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Argus groans with an out of breath puff. The simplest things like putting on his wooly socks made his chest ach and sent sharp shooting pains down his spine. He was getting too old for this but too proud to retire. Hogwarts had been his entire life since he was a young man, what would he do in his free time or who would he be if he left to live out his final years away from the only home he truly knew?

Argus got up slowly to his feet, his back hunched as he walked to the other side of his room in the school dungeons. Mrs Norris dodged in and out from beneath his feet her coat completely greyed now and her whiskers were strangely longer and whisperer than ever.

She had been acting strangely recently. Too energetic for her human years. Normally she could be found sleeping on the moving stair cases or baking in the hot sun out in the castle grounds. Getting trampled on by clumsy students and watching them with her disproving eyes.

"Be patient dear one" Argus soothed her and Mrs Norris jumped lively onto the work surface where Argus was slicing a small cake.

He nips her behind a scruffy ear and nudges a plate towards her front paws.

"Happy birthday my sweet" Argus whispers and turns around slowly walking towards his bed with a limp. 

"No more cake for me" He mutters bitterly. Old age hadn't been too kind to Argus and had crept up on him. Unlike Mcgonagall however who was still head mistress at Hogwarts and was nearing her 100th birthday. Age was different with the more magical kind. He had expected this a long time ago.

Argus sinks down to perch on the edge of his bed with another out of breath puff that tickles his throat and makes him wheeze a little. He lifts  a goblet from the cold, stone floor up to his mouth, now eager for the taste of bitter wine to wash away the soars on the inside of his checks and take the edge of all the aches and pains. But the wine had only time to wet his bottom lip before Argus let it slip from his frail fingers.

"Happy birthday Argus"

Argus's whole body froze at the sound. It was strange hearing another voice other than his own after spending all of his time in his room alone. 

Argus was many things now and had been for some time. Old, bad tempered, an over enthusiast to discipline,  lonely... but the one thing he did have, the only things he hung on to were his memories and Argus could recognise this voice anywhere, anytime no matter how  many years had passed since he last heard it.

He looks up at her and their eyes lock. Those same green eyes he had stared at his entire adult life.

A disturbing noise escapes Argus that sounds like an animal crying and he puts his hands over his trembling mouth.

"Rowena?" He sobs.

The eyes that belong to Rowena were now etched into an unfamiliar face. Her bouncy curls were now lose and very long. The colour once a deep, maroon red had greyed horribly so it looked almost like a silvery, rose pink.

The pretty, smooth skin that blushed so easily were lined with wrinkles and dotted with freckles. Her features made her look almost cat like in an unusual way but was that be expected?

Rowena walks the short space to stand by Argus in her bare feet and puts her trembling hands in his.

"Happy birthday Argus" She repeats smiling down at him, with tears running down both checks.

Argus can't look away afraid she will vanish in a puff of smoke like she had so many times in his dreams, turning the good ones into nightmares.

"Happy birthday... right...back" Argus stutters and they smile at the memory.

Many words were exchanged in those last few moments of Rowena and Argus life. Apologies made over and forgiveness offered too easily, for the harsh years spent apart were already forgotten about. And after a sweet embrace Argus and Rowena lay down side by side to rest. On the very same day they both took their first breaths they took their last. And what a sight it was too see when the next morning came. 

A surprise it might have been to any other,  but with heavy heart Mcgonagall put a hand to her chest and wept with a smile on her knowing face. A bittersweet moment passed as both hands were gently squeezed and their names whispered softly out loud.  

From that day onward everyone who ever knew the grumpy, old Mr filch who stalked the halls of Hogwarts looking to catch anyone out of bed or up to mischief, with his beloved, loyal cat Mrs Norris always solemnly at his feet, was retold the story. A story of a boy named Argus and his one true love Rowena green. 

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