Anomalously Black

By no_nonsenceny

325 26 62

Nights here were always dark and long. Sometimes an hour would feel like an entire day. Whenever I wasn't ban... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 7

13 2 0
By no_nonsenceny

I take a deep breath, and the smell of autumn flows inside of me. Summer is almost over, and I'm pretty sad about it. Even though I only got to feel it for a few days, I'll miss the warm weather and freedom that comes with the season.
I sit on the front porch of the house alone while Alex and Jason are inside making breakfast. When I first came out here, I thought about just running away. It seemed like a good option at the time. But then my brothers would call the cops. And I don't exactly have the best track record with them right now.

So here I am. More miserable than ever.

I can admit to one thing though. There's a refreshing feeling about being out here. Back at the asylum I was almost never let outside. I was force to spend my days in my white cell. I don't have to breathe the smell of hand sanitizer and bleach. I feel so peaceful, almost free even.

But soon my peace is shattered and the front door opens, and Alex walks out. He scans the area for a while, then notices me sitting on the large rocking chair. "Oh, there you are. Breakfast is ready."

I nod, and stand up, following him into the kitchen. Jason just finishes setting the food on the table when we come in. He takes a seat next to Alex, and I sit across from them. While they take their time to pray over their food, I immediately dig in.

When I finish, I try to stand up and go to my room, but before I can, Jason calls out to me. "You should take your medicine Adeline." He stands up, and opens a cabinet above the sink. He takes out an orange bottle and uncaps it. After pouring a glass of water, he hands me the glass and a large red pill. Just the thought of taking that makes my throat tight and dry.

I look up at Jason nervously. I don't want to take that stupid pill. I have no idea what Dr.Sullivan could have put in that thing. For all I know it could be poison or something to make me go to sleep again. Jason is still holding his hand out expectantly. He's so adamant on me taking these pills it's sickening. Taking the pill from his hand, I take a deep breath. I tilt my head back and swallow. Immediately, I drink the water, allowing it to guide the pill down my throat. I choke a little bit, and tears gather in my eyes. Of course I don't let them fall.

I glare tearfully at Jason for making me take the stupid thing, but before he can utter out an apology, I'm already halfway up the stairs. I rush into the bathroom, sitting in front of the toilet.

I didn't want to have to do this but I don't really have a choice. I have no idea what these pills will do to me and honestly, I don't want to find out. I don't exactly know how to do this but from what I overheard from a few other patients, it does work so I have to try. I take my index and middle finger, and place them in my mouth, firing them down my throat. I gag and choke a few times, but I refuse to stop. Soon though I cough mercilessly, and I'm forced to take my fingers out. I cough and lean against the toilet dejectedly.

I can't do it, I think sadly. My throat hurts now and even though the coughing has died down, I still feel like I'm choking.

I think the worst part about this isn't the fact that I almost choked, it's the fact that I now have to face the effect of those pills. I don't even know what they could do to me...

A loud knock sounds at the door, making me jump. The door creaks open, and Jason comes walking inside. I mentally scold myself for forgetting to lock the door. That was so stupid of me.

Jason looks at me worriedly. He reaches out to touch my forehead but I smack his hand away before he has the chance to. He looks at me shocked, then the shock turns to sadness. "Hey it's okay," he says softly. "I just wanna talk. Is that okay with you?" I stare at him for a few moments before finally nodding my head.

He takes a seat of the floor and crosses his legs, sitting Indian style. We both stay quiet for a little while, just basking in the silence. I can hear every drop of water from the faucet as we sit there in somber silence. After what feels like forever, Jason finds the courage to speak up.

"Listen Adeline," he begins. "I know that we aren't the best guardians, or even brothers for that matter but, we're trying. We just need you to work with us on this." He smiles at me with so much kindness that it catches me off guard. He looks so relaxed and happy. But I can't smile back. I have no reason to smile. Not anymore. Jason frowns sadly.

Without another word, he stands up and leaves the bathroom, closing the door softly behind him. I sit on the floor for a few more minutes before finally deciding to stand up.

