Passions of the Heart - BOOK...

De SheriChapman

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Please see the next page for a full description - This is the sequel to Wild Passions. Kaitlin has just bee... Mai multe

Passions of the Heart - BOOK 2 of the PASSION series
Chapter One - Betrothal
Chapter Two - Reminiscing...
Chapter Three - Freedom?
Chapter Four - Precautious Measures
Chapter Six - Tipi Construction
Chapter Seven - Wedding Guests
Chapter Eight - Pursuit

Chapter Five - Lovers

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De SheriChapman

Chapter Five


“I will be leaving in the morning before you arise, Mazaska Zi Ista.  I will be gone for three moons.”

“Why, Woniya Mato?”

“We have enemies on our land.  The toka must be forced from our territory before they strike.  The Sioux will make the first move against the Crow!”

She bowed her head in acknowledgement.  “I understand, my chief.  Please, be careful.”

“None will defeat me, mita Wastelaka.  Do not fear for me.  Before you know it, I will return to your side.”

They lay together in the heat of the day, spoke words of love, and shared tender embraces.  Then they shared passions a second time.

“Let us go to our spot, Mazaska Zi Ista.  We can cool our bodies in the icy waters.”

“I love the blue pond.  Tos, let us go.”

The lovers walked to their special place.  Instead of walking down the hill from the village as they did to reach the river, the couple walked up.  The blue pond was exactly that.  Spring fed icy waters accumulated into blue depths before spilling over and continuing down to flow with the mother river.  The pond was sheltered by a grove of trees including the medicinal weeping willow.  Kaitlin loved the simple beauty of the place.  It also held many memories of the man who lovingly held her hand.

They stripped and dove into the invigorating waters.  Kaitlin was the first to break the surface of the water.  She looked around for the brawny form of her promised.  Suddenly, something captured her ankles and lifted her upright.  She squealed as he dunked her.

“Why you!” she breathed with a smile.  “You’ll pay for that one.”

Spirit Bear lifted a mocking brow.  He captured her against his smooth, hard chest.  “And how will you manage that, my sweet?”

“Put me down, and I will show you.”

He arched his head back and laughed at her!  He actually laughed at her!  Kaitlin might not possess six feet of raw muscle and sheer male strength, but she knew how to give a shot.

She pounded her small fists against him in feigned anger.  When that didn’t work, she grabbed his head and brought his sexy face towards hers.  She captured his lips on a searing kiss.  Instantly, everything changed. 

He lowered his body down in the coolness so that she was cradled above him in the water, but both of their shoulders were out of the wet environment.  Suddenly, she jumped from his arms and pushed him with all her might against him.  His eyes were large as he toppled back into the water.

Immediately, he gave her chase.  She didn’t escape from the water before the supreme athlete captured her.  This time, Spirit Bear didn’t give her freedom to move.  She was a prisoner trapped against his heated body.

“You will pay for that deception, mita Wastelaka.  If you do not play fair, I will not either.”

With a devilish glint in his eye, he took a breast in his mouth.  He feasted hungrily upon the taut peak.  All playfulness aside, she groaned and caressed the back of his head.

Woniya Mato captured her hands in one of his larger ones.  He smiled as he roguishly tortured her with his sensuality and attentions to her chest.  Kaitlin tossed her honeyed tresses back and forth in tortured agony.  Her breath gasped with tiny mewling noises. 

Then he put her down.  It killed him to do it, but the war chief still had pride.  He turned to walk away.  Teaching her a lesson was nearly unbearable for him.  If he hadn’t turned when he did, she’d have seen the evidence of her power over him.

“Oh, no you don’t!” suddenly erupted from behind him.  A nude female jumped on his back like a rabid she-cat.  The ska winyan nibbled on his ears and nipped at his neck as she hung on.  Her breasts were flattened on his back.  She rubbed her body against the smooth texture of his skin. 

He couldn’t take the torture.  He was only a man!  Spirit Bear groaned and turned toward her.  “You asked for it now,” he growled.

