A Future From Hell

By Shinedownlover560

57.1K 1.3K 263

When Goku died of the Heart Virus, his only daughter, Rosamoona, was only one. Six months later, the Androids... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty *Bonus Chapter!!!*
Chapter Thirty-One
Back From the Future

Chapter Eight

1.5K 38 5
By Shinedownlover560

I can't say I was shocked with this news. But I was shocked with how much power Gohan was hiding from us. I had no idea that a Super Sayian was this powerful! And I could tell that Trunks was the same way. What really shocked me though, was the fact that Gohan had this power, and yet he says the Androids are stronger than him. Honestly, it scares me.

Anyway, after our "warm-up", Gohan didn't hold back, but thankfully he didn't go Super. I know we wouldn't be able to handle that. Trunks went first again, so I sat patently, waiting for my turn. 

Trunks was blocking Gohan's oncoming furry of fists, but that's about all he could do. If he even tried to go on the offensive, he'd get pummeled for sure. Come on Trunks! I thought. You can do it!

As if in response to my thoughts, he quickly brought his hands up to his forehead. 

"SOLAR FLARE!" He shouted. I instantly shielded my eyes. But from the grunt that came from Gohan's direction, I don't think he was as lucky as me. Changing to the energy world so I could watch, I lowered my tail.

Gohan was in a defensive stance, his head turning from side to side. Suddenly, Trunks appeared above him. His hands were made into a ball which he brought down on Gohan's head. Gohan flew towards the ground, and, just as he had been with me, he was too close to the ground to stop himself in time.

He crashed into the ground, going deep. Figuring that was the end of that fight, I let the energy world disappear and my regular sight come back. I looked up at Trunks and smiled. He didn't return it though. In fact, he didn't even look at me. He kept looking at the hole Gohan had made. Confused, I returned my attention to it. Reaching out with my Ki, I knew why Trunks was still looking at it. Gohan's Ki wasn't there anymore. Instead, it was heading straight for...

I turned around and jumped into the sky just in time. Gohan came bursting out, fists already flying. I blocked and backed up as he kept coming at me. I kicked my left leg, but he caught it. He swung his arm back, taking me with him. As he went to let go, I managed to reach down and grab him hand. Not expecting this, he looked at me for a couple of seconds. Then he brought his hand up to my face. I knew what was coming next.

"Moon!" Trunks yelled. He appeared in front of Gohan and sent his fist barreling into his stomach. Winded, Gohan doubled over. I let go of his hand and flew over to Trunks.

"Thanks." I told Trunks. He nodded. We watched Gohan, anticipating his next move. He slowly straightened back up.

Looking over at Trunks, he said, "That was a nice shot. It leaves your opponent down for a little, giving you time to come up with a plan, attack them, or run."

Trunks smirked. "Thanks."

Gohan smiled. "Don't mention it." Then he came at us. He kept backing us up, but with it being two against one, we were able to land some hits on him, but not many. This went on for a while.

At one point, Gohan hit me, dazing me for a moment. Trunks lunged forward to punch him, but Gohan disappeared and reappeared behind him. Just as Trunks turned around, Gohan kicked him, sending him falling to the water that was below us.

"Trunks!" I yelled, flying after him. I had completely forgotten about my older brother and the training. All I thought about was saving Trunks.

I had almost reached the water when Gohan appeared in front of me. His arm was pulled back, his hand made into a fist. Before I could react, he brought the arm around into a perfect punch. It sent me flying backwards into rock. Like he had during our "warm-up".

I tried to free myself but failed. I was too exhausted to move. I gave up, letting my body go limp. Then I heard Trunks coughing and sputtering in the water. This made me angry, but I still couldn't move.

"Gohan!" He called. "Help me!"

"Move your arms in circles and kick really hard." Gohan replied, laughing. Alright, now I was really irritated.

I screamed, breaking free of the rocks. I threw myself at Gohan, kicking him in the chest. He flew backwards, landing in the water. I quickly made my way down and helped Trunks out, flying us back up to solid ground. 

I gently set Trunks down and sat next to him. Gohan joined us in a few moments. I glared at him. 

"Butt wipe." I spat at him. He laughed and walked away. Trunks was still coughing, so I kept my hand on his so he knew that I was there. Gohan came back and held out his hand. A white towel as laying in it.

"Here you go, Trunks." 

Trunks looked up at Gohan. "First you stand there while I almost drown, then you offer me a towel?" He said, confused.

Gohan smiled at us. "Yup." He said.

Trunks took the towel, and I continued to glare at Gohan. He sat down in front of us. As Trunks dried off, my anger started to fade away. I was suddenly reminded of how exhausted I was. I leaned against Trunks. He put an arm around my shoulder.

"God, please tell me we're done. I don't think I could even lift a finger right now." I told them.

Gohan laughed. "Yes, we're done."

"Good." I sighed, closing my eyes. It was quiet, the water making the only noise. It was nice and peaceful. I slowly drifted in and out of conciseness. I must have fallen asleep, because the next thing I knew, I woke up in Trunks arms. We were flying over a country side.

"Well, look who's awake." He teased. I rolled my eyes.

"Yea, yea. Now, can I please fly on my own? I need to stretch."

Trunks nodded and stopped flying. I floated out of his arms, raising my arms above my head.

"How long have I been out?" I asked him.

"About three hours."

"You've been carrying me for three ours?!" I asked, surprised.

Trunks shook his head. "No, I've only been carrying you for about ten minuets. After you fell asleep, Gohan and I talked for a while. By then it was four-thirty and we decided to go home for dinner."

I nodded looking around. "So where is my brother? I don't see him anywhere."

Trunks shrugged. "He took off in a different direction. I have no idea where he went."

I sighed. "Oh well. Come on, I'll race ya!" 

"Ok! The first one to your house wins!"

"On your mark..."

"... Get set..."

"... GO!!" We both shouted, taking off. 

As we flew, Gohan joined us. 

"Where were you?" I asked.

He shook his head. "No where important."

I shrugged. "Ok. Hey, Trunks! Eat my dust!" I sped up, leaving him and Gohan behind.

Trunks laughed and caught up with me. We kept this up till we got back to my place. Trunks and I both landed at the same time. We were arguing about that as Gohan landed.

"Knock it off you two! It was a tie."

We groaned then laughed. I opened the door, walking inside.

"Chi-Chi! We're home!" I called.

She popped her head out from the kitchen.

"Oh goody! And just in time for supper!"

Trunks and I raced into the kitchen. We took our seats eagerly.

"What are we having?" I asked.

"Quesadilla's." She said, placing two down in front of each of us.

"Awesome!" I said, taking a huge bit out of a slice.

Gohan laughed and sat down. Chi-Chi placed two in front of him as well.

"And there's plenty more where that came from." She said, turning back towards the stove.

I smiled, taking another bite. Things were good. Trunks and I were training, Gohan was back, and we had awesome food in front of us. Today had been a pretty good day.

And thank God it stayed that way.

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