Soon I leave the bathroom and begin making my way back to my room. As I'm about to open the door, I notice a slightly cracked door that sits across the hall from mine. Glancing down the hallway, I check to see if either of my brothers are coming. When I don't hear their approaching footsteps, I cross the hall and towards the wooden door. Slowly I open the door, cringing at the slightly loud creak that sounds when I push. I glance back again, expecting for one of my brothers to come running upstairs. I don't hear them. The door is open now, but something is telling me that I shouldn't go inside. As I step into the room there is a large weight on my chest that doesn't seem to go away. Once I'm completely inside I quietly close the door.

I look around the light blue room with curiosity, inspecting everything inside of it. The large bed is slightly messy with the covers pushed back completely. It looks like someone just rolled out of bed and never even bothered to fix it. I scowl when I look at the floor, noticing all of the clothes that litter the floor. How does anyone live in such mess? Ignoring the urge to pick up the clothes, I keep looking around the room. I walk towards the small nightstand that sits next to the bed. There is a picture frame on it and I pick it up.

There are 2 boys in the picture that look exactly alike, the only difference between them being that one boy is wearing a blue shirt while the other wears red. It doesn't take long for me to figure out that the boys are Alex and Jason. They stand in an open field, the blue sky clear behind them. In the background I notice something odd. There's a small figure behind the boys sitting alone in the grass.

I put down the picture and continue looking around the room. I walk over towards the bed. I put my hands on the mattress and push down. The mattress is so soft. It almost feels like it's made just entirely of foam. Without thinking, I plop down on the bed. It's so could lure me to sleep. My eyes droop but I fight to stay awake. Despite my comfort, I push myself up and get off the bed.

Before my feet can touch the floor, they hit something solid and hard. I wince and look at what I accidentally just kicked. Slightly under the bed is a small black box. I curiously pick it up. It's a little heavy. I shake the box gently not hearing anything in particular. But I know for sure that there's something inside of it. I turn the box around, hoping to find the opening. On the other side of the box is a tiny keyhole that I didn't notice. I look around for the key but I can't find it anywhere. I hear the sound of footsteps coming up the stairs and I begin to panic. I quickly put down the box and slide it back under the bed.

When I stand up, I notice that the footsteps are coming closer and closer to the room that I'm in. Looking around to see where I can hide, I notice a walk-in closet. I can't go in there. What if one of my brothers open it and see me. The doorknob turns, and I'm left with no choice. I quickly rush into the closet. As soon as the closet doors close the bedroom door opens. I squat down and peep through the small crack in the door.

Alex walks into the bedroom his phone pressed against his ear. Judging by the concentrated look on his face, he seems to be listening closely to whoever he is on the phone with.

"Yes, I understand that but it doesn't explain why she isn't speaking." He sits on the bed.

His eyebrows scrunch together and he seems very angry. Almost scary. "I know what it means to be mute! That wasn't what I was asking. I want to know that reason why she's mute!" His angry tone scares me and I jump a little. I've never seen Alex look so...intimidating before.

Before I can dwell on the reason for his anger, he begins talking again. "Well I want you to fix it. Come by next week and talk to her. Do whatever you need to do to fix this. I just want her to act normal again."

The bedroom door opens, and Jason walks in.

"Alright I'll talk to you later." Alex hangs up the phone quickly and looks at Jason. "Who was that?" Jason asks.

"No one, just one of my coworkers. They want me to come in early tomorrow." Alex says smoothly. Jason looks at him suspiciously for a second before shrugging and sitting down.

"I was looking for Addy," Jason begins, "but I can't find her anywhere."


I haven't heard that nickname in so long. It's strange to hear it again.

Alex shrugs. "I haven't seen her for a while. She's probably exploring. She hasn't been home in years. It'll take time for her to get used to things around here." Jason's body sags and he almost looks dejected. "I get that but she's changed so much. She doesn't talk. Hell, she won't even pray anymore."

