Secrets Of An Animagus

By Crystal-Monica

599 16 3

Secrets of an Animagus is a fan made short story based on J.K Rowling's bestselling novels; "Harry Potter" Th... More

- Prologue -
- The Mandrake Leaf -
- The proposal -
- Love potions & Antidotes -
- Time -

- Final Chapter -

31 1 0
By Crystal-Monica

On the first two attempts Mrs Norris lay there emotionless. On the third she hissed loudly to be left alone and on the fourth when nothing happened apart from a few purple sparks that flew from Theo's wand, Mrs Norris sat up and left the circle.

"There's no point is there? She's not coming back"

A month later Argus was sitting reading by Connie's bed side when the door opened and at his feet Mrs Norris was sitting purring proudly. To his astonishment a dead mouse lay on the floor next to his foot.

Aurors where sent to look for Rowena after Sebastian's death but the only people who knew her true identity other than Argus, Daphne, and Connie, where Theo and Alba who tried everything they could to protect their old friend.

"It's not her anymore Argus. She's just a cat." Theo told him gently before he and Alba finally bid their goodbyes. Argus couldn't blame them for leaving, there house that was once filled with the promises of a happy new family had become sad and gloomy.

Inevitably Connie's last days drew nearer until he finally drew in his last breaths in Daphne's arms. The moment Connie was lost to her, Daphne was never the same again. The grief for both husband and eldest son became a burden too heavy to bear in the house that brought back so memories of their last few days all together.

So it was decided, they needed to do whatever they could think of to help Rowena come back to them and so Daphne set off to find Rowena's birth mother, Saskia Charms, in the depths of Egypt. Hoping if she could reunite mother and daughter it might be enough to make Mrs Norris take human form again.

Argus received many post cards at the begging;  She wrote to Argus explaining what new leads she had found but eventually Daphne's postcards stopped coming and over the next few years Argus stopped waiting for them.

"No more mice please Rowena." Argus pleaded searching a muggle's newspaper for job advertisements. What good had the magical world done for him and his family? With no education and little money left Argus lasts resort was to turn his back on the word he was born into and live the rest of his life as a muggle. Maybe he would move into his father's old house in Scotland...

The cat scratched at his leg impatiently and when Argus looks down a yellowed, parchment envelope with the Hogwarts purple waxed seal and emerald writing is balanced in her mouth. Argus opens it with trembling hands and reads out loud.

Dear Mr Filch,

We are pleased to inform you we are in desperate need to appoint a head caretaker at Hogwarts School of Witch Craft and Wizardry. This unique post requires a live in assistant to attend to all castle needs during and out of term times.

We look forward to your owl no later than September 1st

Yours sincerely,


Head master.

P.S All pets welcome

With a small suit case in hand as he had very little belongings worth taking, Argus stood outside the Hogwarts express with Rowena sitting elegantly at his side and the two of them boarded  together for the first and last time. As soon as they were inside the train he scoops down and cradles her in his arms.

"Are you a new teacher?" A boy asks him with a slight resemblance of one of Sebastian's old friends, Danton.

"Aw what a lovely cat Professor" A 2nd year girl comes over and pets Rowena on the head who purrs affectionately "What she called?"

"DON'T touch her... she isn't for petting!" Argus found himself snapping instead. Before adding guiltily at the end, "Her name is Mrs Norris and i'm not a professor i'm Hogwarts new caretaker, Mr Filch."

The 2nd year girl looks taking a back at bring addressed so unkindly by an adult on the Hogwarts express. But the boy just sniggers at the cats stupid name.

"Come on Ro- Mrs Norris" Argus whispers ignoring them, "let's go find somewhere for us to sit" he tells Rowena and he walks her to the back of the Hogwarts express to the very end compartment. 

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