Please Don't Go

By piggy8

1.1K 40 1

She knows, he doesn't. This is a story about Lila and Sam's love. More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve

Chapter Eight

64 3 0
By piggy8

Hey there long time no see!

New chapter for everyone!! *starts dancing around the room*


Chapter Eight

Lila has stayed cooped up in her room since Dr. Hines told her what her fate would be two days ago. She hasn’t bothered to speak to anyone. Not even Morgan, her nurse.

“Sweetie, you should go to the beach. Get some fresh air. What about that boy? Don’t you have a date with him tomorrow?” Morgan asked as she put a plate of food down in front of Lila.

Lila froze and looked up at Morgan. After the news Lila has totally forgotten about the date.

“Today is Friday?” Lila asked Morgan dumbly. Morgan gave a small smile and nodded her head.

“What do you think you’re going to wear on this date?”

Lila turned her head and looked at the small closet in the corner of the room and shrugged her shoulders. “I’ll probably wear a skirt and a tank top. Nothing too special.”

“It’s getting chilly, you may want to wear pants instead.” Morgan tried to give advice. Lila wrinkled her nose at the sound of pants.

“I’ll wear tights!” Lila pushed herself out of bed. “I’ll go down to the little shop round the corner and buy some tights.”

Before Lila could get to her shoes, Morgan grabbed ahold of Lila’s elbow and pulled he back.

“Honey, if you think I’m letting you leave your room without eating or showering, you’re completely wrong. It’s been two days. You need to eat and clean yourself up.” Although Morgan was relived to see that Lila was almost back to herself, Lila still needed to shower.

Lila groaned and dragged herself back to the plate and stuffed four bites of the chicken in her mouth and turned to give Morgan a mouth-full-of-food-smile and went into her bathroom. Morgan shook her head at Lila, “well it’s nice to see that you’re smart ass self is back.”

“Wow I need to get out.” Lila mumbled as she signed out. Dale smiled at her, “I feel like I haven’t seen you in ages. Be back before dark. You have a meeting tomorrow.”

Lila rolled her eyes. Another freaking meeting. “I’ll be back super soon. Just popping over to the store to buy a pair of tights.”

Dale raised his eyebrows, “tights?”

Lila blushed and nodded her head. “Every girl needs a pair of black tights, right?” Before Dale could answer, Lila quickly turned on her heel and headed out the door. She took her time walking and took in the scenery around her.

“Lila! Lila!”

Lila stopped walking when she heard someone calling her name. She slowly turned and saw the one and only James.

“Not you!” She yelled and James only laughed at her reaction.

“How are you?” He asked her. Lila stiffened and nodded her head, “I’m fine. How are you, James?” Lila asked him sarcastically. “Oh wait! I already know, you’re all good!” Lila started walking again.

James rolled his eyes at Lila who simply smirked at him.

“They let you go out?” James asked, easily keeping up with Lila, seeing as his legs are extremely long.

“They always let me go out.”

“Where you going?”

Lila stared at James. “You are so nosey.”

James shrugged and looked straight ahead, “I like to know what pretty girls are up to.”

Lila almost laughed at James’ response. He thinks he so smooth.

“Just going to buy tights.”

James nodded his head and looked back down at Lila. Lila did not dare look at James now that she knew why he always tried to talk to her.

“So, special occasion coming up?” James asked.

“All you do is ask questions. It’s kinda annoying.” Lila started walking faster when she saw the sign for the store. “And yes, you can say it’s special. It’s my first date tomorrow, and I’m just a bit excited!” Lila gave a little skip to her step and a smile spread across her face.

James however, did not smile. He felt his feet start to slow down. A date?

“You-you’re going on a date?” James stuttered out.

Lila nodded, biting her lip. 

“With who? Someone from the-“

Lila cut off James. “No. He’s normal.”

James nodded his head, “Does he know?”

Lila shook her head. “No. Not yet. I’ve tried telling him, but I just don’t know how. I love how he doesn’t treat me like I’m about to break. I’m normal around him. Alive.”

James smiled at her, “normal, huh?”

Lila playfully shoved James away. “As normal as everyone else. Shut up.” Lila turned and walked into the shop and went straight to the back where the girly things were. James followed her like a lost puppy.

