You two hurry up and get upstairs then cause you have presents to open."

"Okay we're coming."

I looked over at Joe and he was smiling at me. "Good Morning Demi."

"Good Morning Joseph." I know he hates being called that.

He had a look on his face like he was about to attack. "What did you just call me?"

"Obviously I called you Joseph. Whatcha gonna do about it?" I stuck my tongue out at him and then started running toward the steps. I know it was childish but it was still funny.

"You can't out run me Demetria!" He started run after me.

I didn't even make it half way up the steps before he grab my ankle and stopped me from going up them. He pulled me down but I didnt hurt myself. I flipped around and he fell on top of me.

He was looking down at me very intensely and we were both breathing a little hard from out little run and wrestling match. "I told you that you couldn't out run me."

I smirked. "So you caught me. Now what are you gonna do?" My head was screaming for him to kiss me!

He looked very indecisive. "Something I know I definitely shouldn't do."

His head started to lean in. This is it! Joe is going to kiss me! He pushed back the hair that was in my face and bought his face closer and closer to mine. Our mouths were centimeters apart...

"Maybe I should come back." We both looked up to see Nick standing at the top of the steps watching us with a smirk. Joe jumped off me and ran his hands through his hair. He looked so guilty and I felt so bad cause I know I shouldn't have let it go that far when he is with Ashley. "Why am I always the one to catch you two in these situations?"

We both had absolutely nothing to say cause we both know that if Nick hadn't stopped us then we would be in a full blown makeout session on the steps right now. I tried to look at Joe and tell him it was okay but he was staring at the ground.

"We better go upstairs before someone else comes looking for us." Joe stood up and walked around me and right up the steps. He walked right past Nick and didn't even look at either of us. I can only imagine the guilt he must feel right now. I decided to let him go cause I knew he didn't want to talk to me.

I looked up at Nick and I hated the look he was giving me. He was looking at me like he felt sorry for me. I'm sick and tired of people feeling sorry for me! That's all I ever get lately is those stupid sympathetic looks! I turned around and ran back down to the basement and sat on the couch with my head in my hands. I fought back the tears cause I'm so done crying over everything lately.

I felt someone seat down next to me on the couch and I knew it was Nick. "Please Nick just go away. You have helped me enough. I have no one to blame for this but myself."

Nick started running his hands up and down my back. He ignored everything I just said. "This is not all your fault. This is Joe's fault too. If that idiot would just man up and realize that he has feelings for you too then you two wouldn't be in this predicament at all."

I looked up at Nick. "What are you talking about Nick? Joe only sees me as a best friend. He will never like me how I like him.

He shook his head at me and stood up. He nodded his head at my guitar, "Bring the guitar and let's go."

"Where are we going?"

Nick smiled. "You're finally gonna tell him how you feel and you're gonna use that guitar to tell him."

I jumped up and looked at him like he was crazy. "Are you insane? I can't do that when everyone is upstairs and he is with Ashley!"

"Demi, you have to stop being so scared and finally take what is yours! Im sick and tired of you and Joe constantly hurting each other when you just need to admit that you both love each other! Now if you don't tell him how you feel then I will and I know he won't appreciate it if it's coming from me!"

I can't believe how serious he sounded right now. I haven't seen Nick this determined to make sure something happen in a while. I realized that this is finally it and there was no turning back now. I picked up the guitar and turned to him. "I can't believe I'm actually gonna do this but lead the way."

He was now beaming and he hugged me tightly. He seemed way more excited about this than I did. "Finally! I'm so proud of you Dems!"

"Okay let me go so we can get this over with. The sooner I get my heart broken the better."

"Don't think so negatively Dems. You never know what might happen." He grabbed my free hand and started to drag me up the steps. Here goes nothing.

We got to living room and everyone was in there opening presents and laughing. They all looked so happy and I was about to make things extremely awkward. But the one thing that caught my eye was Joe sitting on the couch with Ashley right next to him trying to get his attention but he was staring off into space. Why the hell is she here this early?

Nick cleared his throat and everyone looked up at us. Joe's eye looked down at Nick's hand holding mine and he looked away. I immediately pulled my hand away from Nick's and pulled him by the collar away from the doorway.

"Nick I can't do this! I didn't know Ashley would be here too!" I tried to whisper as quietly as I could.

He sighed. "This is even better. You can prove to her that you are ready to fight for what is yours! Come on, you can do this! I know you can." He turned around and pushed me into the the living room. "Go get em tiger!"

I turned back to him and scowled. "I hate you for this Nicholas"

He had that annoying smirk on his face. "Love you too. You'll thank me for this later Dem."

I turned back around to the living room and found that everyone was back to what they were doing before me and Nick interrupted except Joe and Ashley were now sucking each other faces off. Can they just not?!

There is no turning back now. It's now or never. "Hey everyone Merry Christmas!"

Everyone looked up at me and even Joe and Ashley stopped attacking each other faces. How polite of them. My mom was the first to speak, "Hey honey. Nice of you to finally join us! There are some presents for you under the tree."