The masterful man had a dangerous look in his eye, but his smile twitched the edges of those luscious lips. Kaitlin needed no encouragement; she was hot for him.  With a frenzied need, their bodies met and joined…

“I love you, Mazaska Zi Ista,” he said seriously as he gazed upon her.  His features were relaxed in satisfaction.

“And I love you, my mighty warrior.  I will await your safe return to my side.”

They rinsed off once more before dressing.  Kaitlin smiled to herself.  She couldn’t believe what a crazed affect this man had on her.  She’d never have thought she could do what she did with this man of her heart!

Woniya Mato smiled to himself as he listened to her hum as she dressed.  It was a sound of happiness.  The war chief was thankful that he was the one to give her this emotion.  They walked back to the village with light hearts.

When Kaitlin arrived back at the tipi, two Indian women waited for her.  They were shy and weren’t well-known to her.  The betrothed woman smiled at them to ease their discomfort.  They were from a smaller tipi from the outskirts of the community.

“We want to honor the bride and groom on their approaching wedding.  We bring gifts.”

Kaitlin glanced at the chief, and he nodded subtly in her direction.  “Tos, thank you,” she managed.

The first girl brought forth a cutting tool for slicing hide into shapes to sew.  It had an antler handle and a very sharp obsidian blade.  Kaitlin gently hugged the girl.  The other became embarrassed and looked down. 

The second woman gave Golden Eyes a stiff rawhide in which three bone needles protruded.  There was a wrapped ball of sewing sinew as well as a second ball of the softer suppler rawhide-type thread.  Again, Kaitlin gave the woman a loose hug to show her thanks.  They were fine gifts.

“I have much honor for these fine gifts.  I will treasure and use these gifts for many moons!”

The first girl’s quiet voice trembled, “Perhaps you can sew clothes for a child soon.”

Golden Eyes was taken off guard, but quickly recovered and agreed with the girl.  A woman’s worth in the Indian community was placed on her ability to bear children, male in particular.  The more children a woman could bring forth into a tipi, the more Wakantanka smiled upon her.

Both women nodded to Kaitlin and then returned to their tipi.  Kaitlin walked past Woniya Mato to place her new supplies in their tipi.  He wore a small smirk on his full lips. 

Kaitlin wondered if it was because of the comment about making clothes for a child.  Well, that would have to wait.  That was not the most pressing thing on her mind!

She noticed that the war chief was attaching his new arrow heads on the tips of light shafts.  His feather guides would send their barb where ever the big man wanted it to go.

Spirit Bear had just completed the perfecting a new technique on his bow that increased his yardage by a minimum of twenty feet.  The Crow would know no wrath like that of Woniya Mato!  And he’d shared his secret with his warrior and hunting brothers in his band.

The day passed quickly with gathering more food items and placing them on drying racks.  Wawakankan provided three rabbits for the evening meal.  He did not mind to hunt especially when the chief was preparing for a confrontation!

The women ate after the men, as custom demanded.  As Kaitlin and Gentle Rabbit went to clean up the dishes, they noticed the men were joined by Sky Warrior and Yellow Feather.  Soon, Brave Elk also joined the fire. It would be his first mission as a Cante Tinza, Brave Heart Warrior Society.  The young fighter was eager to prove himself!

Kaitlin retrieved her basket supplies and worked on the waterproof weave while the men talked about the possibility of toga.  She was half-way finished with the container when her eyes had trouble focusing on the task.  She sighed and retired to the tipi.

It wasn’t long before her betrothed followed her lead.  He stripped to his breechcloth and lay beside her on the supple furs.  She rolled to face him.

They just looked into each other’s eyes, the gaze saying all that needed to be said to each other.  Finally, Kaitlin’s golden almond-shaped eyes closed and her breathing deepened.  Spirit Bear knew he would have great difficulty sleeping.  He was able to will his body to relax so that at least his reflexes would be quick.  At last, sleep took him as well.

