Quicksand ¤ Jughead Jones

By lucidprofanities

118K 2.6K 1.2K

"You trap me in, and I can't escape. It's like this quicksand you created to drive me insane, but the worst i... More

Cast // Playlist
1- First Day Drama
2-Make ups
3-Releasing stressful thoughts
4-Past in Present
5- Disappointment
6-Bitter words spoken
7- Surprises
8- Rage
9- A Quick Change of Emotions
11- Team-up gone wrong
12- Blushes
13- Outbursts
14- Recognizing Feelings
15- Departure
17- Slipping Away
18- Beyond Repair
19- Cruel World
20- Unbelievable Facts
21- The Beginning of Chaos
22- Utter Havoc
24- Anatomy of a Murder
25- A Change Of Heart?

23- Night to Disaster

2.7K 69 40
By lucidprofanities


Lauren Davis often wondered what life would be like if Jason Blossom wasn't murdered, if his body was never found or if he had indeed, runaway with Polly Cooper that day. But fate couldn't be re-written and what happened had already happened, so there was no point for questions to illuminate her mind like they currently were.

It seemed to have been days since the chaotic birthday party that had teenagers throwing looks Lauren's way. It didn't feel like days, it felt like seconds, every moment her eyes closed she was hit with the memories of what had happened that night. 

None of her friends came to visit her.

And a part of her was okay with that, a part of her liked that not even one of the friends she had showed up, because that same part of her wasn't ready for questions. But the other part of her wanted comfort, she needed comfort, she wanted to know people cared about her by asking her if she was okay or calling her constantly. 

And none of them did. 

Lauren couldn't help but imagine what it would be like if she had just left Riverdale with her sister. Her and Maya would be together and she wouldn't need anyone else. And Lauren wasn't the most patriotic person, she didn't have a special connection to the town she had grown up in. Sure, she made friends here that probably lasted all her childhood and she had a home, but none of it mattered anymore. 

She barely had a home, she didn't have her family or her friends so what was the point of having to stay in a town that consisted of terrible memories but no good ones? Lauren couldn't think of a time that had genuinely made her want to stay here. 

Lauren was back at school and she had been avoiding, her friends since the party, Veronica being the only one to reach out to her. 

As Lauren walked down the hallway, the usual peeking eyes of gossiping teens filled the air, however Lauren ignored it, her eyes set on the classroom she was to enter.

"Lauren Davis." A voice announced. 

Lauren turned around hesitantly, to find Reggie trailing behind her like a lost puppy. The boy had his hair gelled back and his Varsity Jacket on, his lips were pulled up into a smirk. 

"You. Me. Homecoming." Reggie declared. 

Lauren raised her eyes up in suspicion, her eyes gleam with reluctance. "Actually, Reggie, I'm not going to Homecoming." 

Reggie's eyes widen momentarily, his eyes sparkle as his jaw drops dramatically. "No way, Davis. You're going." 

"I don't think my social status right now allows me to accept you offer." Lauren states, rolling her eyes as she starts ti walk, the boy beside her. 

"And your social status doesn't decide, in fact when you show up to Homecoming with a very charming Reggie Mantle beside you, you'll be sky-rocketing." Reggie cockily retorted before his eyes soften. "You not going is just going to tell people that you're scared, which I know you're not." 

Lauren, opened her mouth and closed her mouth in surprise. "Wow, definitely charming." She noted. 

Reggie nodded, clearing his throat before giving her a grin. "I'll pick you up at 7." 

"This better not be a game, Reg." Lauren warned. 

Reggie gave her a crooked smile. "Never, dear."

The boy bent to give her a kiss on the cheek before he hurried away from her, stared ahead, paralyzed at his actions before shaking her head to make her way to class. 

This time, however she was stopped by Jughead, she exhaled deeply,her face turning stone cold as she briskly walked away from him, he grabbed her arm, pulled her into him before stepping away from the girl. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jughead asked finally, his face contorted into one of sadness. 