I wasn't worried at all about the presents. I needed to get this over with before I punk out. "Thanks mom but I have something I need to do first." I looked over at Ashley and she was wrapped all up in Joe and smiling at me. She had that "innocent" bitchy smile on her face that never seems to go away. Oh boy do I have something for her! "This is actually my present for Joe and Ashley."

I put my guitar around my body and started playing the song that I thought would tell it all. I know it's old but I thought it fit the situation best.

Joe looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see

That I want and I'm needing everything that we should be

I'll bet she's beautiful, that girl he talks about

And she's got everything that I have to live without

Joe talks to me, I laugh cause it's just so damn funny

That I can't even see anyone when he's with me

He says he's so in love, he's finally got it right,

I wonder if he knows he's all I think about at night

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar

The only thing that keeps me wishing on a wishing star

He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

Joe walks by me, can he tell that I can't breathe?

And there he goes, so perfectly,

The kind of flawless I wish I could be

She'd better hold him tight, give him all her love

Look in those beautiful eyes and know she's lucky cause

So I drive home alone, as I turn out the light

I'll put his picture down and maybe

Get some sleep tonight

He's the reason for the teardrops on my guitar

The only one who's got enough of me to break my heart

He's the song in the car I keep singing, don't know why I do

He's the time taken up, but there's never enough

And he's all that I need to fall into..

Joe looks at me, I fake a smile so he won't see

I had to change a lyric or two but I had to make sure that he knew the song was about him. I looked over at Joe and Ashley and he looked completely speechless while she looked extremely angry.

"I can't believe you! I knew you were after him! He's mine now, can't you get that through your head!"

Ashley was about to get up and walk over to me to do who knows what but Joe reached his arm out to stop her. "Ashley please stop. Calm down." He looked up at me and the look he had on his face did not give me hope at all. He felt sorry for me. I had seen that look plenty of times to know what he meant by it. "Demi I'm so sorry but I'm with Ashley now. That song was absolutely beautiful but I can't be with you that way. You're my best friend and I love you but it could never work out between us like that."

My world crashed down right before me. I could hear our mothers quietly instigating on the sides but I know they wanted us to handle this on our own. The look our pure satisfaction on Ashley's face made me sick to my stomach. 

"See I told you Dems. He's mine. You are only the best friend and you will always be only the best friend. Got it?"

"Ashley stop it." I heard Joe whisper to her. 

I still hadn't said absolutely anything. I was speechless.

That's when Kevin finally decided to make his presence known. "Mom, Dad and Mrs. Lovato please excuse my language. Ashley, why do you have to be such a bitch all the time? Can't you see she is already hurt as it is? And oh my gosh Joe I can't believe you are choosing this thing over Demi! She is absolutely perfect for you. I don't know what kind of spell this girl has on you but she is keeping you from the one thing you really need in your life. If you let Demi walk away then you really are an idiot!" He got up and walked out but before he made it completely out the living room he looked at me smiled.

I love Kevin so freaking much. I will never understand why Joe was favorite brother over him cause he is definitely the sweetest guy ever.

"You are just going to let him talk to me like that Joe?!"

"I will handle him later Ashley." He looked at me again. "I really am sorry Demi." I could tell he was holding something back but I just didn't know what it was but I was not gonna waste my time on him anymore.

I tried to force out the best smile that I could. "It's okay Joe. It's not your fault that you fell for someone else and I had to be the cliche' idiot to fall for my best friend. I'm sorry I ruined everybody's Christmas." I started to run out the living room. But I heard Joe softly say, "You're not an idiot." I ignored him and continued to sprint towards the steps.

I heard both Nick and my mom yell my name but I ignored both of them and ran to my room. I didn't want anyone to see the tears beginning to form in my eyes. I wiped away the lonely tear on my face and pulled my suitcase out of the corner and I started to pack up all my stuff. 

"Demi what are you doing?" I turned around to see my mom standing in the doorway with a worried look on her face.

"Mom I'm ready to go back home to LA." This has literally been the worst Christmas ever.


BAM! Merry Christmas everyone! I bet some of you hate me after this chapter..

I know the few fans that I have probably thought I disappeared off the face of the earth but I have just been extremely busy. I'm not gonna lie. I actually got on here today to delete this story but then I actually saw people's comments and I almost cried because I didn't realize anybody would actually miss me! So I'm gonna continue this story for a little while longer.

Also I'm extremely sorry for saying I was gonna update but I never did. I hate breaking promises but everytime I would try to update I would just lose motivation. But I just got a brand new sexy laptop for Christmas so I have something to update on now.

We have now reached the climax of our story! I know some of you wasn't expecting this but this is the point in the story I have working towards since I started writing it forever ago! It might get a little confusing from this point so just leave any questions you may have in the comment box.

Lastly, now that I have my own laptop I can finally start my new story that I have been wanting to start for the longest time now! I don't have a title yet but I know what my story line is so I will probably have a title in the new updat of The Story of Us. The first chapter will probably be out at the end of January.

Thank you for everyone who has stuck with me through this story even though I keep disappearing. I hope you like this chapter!


Song used in this chapter: Teardrops On My Guitar- Taylor Swift

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