A Rogue's Redemption

By KasaiTheQueen19

435K 13.9K 1.5K

"You threw me to the rogues, but you never expected me to lead them. You thought they'd eat me, but instead t... More

"The Devil Within"
Chapter 1- Blackrose
Chapter 2- Stephan's Regret
Chapter 3- Too Late
Chapter 5- Controlled Chaos
Scarlett's Tattoo's
Chapter 6- New Friends
Chapter 7- New Friends (2)
Chapter 8 - Full Moon Party
Chapter 9- Full Moon Party (2)
Chapter 10- It's Complicated
More Cast Members
Chapter 11- Confessions
Chapter 12- Meeting Oliver
Chapter 13- Healing Juniper
Chapter 14- Stupid Bears
Chapter 15- Final Days
Chapter 16- Goodbye
Chapter 17- Time Away
Chapter 18 - Raphael
Chapter 19- Second Chance
Chapter 20- Dad
Chapter 21- First Shift
Chapter 22 - Mine
Chapter 23- Family Reunion
Chapter 24 - Thirst & Lust
Chapter 25 - New Dawn
Chapter 26 - Strategy
Chapter 27 -Battle of Blackrose
Chapter 28- Eva
Chapter 29- Recovery
-Merci À Tous!!!- Thank You All!!!-

Chapter 4- Silver Tide

21.2K 687 54
By KasaiTheQueen19

Above^^^^ is Scarlett's office, very fitting for her. Credit to JadeDragon24 for her characters from A Heart's Desire in this first crossover chapter and for all her help in the editing phase!


I tap my nails rhythmically against the top of my desk, sorting through my files of paperwork and checking their authenticity with the records on my computer. Trying to sort through the chaos and half truths on the screen is giving me a headache, especially since some of the packs seem to just mark their missing members as rogue and leave the reason blank...or fill it with a lie.

I know damn well that one pack cannot justify 15 missing wolves as rogue, and give the same pitiful excuse of 'rejection' or 'unknown' for a reason.


I slam the files closed in frustration, and glare at the phone when it simultaneously rings. I look at the caller identity and growl under my breath...


It's been less than a week since he's been here, and that asshole still hasn't excepted the fact that there are no second chances for him...especially not with me.

I look up to the edge of my desk to see Noir staring at me, his normally hostile expression replaced with a questioning look, the green of his eyes seeming to ask why I'm still thinking about the bastard.

"How the hell am I supposed to ignore him when he keeps calling me?"

Noir just blinks, and begins to lick his paws. Great, now I'm talking to a cat.

~Oh fearless leader?~ a familiar voice sings through the link, and I sigh.

~What is it Julian?~

~There are two lovely ladies from the pack in Northern Florida that are here to see you. Something about an important message.~

Northern Florida...that's the Silver Tide pack...why would they be down here to deliver a message they could have delivered by phone? It must be urgent.

~Let them in, and try not to tick them off with your flirting.~

~Of course...and no promises. Especially since the new kid Brazil had trouble taking his eyes of them.~

I sigh in resignation, hoping that he doesn't get killed for his playboy act. One of these days it really is going to be the death of him...and I hope to the Goddess this behavior doesn't rub off on the kid.

I try to straighten up the mess on my desk a bit before the guests arrive, Noir looking on with clear disinterest.

Rolling my eyes at the feline, I get up and exit my office and head down the two flights of stairs to greet my guests at the second floor, standing in front of the statue I'm quite fond of. It isn't long before Julian comes in, with two girls in tow like he said there would be.

I can tell from here that they both have blue eyes and black hair. However, the tallest of the two, maybe a couple of inches taller than me considering she's close to Julian's height, has a darker olive tone to her complexion, while the one who's closer to my height has pale ivory skin like myself.

I watch as they ascend the stairs, noticing fully how they are appraising me back, which isn't surprising in the least. They more than likely have been curious about who I am...as I wonder exactly who they are. After they reach the top step, I smile lightly.

"I am Alpha Scarlett Blackrose, welcome to Blackrose Swamp. Who might you two be?"

"This is Sienna Gray and I am Evangeline Gray, but you can call me Eva."

The taller one responds, motioning to her companion shortly before they bow their heads in respect.

Eva Gray...the Alphas only daughter, and Sienna is her cousin. I wave off their formal show of respect.

"No need to be so formal. Please, follow me, I'll show you to my office."

I turn to the left and start making my way back up the stairs to my office, Eva and Sienna following closely behind me.

~You weren't flirting with them too much, were you?~

I mind link Julian, having sensed a slight bit of tension between him and the girls. Julian chuckles lightly out loud before he answers.

~Maybe...what? I couldn't help it! They looked so tense and serious, I had to break the ice somehow!~

I roll my eyes, scowling at him to myself, not wanting the girls to pick up on our silent conversation.

~I have a feeling that if you keep it up, Eva will be 'breaking' you instead...you know very well she has her mothers capabilities.~

~Duly noted.~

I cut off the link as we enter the office, and at the sight of our guests, Noir hisses at them...his eyes trained specifically on Julian. It's ironic that even though I'm the one who took the cat to be neutered, it's Julian he hates the most.

I catch the girls raising an eyebrow at the angry feline, Julian actually taking a discreetly cautious step back...scaredy cat.

"Don't mind Noir, he hates everyone...except me of course. But as long as you don't bother him, he'll leave you alone...mostly."

I nudge Noir over an inch, and he finally jumps up to the top shelf of the bookcase and onto his bed after growling at Julian once more, his back facing us as he curls up. I look to see Julian's pleading eyes, him not wanting to be in the same close space with what he calls the 'spawn of the devil'...and I sigh.

"That'll be all Julian. Go on, you have to train with our new Gamma."

