Lionhearted {Peter Pevensie x...

By NightfirexD

2.8K 75 28

Being the only child on a large estate is difficult when you have no one to drag around with you. Good thing... More

The Arrivals
The World in the Wardrobe
The Lion, The Witch, and You in the Wardrobe

The First Instance

818 28 14
By NightfirexD

Okay, so... maybe it wasn't going to be as perfect a day as you had thought. The moment your head had popped off your pillow, you knew that the day was going to be dreary and dreadfully boring. The pale light from outside cast a gray shadow upon your room, and the plain decorations did nothing to cheer you up. You should probably redecorate...

Luckily for you, for whatever reason the McCready was remaining downstairs that morning. She probably had more important things than to bother with children who were stuck inside on such a cold and dreadfully dreary day. Which was perfectly fine for you--the more she stayed away, the more mischief you could possibly have with the four newest additions to your household. An excited grin overtook your features, and you moved to leave your room. Apparently you had overslept a bit compared to your companions (or they hadn't slept at all, having been thrust into a completely new "world" as it seemed), for they were already up by the time you moved to join them in what you considered the "upper family room". As you neared the entrance, you could already hear the voices of the four siblings, though you couldn't make out actually what what was being said until you got closer.

"But we're already having so much fun," came the dry and sarcastic delivery of the eldest, Peter. The snap of a book closing was enough to inform you that Susan had already had enough of her brothers, and so with the hope of relieving them all from each other, you strode in with a wide grin.

"Good morning, Pevensies," you greeted with a smile, and Edmund turned away, seemingly too into being gloomy to deal with your cheery persona this morning. Peter and Susan each greeted you with a nod or the wave of a hand, while Lucy jogged over to you with a smile, glad to have the stiff tension of the room broken by your happy demeanor.

"(Y/n)!" She greeted you with a smile.

"Well, aren't you as cute as a button?" She giggled at your kind words and you bent over slightly to put yourself on the same level as her, the hint of a mischievous smirk on your features. "I have an idea... how do you feel about a game of hide-and-seek?"

Her eyes immediately lit up at the idea, a gasp upon her lips before she dashed back to Peter, batting at his knees with a pleading look in her eyes. "Oh Peter, please!" She continued to beg her brother until his gaze flipped from yours, to Susan's and then back to hers. She seemed to grow smaller in that moment, deflating a little bit as she assumed his answer to be 'no'. However, the eldest Pevensie's words were quick to change her mind.

With a mischievous grin of his own, Peter leaned forward, "One... two... three... four...!"

Lucy gasped with delight as he started counting, being sure to be loud enough so they could all hear him down the halls. By whatever miracle, the McCready wasn't roused during his counting, and soon, all the children were off to hiding. You really wondered why they didn't have you seeking first--after all you did know the house by the back of your hand, so it seemed odd to you that they wouldn't call you out on your unfair advantage. Oh well. Going to the first place you thought of (and the first place you thought you might be able to fit into), your attention was brought to an old china cabinet that had been placed in the hall while the McCready cleaned out one of the rooms saved for the professor's collections. It was empty and had no glass in the doors, so it was perfect for you. Fitting yourself into the lowest compartment, you sat silently and waited for Peter to finish counting and start seeking. You chuckled to yourself--no one could beat you while you were in this house!

However, Peter hadn't even gotten to the end of his count to one hundred when Lucy's voice came from down the hall, rushing past your hiding spot. "Don't worry everyone! It's okay, I'm back!" Her words confused you. Back from where? That didn't make any sense. Getting out of your hiding spot, you went to go see if the littlest Pevensie hadn't hit her head on something.

As you approached the hallway, you found Edmund trying to shush his sister as Peter finished counting before finally jogging in to join you all. "Great, thanks Lucy!" Edmund hissed, and you furrowed your eyes at his nasty attitude. Seriously, what was his deal?

"D-Didn't you wonder where I was?" Her voice sounded so unsure... you couldn't help but wonder what it was that had gone through her head.

"I don't think you understand how this game works, Lu," Peter said, raising an eyebrow in concern at his sister, unsure what to think of in this situation.

"Back from where, I wonder?" You pondered out loud, soon realizing you had three of the four looking at you in curiosity. You shrugged, a light blush of embarrassment dusting across your cheeks at their scrutinizing gazes, and the fact that you hadn't realize you had actually spoken your thoughts. "Well, she says she came "back" from somewhere. I was just curious."

"Does that mean I win?" Susan's voice came from behind them as she pushed the top off of a storage/bench unit, and the others looked at her before turning their attention back to Lucy.

"B-But... I was gone for hours?" Her eyebrows furrowed in concern, and you gently took her hand in yours for support. It didn't take long for her to explain how she came to find the room with the unlocked door, and the wardrobe covered by the sheet. You had known of the room, and of the wardrobe, though you had only seen it once before, with the Professor himself. You could remember him once telling you that the lock on the room's door was funny--it only opened when it wanted to, and that he had no control over who went in and out of it. Apparently the same rule went for the wardrobe, for as soon as the Pevensie children (plus you) when to go check on the world within the back of the wardrobe that Lucy had described, Peter only knocked on a solid wood background.

"One game at a time, Lu. We can't all have your imagination..." he spoke softly, trying not to discourage his sister too much. Your hand squeezed tighter around Lucy's smaller one, and you offered her a small yet concerned smile. She looked rather distraught at this revelation, after all.

"But I wasn't imagining!" Her words sounded so sincere that you wanted to believe her, though... you just didn't see how it was possible. Peter had just tried to go back the same way Lucy did, and nothing was happening, so... the facts seemed to outweigh her tale.

"Well, I believe you," a voice sounded from the most unlikely of places. All present turned to view Edmund as a smirk overtook his features, and you knew you weren't going to like what came next from his lips.

"Y-You... you do?" A shred of hope sounded in Lucy's voice, and you frowned at the blackette, silently begging him to keep his mouth shut, to not escalate the situation, but somehow you knew that would be impossible.

"Yeah, haven't I ever told you all about the football field in the bathroom?" His stupid coy smirk made your blood boil slightly. You didn't really like to rank people, but Edmund had officially became your least favorite Pevensie. What an uncouth thing to say! However, Peter responded in a... less than eloquent way. You winced at the family squabbling as Lucy trembled at your side, trying not to cry.

"Why don't you just stop it?" He was quick to tower over Edmund, his gaze harsh as both boys squared off. "You always have to make things worse. Grow up!"

"Shut up!" Edmund was quick to respond, brown eyes narrowed in anger. "You always think and pretend that you're dad, but you're not!" And with that he stormed out of the room.

"Well that was well handled..." Susan sighed, following after her brother as Peter sighed, turning to look back at you for help. While you were inclined to agree with Peter that Edmund did need to grow up and start thinking about other people's feelings, you still weren't sure if it was handled in the best way possible.

Trying to cheer up the girl whose hand was trembling in your own, you squatted next to her, being sure to give her a big hug. "Hey Lu, how about we get started on lunch, yeah?" The proposition went over relatively well, and she sniffled, following after as you turned to Peter. "You're welcome to come with, though..." your gaze flicked back to the doorway where both Susan and Edmund had left. "I understand if you're... busy."

"I think I'll have to decline, this time," he said remorsefully, and you nodded in understanding. Taking Lucy by the hand, you led the way down to the kitchen, determined to take her mind off of sibling arguments, and the insecurities of others who felt the need to lash out at everyone. Like Edmund.


A/N:. Sorry this was so short--I just felt I needed to get another chapter out since people really seemed to like this story. I was kind of shooketh owo

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