Lila’s eyes landed on a pair of black tights with a little bit of detail on them and picked them up.

“Alright.” Lila smiled at James and James eyed the tights in her hands.

“That’s all you’re getting?” He asked her. Lila nodded her head, confused.

“No make up?”

Lila scoffed at the boy standing in front of her. “Make up? Gross.”

“I thought this was special. Not even that stuff that goes on your eyelashes?”

“Mascara?” Lila asked and followed James’ gaze at the make up selection. He does have a point. Lila doesn’t usually wear make up so maybe this just once.

“Can you help me pick stuff out?” She looked up at the boy towering over her.

James laughed at her. “You know you’re asking a boy for help in this girl make up shit, right?”

“Shut up! I don’t know what I’m doing! I just need help picking out mascara and maybe some lip gloss or something.”

James helped Lila pick out the perfect color for her lips, making them look so utterly kissable.

Sam sighed. Lila has been ignoring all of her texts. Maybe she doesn’t want to go on the date anymore? Sam had been looking forward to this date. And he wanted to ask her what was wrong that day at the beach.

As Sam was walking, his stomach grumbled and he patted it, trying to calm it down.

“Let’s get a snack, shall we?” Sam asked his stomach. He looked up and saw Lila leaving a little corner store with a boy. A freakishly tall boy. Way taller than Sam was.

“Thank you so much! I would be so lost trying to pick something out.”

“Well now you need to try it on.” The boy wiggled his eyes down at Lila. Lila giggled and shoved him away. “Not for you, idiot.”

Sam stopped in his tracks. Is this tall guy the reason why Lila hasn’t talked to Sam for two days? Not that Sam was counting or anything…

Before Sam could help himself, he called her name.


Lila spun around and her smiled dropped and then reappeared just as quickly.

“Sam!” She walked over to him quickly and Sam suddenly regretted calling her name. What is he supposed to say now?

“How are you Sam? It’s been ages it feels like.” Lila looked up at Sam under her eyelashes and Sam started to feel nervous. His eyes wondered over to the boy standing behind her.

Lila noticed Sam’s wondering eyes and gasped, “Oh! Sam, this is James, James, Sam!”

James gave Lila a look and Lila blushed and nodded, understanding that James was asking if this was the “normal guy.”

“Nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much about you.” James stretched his arm out, waiting for Sam to shake it.”

“Heard about me?” Sam panicked.

“Lila is head over heels.” James muttered before Lila gave him an elbow to the gut.

Sam looked at Lila who was flaming red and coughing awkwardly. She glared up at James and looked back at Sam. “He’s crazy.”

“We were just shopping for tights.” James butted in again.

“Shut it, James.” Lila glared up at James.

“Tights?” Sam was now panicked and confused.

Lila nodded her head, “for our date tomorrow night. We’re still on, right?”

“You’d know if you answered my texts.” Sam sighed. Lila nodded her head.

“I’ve been ignoring my phone. Too many people texting and calling me. I kinda just turned it off.” She started playing with the ends of her hair, letting Sam know that she was getting nervous. Sam had noticed that whenever Lila got nervous, she tended to play with her hair.

“You still want to go on our date, or do you have other plans?” Sam gave a dirty look at James and James smirked back. The smirk made Sam’s blood boil.

“No, we’re still on! If you want.” Lila replied. “Don’t worry about James. He’s not my type and he’s just a friend.”

James gasped, feeling a little hurt. “Not your type?”

Lila smiled up at James, “you’re an idiot and you’re normal.”

James pointed at Sam, “He’s normal too.”

“He was born normal.” Lila shot back.

“What the heck are you guys talking about?” Sam deadpanned, utterly confused.

“Nothing.” Both of them answered him together.

Sam eyed Lila who was playing with her hair again.

“I’ll pick you up at four, okay? The movie I picked is at five fifteen.”

Lila nodded, a wide smile now on her face, “sounds perfect! See you then!”

Sam nodded and watched as Lila shoved James and told him to go home.

Sam felt that he shouldn’t be worried, but another voice in his head told him that something was not right. 


Do you think that Sam will realize soon??

I'm tired and I don't want to go to work tomorrow. However, I'm brainstorming a story there so I guess that's okay.

I need to get some sleep now.

Vote, Comment, Hugs, Smile ♡

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