The World in the Wardrobe

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This... this wasn't right at all.

That night you had heard the door open in the hallway. You hadn't been able to sleep for whatever reason, and you blankly stared at the ceiling in the dark of the night. It was the thought that one of the Pevensies was out and about that nagged at your brain, and you sat up, your eyes narrowing at the thought. Lord forbid the Macready was still up and eager to catch them in the act of wandering out past curfew. You stayed like this in bed for a few more minutes, before your inevitable curiosity got the better of you. What exactly was anyone doing? They couldn't have possibly gone to the bathroom--it was only just down the hall, and you would have heard them come back by now.

Realizing that there was no way you were going to be able to go to sleep regardless thanks to your active mind, you stood, reaching for a night-robe to go over your thin nightgown. Slippers on, and lighting your bedside candle, you quietly crept out of your room, closing the door softly behind you, before checking down the hallway. The lavatory was empty and dark, no one had used it since everyone had first gone to bed, so... what was going on? Your brow furrowed slightly as you turned and walked further down the hall, and into the next. The slight opening of a door caught your attention, and a thought struck you. She... couldn't have, right? Lucy had been going on about the World in the Wardrobe. For all your years, you remembered your grandfather telling you the stories of wonder from a mystical world when you were little. The more you grew, and the more intense the war became, the less you heard about fairy tales and such fantasies.

The other day when Lucy had talked about finding herself lost in the World in the Wardrobe, those old memories resurfaced. You would have said something to the Pevensies, potentially, but it wasn't your place. You weren't their sibling, you were their host, and getting in the middle of their family feud was the last thing on your agenda. Stepping inside the room, your eyes narrowed at the way the wardrobe seemed to encompass the room. It was long, and very empty, and yet the wardrobe pulled you in. You felt small, despite its relatively normal size. Stepping forward, each foot felt heavier than the last. What if those stories the Professor told you as a child were all true...?

What if Lucy was right?

What if... there was a world just beyond that was calling for you to go see? This room had always drawn you in, but with the Wardrobe covered, its magic seemed to have been dulled. But now the entire roomed thrummed with a mystical, ancient quality that you couldn't quite place. You were... well, entranced. Before you had even realized it, you had reached the Wardrobe at the end of the room--it loomed over you. The dark wood gleamed, and you reached out to touch it...

Only for the door to swing open, and you jumped back in fear. "Ah!"

"Oh!" Lucy exclaimed, her eyes wide and full of curiosity. Edmund wasn't very far behind her, and he looked to you with an odd expression. There was something in his eyes that you just couldn't quite understand, and you bit your lip as you looked between the two younger Pevensies. After all, what were you supposed to do? "(y/n)? What are you doing here?"

"I could ask you the same thing," you laughed softly, placing a hand on your chest--your heart beat so rapidly you were almost positive that they could hear it. As you pushed yourself off the ground, continuously studying the duo, you were surprised to see the white fluff on their shoulders and melting in their hair. "... Snow...?" Your eyebrows furrowed as you moved closer to Edmund, closely examining the dusting of soft white flakes on his shoulders, brushing some off as he blushed. Sure enough, the flakes melted in your hand, and you looked to the wardrobe in curiosity. "... how?"

"Oh, (y/n)! You believe us! The World in the Wardrobe is real, and now Edmund's seen it too!" Lucy exclaimed happily, tugging at your hand as she began to pull you back towards her sibling's rooms. "We're back! Everyone get up, we're back! It's there, it's really there!"

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