I say pointedly, smirking a bit at his fake defeated expression, playing along with me.

"What a shame, I was hoping to spend a little time with our lovely guests. Maybe next time ladies..."

Julian strolls out, closing the door behind him.

"Why would you make a flirt like him your Beta?"

Eva asks curiously, and I grin. I may cover for his fear of Noir, but I'm not covering for this.

"Believe it or not, he doesn't follow through with any of the flirting. I promise, he'll flirt with you and tease you back if you flirt with him, but the second you offer to have a little 'midnight rendezvous', he'll resort to a stuttering mess trying to explain to you that he didn't mean it...it's quite hilarious." I explain.

"Seriously? Then why the act?" Eva asks, and I roll my eyes and chuckle

"He's happy to let people see him as a flirtatious playboy, but everyone in the pack knows he's waiting for his mate...besides, this was the position he would've had if he hadn't been kicked out of his old pack for being half vampire."

"Interesting.  I might have to have fun with that later."

Eva smirks and I return the mischievous look, already liking the way she thinks, while Sienna just rolls her eyes at her cousins antics.  They will definitely be giving Julian a hard time, and keep him amused...I used to be the one who tormented Julian, but after building the pack I became too busy to keep up with his pranks.

I grin a bit before clearing my throat, catching their attention. I need to know what message they are here to deliver, considering they came a long way to deliver it personally.

"So let's get down to business.  What is this message that is so important that you had to travel 300 miles to deliver it to me in person?" I ask.

"Other than to just get away?  The Crimson Edge Pack has formed an alliance with the Sanguis Silence Pack." Eva begins.

"This can't be good." I ponder out loud while leaning back in my chair. I've had my suspicions about those two packs for a while, some of my members have told me stories about those two...and not good ones.

"No, the alliance is for the purpose of taking over other packs for power and for land.  Since you have a large amount of land here in southern Louisiana which isn't too far from the pack lands of the Sanguis Silence Pack, you are one of their targets.  Although, goddess forbid they try and attack you." She continues.

"That may be a true statement, but it doesn't mean that we don't have room for improvements.  I know who you are and who your mother is.  Would you like to do some training with our pack for a while to help improve their skills?" I inquire, having new opponents will definitely improve my warriors abilities...as well as help train my new Gamma.

"Sure I have nothing better to do.  I got rejected by someone who said they loved me so I left the university and made Sienna here tag along with me on a much needed journey." She answers, and the slightest sting in my chest brings a bit of irritation to my thoughts...who in the hell would be stupid enough to reject her?

"I'm sorry you got rejected.  I know how that feels, but I can't say that I am not glad that I got rejected.  It has made me a better person and a strong leader...however, it has also shown me other's compassion and has sparked a fire within me to give a home to those who wouldn't ordinarily have one."

I reply, a bit proud of the pack that's built up since I opened my doors...

"So I like the sign out front." She states after several minutes of general conversation, and my lips twitch into a slight scowl, the image of a particular Alpha returning my fowl mood from earlier.

"A week ago you would have met someone that sign applies to, especially applies." I reply a bit too sharply...especially considering she's not the source of my irritation.

"Really? May I asked who would have gotten on your bad side?" She questions, and I sigh deeply.

"My ex-mate, Alpha Stephan of Shadow Mist, the one that rejected me and threw me out of his territory to die by the hands of rogues." I respond flatly, trying to push back that sharpness in my voice.

"Well I know how rejection feels."  She mumbles, and Sienna sits quietly next to her, glancing at Eva with a bit of empathy. As much as I like how much me and Eva have in common already...I hate that rejection is one of those things.

"And what was his reason for throwing you away? Not because you weren't good enough to be his mate, I assume?" I ask, damn sure that couldn't possibly be the reason.

"No the opposite actually.  There have been threats placed against whoever ended up being his future mate for the last six months.  He wanted to spare me - the clueless asshole!  He forgot who he was dealing with."

She answers, and I watch as that inner fire burns out most of the hurt in her eyes...now I really want to know which unfortunate soul was this stupid.

"And what pack was he from?" I ask.

"The Crimson Edge Pack." She chuckles without humor.

"Well I guess I'm glad he did now.  I like you better as an ally than a foe."

I point out, hoping she sees the silver lining in this pain...just as I was spared a life of misery with a selfish Alpha...so was she...

"Ally huh?  I like the sound of that."

She replies, a faint smile on her face. I definitely like this girl. She kind of reminds me of...well, me.

But, before I can continue the talk of alliance further, our conversation is interrupted by my phone ringing yet again...Stephan's number appearing on the screen. I've had it with this asshole...I'll have to explain to him again what he should already know...but not in front of guests...

"I hate to cut this meeting short, but I have some matters to attend to." I say while glaring at the ringing phone.

"That is perfectly alright.  I know how there are more Alpha duties in a day than it's length."

She replies understandingly, and I pick up the phone and cover the mouth piece.

"There is a front room with some comfortable couches and a TV if you want to relax while everyone is finishing training."

"That would be lovely."

She replies, her and Sienna showing themselves out...and after the door shuts, I go Alpha mode into the phone.

"I swear to the Goddess, if you don't stop calling me, I will waltz over to your office and shove that phone down your throat!!" I growl viciously into the mouthpiece.

Silence. Is that really all I needed to do to get him to take a hint?

"I'm sure you would...but I think you should hear me out first..."

I sit up in my chair at the sound of Beta Henley's voice. Why is he the one calling me?

"What is it? And make it quick, I'm a busy Alpha."

He sighs.

"I know I have no right to do this...but I can't just not try...I need your help..."

My eyes narrow, already not liking where this is going.

"Spit it out Henley..." I order.

He does...and the words that come out of his mouth summon a growl from me so loud that it shakes the house.

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