Lauren diverted her eyes, looking at the floor with no emotion, mumbling. "I'm not talking about this, right now, Jughead." 

"Please," Jughead whispered, his eyes staring back at her. "Why didn't you just tell me, Laur?" 

"What do you want from me, Jughead?" Lauren finally yelled out, anger coursing through her like sparks of electricity. "To tell you I was in a mental hospital for most of the school year? That I was sent by my own sister? You already know all that." 

"I want to know why you didn't tell me, Lauren, damn it. I could've helped you. I want to help you, but you never let me." Jughead stated, his eyes narrowed but his voice so soft. 

"Because I don't want help." Lauren answered, her voice now calm. 

Jughead sighed, shaking his head. "Everybody who's anybody needs help, Lauren, they just never know it."

Lauren clenched her jaw at his expression, her eyes glaring daggers into his. "I don't need your sympathy." 

"I know," Jughead answered, nodding his head. "Just let me be there for you, Lauren. That's all I'm asking for." 

"Why doesn't anyone understand," Lauren whispered, her voice cracking. "I don't need  anyone." 

She was lying through her clenched teeth, both of them were fully aware of that, she closed her eyes for a moment too long, Jughead instantly pulled her into an embrace, Lauren breathed him in the scent that filled her nostrils the moment she was in his arms, it was something the girl could never forget, how strong yet soft the scent was, it was always at the back of her mind. 


A part of Reggie Mantle was sure that Lauren wasn't going to show up at the front door, dressed in a beautiful dress, rather than sweatpants and a hoodie, Lauren was quite stubborn, he was sure of that, so when he knocked on the door, he hoped Lauren wouldn't stand him up or let him go to the dance alone. 

But when she opened the door, revealing a beautiful brunette, her eyes were shy and her smile was slightly awkward but nonetheless she looked amazing. Lauren's hair was in a loose braid but for once, she had done her makeup with a dark red lipstick. Her dress was a deep green that had a cut in the middle of it. 

"Wow." Reggie breathed out, his eyes roaming her body, a smug yet soft smile on his face. "Who knew Lauren Davis could clean up so well." 

Lauren let out a small chuckle, shaking her head as she nodded her head. "Charming." 

Reggie bowed slightly. "As always." His hand extended, letting the girl put her own in it. 

"You look, breathtaking, Laur." 

Lauren gave him a small smile, looking down at the dress she was wearing. "Thanks, I didn't really have any dresses, so this is my sisters." 

Reggie raised an eyebrow, nodding in agreement. "I figured." 

With a shrug, Lauren got into his car, and in the silent and somewhat beautiful night, they drove to the school, striking up conversations every now and then. Once they had entered the school, Lauren's eyes immediately wander around the room, not meeting any of the staring eyes. 

It was cliche to say but for once people weren't giving her odd looks or sympathetic looks but it seemed like they were taking in their beauty, no one had seen this side of Lauren Davis before. 

"For once, people aren't looking at me but my date." Reggie stated, leaning down to say it in her ear as she rolls her eyes. 

"Do you ever think, maybe, you're not as good looking as you think?" Lauren asked jokingly. 

Reggie scoffs. "Of course not. I wouldn't have girl lining up to ask me to Homecoming." 

Lauren raised her eyebrows as she noticed Jughead standing alone, at the table for food. "Hey, I'll be right back." 

Reggie nodded, looking over towards the jocks that were spiking the punch, he gestured towards them. "I'll be with the guys, save me a dance, Davis." 

With that said, Lauren walked away, her eyes stared ahead to Jughead, who poured himself a glass of punch. "I didn't think you'd come." 

Jughead looked up, shock enveloping his features as he stared at Lauren for a moment, looking at her dress to the makeup on her face, the boy smiled. "Wow, Lauren, you look amazing. An Upgrade from the previous dance for sure." 

