Echos of the cursed forest

By makayladecroliere

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-BOOK 1- (Warning this story maybe disturbing to some readers.) this is my first story that I'm posting so t... More

Prologue (narrated)
Chapter 1: Evolving
Chapter 2 : The jolteon
Chapter 4 : Unforgivable
Chapter 5 : A new start
Chapter 6 : The past
Chapter 7 : Rain of light
Chapter 8 : Where the truble's at
Chapter 9 : The threat (past)
Chapter 10 : Fighting to live
Chapter 11 : A broken home (Jake's past)
Chapter 12 : Will you fight?
Chapter 13 : Journey
Chapter 14 : Psychic within
Chapter 15 : Burning heart's (Past)
Chapter 16: Disaster
Chapter 17 : In your shadow (past)
Chapter 18 : Battle cry's
Chapter 19 : A message
Chapter 20 : Pain and hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 21: A glaceon in need
Chapter 22 : Love in the air (past)
Chapter 23 : Truble under ground
Chapter 24 : Betrayal or Loyalty (past)
Chapter 25 : The tree of soul's
Chapter 26 : Trouble maker
Chapter 27 : Secret's (Jake's past)
Chapter 28 : Anglica knows
Chapter 29 : Awaken from depression (past)
Chapter 30 : The king of everfree
Chapter 31 : A Shadow
Chapter 32 : A gift (past)
Chapter 33 : The Blue moon
Chapter 34 : A Cures
Chapter 35 : Love and Hate (Jake's past)
Chapter 36 : Blood in the water
Chapter 37 : war of soul (past)
Chapter 38 : Who am i really?
Chapter 39 : A safe place
Chapter 40 : Confusion (past)
Chapter 41: Dark river
Chapter 42 : The dark side (Jake's past)
Chapter 43 : Unexpected
Chapter 44 : The plot (Past event)
Chapter 45 Where it hurts the most
Chapter 46 : Umbreon of evil
Chapter 47 : Life regrets (Jake's past)
Chapter 48 : The problem with love
Chapter 49 : Night travels
Chapter 50 : Echo (Past event)
Chapter 51 Learning to trust again
Chapter 52 : The Darkness part 1 (Past event)
Chapter 53 : The Darkness part 2 (Past event)
Capter 54 The darkness part 3 (Past event)
Chapter 55 : A cursed vaporeon
Chapter 56 : The new king
Chapter 57 : war is on it's way
Chapter 58 : darkest days are here (Finel past event)
Chapter 59 : Get ready for war
Chapter 60 : The final battle

Chapter 3 : A dream or realitatea

454 12 2
By makayladecroliere

The espeon was standing with her head high eyes locked on Steel and Steel looked strat back at her.

white dust was everywhere and her eyes filled with stars. Steel found herself lost for words 'am i seeing this for real...i feel like i should know her..her voice...her eyes...theres something there' Steel steps closeer " i know you?" Steel asked. the mystery espeon shuck hear head "....No you don't you weren't hatch yet" she responded with a smooth voice

"But you know me...i mean you knew my name how?" Steel asked. The espeon just laughed. "Oh Steel...there's so much you don't know...and so much i want to tell you....but i can't not now anyways" the espeon says. Steel tilted hear head she wanted to know though she wanted to know who this stranger was and how she knew her.

The espeon came closer to Steel and leand her head close to great her "Steel i allways wanted to meat you I'm so sorry" she says pulling away with sadness. "But there's no time for that now...Steel you need to know this..this is important s-" but before she could finish everything started to fade and Steel couldn't see or hear anything.

"Steel wake up!"

Steel opened her eyes to see Dusty pushing her "Steel great your finaly awake!" He yulps happily. Steel stared at him she was happy to see him but at the sametime she was still thinking of that dream 'that couldn't just be a dream..that espeon she said that there's something important to tell me....but what?' Steels looked at Dusty "Dusty what are you doing in my dean?" She asked Dusty jump up happy "i wanted to hang" Steel rubed her eyes with her paw "ok then let's go" she says as she got up and stretched.

Steel and Dusty walked around the rocky mountains talking to each other "so that's what the pack's been like and it's great being one of them" Dusty finish telling her.

Steel noded "sounds great..." Steel said but her mind was still lost in thought.

" Dusty...have you ever had a dearm that...well felt real?" She asked feeling a bit dumb.

"Huh? never i don't even remember most of my dreams....why?" he says.

Steel drops her ears "ah never mind-" Steel look over her shoulders to look behind her but her eyes landed on a houndoom 'A HOUNDOOM!' Sterl froze fur fluffed out.

"Steel are you ok?" Dusty asked as soon as he noticed her Steel shuck her head "no I'm not Dusty we have to go now!" She knew for a fact that houndoom was the sameone and wores there was a bunch of them now 'i maybe an umbreon now but there's no way me and Dusty could take them on....not even if jake were here' Dusty tilted he head "Steel what are you talking about?" He questions her.

Steel bit her lower lip " Dusty there's no time to explain just follow me" Steel ran up ahead when she heard that houndoom yell out "There she is the shiny one!" Steel ran she could hear Dusty behind her.

