The Day I fell For My Neighbo...

By Riker_LynchLover

643 19 1


The Day I fell For My Neighbor: Ross Lynch
Moving Day
Meeting The Neighbors
Sleep Over!
My Birthday & Pops Got Us!
Getting ready for the interview
The akward car ride

A Prank For Ross.

48 1 0
By Riker_LynchLover

*Allison's P.O.V.*

    I woke up by a knock on the door. I shot up. "Got it!" i yelled to Trey. "OK!" I walked out of my room and to the door. I opened it. It was Rydel. "Come out side hurry" she said pulling my am 'ok ok I'm coming!" We both were in our pajamas. "What?" "Allison you need to see this" She said laughing. "ok" She pulled me into her house and up her stairs.  She opened a door quietl that said 'It's Ross's room so leave...' Ok then......... We walked in quietly and Ross was lying on the floor and Riker was next to him with stuff like Shaving Cream, Cool Whip, and other suff. He put it in Ross's hand and got a feather. Rocky was recording. He put the feather on Ross's nose and moved it around. Ross's hand flew up and slapped his nose. Everyone cracked up. Ross got bright red. He saw me and ran to the bathroom. "Ok that was all Allison." "Oh guys tomorrow is my b-day" "k cool we will be there" "ok bye" I walked out of there house laughing.

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