Alex nods understandingly. "These past few years have been hard for her." They sit in silence for a few more moments before Alex suddenly speaks again. "Have you read her file?" He asks Jason, who shakes his head. Alex hums. "They said that she's a sociopath. She'd freak out and attack anyone near her. The whole thing's a mess."

He reaches under the bed and takes out the box that I was looking at earlier. He stands up and walks towards the closet. Oh no! If he finds me they'll know that I've been watching them. I scoot back and hide behind the clothes in the closet, hoping that they'll cover me.

The closet door opens and I quietly curl myself into a ball, my eyes squeezed shut tightly. My breathing is heavy as Alex looks around the closet. I have to cover my mouth with my hands to stop myself from making any noise.
He's gonna find me. He's gonna find me. He's gonna find me.

I peek up to see him reaching for a shelf
that I never noticed before. It sits right above me. Alex seems to have found what he's been searching for and steps back.

The closet doors shut and I hear the sound of footsteps walking away. I open my eyes and peek out of the crack to see Alex using a key to unlock the box. He opens it and takes out a tan folder with a lot of papers in it. Jason takes the folder from Alex, and before Alex closes the box the locks it again, I notice that there are even more papers inside.

Alex puts the box back under the bed, tucking the key into his front pocket. Why would he need a locked box if it was just him and Jason in the house?

Jason opens the folder but before he can
start reading, the doorbell rings. Alex looks at Jason with a raised eyebrow. "You expecting company?" Jason shakes his head. They both stand up and Jason sets the folder onto the bed. They leave the room, shutting the door softly behind them.

Once the sounds of their footsteps is completely gone, I open the closet doors and quietly crawl out. I breathe a sigh of relief when I don't hear anything more. That was too close.

I stand up and walk towards the bed, eyeing the folder curiously. It must be important if Alex felt that he had to lock it up. But something still doesn't make sense to me. If Alex felt the need to lock it up, then why didn't he tell Jason to put it back in the box? Unless...he wants me to read it. Then why lock it up in the first place?

None of this is making sense and my head begins to pound furiously.

I slowly open the folder and the first thing I notice is a small picture of me stapled to the top of a piece of paper. The picture looks old though I don't remember taking it. My black hair is shorter than it is now, only reaching the top of my back. My eyes look glossy like I'm about to cry. I'm still wearing the same white uniform as always. I read the paper attached to the photo.

Name: Mathews,  Adeline
Age: 6 years
Arrival Time: 2:36 A.M, 2015
Diagnosis: Not Determined
Note: Has not spoken since arrival. Has received various treatments to help encourage speech, however none has seemed to work on the patient. The patient has lashed out several times with doctors and has been subdued. Reacts violently when approached with a needle or any large object. The patient has shown a liking to being isolated. Suffers from hallucinations, panic attacks, insomnia, severe anxiety, and has taken a recently liking to self-harm. Has no known acquaintances.


I flip the page and continue reading.


Mother: Samantha Mathews (Status: Deceased)

Father: William Mathews (Status: Deceased)

Older Brother: Alex Mathews (Status: Alive)

Older Brother: Jason Mathews (Status: Alive)

No other known living relatives.


I'm about to flip over to the next page when I hear Jason's voice call for me.

"Adeline, where ever you are, could you come here for a second?"

I close the folder and put it back on the bed exactly the way I found it. My movements are quiet as I leave the room, closing the door behind me. I make my way downstairs to see a woman in a grey business suit standing next to my brothers. She smiles at me, but I don't smile back. We stare at each other for a few moments in an uncomfortable silence.

Jason clears his throat loudly and I turn to him. "Adeline," he says. From his rigid posture and the way that he's sweating progressively, I can tell that I'm not gonna like whatever he has to say. "This is your teacher, Mrs.Morrison."

Before I can even react he quickly stutters something about not being late to work and is already out the door. Leaving just me, Jason, and the woman staring at each other dumbly.

Hi guysss! Yes it's been forever since an update. I missed you all sooo much! As an apology I promise to update as soon as I can and I have a surprise for you all in the next chapter! What do you think it's gonna be? Have a good day my lovelies!! Byeeee!!-no_nonsenceny

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