Steel was saw a shape up ahead 'oh no there up ah head!....wait is that the espeon from my dream?' Up a head the was a ghostly espeon waveing her over then takeing off "she wants us to follow her!" Steel called to Dusty.

Dusty was painting "who and what!?" He called back. Steel didn't answer she just follow the espeon through the foreast not wanting to look back.

The espeon ran into a small tunnel in the ground 'i didn't know this was here..but the houndoom's would never fite'

Steel stoped at the tunnel lookeing back at Dusty.

"Do you think you'll fite" she asked

Dusty looked at it "why on earth do you want to go in there and run way there just houndoom there not that bad" Dusty says

Dusty shoves himself into the tunnel and Steel ran in after him.

"Don't make a. Sound" Steel says

Dusty noded still with unsure expression on his face.

Steel could here the houndooms sniffing around "were did she go" one of them snarled.

Before the all ran off looking for them.

'sigh' Dusty looked at her " what just happened why they looking for you did you do something?" He just kept rambling on.

"I guess i crossed a border of some sort but i didn't think he would hunt me down..." She said. 'and being shocked by jake i thought he would jrop that hole thing but he got a holl bunch of the looking for me now?' She shuck her fur And looked around 'and what about that espeon?'

Dusty looked at her " um i guess we should go now and um what are you going to do about those houndooms they seem reelly upset with you and you know houndoom are pretty bad tempered" he said to her and right he is houndoom have a history of holding grudges. Steel pock her head out the tunnel to see if it was safe "hmm...i don't think there here anymore" she jumped out of the tunnel Dusty scrambled out to.

"How did you know that was there?" He asked but Steel just shrugs looking somewere else

' most be reel that dream the espeon.....a-and t-the....pikachu.....'

Steel felt her heart raceing. "Um steel are you ok?" Dusty broke her out of thoughts "yeah I'll be fine" she and Dusty start walking back when a houndoom jumped in front of them

His eyes locked on Steel with pure hate.

"Grrr think you can run from me? thought it was over just because a jolteon fight your fight for you? i know your that eevee that-that rat!" He snarled the wards out coldly and harsh.

"What do you want from her!?" Steel heard Dusty challenge from behind her

'this is stupid i didn't even know there was a border and know it's this houndoom's life gol is me?' But

" first i wanted to make her pay for trespassing....but now i got a anther reason" he growled.

"Anther reason....what did i do now....your the one who left your tarotory to what find me!?!" Steeel couldn't understand what his problem was.

"you just being you!" He snap as he dashed at but Steel didn't run.

The houndoom used fire blast

But Steel was fast and dodge and used swift the.

Dusty joined in and used rock smash

The houndoom took effect but wasn't done yet he used flame charge hitting Steel pretty hard and useing shadow ball

only for it to be called by a electric ball

Steel looked over to see Jake standing a couple of feet away from the houndoom.

His fur was nothing but a bunch of spike's

He trund he's back on the houndoom and shot a bunch of needles at him

The houndoom let a howl out before fainting.

"Who the hell are you!" Dusty growld at Jake. Jake glared at him "um...i help you out and that's the thanks" he mumbled

"He's a friend Dusty" Steel says not wanting a fight between them

"Hm" Jake looked at the houndoom.

"Jake why you still here i thought you'd be gone" Seel asked.

Jake looked at her "...i was leaving but then i saw a bunch of houndoom's and thought it was an odd thing to see" he explained. Dusty eyed him with distrust

"And I think the other houndoom's are still looking for you...i wouldn't stay in the mountains houndoom's ushaly don't give up easy especially Skull" Jake said.

"Skull?" Steel and Dusty say at the sometime.

Jake stated at them " got to be kidding me you don't know about Skull he's like an out law.....that was Skull's pack back there" Jake said. "I didn't know that houndoom's had pack's" Dusk mumbled to Steel 'i didn't ether...' Jake shook his head "no no houndoom's don't just skull...he gets them to do his dirty work" he explains.

"So...was that Skull we just fight?" She asked Jake but Jake shook his head again " well know if you ever see him" Jake a sured her. But Steel was unsure what to do 'if what Jake says is true then maybe his right..maybe it's time for me to leave the mountains' Steel sat there for a while "um hey Steel we should go before he wakes up" Dusty said.

Steel had completely forgotten about the houndoom "right" she agreed but Jake stepped in front of her "wait..maybe i should walk with you...just in case Skulls pack cames by."

The three walked to Steel's dean.

"Well are you actually going to leave the mountains?" Dusty asked.

"...i don't know" Steel mumbled under her breath. She didn't really want to leave but she would have to leave the dean sooner or later and get her own dean but she always thought she'd live in the mountains

"Huh maybe i should but i got to talk to my father first" she said jake noded "sounds right...if i were you I'd go far from here."

"Dad!...we-" Steel's voice cut off when she saw a houndoom. A shiny houndoom

He was bigger then the others

".....well well well if it isn't that shiny eevee...well i guess umbreon now" he said with a smug face.

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