Lauren laughed as she looked down at the dress, she seemed to be doing that a lot. "Dances aren't really your thing." 

"Betty." Jughead said quietly, looking around. "What about you?" 

"Reggie." Lauren answered, hesitant, awkwardly fiddling with her dress. 

Jughead nodded, suddenly feeling betrayed to talk, his stomach swarmed with jealousy just as Lauren's did, the girl thought Jughead would be too angry about the party to be with Betty again, but the two were happy together and Lauren was going to be okay with that. 

When Archie approached Jughead Lauren zoned out, her eyes searching for Reggie and her other friends that she was yet to see after the night. 

Everyone in the circle of friends were hiding something and it seemed that both Jughead and Lauren were excluded from, so with their minds stressing and Lauren's relaxed for once, Veronica and Betty approached the trio, both coming from different directions. 

"Where were you?" Betty questioned in an accusatory tone, crossing her arms in suspicion. 

Lauren looked at Archie and Veronica who both looked slightly guilty but played it off quickly. "We stopped at Pop's." Archie answered a minute too late.

"And why were you talking to my mom?" Betty interrogated. 

"Betty..." Veronica trailed off, taking a step closer to the girl just as Lauren and Jughead watch in confusion. 

"Hey, can we table this, for now? We gotta get ready." Archie interrupted, grabbing a hold of a guilt written Veronica before stalking away backstage. 

Betty opened her mouth to say something before a shout from across the gymnasium called. "Laur?" 

Both Betty and Jughead turn to look at Lauren who smiled when she saw Reggie making his way towards the girl. Lauren excuses herself quickly before Jughead quickly stopped her. 

Lauren turned around with furrowed brows, waiting for Jughead to say something, Betty looking between them in confusion. Jughead quickly shakes his head with a thick gulp. "Never mind." 

Lauren gave him a weird look before walking towards Reggie just as  Archie and Veronica started their performance, Reggie grabs her outstretched hand and speaks to her. 

Everything was passing by like a buzz as Lauren danced with Reggie, enjoying the music Archie and Veronica were playing, clapping for them just as much as she enjoyed it, Reggie stood beside her, yelling with Lauren as they stared at the stage, Veronica looked at Lauren every once and a while, watching her smile and laugh with Reggie and guilt gnawed at her. She knew the moment Lauren found out what they did, her whole night would be ruined. 

After the performance, a slow song came on and it took no time for Reggie to wrap his arms around Lauren, their hips swayed with the soft beat of the music that played in the background. Reggie's hands were softly placed on the most appropriate part of her waist. 

"You know," Reggie started with a deep intake of breathe. "We never went on that date." 

Lauren's expression dropped, a sigh leaving her lips. "I'm sorry, Reg." 

"It's okay." Reggie shrugged off. "I think I always knew, you didn't like me."

"I do. I really like you," Lauren drawled, her eyes closing for a brief second. "But I'm in love with someone else, Reg. And I couldn't accept that because I was scared I'd get hurt but it's true and I'm used to getting hurt by now,  I'm so sorry." 

"You're in love with someone who doesn't love you back, Laur." Reggie pointed out softly, his eyes falling on Jughead who stood in the corner. 

Lauren's eyes get sad, she nods, pressing her forehead on his chest with her eyes closed. "That's not even the worst part, it's that he's happier with her that hurts more. How can I ruin that?" 

Reggie hums, looking down at her, puling away from her. He opens his mouth to speak when Jughead interrupts. "Hey, sorry for interrupting, have you seen, Betty?" 

"Actually," Reggie cuts in, giving Lauren a kiss on the cheek. "Lauren was looking for her too." 

Lauren and Jughead gave him a surprised look, Lauren more sad as Reggie moves away from her and lightly touches her cheek before turning around and walking away from her. Lauren watched after him as Jughead grabs Lauren's hand and softly drags her to Kevin to question him as well. A sadness swarmed her heart as Reggie had walked away from her, like a feeling of abandonment. She didn't expect and she didn't want it. 