He was gone before Kaitlin awoke.  She sent up a silent prayer for his safe return.  This would be the worse part of being married to a war chief!  She would always worry about his life and his return to her side.

 The next three days passed very slowly for Golden Eyes.  She worried nonstop.  A party of about fifteen men rode out of the village in pursuit of the Crow.  She nearly swooned when the cloud of dust alerted the village to their return.

The adolescent boys took the war horses off to care for them while the men were greeted by the community.  Kaitlin’s eyes were for Woniya Mato only.  His face was noble as his eyes found hers in the crowd.

She quickly went to his side.  The bride-to-be was dying to bombard her man with questions, but she held herself back.  An over emotional female upon return of her warrior man would indicate no faith in his prowess.

When the crowd assembled, the chief announced to his curious people that they didn’t find any Crow warriors on their land, but they did find evidence of their presence.  The trail was cold, and it appeared they’d left several days before the Sioux hunted for them.  The village members were to maintain safety in numbers for the next week or two.  The warriors would be on cautious alert to ensure health of the community.

The village cooked the deer, rabbit, and antelope that Lone Wolf and a hunting party had secured for the arrival of the war chief and his band.  The people were fed with the slain animals.  All wanted to show appreciate for the protection the leaders provided to their people.

Near evening, Kaitlin entered the tipi.  Woniya Mato had just returned from taking a bath.

“I have missed you, Mazaska Zi Ista,” he stated in a deep voice full of emotion as he turned to face her.

“Oh, my chief!  It is I that missed you!  I know I am not to worry about such a fierce man, but my heart cannot ignore the fact that I cannot live without you!”

They were finally able to greet one another as they had longed to do many hours ago.  They passionately hugged and exchanged tender embraces.  They retired early so that the chief could rest his body that had lived off adrenaline for several days.

When her bronze warrior made a passionate overture towards her, Kaitlin looked him in the eyes.   “I want you to rest your body this night, my chief.  The morning will be soon enough for us to join our bodies.”  It was the first time she’d ever been able to tell him no and get by with it.

The fierce war chief looked into her face for a few moments, his face displaying no emotion.  She almost felt the familiar quaking brought forth by his domineering gaze, for such an intense stare could wither the iciest mound.  Woniya Mato had defeated many enemies with it.  Kaitlin wondered if he would press her.  She was honestly only thinking of him.

“My body yearns for yours, as well, my love.  I do not mean to hurt you,” she hastily added.

Finally, he grinned at her.

“I will do as you ask, mita Wastelaka.  My body could use reviving so that I can pleasure you longer.”

In the morning, his made his promise ring true.  He kept her busy until most other villagers had greeted the day.  Kaitlin always felt uncomfortable when others could guess what kept their entrance flap closed, but yet she was joyful that her man desired her so. 

When Spirit Bear left to do his many chores, she went to Wawat’ecaka’s tipi.  She motioned for Kaitlin to follow her.  She also collected Apple Blossom, Desert Rose, and Playful Otter.

“What are we doing this day, Wawat’ecaka?” Kaitlin asked.

“We gather new poles for guest tipis.”

“Guest tipis?”

Tos, Mazaska Zi Ista.  Wedding guests will be arriving in the next few weeks.  Your joining is coming up quickly.  Your guests will want to settle in and celebrate with others before the big event.”

The knowledge of her marriage was overwhelming.  She was nervous getting married in front of the village as it was.  She still didn’t know many of the inhabitants.  There were so many people!

The prospect of visitors coming that she would have to entertain was unsettling to her.  It made her nervous and jumpy.  However, she realized it was all in honor of the chief and his chosen one.

The women went several miles from the camp to select many young pine saplings.  They were about four inches in diameter.  They chopped branches off and debarked the poles before taking them back to camp.  The women worked all day carrying the twenty-four foot pine bases. 

After a quick dinner of dried meat, watercress and poke salad, berries, and the aguyapi, Katlin quickly cleaned the dishes.  She washed and turned in for the night early.  She was asleep almost as soon as she lay down her head.

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