"Let's go, Laur." Jughead urged as they made their way through the crowd and towards the halls where Betty, Archie and Veronica stood. 

"Guys," Lauren called out, squinting her eyes in suspicion. Her hand still in Jughead's. "What's going on?"

"Betty..?" Jughead asked, his voice sounded vulnerable. Veronica looked at Lauren her stomach filled up with dread. 

Betty turned around slowly, since her back was facing the duo, she was definitely a mix between sad and angry. Her eyes fall on Jughead and Lauren's intertwined hands before Lauren quickly pushed his hand away, the boy suddenly jerking back to life. 

"Why does it feel like we're suddenly left out?" Jughead questioned. 

"Do you want to tell them or should I?" Betty's betrayed voice finally spoke out. 

"Tell us what?" Lauren questioned. Archie passed Betty and walked forward, standing in front of the pair. 

"We went to your dad's trailer, Jughead." Archie started quietly. 

"To search it." Veronica added, her voice just as low as the boy's. Lauren's eyes widened as a sigh left her lips, her mouth left parted as she looked at Jughead's angry demeanor. 

"You, what?" 

"My mom put them to it." Betty stated angrily, "She was convinced she was hiding something but that's not it. They went to Lauren's old house too, searched Maya's room after they found out she was a serpent." 

Lauren looked at the two with shock and betrayal, her watered eyes looking into their guilty ones. Lauren narrowed her eyes at the two, hurt and anger running through her veins as she clenched her jaw in anger. "None of you have the right to do that." 

"We were wrong. All of us. We didn't find anything." Veronica added quickly. Her lip quivered as she watched Lauren. 

"Jug, Laur, we only did it to prove that-" Archie tried to defend his actions but Jughead cut him off. 

"That our families weren't murderers?" Jughead snapped, his eyes furiously moving between the two. "You went behind out backs, Archie?" 

"When did you know to go?" Lauren finally asked, breaking her silence.

"We knew you'd be at dinner... And you never go to your old house." Veronica mumbled out.

"No..." Betty said quickly, glaring at Veronica as she moved to Jughead as Lauren stared ahead. 

"You found out my sister was a serpent so you break into my house?" Lauren questioned. 

Veronica let a tear slip, the look she was receiving from Lauren tore her stomach up. "We thought because you mom was arrested for murder-" 

Suddenly Lauren wasn't listening, a strong ring was being used in her ear as she got lightheaded at the information and everyone stopped moving, time was so slow suddenly but she was the only one moving too fast as she passed by Betty and Jughead, her shoulder bumping into Jughead but even that wasn't enough to send life back into her. 

"To think I was going to pass on moving to Toledo with my family, for you." 

Lauren freezes, her heart hammering against her chest as she turned around slowly, her senses coming back to her as she silently comprehended the words Jughead had just spoken, he was going to leave.

This time it was him who would leave her? 

Before the girl could start running out of the dance that had become a disaster, Kevin ran passed her, along with Alice, Fred and Hermione, Archie's mother trailing behind them. 

"My dad just told Mayor McCoy about your dad, Jughead." Kevin announced. 

"What about my dad?" Jughead questioned, narrowing his eyes. 

"He just got arrested, for the murder of Jason Blossom." 

Lauren closed her eyes, just as Jughead ran passed her she followed after him, running in her heals and long dress as Betty tried to as well. 

And that's when all Hell broke loose. 


Wow, holy shit, I updated again, what a shock, am I right? And this was long as shit. So i hope you guys are proud of your girl for once lol. 

This Chapter was confusing but I really liked it so oh well. 

I'm still open to speak about Infinity War, I'm heartbroken and am still grieving, (although let's be honest they're all coming back) but still. 

(Lauren's dress, for Homecoming.) ^^^^^

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